Chapter 6: Secret Meeting

This Is Ridiculous Chapter 6

Secret Meeting

The next day, she found Xiahou Dan: “I want to run an experiment on those candidates.”

Xiahou Dan: “…What?”

“It’s like this. There are currently two hypotheses about Prince Duan. He might be on a higher level than us, or he could still be at the bottom level. So I want to test him.” Yu Wanyin had come up with this plan after thinking all night. She was so excited that she didn’t notice Xiahou Dan’s probing gaze and continued energetically, “Can you get in touch with the candidates that Xie Yonger mentioned?”

Xiahou Dan looked at her.

Wasn’t she supposed to be pledging allegiance to Prince Duan during their night meeting?

Xiahou Dan: “I have already started looking for them. It shouldn’t be a problem. I plan to go out incognito in a few days to meet them and see if I can win them over.”

“Great. Then we’ll leak information that the meeting will be at Location A, and on the day itself, we’ll secretly meet at Location B. With our secret guards and Bei Zhou, we should be able to keep this under wraps.”

Xiahou Dan vaguely understood her plan: “So you want to see where Prince Duan goes to investigate?”

“Yes, if he gets information about Location A and goes there to wait, then he’s just a character. If he sends people to both locations, he’s still a character—our movements have been detected, but Prince Duan is cautious and wouldn’t leave any stone unturned.”

Yu Wanyin continued slowly, “Only in one scenario would he abandon Location A and go straight to Location B—if he’s on a higher level, predicting everything and knowing that Location A can be ignored.”

Xiahou Dan clapped his hands: “As expected of you, Yu Jie.”

Yu Wanyin: “Hehe, just average.”

“But have you considered that he might predict everything, including our current conversation, and deliberately send people to both locations?”

“He wouldn’t pretend to be a character.” Yu Wanyin gritted her teeth, “He privately contacted me, trying to make me believe he’s on a higher level so that I’d pledge allegiance to him. Given a chance to prove himself, he’d jump at it.”

Xiahou Dan raised an eyebrow: “You’re just telling me this?”

Yu Wanyin felt guilty under his gaze and unconsciously raised her voice: “I don’t trust him, okay? If I had a choice, I’d definitely stick with you.”

“Yu Wanyin.”


Xiahou Dan rubbed his forehead: “What if the experiment proves he’s on a higher level?”

Yu Wanyin: “…”

Xiahou Dan: “In that case, you can pledge allegiance to him. That’s the truth.”

He had said similar things before, but Yu Wanyin always thought it was just a tactic to soften her, so she hadn’t taken it seriously.

Xiahou Dan spoke calmly: “I won’t stop you, but you must understand that once you leave, you’ll lose my protection.”

Is this… a threat?

Yu Wanyin cautiously asked: “And then what will you do?”

“Me?” Xiahou Dan seemed to seriously consider this, “I’d probably kill some people within my power and then wait for my end.”

Yu Wanyin’s heart sank: “…You sound a lot like a tyrant.”

Xiahou Dan replied listlessly: “Can’t help it, try having a constant splitting headache every day.”

Yu Wanyin couldn’t truly fear Xiahou Dan, even when he said the most dangerous things.

She had thought about why this was. Perhaps it was his expression and tone—three parts complaint, three parts melancholy, like a colleague chatting about impulsive job changes over a hotpot. It not only contrasted sharply with the tyrant he portrayed outside but also didn’t quite fit the image of a lofty CEO.

Everything about him radiated “this is a peer, you can trust him.”

She couldn’t even lie to him casually, saying, “Even if that’s the case, I won’t leave.” Because everyone knew, if the company went bankrupt, the employees would leave.

Compared to the female protagonists she read about, her romantic inclinations were only a third as strong, and her courage was only a twentieth. That bit of tenuous affection was insignificant in the face of death.

Yu Wanyin had long known her own nature, but facing Xiahou Dan still made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

She changed the subject: “Uncle Bei is inspecting poisons for you everywhere; he even checked me. Things will get better.”

In the following days, Xiahou Dan sent secret letters to the candidates while spreading false information to Prince Duan.

A few days later.

Xiahou Dan: “The candidates are at Location B. So far, Prince Duan’s men have only gone to Location A.”

Yu Wanyin relaxed: “Then it’s almost certain, that guy is pretending. Anyway, let’s go meet them and see what happens.”

Location B was a lakeside spot.

Today was overcast, with few tourists, and only a few boats scattered on the lake.

Xiahou Dan and Yu Wanyin disguised themselves as affluent young masters, surrounded by “servants,” and boarded a luxurious painted boat, slowly drifting toward the center of the lake.

Once the painted boat was far from shore, a small fishing boat approached.

Secret guards laid a plank between the two boats, and soon six people were brought aboard.

The spider duo, today looking kindly and scholarly, stood up with folding fans in hand, warmly welcoming the guests.

Most of the six candidates had the slender builds of scholars, except for the leading one, who was more robust. After exchanging greetings, they removed their human skin masks, revealing six young or weathered faces.

The robust candidate, looking around thirty, bore an air of arrogance mixed with slight discontent. He spoke, “We came to this meeting moved by your letter, eager to converse with a kindred spirit. But seeing you today, it seems your sincerity does not match the urgency expressed in your letter.”

As soon as this irritable brother started speaking, Yu Wanyin recognized him immediately. Li Yunxi, the poorest of all the candidates. Despite his great talent, he repeatedly failed the imperial exams due to his unyielding nature. In “Dongfeng,” he was killed on the street for exposing the cheating of a well-connected individual; in “The Devil’s Consort,” he was recruited by Xiahou Bo, becoming a significant ally.

Xiahou Dan quickly cupped his hands and said, “I deeply apologize for the trouble and the inconvenience of wearing these disguises. The reasons for this will be explained later. As mentioned in my letter, I have long admired your talents. Your splendid writings, especially your discussions on taxes and corvée labor, are often recited and deeply pondered by me.”

As if fearing he had not shown enough respect, Xiahou Dan then recited several passages from their works, doing so with such emotion and flair that it left the scholars in a state of awkward embarrassment.

Scholars are sensitive to flattery and, despite their reservations, they managed to muster polite smiles in response.

Xiahou Dan seized the opportunity to invite them to sit down, adopting a solemn, patriotic expression: “Gentlemen, you undoubtedly possess the talent to govern a nation. However, in these chaotic times, the imperial examinations have become a stagnant pool, riddled with corruption and favoritism, leaving little chance for scholars from humble backgrounds to advance. It pains me to see you toil year after year in vain.”

Li Yunxi retorted, “Who doesn’t know that the so-called selection of virtuous and capable officials has long become a joke? Yet, we persist, driven by our sense of duty and our desire not to let down our hometowns and families.”

His words struck a chord with the other candidates, who nodded and voiced their agreement.

Some lamented the decline of capable ministers in the court, predicting the imminent fall of the Great Xia, wishing they could bash their heads against the ground to wake the tyrant. Others suggested that Prince Duan, with his talents in both civil and military affairs, might be a virtuous ruler; some scoffed, saying Prince Duan was only concerned with self-preservation and wouldn’t take a stand.

Arguments erupted, with some blaming the tyrant and others criticizing the nation’s governance, while a few even denounced Yu Wanyin as a femme fatale who brought disaster to the country.

Finally, one scholar, emboldened by tea, shouted, “Wang Hou Jiang Xiang!”

