Chapter 13: All are Paper People

This Is Ridiculous Chapter 13

All are Paper People

I have chosen to refer to “哈齐纳” as “Ha Qi Na” or “Ha Qina.” However, if the donghua uses the name “Hachina,” I will adjust accordingly at a later time. 

Zhang San had been on the throne for several years. Every year, the clematis bloomed in an SOS pattern, and new concubines entered the palace in waves.

Zhang San knew he couldn’t leave behind any heirs. In these past few years, he had played the fool and openly opposed the Empress Dowager so much that her patience with him was wearing thin. Once an heir was born, his career as a puppet would be over, and he would “accidentally” fall into a well the next day.

However, he couldn’t refuse to select concubines because he didn’t know which one among them might be his ally.

He had to distinguish her from the concubines sent by the Empress Dowager to have children, those sent by Prince Duan to poison him, and those sent by various other factions to control him.

Where was she? When would she appear? This obsession was like the last breath keeping a dying man going, pushing him to stumble forward.

He learned to silently observe their every word and action, subtly hinting and probing, dodging sexual encounters, and countering assassination attempts.

Even the imperial guards had been infiltrated by spies. After that, he no longer trusted anyone’s protection and spent months creating his own defenses in the sleeping quarters, with pulley-controlled mechanisms that would shoot arrows if specific bricks in the walls were pressed.

Sometimes he would stop and think, even if he found her, what then? He couldn’t help her, nor was he worthy of her help.

The heroine was meant to find the hero, and he was just a villain.

When he first arrived, he harbored naive dreams of defying fate. Now he could barely remember his name and appearance. Was he Zhang San or Xiahou Dan? Was that modern life just a dream he had as a child in the imperial library?

The heroine would probably run away upon seeing him like this.

Shanyi also entered the palace at that time. That year, the Yanguo sent her along with boxes of jewels and furs, her name written on the gift list, first to dance, then to serve in bed.

Contrary to the later tales of her stunning beauty, Shanyi was called a beauty only because she was titled as such. She was very young, almost not fully developed, with large eyes that blinked in confusion and pity.

She resembled the first person Zhang San had killed, a little palace maid.

Shanyi didn’t speak much official language and could barely understand it. Zhang San probed her with a few sentences, which she didn’t understand, thinking it was due to her poor language skills, and tearfully apologized, begging him not to send her away, or the Yanguo officials would beat her.

Zhang San: “They can’t beat you anymore.”

Shanyi just pleaded, gesturing, “I must, sleep with you.”

Zhang San: “…”

He was amused: “Then lie down and sleep.”

Shanyi nodded blankly and quietly lay down.

The last person he met who was so simple-minded was his middle school classmate.

He turned over.

Because of his headaches and the presence of someone beside him, he usually had trouble sleeping. But that night, the scent of her rouge seemed like a top-quality calming fragrance, and for some reason, he soon fell into a light sleep.

—He later learned it was specially concocted for him.

What happened next was a blur to him.

Before his consciousness returned, his body had already moved.

When he struggled to open his eyes, the scent of rouge had mixed with the heavy smell of iron. Shanyi lay slumped over him, eyes wide open in death, holding a dagger, with an arrow from the mechanism embedded in her back.

Moonlight poured in through the carved window, splashing over her. Her hollow eyes still showed some confusion, as if she couldn’t believe there truly existed a monster who could kill in their sleep.

Zhang San stared at her for a long time and laughed.

He threw her body off the bed, lay back down on the bloodstained moonlit bed, and closed his eyes again.

She was the twenty-seventh person he had killed. He decided not to keep count anymore.

It didn’t matter. They were all just paper people, just paper people, just paper people.

The morning after the Autumn Festival banquet, the streets of the capital were particularly lively.

Merchants and pedestrians continued their activities but kept stealing glances at the few exceptionally tall figures in the crowd, their eyes showing a hint of caution.

Yanguo people.

Although it was said they came for peace talks, the shadow of years of war hadn’t faded. Perhaps because of this, the emissaries seemed to emit an aura that was hard to approach.

Ha Qi Na walked with his head down, a song drifting from a nearby building caught his ear, and he hummed in Yanguo language, “Too soft, not as melodious as our songs…”

Beside him, the burly bearded follower suddenly raised an arm, halting his steps. “Wait.”

Ha Qi Na looked up and saw a group of people approaching them from the opposite direction.

They were dressed as commoners, but their expressions were those of street thugs, wielding makeshift weapons.

The leader spoke up, “My brother said something went missing from his stall. Was it you who stole it?”

The Yan people, still fuming from last night’s false accusation by that official, immediately flared up. “Evidence?”

“Evidence? Stand still and let us search you,” the leader sneered, reaching to grab their clothes.

The Yan people could no longer hold back their anger and immediately started fighting.

To their surprise, the assailants were all well-trained, far from ordinary street thugs.

Having been disarmed when they entered the city, Ha Qi Na found himself in a dire situation. He was struck on the arm, blood gushing out.

His face darkened. This was a premeditated attack; the enemy was clearly aiming to kill!

Instinctively, Ha Qi Na turned and shouted, “Prince—”

The bearded man signaled him to stop.

Ha Qi Na was puzzled, “You go, we’ll handle them!”

The bearded man shook his head, “Retreat together.”

The Yan people had a strong sense of honor, and Ha Qi Na couldn’t believe what he heard. “What?”

“Run!” The bearded man insisted.

