Chapter 3: Alienation Plan (Creating Distrust)

This Is Ridiculous Chapter 3

Alienation Plan (Creating Distrust)

She was not a middle school girl but a corporate drone, long past the age of fantasizing about the world revolving around her. Everyone stuck in this mess was just trying to stay afloat, and anyone who could rise did so by their own abilities. Besides, she herself had met Xiahou Bo and even given him a drawing of a turtle as a token without telling Xiahou Dan.

Yu Wanyin waved her hand dismissively, “Don’t worry, I understand.”

Xiahou Dan was silent for a long time before finally saying, “I won’t stab you.”

Yu Wanyin responded nonchalantly, “Yes, yes, you won’t. You’re a good person.”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

The Empress Dowager’s faction wasn’t satisfied with just detaining General Luo’s son. They soon fabricated charges of military misconduct and oppression against the people, impeaching one of his deputies and placing a civilian official in the Ministry of War as a supervisor.

Prince Duan’s advisors gathered to argue. Some said the Empress Dowager had finally gained control of the emperor, which explained her arrogance. Others countered that the emperor’s public execution of the Minister of Revenue showed he wasn’t under her control and was simply mad.

Xiahou Bo sat quietly at the head of the table, listening to the debate with a smile, “The situation is unclear, but some plans can still be implemented. It’s time to bring down Wei Taifu.”

Xu Yao’s heart skipped a beat.

Xiahou Bo turned to him, “Are the preparations complete?”

Xu Yao’s family had fallen from grace, and he had been rescued by Prince Duan. He had been watching Wei Taifu, seeking revenge. But Wei Taifu was cautious and rarely made mistakes.

Recently, Xu Yao had finally found incriminating evidence against Wei Taifu and had managed to protect a witness at great risk.

Xu Yao: “The witness is secured.”

Xiahou Bo nodded, “Wei Taifu has fooled the emperor with his clever words and has won his favor. A single witness might not be enough to convict him. I will find another piece of evidence soon. This way, we can avenge your father.”

Xu Yao paled at the mention of his father, “Thank you, Your Highness.”

Xiahou Bo patted him kindly, “Once Wei Taifu falls, I can arrange for your father to be brought back.”

Xu Yao kept his head down, hiding his expression.

The emperor’s words echoed in his ears: “Only I dare to rescue Elder Xu. Prince Duan won’t, because he’s guilty and fears the truth. Once you’ve outlived your usefulness, your father will conveniently die in exile. Do you believe me?”

Did he believe it?

His father had been loyal to the former emperor, devoted to serving the nation, and ended up in such a fate. Xu Yao resented the emperor’s foolishness and Wei Taifu’s treachery.

Yet, he had never considered how someone as cautious as Wei Taifu had the audacity to openly challenge and frame his father in the first place.

A few days later, the Empress Dowager hosted a grand banquet for the young crown prince’s birthday.

Prince Duan attended.

His appearance was met with cold stares from the Empress Dowager’s faction. Xiahou Bo, however, remained courteous, elegantly reciting a blessing for the young prince, and left early.

He wandered through the night and arrived at a secluded courtyard near the cold palace.

This was the agreed-upon meeting place with Xie Yong’er. His shadow guards had already scouted the area and confirmed it was empty. They nodded to him.

Xiahou Bo entered the abandoned house.

The room was dark, without any lights. Xie Yong’er stood by the window, turning to smile at him, “Your Highness.”

Xiahou Bo spoke tenderly, “Yong’er, it’s been a long time. Why do you look so thin?”

Hidden in the dense grass below the window, Yu Wanyin thought disdainfully: As expected of Prince Duan.

She had been lying in the grass for an entire hour. She had been there before the shadow guards arrived. With the night breeze and her calm breathing, she had remained undetected.

This secret meeting place was indeed hidden, but Yu Wanyin had read the script.

This rendezvous was detailed in “Transmigrated into a Demon Consort,” and she happened to remember it. If everything went according to the original plot, Xiahou Bo would soon mention Wei Taifu.

Sure enough, fragmented voices floated from the window: “…Recently, Wei Taifu’s son rode a horse through the streets and killed a commoner. The commoner was coming to the capital to file a complaint against the local salt commissioner for corruption and exploitation.”

Xie Yong’er: “Is it a serious crime to stop such a complaint?”

Xiahou Bo: “Indeed. The salt commissioner, knowing this, contacted Wei Taifu privately. Wei Taifu, eager to protect his son, conspired with him to cover it up. To overturn this case and convict Wei Taifu, we need a piece of evidence.”

“What evidence?”

“A priceless treasure, a relic of the Buddha. It was listed on the salt commissioner’s gift list, likely used to bribe Wei Taifu. My men searched Wei’s mansion but couldn’t find it. It might have been sent to the palace, given to his sister, Consort Wei…”

Xie Yong’er recalled that in “Eastern Wind and a Thousand Flowers,” there was indeed a mention of a meticulously carved ivory ball in Consort Wei’s palace. It was intricately designed, with five layers of interlocking spheres. This ornament was hidden in her private Buddha room, treated as a precious offering, with a relic inside.

Xie Yong’er said, “In that case, I’ll steal it for you.”

Eavesdropping Yu Wanyin: “…”

Too dedicated.

Even as the chosen heroine, she worked so hard. Those better than you are also working harder.

And judging by Xie Yong’er’s infatuated tone, she seemed genuinely smitten with Xiahou Bo.

Yu Wanyin groaned inwardly.

Xiahou Bo chuckled, “Steal it? How can you be sure the relic is with Consort Wei?”

Xie Yong’er hesitated, then stammered, “Since… since you believe it, it must be true.”

Xiahou Bo: “You overestimate me, Yong’er.”

Yu Wanyin pinched her thigh to maintain composure. This time, it wasn’t to suppress laughter but to stay calm.

She had just realized something: Xiahou Bo couldn’t be a transmigrator.

If he and she were on the same level, having read “Transmigrated into a Demon Consort” and ended up here, he would have recognized Xie Yong’er immediately—they were natural allies with no reason not to.

Even if he only read “Eastern Wind and a Thousand Flowers,” Xie Yong’er’s actions, such as playing the guitar, would have clued him in instantly. In “Eastern Wind and a Thousand Flowers,” Xie Yong’er and he had no enmity, and having both transmigrated, they would have no reason not to recognize each other.

But even now, they still spoke in a formal, literary manner, and Xie Yong’er continued to deceive him, treating him as the original character.

So he really was the original character.

Their conversation mirrored the one in “Transmigrated into a Demon Consort,” proving neither had deviated from the predetermined trajectory.

In other words, Yu Wanyin’s last hope for a “four transmigrators let go of their grudges and play mahjong” future was shattered.

Only one question remained: if Xiahou Bo was the original character, why did he come to flirt with her?