Xiahou Dan followed up, “Ning You Zhong Hu?”

The scholars responded in unison, “Indeed!”

Yu Wanyin coughed and elbowed Xiahou Dan.

The scholars, realizing the gravity of their words, calmed down and said, “…You really dare to say that.”

Only Li Yunxi and another scholar named Du Shan remained standing defiantly.

Li Yunxi, resigned to his fate, glared at the couple with a mix of contempt and defiance; Du Shan, though trembling, stood his ground out of pride.

Xiahou Dan gestured for the guards to stand down: “Please, rise, all of you.”

He appeared completely at ease, as if the same people who had just spoken of rebellion weren’t present.

“You all know of the tyrant’s oppressive rule and the suffering of the people. However, what you don’t know is that I, the emperor, have long been a puppet. The current state of affairs is controlled half by the Empress Dowager and half by Prince Duan. They gamble with the lives of my people, one grand wager after another, while my heart is torn apart, unable to do anything. Today, I meet with you only to show my sincere heart.”

The scholars, seeing his sincerity, reluctantly sat back down.

Only Li Yunxi continued to stand, his voice filled with bitterness: “If Your Majesty has such intentions, why not reform the imperial examinations and recruit talents openly, instead of making us feel like thieves, meeting in secret? Such a recruitment process is unbecoming of a ruler.”

“As I said, there are constraints,” Xiahou Dan replied. “Too many eyes are on me. Any movement towards reform would be met with immediate resistance. Without the secret efforts of my guards, your beautiful writings would never have reached my desk. We can only connect secretly now and gradually work towards placing you in positions where you can fully utilize your talents.”

He sighed, “Once you enter the government, you will undoubtedly be targeted by the factions of the Empress Dowager or Prince Duan, either to recruit, use, or oppose you, dragging you into their grand schemes. On that day, I only hope you will not forget today’s passionate words and lofty ambitions, and stand tall as the backbone of Great Xia.”

Yu Wanyin was impressed.

Listen to that, truly moving. What business does this CEO do, to have such acting skills?

Two of the scholars were already moved to tears. Yu Wanyin recognized one as the talented woman Er Lan, who was disguised as a man, and the other as the trembling Du Shan.

Du Shan, deeply touched, said, “The emperor places such high hopes on us, it’s truly…”

Li Yunxi interrupted, “Truly ridiculous!”

Xiahou Dan: “?”

Yu Wanyin: “?”

Li Yunxi, full of anger, said, “The emperor’s words, how convenient! With a single word of difficulty, you expect us scholars to become pawns, to shed blood and tears, to overthrow the Empress Dowager and Prince Duan. To survive in the cracks, you say you cannot express your will? With so many obstacles, you say you cannot govern properly? If a mighty emperor cannot shoulder such responsibilities, why pretend to seek talents, pushing others to be the backbone!”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

That’s quite poetic.

Bei Zhou, who had been standing in the corner with his arms crossed, made a move as if to cut him down. Xiahou Dan subtly shook his head.

Li Yunxi raised his voice, speaking through gritted teeth: “The families of the common people, every household, toil from dawn till dusk, yet they barely have enough food to eat. My younger siblings starved to death during a famine… Does such taxation go where it should? Soldiers fighting against the Yan Kingdom find their pay mixed with gravel! Emperor, have you ever seen this with your own eyes?”

Du Shan, panicking, said, “Brother Li, there’s no need to be so…”

Li Yunxi mocked, “Who said earlier that if we could see the emperor, we’d bang our heads against the ground and speak out at the cost of our lives? The emperor is right here, and now you’re all silent?”

Du Shan, blushing, was rendered speechless.

Yu Wanyin felt genuinely ashamed.

She came from a middle-class family and had never been taught how to save a country. Being in a book, there was always a sense of unreality, making it hard to empathize with the plight of these characters. So when gathering these scholars, she never expected such an interrogation.

But… she couldn’t be sure she wasn’t just a character herself.

So, was the suffering of these characters really that unreal?

At this point, even Xiahou Dan was at a loss, remaining silent. Yu Wanyin couldn’t help but interject, “The emperor dealt with the Minister of Revenue, making a big commotion, didn’t you hear?”

Du Shan hesitated before saying, “The news did spread last month, and the people in my hometown were all jubilant, burning incense and praying for the emperor.”

He didn’t continue.

Yu Wanyin felt like she’d been punched in the face.

After the Minister of Revenue’s death, the Empress Dowager’s faction immediately installed another lackey in his place.

There was no need to say more; she could guess that the people’s lives had not improved at all. All those prayers had been for nothing.

Li Yunxi, disappointed, shook his head and turned to leave.

As soon as he turned, the secret guards moved.

Everyone understood that this man could not be left alive—he knew of Xiahou Dan’s plans and held such deep resentment. If he were allowed to leave, he’d be a ticking time bomb.

Du Shan trembled: “Brother Li.”

The secret guards unsheathed their swords, but Li Yunxi remained unfazed, striding forward as if determined to spill blood on the painting boat.

“Wait!” Yu Wanyin shouted.

She ran in front of Li Yunxi, speaking incoherently, “Mr. Li, His Majesty is here today not to drag you into court battles. Frankly speaking, those parasites in power — including the royal family — if they die, so be it, but what have the common people done to deserve this?”

The scholars were shocked and stared at her.

Did you just include who?

Yu Wanyin continued, “But the current situation is dire. The tax system is unfair, officials are corrupt, and the treasury is empty. Our capabilities are limited, and patching things up is not enough; we need your help.”

She bowed deeply, pleading earnestly, “I, Wanyin, am not eloquent, and can’t speak great truths. I can only beg you all, not for the tyrant or the demonic consort…”

The scholars were once again shocked, turning their eyes to Xiahou Dan.

Xiahou Dan showed no reaction.

Yu Wanyin said, “But for the sake of your hometowns and fellow countrymen, please help!”

She bowed deeply again, and when she looked up, she found Li Yunxi staring at her with a different expression.

Yu Wanyin wiped her tears, surprised at her own acting skills. On the other hand, she was not sure if she was still acting.

“Your Majesty, Consort,” a quiet, thin scholar spoke up.

“I was born with a chronic illness and have only two or three years left to live.”

Yu Wanyin remembered him. His name was Cen Jintian, an agricultural genius. In the original text, he was not a supporter of Prince Duan but had a heart full of loyalty to the country, working tirelessly for two years.

Then came the drought. Watching his crops wither and people starve, he died with regret for being born in the wrong era.

With great ceremony, Prince Duan toasted him in front of everyone, vowing revenge on his behalf, and then rebelled.

Cen Jintian asked, “May I ask Your Majesty, will I see peace and prosperity in my lifetime?”

Xiahou Dan looked into his eyes and solemnly said, “This is a promise from the emperor.”

Cen Jintian smiled faintly and knelt, “I am willing to serve Your Majesty with all my strength.”

The scholars finally sat down peacefully, discussing with Xiahou Dan for two hours, and ending with a toast of strong wine.

Xiahou Dan and Yu Wanyin personally escorted them back to the fishing boat, watching as they donned their disguises and set sail.

They had just turned to go back inside when there was a sudden crash.

Not far away, the fishing boat began to sink rapidly before their eyes.

Everyone was stunned.

Xiahou Dan quickly turned, “Guards, turn back and save them!”