Without further explanation, he dragged Ha Qi Na back. Several concealed weapons flew towards them, but the bearded man blocked them all with his armored sleeves.

Ha Qi Na looked around and saw that another group had cut off their retreat.

The bearded man led them into a narrow alley. The remaining Yan people followed, feeling humiliated. The attackers continued to pursue, intent on killing them all.

“We can’t fight back. If we kill even one of them, we’ll be arrested,” the bearded man warned as they ran.

Ha Qi Na realized the truth of his words and cursed, “Cunning Xia people!”

Caught in unfamiliar terrain, the Yan people were soon driven into a dead end.

Back against the wall, Ha Qi Na looked at the swarm of pursuers and said bitterly, “Let’s take them all down with us. It won’t be a loss!”

The bearded man sighed, “It would be a loss. The plan hasn’t been completed.”

Suddenly, a clear whistle came from behind the wall.

The bearded man turned sharply, staring at the wall. “There seems to be a path behind the wall. Climb over.”

The Yan people blocked the pursuers while some helped each other over the wall. There was indeed a path behind it. Without thinking, Ha Qi Na helped the bearded man run. The pursuers didn’t follow.

From the other side of the wall, they could hear angry shouts, “Take them all to the authorities!”

Ha Qi Na panted, “The soldiers are here.”

The bearded man said, “The ones who attacked us are probably the Empress Dowager’s men. The soldiers belong to the Emperor.”

“Who was the whistler? Also the Emperor’s man?”

The bearded man squinted, “Maybe not. If they were the Emperor’s people, why not meet us openly?”

At Prince Duan’s residence, a meeting was in progress.

The whistler was kneeling, reporting, “That Ha Qi Na in the envoy group doesn’t seem to be the real leader. I understand some Yan language. Just now, Ha Qi Na called that burly follower ‘Prince.'”

Xiahou Bo mused, “Yan has many princes. However, that beard looks suspicious. Most Yan people have never seen a Da Xia person in their lifetime, so why hide their face? If they’re disguised, they must be an old acquaintance.”

The scout asked, “Do you mean…”

Xiahou Bo smiled, “They must have faced Da Xia on the battlefield before. That skill certainly fits the title ‘Yan’s best warrior.'”

The scout was shocked, “That person is Tur? Tur is supposed to be at odds with Yan Wang. Why would he be part of the envoy? Unless he secretly came here under a false identity?”

Xiahou Bo pondered, “Most likely a case of stealing the position. Yan Wang wants peace, but as for Tur…”

His confidants began analyzing, “I heard he was childhood friends with Shanyi. When Shanyi died in the palace, Yan didn’t admit to the assassination attempt but accused Da Xia of her death, using it as a pretext for war.”

“So Tur genuinely hates the Emperor and decided to emulate Jing Ke?”

“That’s unlikely. Jing Ke’s assassination of Qin Shi Huang was a suicide mission. Tur has a bright future. Why risk his life?”

Xiahou Bo thought for a moment, “Do you think something happened within Yan?”

One of his confidants said, “Perhaps Tur lost to Yan Wang and couldn’t stay in Yan, so he took a desperate gamble to ruin his uncle’s plan?”

Xiahou Bo spoke slowly, “Regardless of the truth, this peace talk is likely doomed. The Emperor is already weak and surrounded by enemies. If Tur leads a group of assassins to strike, he won’t escape.”

A confidant hesitated, “Should we… inform the Emperor?”

Xiahou Bo looked at him with amusement, “Why so kind-hearted?”

The confidant quickly knelt, “I’m thinking for your sake, Your Highness! If Tur really kills the Emperor, we’ll be at war again…”

Xiahou Bo gently lifted him, “That is true, but I just thought of something else. With Tur’s skills, he might accidentally kill the Empress Dowager too. Wouldn’t that be convenient?”

The confidant was stunned.

“At that time, with the Emperor and Empress Dowager both dead, the court in disarray, and the young Crown Prince, someone must take charge.” Xiahou Bo blinked, “As for the war, since I know in advance, I can prepare and won’t be caught off guard by Yan’s attack.”

The room fell silent.

Evil men, these were truly evil men.

Confidant: “As expected of Your Highness, with your farsighted vision.”

Xiahou Bo smiled, “Therefore, there’s no need to inform the Emperor. We might even lend Tur a hand when necessary. All we need to do is ensure that the Empress Dowager is also present when they make their move.”

“Here, drink up.” Yang Duojie shook the wine jar.

Li Yunxi downed a cup in one go. “The wine in Yang’s house is good, so I won’t hold back.”

Yang Duojie didn’t respond, but Cen Jintian, sitting nearby, laughed. “It’s rare to see Li so happy.”

Li Yunxi: “…”

Although Li Yunxi had an official position now, he had been used to hard times and was rather frugal. He wouldn’t buy wine for himself, only drinking at Yang Duojie’s place.

Even when Cen Jintian teased him, he didn’t get angry and instead invited him, “It’s been a while since the three of us gathered. How about a cup, Cen?”

Cen Jintian waved his pale hand. “No, no. I’d like to live a few more days to tend to my fields.”

He didn’t mind his illness being mentioned, but Li Yunxi, not good with comforting words and tipsy, stuttered, “You… you look better lately.”

Knowing Li Yunxi’s nature, Cen Jintian laughed. “Thanks for the concern.”

Yang Duojie agreed. “Indeed.”

Li Yunxi frowned at him. “What’s wrong?”

Yang Duojie: “Why?”