Was it just because she became the emperor’s favored consort?

Or did Xie Yong’er say something to sever any potential romantic connection, inadvertently drawing his attention to her?

Thinking this through, Yu Wanyin momentarily forgot to control her breathing, and suddenly heard footsteps in the grass.

She held her breath, cold sweat breaking out on her skin.

The sound of footsteps grew closer. Someone holding a flickering torch entered her view. Through the gaps in the leaves, she saw a vaguely familiar face.

It was Xu Yao.

Xu Yao was still disguised, dressed as one of Prince Duan’s guards. Yu Wanyin prayed he would pass by, but he stopped, lowered his gaze, and their eyes met through the grass.

Yu Wanyin held her breath so hard her heart felt like it would explode in her chest.

From the small house, Xiahou Bo’s indifferent voice asked, “What’s the matter?”

Xu Yao hesitated, then extinguished the torch, “Your Highness, it seems some palace servants are approaching.”

Xiahou Bo sighed, reluctantly bidding Xie Yong’er farewell.

After everyone had left and even Xie Yong’er’s footsteps faded away, Yu Wanyin finally took a deep breath, clutching her chest.

Xu Yao had clearly seen her but had lied to Prince Duan! The stratagem succeeded!

Yu Wanyin was trying to recall the plot, wondering how Xie Yong’er would sneak into Consort Wei’s palace to steal the relic, when her maid Xiaomei stormed in angrily, “Miss, I heard Xie Yong’er and her group went to visit Consort Wei and spent the whole time badmouthing you!”

Yu Wanyin: “…”

So she did it by slandering me.

Slandering me while stealing the relic, really, Xie Yong’er?

By the afternoon, things took a sharp turn. Consort Wei, with a grand entourage of guards,

 began a search in the harem, starting with the consorts she entertained in the morning. The scene was chaotic, even alarming the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager asked Consort Wei for an explanation, and Consort Wei claimed she had lost some jewelry and suspected theft. Then she whispered to the Empress Dowager—clearly about the missing relic.

The Empress Dowager, sensing the gravity, turned a blind eye, allowing the search to continue.

Numerous eunuchs were flogged, and countless maids were slapped.

Yu Wanyin didn’t bother watching the commotion, staying in her quarters and eating melon seeds. Then a maid reported catching a thief in the backyard.

Yu Wanyin found a strange young eunuch cornered, trembling, refusing to explain his presence.

Yu Wanyin had become accustomed to suspecting Xie Yong’er first. Seeing the eunuch’s feet and a patch of slightly disturbed soil, she guessed the routine.

She smiled, dismissed the others, and unearthed a misshapen pearl.

Hiding stolen goods on my property, just in case you need to redirect blame, really, Xie Yong’er?

Later, Consort Wei’s search reached Yu Wanyin’s door.

Consort Wei’s entourage tore apart the courtyard and her chambers, while a group of guards prepared to search Yu Wanyin.

Consort Wei sneered, “The emperor is with the Empress Dowager. Today, no one can protect you, you wretch!”

Xiahou Dan: “Surprised? I left early.”

Consort Wei: “?”

Consort Wei was dragged away.

Late at night, Yu Wanyin handed a food box to a maid, “Send this to Xie Yong’er. Tell her it’s a midnight snack I made, for her to enjoy.”

Xie Yong’er opened the food box to find a plain white bun.

She broke it open, finding a relic inside.

The next morning at court, a representative of Prince Duan’s faction accused Wei Taifu of embezzlement and obstruction of justice, with both witnesses and evidence.

Wei Taifu was sent to the Dali Temple, and Consort Wei was thrown into the cold palace.

On her way to work at the library, Yu Wanyin encountered a group of consorts, including Xie Yong’er.

Xiahou Dan had always ignored or buried consorts, making Yu Wanyin’s rise highlight their misery, causing resentment.

The eldest consort, Shufei, sneered, “Consort Wei has fallen, someone must be very pleased. But I wonder how long these good days will last…”

Yu Wanyin instinctively looked around, in case Xiahou Dan appeared to drag someone away.

He didn’t.

Shufei’s tone grew harsher, “What is Consort Yu looking for? Still hoping—”

“Sister, be careful with your words.”

It was Xie Yong’er who spoke.

Shufei, feeling rebuked, glared at Yu Wanyin before leaving with her group.

Xie Yong’er lingered, meeting Yu Wanyin’s gaze.

Yu Wanyin smiled warmly.

Xie Yong’er averted her eyes, finally mouthing, “Thank you.”

That evening, Yu Wanyin and Xiahou Dan held a debriefing in the Spiders’ Den, analyzing the eavesdropping incident and agreeing that Prince Duan was the original.

“Good,” Xiahou Dan said, “He hasn’t read the script. We can use this.”

Yu Wanyin added, “And Xu Yao will give me a break. Clearly, he’s already doubting Prince Duan. In the original, Xu Yao was Prince Duan’s trusted advisor. If we can recruit him, he’s worth ten men.”

Xiahou Dan nodded, “We need to completely drive a wedge between them.”

Yu Wanyin: “Wei Taifu is in prison, and Xu Yao will likely investigate his father’s case. He might even interrogate Wei Taifu. We need to frame Prince Duan without leaving evidence. You could bribe or threaten Wei Taifu in advance to get him to cooperate?”

Xiahou Dan: “Good idea. My men have found Elder Xu, but he’s old and weak, tormented into madness in exile, unrecognizable.”


“Very tragic.”

Yu Wanyin sighed, “Don’t let his suffering go to waste. We can claim Prince Duan poisoned him during the rescue, making him mad.”

Xiahou Dan: “Brilliant.”

They clapped hands, sealing the plan.

The Dali Temple prison held high-ranking officials. The deeper one went, the stricter the security. The innermost cells were dimly lit by a few torches.

Wei Taifu crouched in a corner. Hearing footsteps, he looked up, seeing a pair of golden embroidered dragon boots.

Wei Taifu scrambled to his knees, instinctively beginning his routine of pleading with the emperor, “Your Majesty, I am wronged! I have been loyal and diligent, only to be wronged by petty men…”

Before he could finish, Xiahou Dan cut him off, “Do one last thing for me, and I’ll spare your family.”

Wei Taifu, sensing doom, quickly squeezed out tears, “Please hear my side! The salt commissioner…”

Xiahou Dan fast-forwarded, “Do you know who framed you?”

Wei Taifu: “…”

Trembling, Wei Taifu looked up. The emperor’s face was obscured in the shadows, but somehow, he was sure this wasn’t the expression of the mad emperor he knew.

Xiahou Dan: “The order came from Prince Duan, and the evidence was gathered by Xu Yao. You may not remember him—he’s Elder Xu’s son, disguised as Prince Duan’s advisor, skilled in deceit.”

Wei Taifu was shocked, “He’s still alive?”