Some scholars who could swim abandoned the sinking boat and swam towards the painting boat, while others futilely tried to bail out the water.

The calm water surface suddenly turned chaotic as assassins appeared behind the struggling swimmers, pulling them under.

Yu Wanyin screamed as the water turned dark red, seeing Du Shan’s throat being slashed from behind by an assassin.

Xiahou Dan’s secret guards jumped into the water to fight off the assassins, trying to protect the scholars.

Bei Zhou stood at the bow of the boat, his gaze sharp as he scanned the scene, then pointed to a spot on the shore, “There.”

As soon as he finished speaking, something shot out from his sleeve, flying like lightning towards the shore!

A loud clang followed as someone blocked the projectile.

Yu Wanyin finally saw where Bei Zhou was pointing, noticing a few figures on the shore, one of whom was being shielded by the others.

Though she couldn’t see their faces clearly, it was undoubtedly Prince Duan.

Bei Zhou’s sleeve continued to shoot out projectiles, forcing Prince Duan’s guards to defend while gradually losing ground. One of them soon fell.

Seeing things turn against them, some assassins diverted to stop Bei Zhou.

Xiahou Dan’s secret guards gained the upper hand, protecting the crying and screaming scholars as they swam towards the painting boat.

Yu Wanyin noticed two rescue barrels on the boat, each tied with a rope. She quickly threw them towards the scholars, “Grab on!”

Li Yunxi, being strong, swam the fastest and grabbed one of the barrels. Yu Wanyin pulled the rope with all her strength.

The slack rope suddenly went taut!

An assassin, injured and disarmed during the fight, had been holding his breath underwater, waiting for a chance. He emerged suddenly, grabbing Li Yunxi and trying to drag him down.

Li Yunxi struggled violently, but the assassin held on tightly, trying to pull him under.

Li Yunxi, choking on water, finally called out, “Help—cough cough…”

Yu Wanyin pulled the rope with all her might, “Don’t let go!”

She couldn’t hold the weight, sliding towards the edge of the boat. Another pair of hands reached from behind, grabbing the rope with her.

Xiahou Dan gritted his teeth, “I can’t pull him up.”

Yu Wanyin said, “Shut up, just pull!”

“Prince Duan is here. What’s your experiment result?”

“I don’t care anymore.”

Whether he foresaw this or tracked them here, Prince Duan had arrived.

He came to kill all the scholars in front of them.

To control, to intimidate.

To scare them into submission, extinguishing any rebellious thoughts.

Given her timid nature, she should indeed be scared out of her wits by now.

But when pushed too far, one fights back.

Yu Wanyin was furious.

She had always considered things from Prince Duan’s perspective. Suffering under the Empress Dowager’s abuse and Xiahou Dan’s bullying, barely surviving to establish his own faction, it made sense that he wanted to replace them, given the corrupt state of affairs.

However, the struggling people in the water were future pillars of the nation, the last hope to stabilize Great Xia.

If he were a character, he’d be committing senseless murder.

If he came from a higher level, knowing who they were, yet still ordered their deaths, he was preemptively sentencing countless people to death in the drought for his future as a warlord!

“I can’t be as evil as he is. He wins in that aspect.” Yu Wanyin clung to the rough rope, her palms bleeding, “But even if he’s a god, I will never submit!”

Xiahou Dan’s hands were also bloody, and he asked through gritted teeth, “What did you say?”

Yu Wanyin, veins bulging, shouted to the sky, “Fight him!!!”

Her roar nearly tore her throat, echoing far across the empty lake.

Yu Wanyin glared towards the shore. Despite the distance, she couldn’t see their faces, but strangely, she suspected he was smiling with interest.

Yu Wanyin, fueled by rage, suddenly found a surge of strength. The assassin and Li Yunxi had been struggling for a long time, both exhausted. She caught them off guard, pulling them towards the painting boat.

Blood dripped from her palms, soaking into the rope.

Suddenly, the resistance vanished, causing her to stumble back into Xiahou Dan.

The assassin, too exhausted, let go of Li Yunxi and sank alone. Li Yunxi resurfaced, coughing violently.

Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, hands emerged from the water, choking Li Yunxi!

The assassin was playing dead!

Yu Wanyin, staring into Li Yunxi’s bulging eyes, felt a surge of fear, despairing, “Help—”

In the next second, a figure flew over, kicking the assassin’s head with a loud crack, sending him to the afterlife.

Bei Zhou, having finished off his opponents, finally had time to clean up.

Yu Wanyin, trembling, looked around. Except for Du Shan, who had his throat slashed at the beginning, the remaining scholars were rescued.

The assassins, though initially outnumbering Xiahou Dan’s secret guards, were now losing. The battle ended anticlimactically, and the figures on the shore had retreated.

The remaining assassins, losing their will to fight, swam towards the shore.

Bei Zhou looked at Xiahou Dan.

Xiahou Dan said, “Leave none alive.”

Bei Zhou nodded, dealt with the deserters, then dove underwater to search, bringing up one last straggler and dispatching him.

Corpses floated haphazardly, turning the lake water blood red.

The scholars reboarded the painting boat, injured to varying degrees, huddling wet and shivering in the cabin while the secret guards helped with first aid.

Bei Zhou took out a bottle of medicinal powder and said to Xiahou Dan and Yu Wanyin, “Hold out your hands.”

Four hands were extended, and the secret guards knelt in unison, “We deserve death.”

Bei Zhou’s eyes reddened as he sprinkled the powder, “I shouldn’t have let that bastard die so quickly.”

Yu Wanyin shook her head, looking down at the shrouded body beside her — Du Shan had been retrieved.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, this person was full of ambition, drinking strong wine with them. In the original text, he was somewhat cowardly, but because he couldn’t lose face among his peers, he gritted his teeth and endured, growing into a capable official benefiting the region.

Yu Wanyin forced herself to look away and walked to a corner of the cabin.

Er Lan sat curled up, refusing the secret guards’ bandages, staring tensely at the floor.

Yu Wanyin took off her own outer garment and draped it over her shoulders, “Are you okay?”

Er Lan looked up abruptly, wary. Yu Wanyin smiled reassuringly and whispered, “It’s okay, just cover up a bit.”

Er Lan smiled back.

Xiahou Dan leaned against the cabin wall, deep in thought.

Once the scholars’ wounds were bandaged and they had some hot tea, looking more composed, he finally spoke, “The assassins who hid underwater are all dead. Even if they overheard our conversations, they can’t pass it on. You all wore disguises, so Prince Duan shouldn’t know your identities — but I can’t guarantee it. If he finds out who I met today, your names will likely be on his assassination list.”

Yu Wanyin and the scholars looked at him.

Xiahou Dan continued, “After this ordeal, do you still wish to risk infiltrating the court? If you do, you must change your names, abandon your past reputations, and might not be able to return home for a long time. During next year’s examination, I will find others to use your former names to maintain the cover.”

Yu Wanyin thought: That’s a clever idea. Neither Prince Duan nor Xie Yong’er have seen these scholars’ faces, only knowing their names. This way, when Prince Duan seeks them out based on Xie Yong’er’s list, he will find imposters.

Xiahou Dan shifted his tone, “If you wish to withdraw, it’s understandable. But now that you’ve learned classified information, I can’t let you return home freely. I hope you understand.”

Li Yunxi, rubbing the dark bruises on his neck, looking deflated, said, “So, Your Majesty, what will you do? Brandish your sword and kill me as you did before?”