Li Yunxi: “You’ve hardly said a word since we met today. Aren’t you the most talkative? Why the sudden silence?”

Cen Jintian also asked, “Yang, you seem to have lost some weight. Is something wrong?”

Yang Duojie downed a cup of wine, smiling bitterly. “Don’t ask. I never want to talk again.”

After half a pot of wine.

Yang Duojie: “You two got what you wanted in the Ministry of Revenue. Do you know what I do at the Astronomical Bureau? Divination. Predicting fate, luck, disasters, and prosperity. Every day I make up stories for people. Do you think I can just make things up? No! If someone important wants a bad omen, it has to be bad, complete with elaborate justifications. Is my talent meant for this?”

Li Yunxi: “…”

Cen Jintian: “…”

Yang Duojie hiccuped. “And that’s not the worst! Sometimes the Empress Dowager wants a bad omen, but the Emperor wants a good one. The bureau splits into two factions, debating fiercely. I rewrite drafts thousands of times, wearing out my pen, just to prove that a crack in a tortoise shell is a good sign! Woe is me, spending ten years honing my talent, only to become a fortune-teller?”

Li Yunxi: “…”

Cen Jintian couldn’t help but laugh. “You do look the part.”

Yang Duojie, with his tall and fair appearance and his long, flowing beard, did indeed resemble a Daoist.

Li Yunxi grabbed his shoulder. “Master, can you read my palm?”

Yang Duojie weakly cursed, “Get lost.”

Li Yunxi laughed heartily, then tried to comfort him. “Didn’t the Emperor say that he needs you to write those things to fool people for now? He’ll transfer you soon.”

Yang Duojie rested his head on his hand, whispering, “Let me ask something blasphemous. Do you trust him?”

Cen Jintian, who had been the first to pledge allegiance to Xiahou Dan, nodded decisively.

Li Yunxi hesitated. “He told me to keep organizing land records. He said they’ll be useful someday. It’s a promise from the Emperor.”

Yang Duojie was surprised. “You didn’t say that when you first joined the Ministry! And you don’t mind that Erlan is thriving?”

Li Yunxi looked uncomfortable. “I see him differently now.”

Yang Duojie was taken aback, then smiled bitterly. “So I’m the only one still hesitating.”


Yang Duojie lowered his voice. “Since our first meeting on the lake, we’ve seen the Emperor several times. Have you noticed that sometimes, when he looks at us, his gaze… is indeed that of a saint.”

Like a great wind sweeping through the grass, indifferent and detached.

The other two were silent.

Yang Duojie walked his guests to the door, adding one last piece of news before they left. “Do you know the official from the Ministry of Rites? We’ve been preparing for the Emperor’s birthday banquet together. Yesterday, he told me that the Yan envoy was attacked by bandits on the street but managed to escape.”

Li Yunxi turned back. “The Empress Dowager likely sent the bandits, right?”

Yang Duojie: “Most likely. As a result, the Emperor sent the Ministry of Rites to apologize to them at their residence, making a big show of it, offering soft words and comfort despite their cold reception.”

Cen Jintian sighed. “That’s really giving them face. The Emperor truly wants peace.”

Yang Duojie: “Which is why I’m more confused. When he sent Wang alone to Yan, I was worried. Now Wang hasn’t returned, likely dead. The Emperor himself suspects the Yan envoy has ill intentions, yet he still humbles himself to appease them. What is he thinking? Does he have a plan, or is he just using this as a pretext to wrest power from the Empress Dowager?”

The last thought remained unspoken: Are we just pawns and mouthpieces in Xiahou Dan’s power struggle?

That night, Tur woke up with a start, breathing heavily.

The bed in the Da Xia guest house was too soft, causing his limbs to sink in deeply, making it hard to move. Perhaps that’s why he had nightmares.

Tur sat up and glanced at the guards seated on the floor by the bed. “What time is it?”

“Midnight.” Ha Qi Na lit a lamp. “Prince, are you alright?”

Tur got up to wash his face with cold water. On his way back, he glanced out the window.

In the darkness, there were many imperial guards stationed outside the guest house’s gates. It was said that the Emperor of Da Xia had sent them to protect them from bandits.

Whether they were there for protection or surveillance was unclear.

Ha Qi Na frowned. “With these extra guards, our plan…”

Tur remained calm. “Let’s wait and see. This peace talk was secretly arranged by Xiahou Dan. He will definitely meet us personally. We can act then.”

From Ha Qi Na’s worried look, Tur guessed his face didn’t look good.

It must have been because of the dream about Shanyi.

Tur shook his head to dispel the thought and wiped the water from his face. In the dim candlelight, his unshaven face showed a deeply handsome profile.

Tur blew out the candle and lay back down in the dark, staring at the ceiling. “Do you think Zhaluo Wahan has noticed?”

When he left Yan, he was officially confined at home and couldn’t leave, nor did anyone visit him. He had left behind a double who resembled him closely. Unless Yan Wang Zhaluo Wahan summoned him, he wouldn’t notice anything unusual.

Ha Qi Na: “No news has come. The King rarely sees you, so he probably won’t find out.”

Tur chuckled. “He’s probably eagerly awaiting the results of the peace talks?”

His followers let out a series of suppressed laughs, like a pack of panting beasts.

Ha Qi Na laughed the hardest. “He’s a toothless old wolf, just waiting to die.”