Xiahou Dan laughed coldly, “When Elder Xu fell, Prince Duan secretly saved Xu Yao, teaching him to see you as his mortal enemy. After years of plotting, they’ve finally taken you down.”

Wei Taifu bit his lip, drawing blood.

Xiahou Bo!

He heard the emperor’s bored, almost indifferent voice, “Isn’t it funny? My dear brother, who used your hand to remove the Xu family, now uses the Xu family to remove you. Truly balanced, isn’t it?”

Wei Taifu’s vision darkened.

The emperor knew.

The emperor knew?!

Years ago, Wei Taifu joined the Empress Dowager’s faction but was too timid to be of much use. Prince Duan secretly persuaded him to accuse Elder Xu, even helping him forge perfect evidence.

Wei Taifu’s career had only one risky moment.

He succeeded, gaining favor with the Empress Dowager and rising in rank.

Had the emperor quietly observed all this like watching a play?

Wei Taifu shivered, losing the will to defend himself, “I deserve death… I only ask, how did Your Majesty know this?”

Had the mad emperor been pretending all along, enduring as they eliminated the loyalists?

Xiahou Dan: “Oh, I was just guessing, and you confirmed it.”

Wei Taifu: “…”

Wei Taifu: “?”

Xiahou Dan turned and walked away: “If Xu Yao sends someone to inquire, just tell the truth. Consider it as accumulating blessings for your family.”

Yu Wanyin was at the library as usual when a palace servant came upstairs to report: “Madam, there is someone downstairs without a hand decree who says he has important matters to report to you. He refuses to give his name but insists you will recognize him.”

Yu Wanyin descended a few steps and looked down to see a young stranger with a delicate appearance looking up at her.

Yu Wanyin: “…”

Brother, who are you?

The young man bowed to her: “Consort Yu.”

Yu Wanyin: “!”

This voice full of deep-seated bitterness—it was Xu Yao!

Xu Yao had actually come without any disguise, just showing his face as the son of a disgraced minister?

Yu Wanyin felt a bad premonition.

“Come up.” Yu Wanyin brought him to the second floor, dismissed the palace servants, and directly asked, “What happened?”

She didn’t expect him to come so quickly. Earlier that day, she and Xiahou Dan were still discussing the details of bringing back Elder Xu, and the actors for the staged roadblock hadn’t been arranged yet.

The most critical issue was that they hadn’t prepared an escape route for Xu Yao, ensuring he could defect safely and healthily.

This guy looked rushed and hadn’t even had time to disguise himself. Could it be that pursuers were on his tail?

As soon as Xu Yao spoke, he seemed to confirm her worst fears: “I have urgent matters and wish to see the emperor. Could you arrange this, Madam?”

Yu Wanyin: “I have no authority to bring someone into the palace; we would be stopped. How about you wait here while I fetch the emperor? The library has guards, and no one can enter without a hand decree. You are safe here.”

Xu Yao, surprised at her implication of pursuers, asked, “Madam, you know?”

Yu Wanyin: “If it’s about Elder Xu, I know the basics.”

Xu Yao sighed, “Madam truly has the emperor’s trust. I was investigating my father’s old case, but it seems Prince Duan was prepared and intends to eliminate me. When I returned to my room, I tasted something strange in my tea, felt a burning pain in my stomach, and realized I had been poisoned…”

Yu Wanyin: “Wait! You were poisoned?”

She took a closer look at Xu Yao and saw his forehead covered in cold sweat.

Yu Wanyin stood up abruptly: “Stop talking; I’ll get a physician.”

Xu Yao grabbed her: “Prince Duan has already decided to kill me; I have no way out. I stole a carriage and escaped through the back door, temporarily losing my pursuers, but I can’t enter the palace directly. I had no choice but to come here. Madam, I have one request before I die.”

Yu Wanyin: “Calm down; you’ll be fine.”

Xu Yao swayed slightly, blood seeping from his lips.

Yu Wanyin was about to call for help when Xu Yao held her tightly, speaking rapidly: “I’ve worked for Prince Duan for many years and know all his plans. If the emperor can save my father, Xu Yao will repay this kindness.”

Yu Wanyin quickly comforted him: “Don’t worry, the emperor keeps his word. Elder Xu is already on his way back.”

Xu Yao’s eyes reddened: “My father… My father has always hoped the emperor would become a good ruler. If he returns, he will give his all to assist the emperor.”

He seemed desperate to prove his father’s worth to be saved.

Yu Wanyin felt a pang of sorrow but didn’t tell him that Elder Xu had gone mad. She softly said, “The emperor values Elder Xu’s talents greatly.”

Xu Yao nodded, suddenly coughing up blood, and gasped, “The pursuers will be here soon, Madam. I’ve recorded many of Prince Duan’s plans in a book…”

A sudden scream came from downstairs: “Fire!”

Xiahou Bo had not sent men to kill Xu Yao.

Xiahou Bo had someone start a fire, intending to burn Xu Yao, any secrets he might carry, and the library to the ground.

Yu Wanyin ran to the window and looked out. The fire was spreading evenly, surrounding the library with no gaps.

Several guard bodies lay not far away; the arsonists were clearly Prince Duan’s elite, who had quickly taken out the guards and poured oil on the wooden building. The flames rose swiftly, driven by the wind, reaching the second floor.

In the distance, palace servants were rushing with buckets, but the firefighting measures of this era were primitive; relying on them was pointless.

Yu Wanyin, tears streaming from the smoke, returned to Xu Yao’s side: “The fire is everywhere. We can’t jump out of the window; we have to go downstairs and run out!”

Recalling fire escape tips from school, she removed a layer of clothing, soaked it with tea, and began to undress Xu Yao: “Take it off!”

Xu Yao, already unsteady, collapsed to the ground with a push.

Yu Wanyin: “…”

The library was filled with flammable materials, and downstairs was already a sea of fire, with the screams of palace servants echoing incessantly.

Xu Yao vomited blood one mouthful after another, yet his expression remained calm: “Madam, prepare yourself while listening to me.”

Yu Wanyin’s eyes filled with tears as she shakily pulled out a handkerchief and dampened it.

Xu Yao: “Prince Duan didn’t expect that I didn’t carry the book with me. I hid it in the Wei residence while investigating the case.”

The boiling tea had cooled. Yu Wanyin grabbed the wet clothes and wrapped them around herself, then covered her mouth and nose with the damp handkerchief.

Xu Yao: “Behind the kitchen window, three feet down, you can dig it up. Prince Duan will be watching you, so don’t look for it immediately. Wait at least seven days…”

Yu Wanyin bent down and ran towards the stairs.

Xu Yao’s voice grew weaker: “Escape and find the emperor. Don’t stop for anyone… Survive…”

The library was built near the water for fire prevention.

