Chapter 20: The Final Battle

This Is Ridiculous Chapter 20

The Final Battle

This chapter is highly intense; please prepare yourself accordingly. Please pay close attention to the various settings, as this chapter takes place in multiple locations.

On the final day of the wake, news finally arrived: someone had been spotted moving large boulders in the dead of night on Bei Mountain, hiding them under the snow.

“It seems they’ve chosen Plan B,” Yu Wanyin remarked. “Are our people in position?”

Xiahou Dan replied, “They’ve been in ambush in the mountains for days. On the day of the funeral, the Imperial Guards will also surround Bei Mountain, giving them no chance to act.”

After finalizing the details with the secret guards, Yu Wanyin brought up Xie Yong’er’s situation. Xiahou Dan had no objections and promptly arranged for a carriage to transport her.

Despite everything being in place, Yu Wanyin felt increasingly uneasy, as if she were missing a crucial detail.

She went over the plan in her mind repeatedly, growing more anxious with each iteration.

Xiahou Dan said, “Don’t just think about others, what about you? Why don’t you hide away with Xie Yong’er for now…”

Yu Wanyin interrupted, “I’m going to Bei Mountain with you.”

Xiahou Dan frowned, “No.”

“I can disguise myself as a guard, like before—”

“You won’t be of any help there.”

“I will be of help, otherwise, why did we make guns? Don’t forget my aim is better than yours.”

“We don’t need you!” Xiahou Dan changed his tone, softening it. “Please, this is really dangerous. I thought this matter didn’t need discussion; didn’t we agree on this when you became empress?”

“Agree on what?”

Xiahou Dan fell silent.

Yu Wanyin pressed him, “Agree on what?”

“Agree to give me peace of mind,” Xiahou Dan said calmly. “Do you want me to be worrying about you at a life-and-death moment?”

Yu Wanyin turned and walked away briskly.

She didn’t know if it was Xiahou Dan’s last-words tone or the ominous feeling in her heart that pained her more.

The secret guards looked to Xiahou Dan for guidance.

Xiahou Dan remained calm, dismissed them, and knelt back before the ancestral tablet, waiting for the next group of officials to come and pay their respects.

Footsteps approached, and Yu Wanyin returned in a hurry, irritated. “Let’s go. Why are you still kneeling here? They plan to act on Bei Mountain, do you intend to spend New Year with the empress dowager?”

She pulled Xiahou Dan up, calling loudly for the palace attendants, “The emperor is unwell, help him back to his chambers to rest.”

Xiahou Dan quickly played along, mournfully saying, “But my mother…”

Yu Wanyin earnestly advised, “Your Majesty, your health is paramount. Do not delay tomorrow’s funeral.”

Xiahou Dan reluctantly agreed, “You have a point.”

They returned to the palace, shut the doors, and dismissed all the attendants.

Yu Wanyin asked, “Want to make dumplings?”

Xiahou Dan looked at her expression in surprise. Yu Wanyin, suppressing her anxiety, turned her head away, “Let’s make them; it’s New Year’s. I’ll call Uncle Bei.”

Thinking that today might be their last, she felt time was more precious than ever and couldn’t afford to waste any.

Xiahou Dan smiled, “Alright.”

Bei Zhou gladly accepted the invitation, bringing a full set of cooking utensils and showcasing his dough-kneading skills.

Xiahou Dan took off his mourning clothes and helped chop the filling. The distance between each chop seemed as unpredictable as human fate. After watching for a while, Yu Wanyin couldn’t stand it anymore and took the knife from him, “Move aside.”

Xiahou Dan refused to go, insisting on critiquing, “You’re not much better.”

“Well, still better than you… How about a different task? Can you make dumplings?”

Bei Zhou chimed in, “He can’t possibly do that. Let me handle it, you two can just relax.”

Bei Zhou’s hands flew skillfully, managing the task of ten people by himself. Yu Wanyin, finding no opportunity to help, decided to do something else.

The palace had prepared New Year’s decorations, but the empress dowager’s untimely death meant they had to be put away. After some searching, Yu Wanyin found two palace lanterns adorned with dragons and phoenixes. Unable to hang them outside, she hung them by the bed for her own amusement.

She went to the side hall to call Xie Yong’er, “Want some dumplings?”

Xie Yong’er hesitated, “…Sure.”

Xiahou Dan, surprisingly, wrote a couplet.

Yu Wanyin was amazed, “Your calligraphy?”

“How is it?”

“Was it always this good?”

Without looking up, Xiahou Dan finished the last stroke, a faint smile on his lips, “I’ve been practicing.”

