Chapter 17: Calm After the Storm

This Is Ridiculous Chapter 17

Calm After the Storm

Yu Wanyin had not been in this world long enough to witness enough farewells and deaths, and she didn’t understand that the kindness of others was ultimately a burning fire that could consume them.

The small hot pot bubbled, and Bei Zhou ate while hissing at the heat.

Yu Wanyin called to Xie Yong’er, “What are you standing there for? Help put things in the pot.”

Xie Yong’er was still in a daze. She hadn’t expected her first hot pot meal after crossing over would be under such circumstances.

The two “lovebirds” in front of her were already chatting away, discussing today’s news.

Xiahou Dan: “There are already rumors among the people that the Empress Dowager’s illness was caused by me and that the storm was heaven’s punishment for my lack of virtue as a ruler.”

Yu Wanyin: “Goodness, probably spread by Prince Duan’s faction, right? This is going to be a public opinion war. No scallions for me, thanks.”

Xiahou Dan: “It could also be remnants of the Empress Dowager’s faction. Do you want the shrimp paste in the spicy pot?”

Bei Zhou interjected, “Whoever is spreading these rumors, let me catch one and behead him as a warning to others. How about that?”

“No,” Yu Wanyin and Xie Yong’er said in unison.

Yu Wanyin: “?”

Xie Yong’er, the seasoned fan: “I understand public opinion warfare. Trying to silence rumors will only backfire. You have to fight fire with fire. Send people to the streets to say that Prince Duan is ungrateful and unrighteous, that he sent assassins to Bei Mountain to kill you and the Empress Dowager, but you, as the true Son of Heaven, were blessed by the heavens, and the storm killed all the assassins.”

Xiahou Dan was silent for a moment: “That’s a bit exaggerated.”

Yu Wanyin: “Indeed.”

“The people aren’t afraid of exaggeration. They believe in fish-stomach hidden books. The more exaggerated, the more widely it spreads,” Xie Yong’er said confidently. “Do you know why Prince Duan hasn’t acted openly? He firmly believes he is the rightful and just savior of Daxia, so he insists on having a righteous cause. These rumors suggest he is forced to act now, laying the groundwork.”

“Bravo,” Yu Wanyin applauded.

“Yong’er, Prince Duan has been so persistent because of your support.”

Xie Yong’er smiled awkwardly, “His level is much higher than mine.”

“That’s because you have feelings, you are more human than him!”

Xiahou Dan pondered, “In that case, we can’t attack him without cause. Otherwise, the charges of matricide and fratricide will destabilize the court in the future.”

Yu Wanyin: “According to Xu Yao’s records, there are two assassination plans against you, both after the Empress Dowager’s death. One is in the mourning hall, and the other during the funeral procession. But given the changed situation, I can’t say which one Prince Duan will choose, or if he will choose either. I think we should prepare for these two scenarios, have people monitor Prince Duan closely, and once he makes a move, we can catch him in the act and deal with him legitimately.”

Xie Yong’er’s ears perked up at the mention of Xu Yao’s book, and she looked at Yu Wanyin: “Speaking of—”


“The plans Xu Yao recorded differed from my initial suggestions,” Xie Yong’er spoke more slowly, “but how did you know my original suggestions?”

How did you know what I initially proposed?

I only told Prince Duan.

Would someone as meticulous as him have turned around and told you?

The sudden shock had disrupted her thoughts then, but the question had surfaced repeatedly in the following days, only to be suppressed each time.

She wasn’t sure if she truly wanted to know the answer.

Yu Wanyin quickly glanced at Xiahou Dan, maintaining her composure as she patted Xie Yong’er: “Xu Yao told me after he defected. Prince Duan consulted with him on your suggestions.”


Deep down, Xie Yong’er felt this explanation was somewhat flimsy. But if it wasn’t Prince Duan or Xu Yao, had Yu Wanyin really opened the third eye?

—The third eye.

Xie Yong’er suddenly had a strange feeling that she shouldn’t continue this line of thinking. Otherwise, the truth she found might not be one she liked.

Yu Wanyin grabbed her shoulder, “Sister, there are plenty of fish in the sea. We’ll find someone else.”