At this time, palace servants were drawing water from the pond, pouring it towards the entrance, barely suppressing the flames in this area. Just then, they saw a figure running out, clothes already aflame.

Yu Wanyin ran past all the palace servants and jumped straight into the pond.

“Consort Yu!” The palace servants hurriedly rushed over, pulling her back to the shore.

Yu Wanyin’s hair was singed, and her skin burned painfully in several places. She stood there, eyes vacant, her rationality shattered. Trembling all over, the only sound in her ears was Xu Yao’s voice: “Don’t stop for anyone…”

A palace maid hurriedly said something and ran over to help her.

Yu Wanyin felt everyone’s faces were menacing. She pushed the maid away and staggered towards the palace.

She didn’t know where she was running, only that she couldn’t stop; behind her was a flood of beasts.

Yu Wanyin ran until she was exhausted, tripping and finally gaining some clarity.

Looking up, she saw someone she absolutely didn’t want to meet at this moment.

Xie Yong’er seemed stunned by her appearance.

Xie Yong’er had been unable to avoid Wei Guifei’s search and had sent someone to hide the relic with Yu Wanyin. If undiscovered, great; if found, Yu Wanyin would take the blame.

Her plan was perfect, but the little eunuch was inexperienced and got caught red-handed.

Listening to the eunuch’s tearful report, Xie Yong’er knew she had lost. Yu Wanyin would surely guess it was her, given her previous actions. And Consort Yu, with the emperor’s favor, could easily dispose of anyone with just a word.

But Yu Wanyin hadn’t accused her.

She even returned the relic.


Did Yu Wanyin really not want to fight?

Had she not blackened because Xie Yong’er had changed the storyline, not giving her a chance to fall for Prince Duan?

If she hadn’t blackened, did that make Xie Yong’er the biggest villain?

Xie Yong’er felt very conflicted.

She was still brooding over Yu Wanyin when a servant girl said the library was on fire, shocking her—Yu Wanyin had been working there recently.

No way, did the heroine’s storyline directly lead to a death ending?

Unbelieving, Xie Yong’er ran towards the library and encountered the disheveled Yu Wanyin halfway.

Their eyes met. Yu Wanyin seemed to weigh her options, then trembled as she reached out: “Sister, help me.”

Xie Yong’er was shocked and slowly walked over to support her.

Yu Wanyin: “Take me to see the emperor…”

Xie Yong’er: “You’re hurt? This won’t do, I’ll get someone to carry you.”

Yu Wanyin clung to her like a lifeline: “Don’t go, don’t leave me.”

Xie Yong’er: “?”

Do we have any emotional foundation?

A warm voice suddenly came from behind: “Madams.”

Yu Wanyin felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her, her legs went weak, and she only stayed upright because Xie Yong’er was holding her.

Xiahou Bo walked over with concern and helped support Yu Wanyin: “I heard the library was on fire. I’ve sent my guards to help extinguish it. Fortunately, you are safe. Where are you hurt?”

Yu Wanyin’s lips trembled, unable to speak.

Xiahou Bo simply picked her up, the movement exaggerated as if to check if she was hiding something: “I’ll take you back to the hall to rest.”

Yu Wanyin looked into his calm eyes, finding her voice after a long moment: “…Thank you, Your Highness.”

Xiahou Bo walked a few steps, Yu Wanyin struggling to look back at Xie Yong’er.

Your man is holding me. Aren’t you jealous? Please say something to stop him; I’m begging you!

Xie Yong’er lowered her eyes to hide her jealousy, gently saying: “Your Highness is thoughtful. I’ll go too.”

Yu Wanyin: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please don’t leave.

Xiahou Bo kindly said: “No need here. Please find a physician, Lady Xie.”

Xie Yong’er, hurt by his words, didn’t want to be too obvious in her jealousy and compromised: “Alright.” She turned and left.

Yu Wanyin’s heart stopped.

Xiahou Bo walked unhurriedly: “Madam seems to be trembling.”

Yu Wanyin, using her remaining rationality, crafted her words carefully: “…The burns are quite painful.”

“You’ve suffered. I should have come sooner.”

Why couldn’t you have come even later?

Yu Wanyin felt she was on the verge of a mental breakdown, simultaneously fearing he would kill her and trying to act as if she was smitten like the original character, softly leaning into him: “Now that you’re here, I’m alright.”

Xiahou Bo smiled: “I thought Madam had changed a lot since entering the palace, but it seems you are still the same.”

Yu Wanyin playfully scolded: “Does Your Highness wish I had changed?”

Xiahou Bo looked at her and leisurely said: “I wish Madam was still the same, not afraid of me.”

Yu Wanyin: “…”

Who tried to burn me just now?

“Being with a ruler is like being with a tiger,” Xiahou Bo calmly said terrifying lines. “Instead of fearing me, Madam should fear the emperor. As a fellow sufferer, we share the same heart. The world has long suffered under tyranny. If Madam treats me sincerely, I will protect you with all my might.”

Yu Wanyin tilted her head: “What are you saying, Your Highness? I don’t understand.”

I understand perfectly. This guy is just short of saying, “Choose your side wisely; follow me and prosper, oppose me and perish.”

Yu Wanyin continued to play dumb, and Xiahou Bo laughed: “Madam is indeed clever. By the way, I still owe you a return gift for the last time you granted me your calligraphy…”

His voice was interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Yu Wanyin turned to see a dense group of guards surrounding Xiahou Bo.

At the forefront was the grim-faced emperor: “Let her go.”

A dead silence fell.

In the chaos of Yu Wanyin’s muddled mind, two cheesy lines suddenly popped up. One was, “If you don’t want her to die, prepare a car with a million in cash, and no one follows,” and the other was, “Heh, if you dare, try to take her. In terms of beauty, you can’t beat me.”

Xiahou Bo didn’t take the cheesy route.

Xiahou Bo gently put Yu Wanyin down and bowed: “Seeing that the consort was injured, I acted out of urgency and lost my manners. Please forgive me, Your Majesty…”

Xiahou Dan didn’t listen and strode forward, taking off his outer robe and wrapping it around the soaking wet Yu Wanyin.

Yu Wanyin, a mere office worker, had never experienced such a scene. Having held on until now and finally seeing an ally, she relaxed, and her vision suddenly went dark as if the lights had gone out. She was instantly engulfed by darkness.

Her last memory was falling straight into Xiahou Dan’s arms.

Yu Wanyin drifted in and out of a feverish sleep for an unknown number of days. When she woke again, she was lying in her own side palace, her throat parched and cracking.

Outside, it was raining heavily, the sky was dark, and a swaying brass lamp hung by the bed. Xiahou Dan sat at the bedside with his back to her, stirring a bowl of bitter medicine.

This back view had never felt so reassuring.

Yu Wanyin stared at him for a while, then moved her gaze to the palace lamp, trembling with the candlelight.