Yu Wanyin tilted her head, puzzled. They had practiced together, but his sudden improvement was staggering, as if he had leapt miles ahead.

Xiahou Dan said, “Don’t overthink it. I’ve had a breakthrough, while you can only trail behind, helplessly.”

Yu Wanyin: “?”

Yu Wanyin clenched her fist, “Are you a middle schooler?”

Xiahou Dan laughed.

Xie Yong’er cleared her throat, reminding them of her presence, “Is there anything I can do?”

“There is,” Xiahou Dan said. “Where’s your guitar? Play ‘Gong Xi Fa Cai’ for us?”

Xie Yong’er was dumbfounded.

After a few centuries, she finally realized what she had been through.

“You… you two…” Her fingers trembled, “When I was playing guitar…”

Xiahou Dan nodded, “Canon was well-played.”

Yu Wanyin added, “And Romance of Love.”

Xiahou Dan said, “Though you missed some notes, I held back my laughter.”

Xie Yong’er: “…”

“Don’t be like that,” Yu Wanyin nudged him, “It wasn’t that bad.”

“Yes, yes.”

Xie Yong’er: “…”

The dumplings were ready. They all sat around the table, even pouring some small cups of wine.

Outside, the sky had darkened, and snow was falling heavily.

Xiahou Dan exclaimed, “What’s this in my dumpling…?” He spat out a coin, stunned.

Bei Zhou raised his cup with a smile, “Dan’er, may all your wishes come true, and may you have peace year after year.” This casual New Year’s meal disregarded court protocols, making his blessing more genuine.

Xiahou Dan paused, then suddenly stood up.

Caught off guard, Bei Zhou remained seated, watching Xiahou Dan raise his arms, holding the wine cup to his forehead, bowing deeply.

It was a gesture of a child to an elder.

Bei Zhou was startled, scrambling to stand up, “Dan’er, you mustn’t!”

Yu Wanyin smiled and held him back, “It’s alright, uncle, just accept it.” She thought Xiahou Dan’s gestures were quite impressive, wondering how he had practiced them.

With tears in his eyes, Bei Zhou awkwardly returned the bow.

Xiahou Dan refilled his cup and turned to Yu Wanyin.

Yu Wanyin: “.”

Sensing what was to come, she stood up to face him.

Xiahou Dan gazed at her intently, his deep eyes reflecting the candlelight, creating a shimmering effect. He slowly raised his cup, then solemnly lowered his eyes.

Yu Wanyin mirrored his actions, bowing deeply in return.

It was a gesture between husband and wife.

Her ears grew warm, the ordinary wine cup in her hand suddenly felt scorching, as if filled with symbolic nuptial wine.

Xie Yong’er and Bei Zhou silently quickened their pace in eating dumplings.

The snow had stopped, and the clouds above the capital cleared, revealing a bright night sky.

Li Yunxi had visited Cen Jintian, sharing a New Year’s meal with him. On the way back, he was deep in thought. Yang Duojie, sharing the carriage, asked curiously, “What’s on your mind?”

“Do you think…” Li Yunxi hesitated, “Isn’t Er Lan being a bit too attentive to Brother Cen?”

Yang Duojie leaned back, “Oh, I thought it was something serious. You’re just noticing this now?”

Li Yunxi: “?”

Yang Duojie chuckled, “I’ve long suspected Er Lan’s fondness for men. I thought you knew too; why else did you initially dislike him? But after getting to know him, he’s not so bad…”

Li Yunxi was stunned.

Yang Duojie waved a hand in front of his face, “Why aren’t you saying ‘it’s outrageous’?”

A thousand miles away, in heavy snow, Lin Xuanying stood on a high riverbank, watching soldiers break the ice to fetch water.

“Vice General.” His subordinate hurried over, presenting a sealed letter.

Lin Xuanying glanced at it, “Prince Duan will act tomorrow. When chaos ensues, we need not hide anymore. The other two armies have set out earlier; they might arrive soon.”

“What about us…”

Lin Xuanying looked at the distant lights of the city through the snow, “Be ready to strike directly.”

In the Palace

After a satisfying meal of dumplings, Xie Yong’er excused herself to go pack her belongings. Before leaving, she called Yu Wanyin outside and took out a letter from her bosom.

“Can you give this to Xiao Tiancai after I leave tomorrow?”

“Sure. It’s not a ‘good person card,’ is it?”

Xie Yong’er was speechless.

Xie Yong’er’s successful departure was thanks to Xiao Tiancai’s professional skills. Although he intended to keep his efforts a secret, she wasn’t a fool and had figured it out with a bit of reasoning.