Tur knew Ha Qi Na’s father had been killed by Yan Wang. These men and women who had followed him to Da Xia, some had blood debts with the Xia people, others deep enmity with Yan Wang. They were willing to walk this path of no return.

And what about him?

If he had a choice, he wouldn’t want to be a despicable assassin. All his life, he had aspired to ride his horse into battle, leading his troops to conquer the capital of the Xia Kingdom and behead the emperor.

But Yan Wang had aged, weakened, and was no longer capable of fighting. Persuaded by envoys from the Xia Kingdom, he now sought to extinguish the flames of war and eliminate the warriors who had fought and bled for him.

A phrase Tur had heard from the Xia people echoed in his mind: “The rabbit dies, the hunting dog is cooked.”

Yet at the time, he hadn’t realized he was also one of the dogs.

The former Zhaluo Wahan wasn’t like this. He loathed the Xia Kingdom, taking pleasure in torturing Xia people.

There were rumors that when the Xia people shot out one of his eyes, they had injured another vital area as well. Thus, he had no offspring of his own, only Tur as a nephew.

Zhaluo Wahan was not particularly affectionate toward Tur, but he had dutifully taught him horseback riding and hunting.

As a young man, Tur would ride back triumphantly under the adoring gazes of the girls, presenting his hunting trophies at his uncle’s feet: countless birds, four rabbits, two deer, and an old wolf.

Someone praised, “The prince’s skills are improving. He’ll soon become Yan’s greatest warrior.”

Tur looked at his uncle with a smile, but caught a fleeting look of displeasure on his face.

At the time, Tur didn’t understand the subtle expression. Even if he had, he wouldn’t have known how to flatter and please.

So he left, unaware, bowing and then running to Shanyi, who awaited him. With a flourish, he produced a fresh flower, still dewy, and tucked it into her hair.

Unknowingly, the invisible rift widened day by day until Yan Wang announced he would select a holy maiden from among the nobles to offer as a peace gift to the Xia Kingdom.

Tur smashed open his uncle’s door, demanding, “Why Shanyi? You know we…”

Yan Wang merely replied, “Her status is the most suitable.”

In the darkness, Tur turned over and whispered, “Just endure a few more days. No mistakes.”

Ha Qi Na responded, “Yes.”

The faction supporting the Prince Duan stayed up all night in a small meeting, losing countless strands of hair, overturning countless plans, all to ensure that Tur could not only successfully assassinate but also take down the Empress Dowager.

Getting the Emperor, the Empress Dowager, and the Yan envoys together at this moment was nearly impossible.

The Empress Dowager was currently at odds with the Emperor, looking for opportunities to kill the envoys. With such open hostility, even a fool wouldn’t let her near the envoy group.

Prince Duan had endured for so many years, all for the sake of legitimacy and to ascend the throne rightfully. Thus, using the Yan people’s hand to eliminate two major threats at once was crucial for him.

After countless more hairs were pulled out, the faction finally came up with an astonishing plan.

They reported it to Xiahou Bo, who couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. “Fortune favors the bold.”

Confidant: “This plan is indeed risky, with many variables. There’s no guarantee of success. Perhaps… we could ask Consort Xie for a divination?”

Consort Xie was a famous figure in the faction supporting the Prince Duan.

Not only because of her ambiguous relationship with the Prince Duan but also because her suggestions often seemed like strokes of genius, uncanny, as if she could see the future, always accurate.

Hearing her name, Xiahou Bo paused.

On the night of the Emperor’s birthday banquet, Consort Xie had a miscarriage. The ensuing uproar between the Empress Dowager and the Emperor made sure everyone knew. The confidants had their suspicions about the paternity of the child and couldn’t help but gossip, trying to gauge Prince Duan’s reaction.

Xiahou Bo summoned a scout, “How is Consort Xie in the palace?”

Scout: “After the miscarriage, she’s been feverish and bedridden. The Emperor was furious, saying he would thoroughly investigate and rectify the harem, even assigning guards to protect her during her recovery.”

Rectifying the harem—everyone knew who would bear the blame for the lack of children these years.

The confidants’ gossiping eyes grew more intense, curious if their master had any human emotions, any joy, anger, sorrow, or happiness.

Xiahou Bo paused longer than usual, his brow faintly showing concern.

The confidants inexplicably felt relieved, only to hear him say, “With the miscarriage, no one would harm her again. Assigning extra protection now seems suspicious.”

Confidants: “…”

That’s your reaction?

Are you even human?

Xiahou Bo: “In any case, find a way to send a note inside, saying I want to meet her.”

At this moment, Xie Yong’er had no idea she was at the center of a storm.

She slept fitfully, waking up confused, tears welling in her eyes and soaking into the pillow.

“Who did you dream about?” someone asked beside the bed.

Xie Yong’er groggily turned her head. Xiahou Dan was looking down at her.

“You kept apologizing,” Xiahou Dan smirked. “Dreaming about the Prince Duan? Apologizing for losing his child?”

Xie Yong’er stared blankly at him. “No.”

Xiahou Dan: “Then who? It couldn’t be me, right?”

Xie Yong’er regained her senses and refused to answer.

Xiahou Dan clicked his tongue. “Come on, just say it. Anyway, we don’t have to act anymore, you’re doomed—”

“Alright, alright, let me handle this,” Yu Wanyin peeked out from behind him, feeling Xie Yong’er’s forehead. “Finally, the fever’s down. The medical conditions here are really frightening. How do you feel? Need some water?”

Xie Yong’er remained silent.