Xiahou Dan gave Yu Wanyin a puzzled look.

Xiahou Dan: “Is she your sister too?”

Under someone’s deliberate control, the Empress Dowager’s illness fluctuated, keeping many on edge. It wasn’t until the entire imperial medical staff had taken turns pleading guilty that the truth became clear: she was beyond recovery.

During this time, the Empress Dowager’s faction crumbled. Some prominent members were stripped of their titles, some resigned, and the rest were absorbed into the Emperor’s camp, with their positions largely unchanged.

The vacancies were filled by newcomers.

Erlan and Li Yunxi were both promoted.

Yang Duojie finally tearfully bid farewell to the Bureau of Astronomy and joined the Ministry of Personnel.

Many low-level officials who had been diligently working in obscurity were quietly promoted.

Everything happened silently, so quietly that it didn’t feel like a storm had passed.

The opportunists lamented the Emperor’s good fortune, while the wise men who were deeply involved felt a growing fear.

They couldn’t feel the storm because it had been nipped in the bud.

Previously, everyone knew Prince Duan was a formidable figure, but now they realized there was someone even more ruthless above him.

By observing who got promoted and who got demoted, it became clear that the Emperor, who had pretended to be blind for so many years, actually saw everything more clearly than anyone else. Like a most venomous and cunning snake, he remained still, allowing himself to be kicked and trampled until he was fully prepared. But once he showed his fangs, it was already too late for his enemies.

Thus, the fearful became even more fearful, while the bold had other thoughts.

The court had no shortage of talented individuals who, after enduring the chaos, had become disheartened. Now, with the fall of the Empress Dowager, the wind had shifted, and they sensed a glimmer of hope for achieving their ambitions.

Even some from Prince Duan’s faction risked approaching the Emperor to pledge their loyalty. They had previously lamented being born in the wrong era and pinned their hopes on Prince Duan to replace the Emperor. But now they saw that it might not be necessary.

Thus, with the disappearance of the Empress Dowager’s faction, a new pro-Emperor faction emerged.

Mu Yun panicked.

Desperate to maintain his position under Prince Duan, Mu Yun kowtowed to the Emperor as part of the Empress Dowager’s faction, then quickly ordered his men to intensify the spread of rumors, ensuring the image of a tyrannical ruler took root.

Having done Prince Duan’s dirty work for years, he prided himself on being flawless.

After a busy day, he returned home to find an imperial decree waiting.

Xiahou Dan had casually found a reason to dismiss him and put him under investigation.

Mu Yun was shocked, unable to understand where he had slipped up. It wasn’t until he heard that other spies under Prince Duan had also been thoroughly purged that he realized—someone had given Xiahou Dan the entire list.

“Xie, Yong, Er—” Mu Yun spat out the name with venom.

Meanwhile, Prince Duan’s faction was holding their eighteenth emergency meeting of the month.

The ministers, anxious and desperate, hinted in every way possible that Prince Duan should act now. The Emperor was growing stronger by the day, and the longer they waited, the slimmer their chances.

Prince Duan’s face remained solemn, a trace of worry in his elegant features: “Although the Emperor has his faults, he is still my brother by blood. If he is unjust, I cannot be unrighteous. As the saying goes, ‘He who gains the support of the people gains the world.’ If I resort to unscrupulous means like him, how can I live up to your loyalty?”

The ministers were moved to tears: “Your Highness!”

Prince Duan consoled them gently, “Please remain calm. Those who do evil will meet their just end. Trust that his retribution is near.”

After sending off the ministers, Prince Duan closed the doors and called for his assassins: “Proceed with the plan.”

The assassin hesitated, “Your Highness, I heard that Consort Xie has defected. She often seems to foresee our plans. What if she reveals our plan to the Emperor?”

Prince Duan smiled, “When I executed her plans, I always made small changes she couldn’t detect. This time will be no different. On the day of the plan, I will give you additional instructions.”

Dismissing everyone, he opened a hidden compartment by his bed, took out a roughly embroidered sachet, and dangled it between his fingers.

If Xie Yong’er truly had a third eye, she would see that the sachet in his hand was not one she had embroidered.

Yu Wanyin sneezed.