Xiahou Dan smiled, “No. I will find a place far from this mess to settle you. I won’t force you to strategize or act as advisors. You just need to study peacefully. Once the capital stabilizes, no matter who sits on the throne, you will still be virtuous and useful talents.”

The scholars exchanged glances.

Moments later, in the carriage returning to the palace.

Xiahou Dan asked, “Does your hand still hurt?”

Yu Wanyin took a couple of seconds before shaking her head, “Uncle Bei’s medicine is very good. How about you?”

“I’m okay too. I’ll rinse it with alcohol when we get back.” Xiahou Dan hadn’t noticed her mood shift, still lost in his thoughts, “What do you think of Prince Duan’s actions?”

Yu Wanyin said, “He’s a paper character.”

“Are you sure now?”

“Yes. I figured it out once I calmed down.”

Yu Wanyin continued, “He doesn’t have a higher perspective. That’s why he sent people to both locations A and B, and clearly didn’t anticipate Uncle Bei’s combat prowess. He chose to kill people in front of us to intimidate. If his defeat today was also part of his plan, I wouldn’t believe it. Today’s events weakened his influence, made me doubt his strength, and brought you benefits.”

The last statement was said with an implicit meaning.

Before parting, after Xiahou Dan’s speech, all the scholars chose to join the court.

The aggressive Li Yunxi and Yang Duojie led the way, followed by the more reserved Wang Zhao and Er Lan. Finally, Cen Jintian said, “I don’t have much time left; I can’t wait.”

Even Yu Wanyin hadn’t expected the discussion to go so smoothly.

Despite losing one scholar, Xiahou Dan gained everyone’s loyalty.

Seeing their spirited eyes, Yu Wanyin’s fury gradually cooled.

It was too smooth.

Suspiciously smooth.

Xiahou Dan said, “With these few helpers, we can introduce drought-resistant millet, address economic issues, and finally, it’s not just the two of us brainstorming.”

Yu Wanyin struggled for a few seconds before speaking, “Zong, there’s something we need to discuss.”


“If Prince Duan is a paper character, someone must have leaked our plans. Today, only Uncle Bei and the secret guards knew our route. They are loyal to you to the last second in the original text. The scholars didn’t know who you were before the meeting, so they couldn’t have leaked it. So…”

Xiahou Dan pondered, “I’ve been thinking about that too. But in the original text, Prince Duan wasn’t this ruthless, was he? When he was the protagonist and everything was going smoothly, he didn’t need to be a villain. But when we came and changed the situation, he also changed.”

Yu Wanyin slowly looked away, “You’re right. We need to investigate gradually.”

Could Xiahou Dan himself have attracted Prince Duan?

And another question: Was the person on the shore really Prince Duan?

Is it possible that Prince Duan was kept in the dark and only went to location A, while everything that happened at location B on the lake was orchestrated by Xiahou Dan?

Sacrificing one paper character to gain greater benefits… After all, when he was in the palace, he didn’t seem to value the lives of paper characters much.

But even if Yu Wanyin became a saint today, paper characters would still die, in the thousands and tens of thousands. They would die in droughts, in wars, on the path to Prince Duan’s rise.

To prevent that, sacrificing one Du Shan now might…

Yu Wanyin felt a sharp pain in her palm and realized she was unconsciously clenching her fist.

A surge of inexplicable anger rose within her. She hadn’t yet found concrete evidence but was already excusing Xiahou Dan.

Ultimately, she shouldn’t have expected true goodness from Xiahou Dan. A corporate slave wouldn’t demand true goodness from a colleague, and she didn’t want to know whose expectations these were.

Bei Zhou, having revealed his skills to Prince Duan, switched back to his female disguise to confuse the enemy, becoming the new nanny in the Noble Consort’s palace.

Xiahou Dan’s public persona of favoring Consort Xie couldn’t be broken, so he didn’t accompany them back to the Noble Consort’s palace. Yu Wanyin treated her hand wound herself, giving a random excuse to pacify the worried Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei asked, “Miss, with your injury, how will you perform at the upcoming Flower Festival?”

Yu Wanyin asked, “Perform? Why would I perform?”

“Of course it’s because His Majesty has chosen Xie Fei to perform a dance. She’s been stealing the spotlight recently, we can’t let her outshine us!” Xiao Mei said anxiously, “If not a dance, then how about singing a song?”

Yu Wanyin, lacking interest and wanting to probe the original host’s skills, asked tentatively, “Do you think my singing is any good?”

Xiao Mei hesitated, “…There’s still a few days left, Miss. You can work hard and practice?”

Alright, no skill points there.

Zhang San had been in this world for a while now, still stuck in hell mode.

Every minute and second, he silently observed the behavior of the ancient people around him, afraid that saying the wrong word would expose him. The little prince had lessons every day, and Zhang San had to start with improving his brush calligraphy, not to mention the incomprehensible ancient texts.

Fortunately, the original body of the little prince seemed to be quite reserved, so no one found it strange that he played mute every day. As for the lessons, no matter how poorly he wrote, no teacher dared to scold the prince – perhaps the only bright spot in his new life.

However, his soul was just that of a middle school student, now in a young body, walking through this eerie palace, constantly feeling insecure.

Before crossing over, he had only glimpsed the synopsis of this web novel, vaguely remembering the protagonist was a consort who had also crossed over, but couldn’t recall her name.

He tried to find this fellow traveler, scrutinizing every consort he met. But as the crown prince, it wasn’t convenient for him to approach the emperor’s harem, and those few seconds of examination yielded nothing.

He took a risk once, following the Empress Dowager during the concubines’ greeting, and during a break in their palace intrigue, said loudly, “Grandmother, it’s so hot lately, I wish I could live in the ice room and never come out.”

Was this hint clear enough? Would someone else who had crossed over pick up on it?

But all the concubines just kept their heads down, continuing their drama without even glancing at him.

The Empress Dowager only reprimanded, “As the heir, you should not fear heat or cold, nor indulge in pleasures.”

Zhang San: “…”

This couldn’t go on.

He had to find a way to leave a conspicuous mark – one only a fellow traveler would notice.

The theme of the Flower Festival was quite creative. Each consort chose a flower to adorn their hair, matching their outfits and accessories. The array of flowers made for a charming and pleasing scene.

Perhaps thinking the occasion was inappropriate for minors or consistently avoiding interaction between Xiahou Dan and his son, the Empress Dowager didn’t bring the prince.

Xie Yong’er, adorned with crabapple flowers, gracefully performed a solo dance, “Sending to the Bright Moon.”

She had prepared thoroughly, even coordinating with the musicians beforehand, but her vague recollection led to some off-key moments.

This time, Xiahou Dan didn’t laugh. Maybe he hadn’t heard the song before, maintaining a mesmerized expression throughout.

Xie Yong’er finished, gracefully bowing.

Xiahou Dan: “Good, good. Come sit here.”

Xie Yong’er bypassed Yu Wanyin and sat to the emperor’s right, casting a glance at Yu Wanyin, and sweetly said, “Noble Consort Yu, may I have the honor of witnessing your dance?”

Yu Wanyin: “…”

In the original text, Yu Wanyin had said these words, intentionally making Xie Yong’er dance to see her make a fool of herself. But Xie Yong’er stunned everyone with her performance, foiling Yu Wanyin’s scheme.

Fate had changed, but Xie Yong’er still made the same choice.