Xiahou Dan turned around and was startled: “You’re awake? That’s great. You had mild burns and soaked in dirty pond water. I was really afraid the medicine wouldn’t stop the infection. Fortunately, the wounds are small and already healing.”

Yu Wanyin didn’t speak.

Xiahou Dan reached out to help her sit up: “Quickly drink the medicine, consider it to reduce the fever… Hey, why are you crying?”

Yu Wanyin choked up: “Thankfully, you are also a transmigrant.”

The first close brush with death was too impactful; she had PTSD.

Since coming to this dreadful place, she had always felt a surreal sense of detachment from her situation, as if dreamily floating in the clouds. Until this moment, the dream dissipated, revealing the abyss beneath her feet.

Without someone like her nearby, she didn’t know whether fear or loneliness would crush her first.

Even his previous words brought immense comfort. His vocabulary hinted at a familiar yet distant homeland, like a blurry shoreline seen through a telescope. Though unreachable, it was a coordinate, convincing her she hadn’t gone mad.

Xiahou Dan tried to comfort her but couldn’t, so he quietly watched her cry.

The wind and rain were dismal, and the flickering light was faint. He looked as dispirited as she felt.

After she calmed down a bit, Xiahou Dan scooped some medicine and handed it to her, speaking gently: “Several palace servants escaped from the library and are being treated. Xu Yao… the coroner said he died from the poison before the fire reached him, so he didn’t suffer twice.”

Yu Wanyin’s heart ached again at the mention of Xu Yao’s name.

Xiahou Dan continued: “The arsonists were caught, but they are just scapegoats, and it can’t be traced back to Prince Duan. Xu Ge Lao has been brought back and placed in a countryside villa. He’s now no threat to anyone and should live out his remaining years in peace. Incidentally, it really was Prince Duan who framed him.”

He recounted his conversation with Wei Taifu in the Dali Temple prison.

Yu Wanyin: “So, we were going to frame Prince Duan, but it turns out he was guilty from the start?”

Xiahou Dan: “That’s right.”

For a moment, Yu Wanyin had a fleeting thought: How could Xiahou Dan guess so accurately? He hadn’t read the original text and based his guesses on the limited information she provided, yet he pinpointed the truth that wasn’t even written in the original story. Was he really that smart?

Could this be the power of a CEO?

But the thought quickly passed, and Yu Wanyin reconsidered. It didn’t hurt to assume the worst about Prince Duan.

She initially had grand ambitions to be the biggest villain in the story, but after two encounters with Xiahou Bo, she realized she still had a long way to go.

Yu Wanyin: “Xu Yao said he left us a book that could be used against Prince Duan.”

She whispered Xu Yao’s dying words, and Xiahou Dan listened silently, his face pale.

He looked at the candle flame: “What happens to Xu Yao in the original story?”

“He seems to stay with Prince Duan and becomes a civil official.”

Xiahou Dan sneered: “So, we killed him.”

Yu Wanyin had just blown her nose and felt her nose sour again: “Don’t think like that. If it were the original story, Xu Yao would have remained in the dark, serving his enemy.”

Xiahou Dan still looked despondent, pressing his fingers to his temple: “One got away, and you got hurt for nothing…”

Yu Wanyin didn’t understand why he was more depressed than she was. She braced herself to comfort him: “It wasn’t entirely for nothing. At least we have Xu Yao’s lead. We can find the book in a few days. Hopefully, he documented enough details because I really don’t remember the specifics of the original story.”

“I’ve been thinking,” Xiahou Dan muttered, rubbing his temple, “is what we’re doing really meaningful? In this book, the villains’ fates seem predestined. The more we struggle, the more pathetic it feels. It might be better to just eat, drink, and wait for the end…”

Yu Wanyin: “?”

No, no, no, you can’t give up so early, brother. I don’t want to die yet!

Yu Wanyin panicked, scrambling to find words to persuade him: “It’s meaningful, of course. We can’t just hand the world over to the villains. Your fate is in your own hands! There are still many opportunities to turn things around! For example, the drought in the original story—we can surely find drought-resistant crops—”

She faltered.

The library had burned down. Where would she find the materials now?

Yu Wanyin felt defeated: “On second thought, waiting to die isn’t so bad.”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

Xiahou Dan: “Can’t you hang on a bit longer?”

The Empress Dowager condescended to pay a visit.

The process went as follows:

Empress Dowager: “I heard you suffered a lot this time. Do you know who set the fire? You were too prominent and attracted jealousy. After this ordeal, you should understand that the emperor won’t protect you…” Classic lines omitted for brevity.

Yu Wanyin: “?”

Yu Wanyin: “Yes, yes.”

Empress Dowager sighed: “In this deep palace, every woman who gets a bit of favor thinks she’s made it, but they don’t understand how fickle a ruler’s heart is…” Classic lines omitted for brevity.

Yu Wanyin couldn’t fast-forward her, so she spaced out and nodded mechanically.

Empress Dowager: “You don’t think that because Wei Guifei fell, you can take her place, do you? Wei Guifei is arrogant because her family is powerful, and I protect her. Even if she gets into trouble, she’ll only spend a short time in the cold palace. What is your father’s official position? Do you know…” Classic lines omitted for brevity.

Yu Wanyin: “Yes, yes.”

The Empress Dowager extended a finger with a red nail and poked Yu Wanyin’s cheek, saying, “A woman needs to live smartly. A wise bird chooses a good tree to nest in. Listen to me, and I will take care of you.”

Yu Wanyin replied, “Of course, of course.”

That morning, the Empress Dowager left Yu Wanyin’s palace, and by the afternoon, she heard a report from a servant: “The Emperor has promoted Consort Yu to Noble Consort.”

The Empress Dowager was surprised: “What?”

The Emperor personally escorted the newly-promoted Noble Consort Yu to the palace of the Noble Consort.

This place originally belonged to Noble Consort Wei and was always the most luxurious place in the harem. Now, to welcome its new owner, it had been meticulously redecorated, becoming even more magnificent.

As Yu Wanyin walked step by step to her new position, all the palace maids who had been waiting for her to fall from grace changed their attitudes, starting to closely observe her every word and action, trying to figure out what extraordinary skill she had to firmly hold the Emperor’s heart.

Throughout the journey, it was the Emperor who spoke.

Xiahou Dan said, “My love, this place is heavily guarded. I have also assigned secret guards to you, so no one will be able to harm you again.”

Yu Wanyin knew his words were meant for the surrounding servants: “His Majesty is so kind.”

The list of secret guards was something they had discussed in their meeting last night. Xiahou Dan said, “Let’s upgrade the security system for now. Didn’t the original text mention a few guards who were always loyal to me?”

Yu Wanyin thought hard: “The group of personal guards who helped you bury bodies remained loyal to the end and died protecting you.”