She was flipping through memorials.

Xiahou Dan had been pushing himself every day despite his unhealed wound, appearing vigorous and negotiating with people, but he often collapsed as soon as he returned to his quarters. To lighten his workload, Yu Wanyin sat by his bed, quickly scanning the memorials and summarizing, “Minister Zhang spent 300 words praising your virtues, mainly to tout his nephew.”

Xiahou Dan: “Pfft, his nephew is an idiot. Ignore it.”

Yu Wanyin tossed it onto the “unimportant” pile and picked up the next one, laughing, “Li Yunxi’s.”

Since the changes began in the court, she hadn’t seen Li Yunxi and the others.

Xiahou Dan no longer met with them privately and specifically warned them to avoid discussing the Emperor and to refrain from standing out in the pro-Emperor faction.

Li Yunxi had been navigating the intricacies of the court for some time and had learned a few things. He miraculously understood the meaning behind Xiahou Dan’s warning: the emperor was not entirely confident of victory. If Prince Duan ultimately won, the emperor wanted to ensure that this group of officials would be spared, so Prince Duan wouldn’t destroy them out of spite.

Li Yunxi was moved to tears, but he couldn’t enter the palace to express his gratitude. Instead, he wrote an emotional petition, so heartfelt that some of the words were smudged with tears.

Yu Wanyin laughed as she read it, “Some of these characters are smudged. Was he crying while writing this? Haha…”

Her laughter abruptly stopped.

Xiahou Dan turned to her, “What’s wrong?”

Yu Wanyin stared at the memorial, “He says Cen Jintian is near death and wants to see you one last time.”

There was a rustling sound as Xiahou Dan sat up, facing her directly, “I can’t leave the palace right now.”

“I know, so I’ll—”

“You can’t go either. I told you before, it’s not safe outside.”

Yu Wanyin grew anxious, “I just remembered, I can take Xiao Tiancai to see him. Even if we can’t cure him, at least we can make his passing more comfortable. We persuaded him to join the court in the first place!”

“Then let Xiao Tiancai go alone. You stay.”

“Xiao Tiancai only listens to Xie Yong’er and has issues with us. What if he messes with us—”

“Yu Wanyin.” Xiahou Dan interrupted her, his tone unusually firm, “Don’t go. If Cen Jintian has any last words, someone can relay them.”

Yu Wanyin stared at him as if she didn’t recognize him, then softly asked, “Do you want him to die looking towards the palace too?”

With the bed curtains casting shadows over Xiahou Dan’s face, his expression was pale and indistinct, reminding her of the fear she felt when she first learned his identity.

His tone was as weary as it had been then, “I’ll repay my debt to him when I’m in hell.”

Yu Wanyin still left the palace.

At dusk, while Xiahou Dan was in a meeting, she took Xiao Tiancai and some guards and quietly slipped out. The guards were used to her doing as she pleased in the palace and didn’t suspect she was defying an order.

After ensuring they weren’t followed, Yu Wanyin worried that Xiahou Dan would send people after her, so she urged the carriage to rush to Cen Jintian’s private residence.

The familiar experimental fields were now covered in snow, hiding the crops beneath.

To her surprise, the person who came to greet her was Erlan.

Erlan recognized Yu Wanyin in her male disguise, “Your Grace. Cen is gravely ill and has no family around, so I came to help.”

Yu Wanyin had no time for pleasantries and quickly pushed Xiao Tiancai inside, “Have him take a look at Lord Cen.”

Reluctantly, Xiao Tiancai checked the patient’s pulse.

Cen Jintian struggled to open his eyes and saw Yu Wanyin. His face showed urgency, and he skipped all formalities, using his remaining strength to say, “Your Grace, I have documented the methods for cultivating the Yan millet in various fields…”

Erlan handed the booklet to Yu Wanyin.

Cen Jintian had said it would take two to three years to test, yet he had managed to complete it.

Yu Wanyin solemnly assured, “Rest assured, Tur has promised to transport the goods as soon as he reaches Yan. The policy for opening fields is also proceeding as planned. By spring, farmers across the country will be planting Yan millet.”