Whether in power or not, she was obsessed with palace intrigue.

The night she slept with the emperor, Xie Yong’er woke with no memory of the event, hearing from the maids that she had been terrified and hysterical.

She knew she couldn’t be that fragile, suspecting the contraceptive soup. Though said to prevent pregnancy, it might actually be poison.

What did she say while in that state?

Seeing that the tyrant wasn’t angry afterward and even began to pursue her with cheesy affection, she probably hadn’t said anything dangerous.

However… Yu Wanyin had tricked her into drinking that soup, definitely with ill intentions!

Understanding this, Xie Yong’er no longer wanted to be merciful. Though she didn’t like Xiahou Dan, she had no choice but to win his favor to avoid being defeated in the future.

Yu Wanyin sighed, hiding the wounds on her palm, “Your Majesty, Your Highness, I am not skilled in dance and fear I cannot perform.”

The Empress Dowager snorted, “Such airs, Noble Consort. Do you want me to beg you?”

Xie Yonger’s new followers exchanged smug glances.

“A fallen phoenix is worse than a chicken,” Yu Wanyin thought sadly, bowing gracefully, “Your Majesty, Your Highness, I have recently only learned a simple tune. My singing is not very good…”

Xie Yong’er froze, alarmed.

In the original “East Wind” text, it never mentioned the female protagonist could sing!

Yu Wanyin took several deep breaths, recalling the tune Xiao Mei had taught her, and struck a pose, “In Jiangnan, where one can pick lotus, the lotus leaves are so green…”

A straightforward, loud voice, as vigorous as a boatman.

Xie Yong’er: “…”

The Empress Dowager: “…”

Determined to disgust them, Yu Wanyin roared through the entire song, finally saying weakly, “I caught a cold and my breath is short, Your Majesty, please punish me!”

She looked at Xiahou Dan.

Xiahou Dan stared at her, his face showing an expression of amazement, as if thinking, “She’s so pure and unpretentious, so different from other seductive women.”

Yu Wanyin’s gaze met his for half a second before she hurriedly looked away. She was afraid one of them would burst out laughing first.

Xiahou Dan coughed, “Since the Noble Consort is unwell, you don’t need to stay. Go rest.”

Yu Wanyin fled.

Xiahou Dan was too amusing at times like these, making it hard to imagine him being treacherous.

But she knew that this judgment was entirely emotional.

For the hundred and eighth time, Yu Wanyin reminded herself to stay alert, not noticing where she was walking until she heard a familiar voice, “Wan Yin.”

Yu Wanyin instantly sobered up.

What had to come would come.

Xiahou Bo brought her to a familiar old room – the same one where he had secretly met Xie Yong’er last time. It seemed this place was still his base in the palace.

Yu Wanyin feigned ignorance, “Where is this?”

Xiahou Bo warmly replied, “When I was young and hadn’t left the palace, if I was beaten by the servants, I would run here to hide, enduring until late at night before returning.”

Here comes the villain’s monologue.

Yu Wanyin, now certain that he wasn’t an omniscient deity and that he needed her, felt much more confident. She could leisurely play along with his act. She feigned being touched and, after a moment, said, “Regarding what you mentioned last time, Your Highness…”

Xiahou Bo: “Hmm, have you made up your mind?”

Yu Wanyin tested him with a question: “Would Your Highness also know my decision?”

Xiahou Bo pretended to be mysterious: “What do you think?”

Yu Wanyin took out a sachet, “I was frightened that time and may have been disrespectful. This is an apology… I made it myself.”

She had rushed to make it in the past two days, and the embroidery was terribly bad. The bright red base had a man and a woman stitched in black.

The man had only one arm, but the poor craftsmanship made it unclear if it was intentional or a mistake.

They were riding on an enormous bird, presumably an eagle.

Although she knew Xiahou Bo wasn’t on the highest level, she still needed to be cautious and confirm he wasn’t on a middle level but just a bottom-tier character.

However, she didn’t want to test him with a blunt question like “how are you.” Xiahou Bo was still pretending to be a demigod, thinking he had her fooled. If she asked “how are you” and he couldn’t answer, he would realize he had been exposed.

She needed a more sophisticated test.

The sachet was her devised test. Any traveler seeing it would immediately say, “The Condor Heroes?”

Xiahou Bo: “Swallows flying? Quite ingenious.”

Yu Wanyin: “…”

Yu Wanyin smiled, “I’m glad you like it, Your Highness.”

Alright, you’ve shown your hand.

Even though she still couldn’t figure out how a character could identify three travelers, she felt more confident dealing with this dangerous being whose methods surpassed hers.

But over the past few days of parrying his moves, her courage had grown inch by inch, and she finally took a crucial step: she was going to deceive him.

She bet Xiahou Bo had no concept of “travelers.” In the original text, Xie Yong’er had never revealed her origins to him, only vaguely saying, “I calculated it.”

So, in Xiahou Bo’s eyes, was Xie Yong’er a reincarnation of Zhuge Liang or a mystical being?

Maybe he was also pondering this? Perhaps her spontaneous remark about being a different “species” gave him more to imagine?

There was another question. Xiahou Bo already had a devoted Xie Yong’er, yet he didn’t fully trust her and still sought to recruit Yu Wanyin. No matter how cunning he was, he couldn’t have deduced she was a higher level than Xie Yong’er. So why was he so persistent?

Yu Wanyin decided to probe his inner world.

She took a deep breath and asked a question she had pondered for days.

Yu Wanyin: “When did you open your third eye?”

Xiahou Bo: “…”

In that half-second, Yu Wanyin could almost see the gears in his pretty head spinning at lightning speed, nearly sparking.

Xiahou Bo calmly said, “Not long ago.”

Yu Wanyin: “I thought so. When you suddenly pointed out that I could foresee some future events, I was startled. Afterward, I realized you had also gained great insight. But Your Highness’s demeanor and actions remained unchanged, which is different from us, so I hesitated to believe it.”

Xiahou Bo’s gears spun a few more times, “To avoid unnecessary trouble, I had to disguise it a bit. Forgive me.”

“So now we can be open with each other. What has Your Highness foreseen?” Yu Wanyin asked.

Xiahou Bo didn’t change his expression, “How do you think I found you today?”

Yu Wanyin was skeptical, “And besides that?”

“…” Xiahou Bo, afraid of saying too much, didn’t respond.

Yu Wanyin’s logic was simple: according to the original text, Xiahou Bo should focus on dismantling the Empress Dowager’s faction and not bother with the mad emperor. His suspicion arose because he noticed changes in Xiahou Dan and the two consorts, and Xie Yonger’s accurate suggestions further convinced him that all three were unusual.

If she wanted to continue keeping a low profile, she needed to eliminate his suspicion.

Emphasizing “I’m normal” or “my abilities are insignificant” would only seem suspicious.

She decided to confuse him with half-truths, letting him conclude that “the so-called third eye isn’t a big deal.”

Yu Wanyin continued, “Your Highness is new to this ability and probably not fully accustomed yet? Do you sometimes see strange scenes in dreams but can’t interpret them?”

Xiahou Bo took the opportunity, “Yes, they appear quite blurry.”

Yu Wanyin smiled, “Dream interpretation is a profound subject, and no one can fully explain it. The highest level practitioners can see all beings in the six realms clearly with their eyes closed. But everyone is different, and what they see varies.”