So the secret guards were assigned overnight.

Xiahou Dan continued, “My love, look at this courtyard. If it is not spacious enough, should we expand it? If you are tired of hot pot, we can raise some fish in this pond and set up a grill next to it for barbecue anytime…”

Yu Wanyin asked, “Are you sure you’re not the one who wants all this?”

Yu Wanyin clapped her hands in agreement: “How did His Majesty know that I love eating?”

The surrounding palace maids felt disdain—this act of pretending to be cute and innocent was too low-level. Even new talents in the palace wouldn’t play such tricks anymore, let alone a bewitching consort.

Xiahou Dan smiled: “You truly have a childlike heart.”

The palace maids’ breathing became rapid.

The tyrant didn’t deserve the high-end game!

Yu Wanyin hadn’t spent many days enjoying herself before she started feeling uncomfortable. As a hard worker, she had never been a layabout for this long, and there were few entertainment activities in ancient times. Lying around and sunbathing every day left her sore and stiff.

She resented not being destined to enjoy life and felt even more envious seeing Xiahou Dan seemingly enjoying it.

One day, after eating barbecue and drinking wine, Yu Wanyin said, “Mr. Dan, let’s leave the palace for a while.”

Xiahou Dan asked, “To have fun?”

Yu Wanyin replied, “No, I’ve thought of a way to get Xu Yao’s book without going through Prince Duan.”

Xiahou Dan frowned at her: “What about the plan to live a carefree life and wait for death?”

“Waiting for death is also boring. Let’s at least try a few more things.”


Yu Wanyin continued, “If we leave the palace in disguise, Prince Duan will surely have us followed. But if we mislead them and don’t go to Wei Mansion, we can first find someone.”


“Last time, we mentioned someone loyal to you, and I thought of him. In these types of novels, there is usually a character with extraordinary martial prowess. Fortunately, in this book, he has a deep connection with you.”

An hour later, two shabby scholars arrived in the bustling streets, followed by a few highly skilled secret guards also disguised as scholars.

After disguising, Xiahou Dan’s face looked sallow. He used a folding fan to cover his mouth and spoke in a low voice: “In theory, the Empress Dowager and Prince Duan haven’t determined a winner yet and wouldn’t dare to act rashly. But isn’t it reckless for us to come out and make ourselves targets?”

Yu Wanyin replied, “It’s indeed reckless, but we have no choice. To find this person, you must appear in person.”

Yu Wanyin glanced at him and saw that he not only looked shabby but also appeared malnourished and short.

“This person is named Bei Zhou. He was a childhood playmate of your mother…the late Empress Dowager. He was her guard and probably had a crush on her, but I skimmed through that chapter because it was too melodramatic. Anyway, after your mother entered the palace, she died young under mysterious circumstances. Bei Zhou believed she was harmed by someone in the palace and left in anger, eventually becoming a legendary martial arts master.”

Yu Wanyin took a breath: “In ‘The Devilish Pet Consort in the Book,’ he returned to the capital to see the son of his old friend—you. However, he found the situation chaotic and chose to remain hidden, waiting for an opportunity to protect you. He appeared too late to change the outcome, although he did cause some trouble for Prince Duan.”

Xiahou Dan asked, “So you want to find him early?”

Yu Wanyin nodded: “Yes, because Xie Yong’er only knows the plot of ‘A Thousand Flowers at Night’ and doesn’t know the plot of ‘The Devilish Pet Consort in the Book.’ She doesn’t know about Bei Zhou. You can treat him as a secret weapon and have him go to Wei Mansion to steal the book. With his skills, he’ll succeed.”

Actually, he had other uses, but Yu Wanyin didn’t want to explain everything to him.

Yu Wanyin stopped: “We’re here.”

Xiahou Dan looked up.

“Yi Hong Yuan.”

Xiahou Dan asked, “?”

Yu Wanyin said, “Let’s go in.” Then she turned to the secret guards and beckoned, “Come on in, don’t be shy.”

The secret guards asked, “?”

Xiahou Dan asked, “So when you said he was hiding in the capital…”

Yu Wanyin replied, “The book said he was in a brothel.”

“This isn’t right.”

“You must find him personally. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Let’s go.”

With no other choice, Xiahou Dan could only follow Yu Wanyin into the brothel.

“Hah, don’t worry. This will just further confuse Prince Duan, making him think you’re indulging in debauchery. Come on, if I’m not afraid, why should you be?” Yu Wanyin reassured Xiahou Dan as she pulled him through the gate.

As they stepped inside, they were immediately hit by a wave of heavy perfume. A classic madam with a mole on her face scrutinized them disdainfully and said, “Gentlemen, have you come to the wrong place?”

Yu Wanyin glanced around and shyly handed her a handful of silver. “We’re here for the imperial exams and thought we’d broaden our horizons.”

The madam’s face lit up with a smile. “Very well, sirs, please come upstairs!”

With a grand gesture, Yu Wanyin led their party, including the secret guards, towards a private room.

Xiahou Dan whispered to her, “Why are you so experienced with this?”

Yu Wanyin shrugged, “Probably read too much trash literature.”

Moments later, they were surrounded by fragrant beauties.

Yu Wanyin, cradling a petite beauty who was feeding her grapes, let out a lascivious laugh.

Xiahou Dan’s lips twitched slightly as he whispered to her, “How long are we supposed to stay here? How do you plan to find Bei Zhou?”

Yu Wanyin replied, “I don’t remember his appearance, but there are only a few men in the brothel. It shouldn’t be hard to find him. Also, in the original text, you look a lot like your mother, so he should recognize you.”

Xiahou Dan pointed to his sallow, disguised face. “Have you noticed a problem with that?”

Yu Wanyin turned to the petite beauty in her arms. “How many male attendants do you have here?”

The petite beauty looked surprised. “Why does the gentleman ask? I can’t recall exactly, maybe four or five.”

Yu Wanyin continued, “Among them, is there one who joined in the last two years and looks particularly strong?”

A flash of something dark crossed the petite beauty’s eyes.

She smiled sweetly and replied, “I joined recently, so I’m not sure. Would you like some wine, sir?”

Turning away to pour the wine, she exchanged glances with another beauty.

An alert secret guard noticed her hand movements, tensed up, and was about to act when Yu Wanyin quickly nudged Xiahou Dan.

Xiahou Dan shot a sharp glance, signaling them to stay calm.

The guards stayed put, exchanging wary glances.

The petite beauty handed the cup to Yu Wanyin. “Here you go, sir.”

Yu Wanyin took it, pretending to drink.

The room was filled with the sound of music and fake toasts as the guards faked drinking the drugged wine and then theatrically collapsed, their eyes rolling back.

Seeing their reaction, Yu Wanyin and Xiahou Dan mimicked them, each collapsing.