Cen Jintian whispered, “Grain reserves…”

Yu Wanyin responded, “The Ministry of Revenue has checked the grain reserves in all regions. There are plans in place for managing and distributing aid during the drought. After the drought, the types of crops grown in each region will be adjusted according to your booklet.”

“His Majesty…”

“His Majesty is well. He misses you greatly but cannot come personally, so he sent me in his stead,” Yu Wanyin fabricated without hesitation. “He asks you to take good care of yourself so that next year, when the Yan millet ripens, we can all go see it together.”

Cen Jintian smiled faintly and nodded slowly.

Xiao Tiancai finished checking the pulse and pulled Yu Wanyin outside, whispering, “It’s a severe illness that he was likely born with, and it’s now beyond cure.”

Yu Wanyin felt a pang of fear, still unwilling to give up hope. She suspected he wasn’t trying his best but didn’t know how to persuade him, so she bowed deeply, “Mr. Xiao.”

Xiao Tiancai was startled, “Your Grace, please don’t!”

Yu Wanyin implored, “The man inside is a benefactor to all the people of Daxia. Please help him live a little longer, even if it’s just to see one harvest.”

Xiao Tiancai thought for a moment, “If it’s just a few more months, there might be a way.”

Yu Wanyin was about to be happy when he added, “But I have one condition.”


“I see His Majesty trusts you greatly. When he deals with Prince Duan, could you speak to him on Consort Xie’s behalf, asking him to let her leave freely?”

Yu Wanyin: “…”

She looked at him with respect, “Mr. Xiao, your feelings run deep.”

The cultured youth was taken aback by her wording, embarrassed and unsure where to put his hands and feet, “That’s not what I mean! I just see her so melancholy and… Never mind, just tell me if you can do it.”

“Of course I can. Not only will I get Consort Xie out, but I’ll also get you out. You can live freely together, enjoying life’s splendors.”

Xiao Tiancai: “…Thank you, Your Grace.”

Xiao Tiancai went to prepare the prescription.

Yu Wanyin looked at the snow-covered fields and heard footsteps approaching behind her. She turned slightly, “Mr. Xiao is very skilled. He should be able to extend his life by a few months.”

Erlan: “Yes.”

They both fell silent, staring at the empty snowy field together.

Yu Wanyin asked softly, “Does Lord Cen know you’re a woman?”

It was the first time she had openly acknowledged the fact.

Erlan calmly shook her head, “He only thinks of me as a friend.” She smiled self-deprecatingly, “He’s already like this; there’s no need to trouble him further.”

Yu Wanyin sensed something and was shocked, “You have feelings for him—”

Erlan did not deny it, “My feelings are my own matter.”

Noticing Yu Wanyin’s sadness, Erlan gently patted her head.

Erlan, tall and with a noble aura, looked perfectly natural in male disguise. But speaking in a low voice, her feminine tone became apparent, “I was born into a merchant family and was a prodigy in my youth, with a photographic memory. My parents were well-off, so they allowed me to study with my brothers. At fifteen, I realized that no matter how much I read the classics, as a woman, I was destined to marry a dull man…”

Yu Wanyin was surprised to learn that Erlan had been married.

But then again, Erlan appeared to be around twenty-five or twenty-six, an age when she could already be a grandmother in this era.

Erlan continued, “Then my husband died, and I lived as a widow, becoming the subject of neighborhood gossip. If they had nothing else to talk about, they’d speculate whether I dressed too prettily or looked at some man too long. One night, I jumped into the river, thinking if I couldn’t swim across, I’d die in it.

“I swam across. So I kept going, never looking back. I walked and walked until I reached the capital, met all of you, joined the Ministry of Revenue, and accomplished many things…”

She took a deep breath of the cold air, “When the situation stabilizes and peace prevails, it will be time for me to retire.”

Yu Wanyin asked, “Why?”

“You can tell I’m a woman; others will eventually too. Rather than wait to be impeached, I’d rather retire gracefully and find a beautiful place to spend the rest of my days. I’ve lived and loved; I have no regrets.”

Erlan turned to Yu Wanyin, “Actually, Brother Wang and Brother Cen probably have no regrets either. So don’t be sad, Wanyin.”

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