She pretended to care, “Can Your Highness see far into the future?”

Xiahou Bo understood.

She couldn’t see what he saw, so he could say anything.

Xiahou Bo: “I fear it will sadden you.”

Yu Wanyin: “!”

Yu Wanyin anxiously said, “Please tell me.”

Xiahou Bo clasped his hands behind his back, “I saw war ravaging the land, countless deaths, and the dynasty’s fall. Yu Wanyin, I also saw Xiahou Dan fleeing the palace alone, without you.”

Wow, his fabrications were on another level, painting grand scenes right from the start.

Yu Wanyin mustered her best acting skills to appear shocked and uncertain.

Xiahou Bo was into his role, “Didn’t you see it?”

“I…” Yu Wanyin hesitated, “I can only see some recent minor events.”


Yu Wanyin thought for a moment, “Once, I dreamt of Xie Yong’er embroidering a sachet—just like the one Your Highness wears.”

Xie Yong’er had secretly made that sachet, unknown even to her closest maid. Yu Wanyin knew it only because it was in the original text.

Yu Wanyin added with a hint of jealousy, “Your Highness mentioned Xie Yong’er also has the third eye? But how did she meet you and why would she offer you a sachet?”

Xiahou Bo paused. Xie Yong’er had said, “I know a bit of divination and calculated that Your Highness is the true dragon emperor.”

Xiahou Bo’s belief in Yu Wanyin’s story grew, but he responded gently, “You must have seen it wrong.”

Yu Wanyin: “Impossible, I saw the embroidery threads clearly!”

“Oh? Are your dream visions always clear?” Xiahou Bo continued to evaluate.

“Yes…” Yu Wanyin’s mind raced, “Clearly, once, I saw someone plotting against you.”

Xiahou Bo: “?”

Yu Wanyin: “It was when I had just entered the palace. You were still on the frontier. I saw a burly man attacking from behind, but you quickly turned and blocked it… Then I woke up, very worried, but fortunately, you returned safely.”

Xiahou Bo remembered the incident.

The man she saw was General Luo, who often joked and sparred with him. That “attack” was just a playful move.

So, she indeed had the third eye but could only see fragmented scenes and might not accurately interpret them.

Xiahou Bo analyzed internally and calmly said, “Wan Yin, did the emperor ever tell you what he saw?”

Yu Wan Yin had already prepared her answer for this question: “Once he woke up in a fright and said he saw me become his empress, and the nation prospering.”

Xiahou Bo was dismissive: “Wan Yin is a smart person. Even without the third eye, you can surely see that Da Xia is currently beset with internal and external troubles, not showing signs of revival. Since the emperor was startled awake, how did he look at that moment?”

Yu Wan Yin lowered her head in melancholy.

Xiahou Bo used a tone akin to “your company is about to go under, come join mine”: “You’ve had your ups and downs in the palace. Do you still see the emperor as a good lord and wise ruler?”

“…Wan Yin is just a pitiful person who happened to glimpse a bit of the heavenly secrets. Such a distant future is like a fog to me. What does Your Highness want from me?”

Xiahou Bo squinted, staring at her pale, downcast face.

Today, she had dressed as the Peony Flower Fairy for the Flower Festival, her entire being exuding noble elegance in gold and red. Yet, her expression was like a wilting eggplant, looking timid and indecisive.

She was a completely different person from the woman on the lake that day.

That day, standing on the shore, he had heard her scream “Get him!” He still wondered if he had misheard the exact words. But the fearless spirit was undeniable, breaking through the air, as if she had shattered a layer of shackles from within, radiating light.

It made one inexplicably… want to seize that light.

A moment later, Yu Wan Yin returned to the concubine’s residence with a pale face.

Xiahou Bo had just said, “A few days ago, I dreamed of the emperor and you on a boat in the lake, talking with some commoners. I was worried about your safety outside the palace and sent someone to follow. Unexpectedly, there was a master with the emperor who killed many of my men without a word.”

Yu Wan Yin: “…”

She had never seen someone so shameless.

Xiahou Bo even asked her matter-of-factly, “Who were you meeting? And who is that master? Have you seen him in the palace?”

Yu Wan Yin, wanting to bide her time, couldn’t confront him directly and had to swallow her anger: “I just wanted to learn a little tune, so the emperor casually brought a few commoners to teach me. As for that master, I’ve never seen him in the palace.”

Xiahou Bo: “Really? Can you use your third eye to see where he is?”

Yu Wan Yin quickly said, “Doesn’t Your Highness know that dream images are strange and unpredictable, granted by the heavens, not something we can designate?”

Xiahou Bo was stumped.

He fell silent for a moment, then slowly reached out to caress her face tenderly: “Try for me, okay? Maybe soon you’ll realize who your true love is.”

Yu Wan Yin mustered all her self-control to avoid stepping back.

His words translated to: My patience is running thin.

As soon as Yu Wan Yin returned to the concubine’s residence, she called a trusted guard and instructed, “Place some talismans and items to ward off evil along the route that Consort Xie frequently takes.”

The guard was puzzled: “Your Grace, is Consort Xie a demon?”

Yu Wan Yin, with an enigmatic look, said, “She knows it herself.”

The guard asked again, “Any specifics for the talismans?”

Yu Wan Yin: “No specifics, just make them as scary as possible. Also, place some storybooks about exorcists slaying demons, with the demons’ fates being as gruesome as possible.”

Xiahou Bo was meticulous and didn’t fully trust anyone, not even Xie Yong’er. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have sought her as a backup.

Her earlier pretense would surely not be fully believed by him. He would turn to Xie Yong’er to compare notes.

She needed to scare Xie Yong’er first, making her paranoid. That way, when Xiahou Bo questioned her, she wouldn’t reveal everything outright.

As for what lies Xie Yong’er might concoct and whether they would perfectly align with her own story, she didn’t worry too much. After all, Xiahou Bo didn’t fully trust Xie Yong’er. The mix of truth and falsehood would leave him puzzled, letting him piece together the truth himself.

If he completely lost faith in Xie Yonger’s predictions, it would be fantastic news.

All day, Xie Yong’er encountered terrifying objects wherever she went. Those suddenly appearing storybooks kept warning her: “You demon, you’ve been marked and will be exorcised and burned alive.”

Who was it? Who was trying to harm her?

Was it the emperor suspecting her performances were dubious? No, with the emperor’s temperament, he would directly bury her if he were suspicious, not go to the trouble of hinting.

Was it a jealous concubine? No, they would secretly report to the emperor rather than alert her.

Until that evening, Xiahou Bo came to meet her secretly. In the midst of their romantic conversation, he suddenly asked, “Yong’er, you once said you often foresaw things?”

Xie Yong’er froze.

Yes, she had only told him this.

Could it be that ancient people couldn’t accept such talk and directly branded her as a demon? Were those exorcism objects meant to test and ward her off?

Xie Yong’er: “…Not often… and not always accurate…”

Xiahou Bo: “When you divined, what was it like? Did you hear a heavenly voice?”

How could she dare tell the truth? She mumbled, “It’s not that mystical, just a vague feeling.”

“A feeling?”


Xiahou Bo glanced at her, his eyes resting on her clenched, pale knuckles. He took her hand gently and said, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll keep your secret.”

Then why test me? Amidst her fear, Xie Yong’er felt a pang of grievance. She had devoted herself to him but couldn’t earn his trust. His thoughts were too deep.