Yu Wanyin pushed Xiahou Dan, “You go out first. I’ll talk to her.”

Xiahou Dan looked surprised. “Why chase me out?”

Yu Wanyin kept signaling him, “It’s okay, leave it to me.”

She closed the door and returned to Xie Yong’er. “Still feeling unwell?”

Xie Yong’er struggled to sit up, leaning against the headboard, and asked weakly, “You don’t need to play good cop, bad cop. Just say what you want.”

Yu Wanyin smiled. “Alright, I’ll be direct. Prince Duan sent a note asking to meet you tonight in the abandoned house in the Cold Palace.”

Xie Yong’er closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “So, you’ll let me out tonight.”

“What, expecting him to break in and save you?”

“No. If he notices something wrong, I’ll lose his trust and be worthless to you. You want to recruit me to get information from him, right?”

Yu Wanyin paused, muttering, “Suddenly so smart.”

Xie Yong’er snapped, “I’ve always been smart! I lost to you because of information asymmetry, don’t get it wrong!”

“You lost to me? No, we had nothing to compete over.”

“Such nice words at this point—”

Yu Wanyin said seriously, “If we must say, didn’t you lose to the Prince Duan?”

Xie Yong’er: “…”

Yu Wanyin looked at her pale face for a while, then fetched a vanity case. “Turn around.”

Xie Yong’er: “What are you doing?”

“You have a date tonight. I’ll do your makeup,” Yu Wanyin said, turning her around and starting to comb her hair. “Haven’t you experienced girls’ dorm gossip time?”

Xie Yong’er: “It’s useless, don’t try to play the sympathy card.”

Yu Wanyin ignored her, gossiping, “So, you really dreamed of Xiahou Bo just now?”

Xie Yong’er pressed her lips tightly, refusing to cooperate.

“So pathetic,” Yu Wanyin shook her head. “Remember you’re a modern woman? He knew the Empress Dowager would force you to abort, and he still let you get pregnant. You’re apologizing for this heartless man…”

Xie Yong’er couldn’t hold it in. “I said it wasn’t him.”

“Then who? It couldn’t be Xiahou Dan.” Yu Wanyin pondered for a while, surprised, “Was it me? Have you finally realized my kindness?”

Xie Yong’er: “…”

Yu Wanyin looked touched. “Congratulations on understanding, but no need to apologize. I’m generous…”

Xie Yong’er couldn’t stand it. “It was my mother.”

Yu Wanyin was stunned for a moment, then understood. “It’s hard to be a daughter away from home. I get it.”

Xie Yong’er took a deep breath, suppressing her emotions. “I can’t let them use me as a pawn anymore.”

“Then don’t. We can find a way out of this together.”

“You don’t understand. Prince Duan… he’s not someone you can just deal with casually.”

“We don’t have to fight him directly. We can outmaneuver him.”

Yu Wanyin’s gentle tone and sincere expression gradually calmed Xie Yong’er’s turbulent emotions. For the first time, she felt a glimmer of hope in this treacherous palace.


Xie Yong’er turned her back to her and lowered her head. “Maybe it’s because I learned about your identities. I dreamt about something from before I came here. Before I came, I was arguing with her over something trivial and didn’t even get a chance to apologize.”

Yu Wanyin originally approached the conversation with the mindset of completing a strategy mission, but now she couldn’t help but pause.

Xie Yong’er had always spoken in an ancient tone, but now, speaking so frankly, it was the first time Yu Wanyin felt a sense of camaraderie.

Yu Wanyin thought for a moment. “Before I came here, I had a phone call with my mom. She asked when I’d be home, and I told her I’d go back on the weekend. From her tone, it seemed she had learned a new snack recipe and wanted to make it for me.”

Xie Yonger raised her head slightly.

Yu Wanyin fell silent, the atmosphere around her turning melancholic.

Xie Yonger asked, “Where are you from?”

Yu Wanyin’s heart skipped a beat. Do the city names in “The Demon Consort” match those in the real world?

She continued combing her hair and tentatively said the most common one: “Beijing. What about you?”

Xie Yonger replied, “City A. Where’s Beijing?”

Yu Wanyin said, “A small town, it’s normal if you haven’t heard of it. It’s quite far from where you are.”

Xie Yonger asked, “Oh? Are the snacks there popular?”

Yu Wanyin wasn’t actually from Beijing, but she counted on “The Demon Consort” not mentioning it and casually bluffed, “It’s alright. Ever heard of douzhi? It’s really good.”

Xie Yonger, disappointed, said, “Never had it.”

“Then you’ve missed out on a lot.”

While Yu Wanyin was styling Xie Yonger’s hair, a grand scheme was slowly taking shape.

Before the grand scheme unfolded, each piece thought they were not part of the game.

For example, the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager was pruning her beloved bonsai when the head maid whispered, “Lord Muyun requests an audience.”

This Muyun was a minister in the Empress Dowager’s faction, often mocked by colleagues for his honest demeanor and slight stutter.

Three days later was the day to sign the peace treaty, and the Empress Dowager, frustrated that she couldn’t eliminate the Yan envoys, impatiently asked, “What could he want?”

The head maid said, “He says he has a plan.”

The Empress Dowager replied, “?”

Muyun entered, trembling, “Your humble servant thinks that given the Emperor’s current protection of the Yan people, like a hen with her chicks, it’s unwise to confront them directly…”

The Empress Dowager snipped a stray branch, “What do you propose, Lord Muyun?”