The petite beauty stood up and coldly said, “Fetch the madam.”

The madam soon arrived with a group of men and ordered, “Tie them up and wake them with cold water.”

Yu Wanyin was shocked by the overreaction to merely asking about a male attendant. Did someone else know Bei Zhou’s identity? According to the original text, Bei Zhou’s cover was impeccable.

She decided to observe more and kept her eyes closed, staying silent. The guards, without instructions, continued to play dead.

A bucket of cold water jolted Yu Wanyin awake.

The madam asked, “Who sent you to inquire about us?”

Xiahou Dan, looking at Yu Wanyin, angrily retorted, “We were just asking casually. How could you bind guests?”

The madam sneered, “Not talking? Then you’ll stay here until you do.”

She left the room, ordering the door to be locked.

As soon as they were alone, the guards pulled out hidden knives and cut each other free, then freed Xiahou Dan and Yu Wanyin.

Rubbing his wrists, Xiahou Dan sat back down. “What now?”

Yu Wanyin suggested, “Climb out the window to find him?”


The guards quickly climbed out while others took positions near the door and windows.

Yu Wanyin looked at Xiahou Dan. “It’s not ideal for you to be away from the palace for too long. Why don’t you return while I stay to investigate further?”

“It’s alright. If we find him, I’ll need to reveal my face to him anyway.”

Yu Wanyin sat next to him, picking grapes from the plate left on the table. “Want some?”

Xiahou Dan was speechless. “Why do you seem to be enjoying this?”

Just a few days ago, she seemed half-dead. How had she recovered so quickly?

Yu Wanyin responded, “Whether you’re happy or not, it’s still a day. That’s the survival rule for us wage slaves.”

She patted Xiahou Dan on the back. “Mr. Dan, you’re too used to the world revolving around you. The psychological gap is too big. Unlike us, used to working for months and being told the first draft was best. Keep a low profile, and we can survive till the end, alright?”

Xiahou Dan remained silent.

Yu Wanyin didn’t wait for an answer and casually started cracking melon seeds. Before she could offer some to Xiahou Dan, a secret guard pressed his ear to the door and whispered, “Someone’s coming.”

Could the brothel staff be returning so quickly? The group quickly sat back in their positions, hiding the cut ropes behind their backs, pretending to still be bound.

Yu Wanyin whispered, “What about the two who climbed out the window?”

Before Xiahou Dan could respond, the door opened.

To their surprise, it was not the brothel staff but an elderly man with a broom and rag.

The elderly man glanced at them listlessly, then lowered his head to clean up the fruit peels, seemingly uninterested in the bound people.

Yu Wanyin’s relief was short-lived as she realized something. She subtly tugged Xiahou Dan’s sleeve and signaled with her eyes: It’s him!

Xiahou Dan was confused: ?

Yu Wanyin blinked desperately: He is Bei Zhou!

Only a wage slave could recognize another. This elderly man had eyes that didn’t belong to a menial worker. When he looked away just now, his eyes briefly revealed a predatory gleam, like a lone wolf.

So Bei Zhou was disguised as an old man in a brothel?

Xiahou Dan seemed to have a hunch, hesitated for two seconds, and spoke up, “Hey.”

The elderly man continued cleaning without looking up.

Xiahou Dan raised his voice, “Sir, you look familiar.”

The elderly man stopped and looked at him.

Xiahou Dan continued, “Since we have met by chance, why not reveal our true selves and have a proper conversation?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the elderly man’s expression changed. He stood still, staring at Xiahou Dan. After a few moments of intense eye contact, the elderly man put down his rag and slowly approached them.

Seeing the hostility in his eyes, Yu Wanyin quickly smiled warmly. “Don’t misunderstand, we’re all friends here.”

She nudged Xiahou Dan. He raised his hand to remove his mask. “I am—”

In that instant, a lot happened.

Seeing Xiahou Dan’s movement, the elderly man realized he was not actually bound. His eyes flashed with a murderous gleam.

Yu Wanyin was taken aback by the intensity of his glare, and before she knew it, a sharp blade appeared in the elderly man’s hand, aiming straight for Xiahou Dan!

“Watch out!” Yu Wanyin screamed.

With a loud crash, the door burst open.

Yu Wanyin pushed Xiahou Dan, and the secret guards leaped up to shield him—

But before their eyes, the elderly man twisted in a bizarre manner, as if lifted by an invisible force, and fell to the side, collapsing to the ground, motionless.

Yu Wanyin, still shaken, took a deep breath and looked down, noticing a knife embedded deeply in the old man’s neck, almost protruding from the other side.

The secret guards remained vigilant around Xiahou Dan, their gazes fixed on the door.

A large hole was now evident in the door. Everyone present was chilled by the realization—the knife had been thrown from outside with such force that it broke through the wooden door and precisely hit the old man’s neck, killing him instantly.

Such formidable internal strength!

The door was pushed open.

An uneasy silence fell over the room as they saw the buxom madam with the mole on her face standing in the doorway.

Everyone was stunned.

The madam stared at Xiahou Dan, her voice trembling. “You…”

Her voice had turned into that of a man’s.

Yu Wanyin turned to look at Xiahou Dan, who had removed his human skin mask.

An absurd thought formed in her mind as she looked at the madam in disbelief. “You…”

The madam replied, “Dan’er?”

Yu Wanyin exclaimed, “Bei Zhou?”

Bei Zhou reached up, plucked off the mole with a popping sound, and with a series of cracking noises, his body visibly grew taller, transforming into a man’s shape.

Yu Wanyin had read about such bone-shrinking skills in novels, but witnessing it in person was a shock.

Her brain stalled. “You—you are Bei Zhou?”

Bei Zhou responded, “Dan’er, how did you know I was here?”

Yu Wanyin glanced at the man on the ground. “Who is he? Why did he try to kill us?”

Bei Zhou asked, “No, how did you know about me?”

Xiahou Dan intervened, “One question at a time.”

A moment later, they were seated around a table.

Xiahou Dan said, “Let’s answer Bei Zhou’s question first.” He had quickly adapted to the situation, calling Bei Zhou ‘Uncle’ after seeing his martial prowess.

“I know about you because my mother mentioned you in her will,” Xiahou Dan said smoothly.

Bei Zhou looked nostalgic. “What did she write about me?”

Xiahou Dan hesitated.

Yu Wanyin quickly brainstormed a touching story involving long-separated lovers, letters that never reached their destination, and unfulfilled promises.

She tried to convey this to Xiahou Dan through intense eye contact.

Xiahou Dan nodded understandingly.

“She said that if I were ever in danger, I should seek your help.”

Yu Wanyin’s heart sank.

Bei Zhou’s eyes reddened. “She remembered me.”

Yu Wanyin was baffled.