Xiahou Bo: “Can you divine what the emperor is planning?”

The emperor? Xie Yong’er was taken aback: “It seems like nothing special.”

In the original story, the emperor didn’t do much, just waiting to be overthrown.

Could it be that he had done something recently that she forgot after reading?

Afraid Xiahou Bo would think she was slacking, she added, “Some things can’t be divined. It’s up to fate… and even accuracy depends on fate.”

After sending off Xiahou Bo, Yu Wan Yin kept a low profile for a few days.

The library was still under renovation, leaving her without books to read. She could only hide and practice her calligraphy. Sometimes, Xiahou Dan would join her, but not every day.

To conveniently monitor Xie Yong’er, his role now was to “sway between the white rose Consort Yu and the red rose Consort Xie,” gifting jewelry today and pushing her on a swing tomorrow. The palace servants all knew that the tyrant’s spring had come, and even his temper had improved somewhat.

However, in private moments, Yu Wan Yin hadn’t felt the same warm and noisy atmosphere as when they shared a hotpot for a long time.

Xiahou Bo was pressuring her for information about Bei Zhou, clearly wanting to force her to act as a spy.

The more she refused, the more suspicious Xiahou Bo would become of Xiahou Dan. When he realized Yu Wan Yin could not be used for his purposes, he would undoubtedly kill her, just as he had done with Xu Yao.

So now… did she have to become a double agent?

She, a mere corporate worker, where did she have the skills for this? Moreover, between the two Xiahou’s, one was clearly a villain, and the other… she still couldn’t be sure about.

The assassins in the lake that day were indeed sent by Xiahou Bo.

But since he wasn’t truly omniscient, how did he find his way to the lake? Could it have been Xiahou Dan intentionally leading him there?

Yu Wan Yin felt increasingly lonely and exhausted.

Xiahou Dan had clearly noticed her distancing herself but hadn’t said anything.

Today, he brought Yu Wan Yin into the imperial study, replacing the guards with shadow guards, and then whispered, “Those five scholars have successfully entered the court, taking up small official positions in various ministries. Today, I called two of them for a meeting.”

Li Yunxi and the others, whether proficient in administration or finance, all came from humble backgrounds, unable to find influential patrons or pass the practically non-existent civil service exams.

So Xiahou Dan had to intervene, changing their names, fabricating identities, and giving them money to buy positions.

In the past, these scholars would have scoffed at such a way to become officials, spitting and walking away.

But after the incident on the lake, they had clearly matured.

The ones who came were Li Yunxi and Cen Jintian. In their court attire and official hats, they looked vastly different from their scholarly appearances that day, already exuding the vibe of corporate workers.

Xiahou Dan quickly dismissed their formalities: “Please sit.”

Yu Wan Yin, familiar with small group meetings, found a seat at the lower end and prepared pen and ink for taking notes.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunxi looked up, seeing her, and widened his eyes in disbelief: “Consort Yu is here too?”

Xiahou Dan: “What of it?”

Li Yunxi, obstinate and seeking trouble, said, “I respectfully request Consort Yu to leave.”

Xiahou Dan: “?”

Cen Jintian couldn’t stand it anymore and tugged his sleeve.

Li Yunxi ignored him: “Consort Yu’s presence on the boat that day was already inappropriate. Today, she enters the imperial study. How can the harem participate in state affairs? This is outrageous!”

Xiahou Dan casually smashed a teacup at his feet: “Get out.”

Li Yunxi seemed eager for the chance to show his integrity, tears welling up as he knelt and kowtowed: “Your Majesty, I am willing to die for my remonstrance!”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

The grand actor had met his match today.

Yu Wan Yin found it both amusing and annoying.

She knew from the original text that Li Yunxi had such a stubborn personality, firmly believing he was the most righteous person in the world, with the ideal of dying on the palace floor to be remembered forever.

So she slowly turned her palm over and stroked the not-yet-healed scab: “I forgot to ask earlier, Li Daren, how are your injuries from the fall into the water? Are you fully recovered now?”

Li Yunxi: “…”

Yu Wan Yin reached out to pour him some tea: “Li Daren, calm down before remonstrating—oh,” she said as her hand trembled, spilling half the teapot on the table, and sighed deeply, “This hand is ruined.”

Li Yunxi: “…”

Yu Wan Yin messily poured half a cup of tea, got up, and handed it to him personally: “Li Daren, have a drink first. I will leave now.”

Li Yunxi: “…”

“Yin!” Xiahou Dan said with heartache, “You have worked tirelessly for the country and its people. I have seen it all. Why bother with this ungrateful person?”

Yu Wan Yin gave a sorrowful smile: “As a woman, there seems to be no place for me in this country; I have nothing to do with great virtue or loyalty.”

Xiahou Dan: “Sit by my side. If this fool can’t understand reason, let him die trying.”

Li Yunxi’s face turned beet red, unable to utter a word for a long time.

Yu Wan Yin worried he might die of a stroke and was about to say something to appease him.

With a loud “bang,” he kowtowed again: “Consort, you are noble. I am willing to die to atone for my sin!”

Yu Wan Yin: “?”

So you just want to die?

Finally, everyone sat down with their tea to have a meeting.

Yu Wan Yin asked the most important question first: “Lord Cen, I heard you are… very good at farming?”

According to the original text, this sickly scholar had unusual interests, probably because he knew he didn’t have long to live and didn’t waste time on poetry or grand political discussions.

He traveled all over Da Xia, not sightseeing but working in the fields with a hoe—though Yu Wan Yin doubted how his frail body could manage farming.

Cen Jintian hurriedly said, “I am not skilled in farming. These years, I have traveled the fields for this.”

He presented a thick book to Xiahou Dan.

Xiahou Dan flipped through it, amazed: “How long did it take you to compile this, Lord Cen?”

Cen Jintian: “About ten years.”

“What the Ministry of Revenue couldn’t achieve, Lord Cen has done. I am truly ashamed.”

Yu Wan Yin roughly knew Cen Jintian’s research method: he kept small experimental plots in various parts of Da Xia, planting different crops and controlling variables to study the effects of soil, climate, planting time, irrigation, and other factors on yields.

Today, ten years later, he had developed a theory on what to plant and how to plant it in different regions.

Yu Wan Yin hadn’t paid much attention to Cen Jintian when reading, only remembering him for his regretful death.

Now, holding Cen Jintian’s book like a lifeline, her hands trembled, “Lord Cen, does this record include any millet?”

“Millet? It should only be recorded sparsely. This crop isn’t common in Da Xia, mostly considered a weed for feeding livestock…”

Yu Wan Yin became anxious, “What about other drought-resistant crops?”

Cen Jintian’s expression changed slightly, “Why does Consort ask about this?”

Yu Wan Yin looked at Xiahou Dan.

Xiahou Dan propped his head with one hand, rubbing his temples, “The Astronomical Observatory predicts that the celestial signs are inauspicious, suggesting a major drought in the coming years.”

The two ministers turned pale instantly.

Xiahou Dan cast a faint glance at the two of them, “This matter is top secret.”

Throughout history, natural disasters have always been seen as a punishment for a ruler’s tyranny, usually accompanied by political turmoil or even the fall of a dynasty.

Yet, here the ruler himself was predicting his own demise.

Yu Wan Yin added to the setup, “Your Majesty, is the Astronomical Observatory accurate?”