Muyun, even more nervous, stammered, “Bei, Bei, Beishan…”

He stammered for a while without further explanation, but the Empress Dowager had already understood, her eyes lit up.


On Beishan, a mausoleum was being constructed by Xiahou Dan for the Empress Dowager, due for completion soon.

This was a significant event, and the Emperor should accompany the Empress Dowager to inspect it.

Beishan, being far from the capital, provided a legitimate reason for the Empress Dowager to lure Xiahou Dan out of the city. Once the Emperor was away, they could suddenly attack and kill the envoys.

By the time the Emperor reacted, it would be too late. With the envoy dead, the two nations would inevitably be at odds, forcing the Prince Duan to engage in war.

Muyun continued stuttering, “Bei, Beishan…”

The Empress Dowager exclaimed, “Brilliant.”

Muyun asked, “?”

Watching the Emperor grow stronger each day, the Empress Dowager’s patience had worn thin.

She plucked a flower, playing with it between her fingers, “Let’s proceed. Tomorrow morning, I will ascend the mountain with him.”

Muyun smiled obsequiously, “With this reason, the Emperor cannot refuse.”

The Empress Dowager crushed the petals and tossed them into the soil, “Surprisingly, you’re quite clever.”

Muyun’s smile stiffened.

The Empress Dowager laughed, “Very well. Once we depart, the matters in the city will be left to you. If this succeeds, you will be credited.”

Muyun was ecstatic, “Thank you, Empress Dowager!”

He bowed and retreated, casting a final glance at her as if looking at a dead person.

The Empress Dowager was instructing the palace staff to inform Xiahou Dan and did not notice.

Thus, a great storm began from a small breeze.

Yu Wanyin had finished styling Xie Yonger’s hair and was now applying makeup.

Yu Wanyin said, “Your eyebrow shape is nice.”

Xie Yonger replied, “In this era, they’re too thick. They need to be trimmed. These ancient aesthetics are lacking.”

Yu Wanyin said, “…”

Yu Wanyin replied, “Indeed.”

The girl-talk session had now completely modernized Xie Yonger’s tone, and much of her frustration had faded.

Yu Wanyin chatted about food, entertainment, school days, and difficult bosses. These distant topics wove a fantasy, making Xie Yonger temporarily forget her situation, feeling like a modern office worker again.

Xie Yonger suddenly sighed, “Thinking back, life after coming here feels so unreal.”

Yu Wanyin’s goal was achieved, but her chest felt heavy.

Xie Yonger had no idea that even as an office worker, she had never truly existed.

Every piece in the game thought they were not part of it.

Take Tur, for example.

An arrow silently pierced through the paper window of the inn, hurtling toward Tur with a gust of wind.

Tur’s body shifted slightly. To the onlookers, it was impossible to see how he moved, but he already had the arrow in his hand.

A note was attached to the arrow.

Ha Qi Na frowned deeply, “Prince, let go of it quickly. Be careful, it might be poisoned.”

Tur obeyed and dropped the arrow, glancing at the hole in the window paper, “It was shot from across the street.”

Ha Qi Na stepped forward, using a cloth to wrap his fingers before picking up the note. Unfolding it, he was surprised, “It’s written in Yan.”

The note read in Yan language: “The Emperor will ascend Beishan tomorrow. Someone wants to kill you. Be cautious.”

The signature was not a word but a flower.

Ha Qi Na wondered, “What is this person implying? Has our identity been discovered? Do they know we intend to kill the Emperor?”

Tur fell into deep thought.

If their identities were exposed, they would not be calmly staying at the inn, indicating the other party had not reported them yet.

Could there be compatriots hidden in the city, secretly assisting them in this final battle?

Ha Qi Na warned, “Prince, these Xia people are treacherous. Can we trust them?”

Tur continued staring at the ink-drawn flower, bell-shaped.

It was the flower Shanyi loved most. He had once placed it in her hair. They called it the camel bell flower. Somehow, it always made him faintly hear the sound of her dance ornaments, tinkling ethereally.

When she married into Daxia, the women of their tribe embroidered this flower on her dress.

Months later, news of her death reached Yan.

The Xia people claimed she had attempted an assassination. The Yan king accused Xia of framing and murdering an innocent saint. Fragile peace lasted only a few months before war reignited.

Shanyi was the most wonderful person in the world.

Had she lived longer, perhaps she would have become tainted and lost her brilliance, no longer worthy of being called “the most wonderful.” But she never had that chance.

Yu Wanyin interrupted, “So, what exactly do you like about the Prince Duan? His cold heart or his iron will?”

Xie Yonger didn’t answer.

Yu Wanyin nudged her, “Come on, tell me.”

“You know he’s cold-hearted,” Xie Yonger finally spoke, “I’m not particularly beautiful, not smart enough, and he discovered I was different, yet he still accepted me.”

Yu Wanyin fell silent.

Xie Yonger continued, “I thought I was special. But the deeper I fell, the more distant he became. The more distant he became, the more unwilling I was to give up.”


Xie Yonger bit her lip, “You’re also a transmigrant, you should know, in the original story, your character was entangled with him in a sea of love and hate.” For Xie Yonger, this original story was “Eastern Wind at Night and Thousands of Flowers.”

Yu Wanyin said nothing.

Xie Yonger asked, “Why can’t it be me?”

Yu Wanyin felt a chill in her heart.

Xie Yonger’s insecurities and dilemmas seemed like they stemmed from her free will, but they were essentially written into “The Demon Consort.”