Yu Wanyin said, “It really is a ‘good person card’? You’re being gentle, right? Don’t hurt him to the point of giving up.”

Xie Yong’er couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t worry about that.”

As she watched Yu Wanyin tuck the letter away, she seemed a bit reflective. “I never thought it would be you I would entrust this to in the end.”

Life was like a play, and the plot had galloped wildly to this point. The two of them had matched wits and courage against each other but never truly connected. Yet, Xie Yong’er’s gesture didn’t surprise Yu Wanyin.

Perhaps they could share laughter with other beauties in the palace, but their different backgrounds and experiences meant some thoughts could never be expressed in words. Sometimes, Yu Wanyin felt even Xiahou Dan didn’t understand her.

But those fears, ambitions, and tangled romantic feelings, Xie Yong’er understood without a word. In this special world, they were each other’s only mirrors.

Having someone who understood you so deeply was both a threat and a comfort.

Yu Wanyin patted her shoulder. “What do you plan to do after leaving the city?”

“First, I’ll travel around and see the world, and then…”


Xie Yong’er laughed. “How could I? Once you stabilize the realm, I want to get some royal investment and start a business empire.”

Yu Wanyin was impressed. Truly resilient.

“Do you have a specific business idea?”

“I’ll start with developing the food delivery industry in cities.”

Yu Wanyin’s eyes lit up. “Great idea, count me in.”

Xie Yong’er continued, “We could also get into courier services. Oh wait, we’d need to improve transportation first… Would you invest if I build cars?”

Yu Wanyin laughed. “Why not go straight to building maglev trains?”

“Maglev trains?”

Yu Wanyin froze.

What year was “The Devil’s Concubine” written? She forgot to check the publication date.

Could this be an old story? Did the concept of maglev trains exist when it was written?

Her pause was too abrupt, and Xie Yong’er looked at her in surprise. Yu Wanyin panicked for two seconds and quickly came up with an excuse. “Nothing, just something I read in a sci-fi novel, hard to explain.”

“You’re suggesting I build something from a sci-fi novel?”

“Just joking…”

But Xie Yong’er kept staring at her, her eyes gradually lighting up with a newfound understanding. “By the way, you once said, where are you originally from?”

Yu Wanyin: “…” Why did she have to have a big mouth?

“A small town… you wouldn’t know it.”

She inwardly cursed. Even with the impending separation, if Xie Yong’er pursued this and fell into an existential crisis, it would be her fault.

To her surprise, Xie Yong’er blinked, and the light in her eyes dimmed. “Alright then.”

For a moment, Yu Wanyin felt a strange familiarity.

Xie Yong’er’s expression had changed subtly, from hesitation to suppression to acceptance, all within seconds. Yet somehow, Yu Wanyin understood.

It was as if Xie Yong’er stood before an invisible giant door, had reached for it for a long time, but finally turned away at this moment.

Taking one more step would lead to an abyss, while retreating kept her in a dream-like world. With a slightly dazed smile, Xie Yong’er said, “When I get the food delivery business running, teach me some local specialties from your home.”

Yu Wanyin snapped out of her thoughts. “Sure.”

Why did that moment feel so familiar?

Xie Yong’er returned to her room. Yu Wanyin remained outside, exhaling a breath of white mist.

The night sky was temporarily clouded, revealing a myriad of stars. Yu Wanyin glanced up casually but then froze.

Moments later, footsteps approached, and Xiahou Dan stood beside her. “Aren’t you cold, staying out here for so long?”

“I finally figured it out.” Yu Wanyin excitedly pointed. “Aren’t those stars almost in a straight line?”

In the summer, Abai had also dragged Xiahou Dan to look at the sky, mentioning something about the stars aligning.

Yu Wanyin said, “I later researched Abai’s master’s prophecy. The ‘Five Stars Convergence’ refers to this celestial phenomenon, which ancient texts say is an omen of a monarch’s assassination.”

Xiahou Dan replied, “That’s quite accurate.”

Yu Wanyin shook her head vigorously. “No, look closely. The tail has already started to curve, no longer in a straight line. What does that mean? It means this disaster has passed. After defeating Tuer, you’ve successfully changed your fate!”

She was elated. “The worst is over, and tomorrow will be fine.”

Xiahou Dan chuckled. “Modern people believe in celestial signs now?”

“Belief shapes reality. I believe. Tomorrow, let me go with you.” Yu Wanyin made a sudden move.

Xiahou Dan sighed almost inaudibly. “Wanyin.”

“I know, you’ve said it all. But… you’ve been acting strangely these past two days. It’s more than low morale; you seem to be preparing for the worst!”