Xiahou Dan continued, “So after I ascended the throne, I sent people to look for you. It took many years, and recently I heard rumors of your whereabouts. Today, I came hoping to find you.” He quickly changed the subject. “Who is the man on the floor?”

Bei Zhou explained, “He’s been cleaning here for two years. I only recently became suspicious when I found this in his room.”

He handed a stack of papers to Xiahou Dan.

Yu Wanyin peeked over his shoulder to see tiny, indecipherable script, not written in Chinese but in some unknown language.

Bei Zhou continued, “He was a spy from the Yan Kingdom, ordered to assassinate nobles and incite civil strife. After finding his secret messages, I’ve been watching him. When you came asking about male attendants, I thought you were looking for him and decided to interrogate you. Only when he tried to kill you did I realize my mistake.”

Xiahou Dan understood, “So he tried to kill us because he thought we were here to expose him?”

Yu Wanyin recalled that in the original text, this spy never succeeded but was manipulated by Prince Duan to assassinate a high-ranking official in the empress dowager’s party. The spy was eventually captured and met a gruesome end.

Bei Zhou said, “The Yan Kingdom has been desperate lately. Be careful; there might be more spies.”

Xiahou Dan replied, “Fortunately, you saved me today. To be honest, my position in the palace is precarious, surrounded by enemies…” He sighed dramatically.

Bei Zhou immediately responded, “I returned to the capital to protect you, afraid you wouldn’t need my help. Don’t worry; you’re like my own child.”

Yu Wanyin felt a chill.

Bei Zhou’s straightforwardness led him to immediately revert to his disguise as the madam. He stepped out to resign from the brothel.

Having looked after many of the brothel’s unfortunate girls, he was well-liked. The women wept and called out to their “mama” as he announced his departure.

The petite beauty who had drugged Xiahou Dan, likely Bei Zhou’s trusted aide and perhaps even a love interest, tearfully asked, “Where are you going? Can you take me with you?”

Bei Zhou frowned. He couldn’t bring anyone while entering the palace to protect Xiahou Dan.

Xiahou Dan took the opportunity to make a kind gesture. He whispered, “I will send someone to redeem them and ensure they leave safely.”

Bei Zhou was moved. “You’re just like Nan’er, so kind-hearted.”

As they left the brothel, Xiahou Dan put his mask back on while Bei Zhou, now in men’s clothing, joined the secret guards. He looked quite handsome and had an air of a chivalrous hero.

Yu Wanyin praised, “Uncle Bei is truly handsome.”

Bei Zhou sighed, “It’s a pity; I prefer being a woman.”

Xiahou Dan and Yu Wanyin were both stunned.

Yu Wanyin couldn’t help but take another look at Bei Zhou.

Wasn’t he supposed to be in love with Xiahou Dan’s mother? Had the heartbreak of her entering the palace led him to train in the martial arts world and eventually…

Yu Wanyin shivered at the thought.

She was lost in her thoughts when Xiahou Dan directly asked, “Uncle Bei, could you tell me about your connection with my mother?”

Bei Zhou replied, “Nan’er was the only person in the world who truly understood me. She never looked down on me and treated me like a good sister.”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

Yu Wanyin: “…”

Bei Zhou continued, “It’s a pity she passed away so young, leaving you all alone.” He looked at Xiahou Dan affectionately, “Now that Nan’er is gone, I will be like a mother to you.”

Xiahou Dan: “……..”

Xiahou Dan: “Thank you, Uncle.”

When they returned to the palace, Bei Zhou was surprised, “You want me to stay in the Noble Consort’s palace?”

Xiahou Dan replied, “Yes, I suspect there are spies around me. It’s better for you to stay at the Noble Consort’s palace, where there are fewer people and it’s easier to talk.”

Bei Zhou observed the heavily guarded surroundings of the Noble Consort’s palace and smiled, “I guess the rumors about you weren’t all wrong.”

Yu Wanyin asked, “What?”

Bei Zhou looked at her closely, “Dan’er truly cares for this Noble Consort.”

Yu Wanyin thought, He just needs the information in my head, nothing more.

But she wondered how far the rumors about her being a “demon consort” had spread. Was it because she had risen too quickly?

She smiled awkwardly and tried to hide behind Xiahou Dan, lowering her eyes in a shy manner.

To her surprise, Xiahou Dan got even more into character. He held her hand and sincerely said to Bei Zhou, “Uncle Bei, you’ve seen through us. We won’t hide it anymore. Please treat her as you would treat me, and ensure her safety.”

Yu Wanyin: “?”

Is this really necessary?

Bei Zhou looked between them and gave a knowing smile, “Don’t worry.”

The awkwardness Yu Wanyin felt persisted into the night.

Bei Zhou had already set off for the Wei residence to retrieve the book. Xiahou Dan had offered to send help, but Bei Zhou declined, “Bringing more people would only slow me down. Don’t wait up; just sleep well.”

His words carried the confidence of someone at the peak of their martial prowess.

So the two members of the Silk Cave team could only wait in the Noble Consort’s palace for news. They finished a candlelit dinner, then a candlelit supper, but Bei Zhou hadn’t returned.

Yu Wanyin was anxious, while Xiahou Dan remained calm, sipping some wine. “The Wei residence is watched by various forces. Bei Zhou will wait until the most relaxed moment, which will be in the latter half of the night.”

Yu Wanyin said, “I understand that. But ever since we arrived, many events have changed, and I’m feeling uncertain.”

Xu Yao wasn’t supposed to die, and Bei Zhou was supposed to live much longer in the original text, but who could say for sure now?

Xiahou Dan said, “Don’t worry. The worst that can happen is death.”

Yu Wanyin: “…Thanks, really comforting.”

Xiahou Dan chuckled softly. The slight flush from the alcohol brought a bit of color to his usually pale face. Yu Wanyin looked at him for a few seconds, and that strange feeling came back.

Under the candlelight, his beauty was magnified. Even though he was already a handsome man, he looked almost ethereal now.

Maybe it was the bit of wine with supper, or maybe it was the warm and relaxed atmosphere. Perhaps it was Bei Zhou’s exaggerated reaction earlier.

Suddenly, Yu Wanyin realized just how good-looking Xiahou Dan was.

It wasn’t that she didn’t understand aesthetics; she just didn’t dare to. When survival is at stake, beauty and ugliness can be ignored.

For example, Prince Duan was undoubtedly handsome, but every time she saw his face, it was like seeing a brightly colored poisonous mushroom, making her want to run away.

Strangely, with Xiahou Dan, who had the face of a true villain, her instinctual wariness had weakened, almost to the point where she couldn’t rely on her instincts to stay alert.

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1 thought on “Chapter 3: Alienation Plan (Creating Distrust)”

  1. lovely chapter, thank you for your translation! it’s so nice seeing how different situations make yu wanyin and xiahou dan feel “at home”. psychological gap indeed.

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