Could it be that her infatuation with the Prince Duan was merely part of her character setting?

Yu Wanyin didn’t want to analyze it that way; the helpless sense of destiny was too suffocating.

Moreover, if character settings were unchangeable, why hadn’t the male lead Prince Duan fallen in love with Xie Yonger? Yu Wanyin preferred to believe in the existence of free will, thinking Xie Yonger’s just wasn’t strong enough.

“Actually, I think you misunderstand Xiahou Bo,” she said, her tone like a demon luring a monk, “How can I put this, he seems to lack worldly desires.”

Xie Yonger paused, her tone turning colder, “He has them for you. Even if I change the plot, I can still feel his different gaze towards you.”

“No,” Yu Wanyin wanted to shake her out of her lovesick state, “He has no such feelings for anyone. He’s just an ambitious villain focused on his goals!”

Xie Yonger was puzzled, “?”

Every piece in the game thought they were not part of it.

Take Xiahou Dan, for instance.

The Empress Dowager’s excuse to inspect the mausoleum was something Xiahou Dan couldn’t refuse. Even knowing she was clearly trying to lure him away, he couldn’t defy filial piety and refuse to accompany her.

When the news came, he could only instruct his secret guards, “Tonight, secretly contact the envoys, transfer them to another hiding place, move them around several locations, and make sure to shake off the Empress Dowager’s spies. Add more guards outside the inn as a diversion.”

The secret guard acknowledged the order and was about to leave when Xiahou Dan added, “While protecting them, also keep a close watch on them, don’t let them run wild.”

Theoretically, he didn’t need to worry too much about the envoys’ safety, as the Prince Duan should also be keen on facilitating the peace talks. If the Empress Dowager made a move, Prince Duan wouldn’t sit idly by.

But he felt something was off.

So far, there had been no news from Wang Zhao. From the beginning, they had been suspicious of the envoys’ true intentions.

Prince Duan had been quiet for a long time, watching from the sidelines the battles between him and the Empress Dowager with an unusual level of silence.

Or perhaps it was simply because, given the world’s malice toward him, the peace talks were bound to face obstacles. If something unusual happens, there’s always a reason behind it.

Xiahou Dan asked, “Where is Consort Yu?”

A palace attendant replied, “Still with Consort Xie.”

Are they still at it? Are they planning an eighty-episode drama?

Xiahou Dan’s expression darkened as he rose and headed towards Xie Yonger’s residence.

Meanwhile, the strategist remained calm in the Prince Duan’s mansion.

Xiahou Bo was resting with his eyes closed. The more precarious the game, the calmer he became.

A spy was reporting back, “Tur has received the note.”

Also reporting back was Mu Yun, who had just presented a plan to the Empress Dowager, “The Empress Dowager said she will go up the mountain tomorrow and has tasked me with killing the envoy group.”

Xiahou Bo opened his eyes and smiled, “You’ve all worked hard. Tomorrow, we close the net.”

The sun was setting, and the time for Xiahou Dan to meet with Xie Yonger was approaching.

When Xiahou Dan entered the room, Yu Wanyin and Xie Yonger’s conversation had reached a dead end.

Xiahou Dan ignored them, walking straight to Xie Yonger, “The Empress Dowager wants me to accompany her to Beishan tomorrow morning. Is this part of the Prince Duan’s plan?”

Xie Yonger responded, “…I don’t know.”

Xiahou Dan asked, “He asked to meet you tonight. What does he want to say?”

Xie Yonger insisted, “I don’t know, I really don’t know.”

Xiahou Dan sneered and said to Yu Wanyin, “I told you, it’s a waste of effort.”

Xie Yonger felt as if she had been dealt a heavy blow but couldn’t argue. If she were in their shoes, she wouldn’t trust herself either.

Yu Wanyin took a deep breath.

“Yonger, there are things I didn’t want to show you.”

She pulled a book from her bosom.

Xiahou Dan’s eyebrow twitched, and his hand raised slightly, as if instinctively wanting to stop her, but he restrained himself halfway.

Yu Wanyin gave him a reassuring look, “Do you remember Xu Yao? This is his record from when he was alive, detailing the Prince Duan’s secret plans. You should know we couldn’t have forged this.”

Xie Yonger’s face changed, “How did you get this?”

Yu Wanyin replied, “We’re all transmigrators, who do you think you’re underestimating?”

Xie Yonger was speechless.

Yu Wanyin had hesitated to use this trump card because the last two key actions against Xiahou Dan hadn’t been carried out yet. It seemed Prince Duan planned to move against the Empress Dowager first.

Yu Wanyin had been holding back, wanting to use the strategy against the Prince Duan.

Once Xie Yonger knew they had this book, she could turn around and tell the Prince Duan, rendering the book worthless.

But hearing Xiahou Dan was going to Beishan made Yu Wanyin’s eyelid twitch. She couldn’t explain why, but she had an almost instinctive sense of urgency: tonight, they had to test the Prince Duan’s true intentions. To do that, she needed to persuade Xie Yonger now.

Yu Wanyin gritted her teeth and handed over the book, “See for yourself.”

At the Prince Duan’s mansion.

Mu Yun was now standing tall, his stutter gone, “Your Highness, will Tur believe the note?”

Xiahou Bo said, “Even if he doesn’t believe it now, tomorrow, when you go to capture them, make as much commotion as possible, giving them no choice but to believe. Then let them escape. By then…”

Mu Yun continued, “By then, Tur will realize that Beishan, with its open terrain, is their best chance.”