Xiahou Dan’s remaining words were swallowed back.

Had he been that obvious?

Seeing his expression, Yu Wanyin’s worry deepened. “I just want peace of mind too. Watching you take risks while I do nothing… imagine how I feel.”

“Would going into danger together give you peace of mind?”

Yu Wanyin steeled herself. “Yes.”

“And your role as Empress? Abandoning it?”

“If we can’t defeat Prince Duan, the title of Empress is just a facade. I don’t want to play a role forever.”

Xiahou Dan froze.

After a long pause, he softly asked, “So, you’d rather die with me?”

Yu Wanyin took a deep breath. He was serious about this question.

She didn’t understand his pessimism but knew this answer mattered deeply to him.

So she thought carefully, “Crossing over was like dying once already. I thought I’d go to heaven, but ended up in this hellish scenario. Several times, I was exhausted and wanted to give up, but having you in the team, I kept going.”

Xiahou Dan turned quietly, staring at her intently.

Yu Wanyin continued, “We’ve done so much, preventing droughts, defeating the Empress Dowager, allying with Yan Kingdom… Even if it ends here, I’d still say we did well. Of course, there are many unresolved issues, many things I still want to do. Xie Yong’er’s business empire sounds interesting too… But this path is too tiring, too exhausting.”

Her throat tightened, and she realized she was choking up.

She reached out and held his hand. “You promised, no matter life or death, you wouldn’t let me be alone. Are you going to break that promise?”

Xiahou Dan smiled. “Alright.” He embraced her. “Together then.”

How wonderful, this must be what the books describe as “through life and death, a promise to each other.” Yet, this deep love was given to a heavy mask.

But if there’s only tonight left…

Xiahou Dan kissed her. The post-snow palace was silent, with only the stars witnessing, serene and tender.

He led her inside, thinking he would wear this mask until dawn.

Lights flickered, bodies entwined. Yu Wanyin let herself get lost in it, and just before her mind went blank, she found the answer.

She had understood Xie Yong’er because there was also an unseen door in front of her.

To stop herself from thinking further, she held Xiahou Dan’s neck tightly and let herself be carried away in the moment.

At Prince Duan’s Residence

After burning a stack of paper money for his deceased mother, Xiahou Bo stood up calmly and said, “Everyone, take your positions.”

His trusted followers dispersed at his command, leaving only one figure still kneeling.

Xiahou Bo looked down at him and said, “I mentioned before that to avoid being preempted by their Tianyan (Divine Vision), I would add a small plan at the last moment. Now is the time.”

The death warrior replied, “Please give your orders, Your Highness.”

Xiahou Bo handed him a sachet and a few letters. “I will speak, and you remember.”

In the stillness of a city frozen to its core, a lone sound of the night watch’s clapper could be heard.

A new year had arrived.

The Next Day

The next day, with the sun high and the auspicious hour upon them, the emperor, dressed in mourning clothes, performed the rites, listened to the ministers recite the eulogy, and led the civil and military officials in escorting the empress dowager’s triple coffin procession out of the city.

Xiahou Bo rode his horse in the procession, gazing slightly ahead.

Today, there were more guards than usual surrounding the imperial carriage, creating a physical barrier between the emperor and his ministers. Behind the officials were hundreds of imperial guards.

It seemed the emperor had made some preparations. However, the brilliance of their plan was that no amount of guards could prevent it, unless the emperor could foresee the future.

As they approached the foot of the mountain, An Xian walked to the side of the imperial carriage and bowed, “Your Majesty, please assist the coffin up the mountain.” According to custom, the last segment of the journey required the emperor to walk and support the coffin, symbolizing filial piety.

The mournful music played loudly as Xiahou Dan dismounted the imperial carriage, walking solemnly beside the vehicle carrying the coffin. Ahead lay a steep stone wall about ten feet high, formed by the fractured terrain, with snow-covered slopes above and a dense forest below.

Xiahou Dan walked with a dignified step, his eyes straight ahead, approaching the stone wall’s range.

Fifteen steps away—

Xiahou Bo subtly reined in his horse, causing a brief commotion in the procession behind him.

Ten steps away—

Screams echoed from the mountain, followed by a shout, “Assassins!!”

The ministers panicked, instinctively retreating and craning their necks to see what was happening.

Xiahou Bo watched as the emperor stopped calmly and turned to face him.

In that brief moment of eye contact, the emperor’s lips curled slightly.

Sounds of metal clashing came from the top of the stone wall, though no figures could be seen, only trees shaking and large chunks of snow and earth falling. Then came a cry, “Your Majesty, get down!”