Xiahou Dan: “They haven’t been wrong for many years.”

Even Li Yunxi dared not speak up, “We will not reveal a word.”

Xiahou Dan scoffed, “What’s there to fear? It hasn’t happened yet. We start preparing now, and no one will starve. Lord Cen?”

Cen Jintian looked steadily at Xiahou Dan, seemingly inspired by something, and smiled, “I will compile the information. Although millet is not palatable, it can be harvested two to three times a year. If widely planted, it could indeed save lives during a drought.”

Yu Wan Yin felt a bit more at ease, hearing his calm tone and seeing that he had some plans.

But Li Yunxi added, “Da Xia doesn’t have millet. If we want to start planting now, we need to collect seeds first.”

Yu Wan Yin: “So we have to get them from the Yan Kingdom?”

Li Yunxi’s eyebrows twitched, “Your Majesty, now is not the time for war!”

The Yan Kingdom frequently invaded, and the weakening Da Xia struggled to cope. The central army had barely repelled them once, and everyone hoped for a few years of peace at the border.

Moreover, now the military power was almost entirely in the hands of the Prince Duan, and Xiahou Dan couldn’t mobilize it even if he wanted to.

Xiahou Dan waved his hand, “No need for war.” He knew that when Yu Wan Yin said “get,” she was thinking of diplomacy.

Probably another grand performance would be required.

But this matter didn’t need to be discussed with these two. Xiahou Dan perfunctorily said, “We’ll put the seed issue aside for now. Lord Li, let’s assume we have enough seeds. What’s the next step?”

“The next step?”

“We can’t let anyone know that a drought is coming. When the time comes, how do we convince the people to plant millet?”

Li Yunxi repeated something Yu Wan Yin had said before, “Perhaps the court can purchase it…”

“The treasury is empty, the court has no money.” Xiahou Dan coldly dropped another bombshell.

Li Yunxi: “…”

Cen Jintian silently glanced back at the closed doors of the imperial study.

Would they be able to leave alive after this?

Could this dynasty last a few more years, enough for him to farm?

Li Yunxi furrowed his brow, pondering deeply, unable to speak for a long time.

Yu Wan Yin had worked hard to find these experts. Seeing them stumped, she felt disheartened, “Lord Li…”

Li Yunxi looked up, “How about the opening of trade?”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

Xiahou Dan: “Opening what?”

Li Yunxi spent two hours explaining the details and answering questions.

After he and Cen Jintian left, Xiahou Dan slid down his seat, “My head…”

Yu Wan Yin’s expression was somewhat somber. After a few seconds, she asked, “Does it hurt a lot?”

Xiahou Dan slumped in his chair, looking at her expectantly, “A bit.”

Yu Wan Yin hesitated for a few seconds, then silently sat beside him, placing her hands on his temples and gently massaging.

Xiahou Dan closed his eyes, his face relaxing a bit, and a smile tugged at his lips, “Thank you, my dear consort.”

“It’s my duty.”

Xiahou Dan chuckled.

While massaging, Yu Wan Yin said, “I think these ministers are reliable. Let’s follow their steps. Maybe we can indeed mitigate the drought.”

“And the Prince Duan.”

“And the Prince Duan,” Yu Wan Yin echoed.

Xiahou Dan, looking tired, tilted his head and closed his eyes, speaking softly, “I’ve been thinking lately, since we have Xu Yao’s book and now have help, can we systematically thwart the Prince Duan’s plans?”

“No, at most we can only thwart him once.” Yu Wan Yin recounted the “opened heavenly eyes” joke roughly, “The Prince Duan is already watching me, but he doesn’t know my full capabilities or if he can use me. If he fails once, he’ll put me on his blacklist. After that, all his plans will change again, adding layers of deception just to counter me.”

Xiahou Dan: “So we just let him do what he does.”

“It’s not a big issue. Most of his current plans are against the Empress Dowager. Let them fight while we hide and grow stronger. That one chance to thwart him must be used wisely.”

Xiahou Dan said nothing.

Yu Wan Yin stared blankly at her notes on the table, only realizing after a while how quiet it was. She looked down.

Xiahou Dan had opened his eyes, and his dark pupils were quietly gazing at her.

Yu Wan Yin froze, “What’s wrong?”

“Today’s progress was significant, but you don’t seem very happy?”

Yu Wan Yin forced a smile, “No, I should congratulate you. You finally have your right-hand men. You’re not fighting alone anymore.”

Xiahou Dan smiled slightly and slowly sat up, “Wan Yin, who do you think leaked our meeting at the lake to the Prince Duan?”

Yu Wan Yin’s heart skipped a beat, “I haven’t figured that out either.”

“You think it was me, don’t you?”

Yu Wan Yin: “…”

Xiahou Dan understood, “You think I sacrificed a key minister and the people he could have helped just to compete in cruelty with the Prince Duan. Oh, right, do you think I set the library on fire too? After all, Xu Yao did hand over the book after being driven to desperation.”

Yu Wan Yin was shocked, “That’s definitely not it.”

Xiahou Dan’s expression was unfamiliar to her at this moment. His eyes seemed especially black, losing all reflection. His usually vibrant features looked like a fierce, evil mask: “Your thoughts are all written on your face, Wan Yin.”

The hairs on the back of Yu Wan Yin’s neck stood up. This reflex was usually reserved for encounters with the Prince Duan.

She wanted to joke and ask why he was acting too, but her lips felt frozen.

Xiahou Dan looked at her for a long time before speaking softly, “Have you considered that your suspicion might be exactly what the Prince Duan wants? He didn’t know who we met at the lake. He wanted to kill them to intimidate us. But when he heard your angry shout, he realized—it was a perfect opportunity to sow discord.”

Yu Wan Yin: “What…”

“He deliberately withdrew, making the outcome favorable to me. Because he judged that your loyalty was more important than a few commoners. When you realize I benefited greatly from Du Shan’s death, will you still cooperate with me without reservations?”

Yu Wan Yin had no words.

Xiahou Dan spread his hands, “One can prove they did something, but not that they didn’t. If I say I didn’t leak the location, will you believe me?”

Yu Wan Yin knew what she should do now.

She should show a look of sudden realization, vowing to amend her ways, curse the Prince Duan in front of Xiahou Dan, and then reconcile with him.

She had acted this routine several times before the Prince Duan and was already proficient.

But she didn’t want to.

Even facing this clearly abnormal Xiahou Dan, she didn’t want to.

Perhaps because the mental stress of acting on both sides had finally reached a breaking point, she couldn’t control the words coming out of her mouth, “It’s not just because of Du Shan—not just because of Du Shan.”

Xiahou Dan: “Hmm?”

Yu Wan Yin: “That day on the boat, we talked with the scholars for two hours. Today in the study, another two hours, and the topic was taxation. You spoke a lot, displaying a lot of knowledge, but your understanding of economics is almost as poor as mine.”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

“Which company were you a CEO of? What business did that company do? When did it go public? What was its stock value before you came here?”

Xiahou Dan: “…”

You can’t ask any more, Yu Wan Yin thought. He will kill you.

But she distinctly heard herself asking, “Who are you really?”

In the long five seconds that followed, a thought crossed Xiahou Dan’s mind: just tell her everything.

But he couldn’t.

Even if Yu Wan Yin had no choice but to cooperate with him, he couldn’t.

Telling her everything would mean her small, fragile trust and affection for him would be completely destroyed.

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