Neither the Empress Dowager nor the Emperor knew that Yan’s top fighter was coming for the Emperor’s head.

This meant they couldn’t possibly prepare adequate defenses.

In the palace, the layers of guards could still fight, but on Beishan, in the wilderness, the guards could watch the path but not the surrounding woods.

Tur, a battlefield hero, was fully prepared for this mission. Xiahou Bo had no doubts about his ability.

With a well-prepared plan, Tur could wipe out the few guards on the mountain.

Even if the Yan people faced difficulties, they had help. Prince Duan’s men would protect them along the way.

Mu Yun suggested, “I’ll make some arrangements at the city gate. Also, should we place some men in the woods?”

Xiahou Bo nodded, “Let’s gather all our forces.”

This was the plan painstakingly devised by the Prince Duan’s faction.

In the palace.

Xie Yonger’s expression froze as she flipped through the book.

Xu Yao’s book contained many plans, looking very familiar, as they were her suggestions. Early in the plot, she could foresee many events and gave the Prince Duan detailed advice down to “meet someone at a specific place on a certain date.”

But none of Xu Yao’s recorded plans matched her suggestions exactly.

Whether it was the date, time, or specific location, there were always deliberate changes.

Living deep in the palace, Xie Yonger’s communication with the Prince Duan relied on messages and private meetings. She couldn’t know all his actions.

Once, she suggested the Prince Duan incite the deputy commander of the imperial guards by having him flirt with the commander’s concubine. But she overheard the Prince Duan discussing a plan to drug the horses, framing the deputy commander, and blackmailing him.

At that time, she felt a bit aggrieved, suppressing her feelings and convincing herself that the improved plan was more reliable.

But today, she saw that most changes had nothing to do with “reliability.”

“He never truly accepted you,” Xiahou Dan delivered the final blow, “Not only did he not accept you, but he also guarded against you.”

Xie Yonger’s face turned as white as a sheet.

Xiahou Dan said coolly, “Xiahou Bo is far more practical than you. From the first time you made a prophecy for him, you became a useful ticking time bomb in his eyes. An anomaly is an anomaly; no one will develop feelings for an anomaly.”

His emphasis on the word “anomaly” was particularly harsh. Yu Wanyin found it grating and gently nudged him.

Xiahou Dan finished his thought, “If he ascends to the throne, you will be the first to die.”

In the silence that followed, Yu Wanyin picked up the brush again, applying the final touch to Xie Yonger’s lips. “The makeup is done. Go see him.”

Seeing that Xie Yonger remained speechless, Yu Wanyin held up a mirror in front of her. “Look, are you satisfied?”

Xie Yonger, distracted, glanced at her reflection, her pupils dilating in shock.

The makeup did not conform to ancient aesthetics at all. From the contouring to the eyeshadow, it was sharp and modern, almost like seeing her former self.

It practically screamed “anomaly.”

Yu Wanyin smiled, “I’ve been wanting to do this makeup for myself for a long time. I used to worry you’d notice, but now that everything is out in the open, there’s nothing left to hide. Are you afraid of him seeing you like this?”

At the Prince Duan’s mansion.

Xiahou Bo said to Mu Yun, “You’ve worked hard during this time.”

Mu Yun was the Prince Duan’s most capable strategist. He had been sent to infiltrate the Empress Dowager’s faction, operating discreetly for years, even more adept than Wei Taifu in his prime. But the Prince Duan, being meticulous, kept a wary eye on Mu Yun’s maneuvering.

To prove his loyalty, Mu Yun had offered numerous clever plans, gradually taking over Xu Yao’s position. This current plan was also his brainchild.

Even so, there were always variables in a rushed plan.

For example, whether the Yan people would act according to their plan or whether Xiahou Dan or the Empress Dowager would catch wind of their scheme in advance.

If this battle succeeded, the world would fall into the Prince Duan’s hands, and Mu Yun would be the primary contributor. But if anything went wrong…

Thinking of this, Mu Yun’s palms were sweating. “To ensure nothing goes wrong, Your Highness could ask Consort Xie again tonight.”

Xiahou Bo nodded thoughtfully, “That’s a good idea. I’ll speak with her.”

Meanwhile, in the palace, Xie Yonger sat staring at her reflection, feeling a growing sense of dread. The makeup seemed to highlight her alienation, the sharp lines and modern touches making her feel more out of place than ever. Yu Wanyin’s words echoed in her mind, “Are you afraid of him seeing you like this?”

She had to confront the truth that Xiahou Dan had laid bare. Her feelings, her actions, everything had been manipulated, and she had been nothing more than a pawn in Xiahou Bo’s game. The realization was crushing.

But now, with this book in her hands, she had a chance to change the game. She had to act, to protect herself and perhaps turn the tide. The stakes were higher than ever, and she could no longer afford to be passive.

Determined, she rose to her feet. It was time to meet the Prince Duan and face whatever fate awaited her.

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3 thoughts on “Chapter 13: All are Paper People”

    1. As previously explained in the preceding chapter, Prince Duan is considered more suitable to be the crown prince compared to Xiahou Dan, as public opinion favors him over Xiahou Dan, who is plagued by numerous unfavorable rumors. The author occasionally refers to him as the crown prince as well.

  1. really good chapter. i love how this is written in a loop, with all that repeating imagery. “all are paper people” is such a killing phrase!

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