A massive dark object fell from the sky.

People hurriedly backed away, tripping over each other, falling into a chaotic heap.

The object crashed down with a tremendous noise, creating a deep pit before their eyes. They saw it was a boulder, taller than a person, and falling from such a height, it could easily crush someone to death.

And the boulder had landed just ten steps away from Xiahou Dan.

Had he walked a little further, there would have been another key figure in today’s funeral.

Guards swarmed to protect the emperor, retreating with him. Xiahou Dan, seemingly frightened out of his wits, hurriedly ran back a few steps before angrily shouting, “Who dares to assassinate me? Seize them!”

From the top of the stone wall, dozens of figures appeared. Leading them was the new commander of the imperial guards, General Gao. “Your Majesty, rest assured, we have eliminated the assassins and captured their leader alive. We will bring him down now.”

As he spoke, figures began moving in the snow-covered forest.

Xiahou Bo strained his eyes to see, recognizing the approaching imperial guards, closing in from all sides. Further down the main road, the sound of marching soldiers could be heard.

The number of imperial guards near Bei Mountain today far exceeded the few hundred trailing the procession. The other boulders prepared at the stone wall were untouched, indicating that the ambush there had been completely neutralized.

Foreseeing the future? This ability was in excess supply on Xiahou Dan’s side.

Xiahou Bo knew the emperor was watching him. He also knew the full drama about to unfold once the imperial guards encircled the area.

His expression remained unchanged, even courteously helping a few fallen ministers to their feet.

Xiahou Dan’s lips tightened.

General Gao soon brought the captured man down. The guards around Xiahou Dan began the usual routine of interrogation and searching, eventually proclaiming loudly, “Your Majesty, we found a token from Prince Duan’s residence on this assassin.”

The entire court fell silent.

Civil and military officials turned in unison to Xiahou Bo.

No assassin would be foolish enough to carry a token linking them to Prince Duan. But whether he carried it or not was irrelevant—if Xiahou Dan needed the token to be found, it would be found.

No one present was a fool. Seeing the situation, they understood: the imperial brothers were about to have their final showdown, right here, before their eyes.

“Prince Duan!” Li Yunxi shouted, beating the drums of war with fervor, “How dare you—”

But Xiahou Bo, eyes wide with disbelief, cried out, “You, you lie!”

Li Yunxi: “…”

What kind of act was this old fox putting on?

With a loud thud, Xiahou Bo knelt. “This must be a frame-up. Your Majesty, please investigate and clear my name!”

Xiahou Dan played his part, looking around helplessly at the guards and the assassin, then in a subdued voice, said, “The empress dowager’s coffin was nearly shattered. We must thoroughly investigate who is behind these assassins. Brother, you should rest in the city. Guards, escort him back to his residence.”

At his command, the imperial guards immediately moved towards Prince Duan.

Xiahou Bo cooperated, gracefully bowing and turning to meet the guards, subtly lifting his fingers at his side.

At that moment, someone in the crowd exclaimed, “Your Majesty, I recognize this assassin. He is a servant from the Yu family!”

The speaker was a supporter of Prince Duan, who then loudly asked, “Yu Shaoqing, why don’t you acknowledge your own servant?”

The crowd erupted.

Now it was Yu Shaoqing’s turn to be in the spotlight. Unlike Xiahou Bo, he was visibly shaken, his legs trembling. “That’s nonsense, I’ve never seen this person.”

Li Yunxi retorted, “How could he be Yu Shaoqing’s man? Everyone knows Yu Shaoqing is virtuous and just…”

“Strange,” a clear voice interjected, “Yu Shaoqing just became the emperor’s father-in-law, why would he conspire with Prince Duan to kill the emperor?”

Li Yunxi choked.

The voice belonged to Erlan. Her sarcastic comment carried more weight than anything Li Yunxi could say, further incriminating Prince Duan.

“Yes, exactly.”

Prince Duan’s supporters wouldn’t stand for it and another spoke up, “Your Majesty, I did see this servant at Yu’s residence during the birthday celebration. Yu Shaoqing, how did your servant end up with Prince Duan’s token? There must be more to this.”

Yu Shaoqing, drenched in sweat, fell to his knees. “This man… this man is a spy sent by Prince Duan!”

“Hahahaha.” The blood-stained assassin leader suddenly laughed, “Why do you all think I’m under someone’s orders? Yu Shaoqing, who is ordering whom here?”

Yu Shaoqing nearly fainted. “What nonsense are you spouting? I’ve never—”

Xiahou Bo sneered inwardly. Now that he was thrust into the spotlight, there was no escape.

The servant cackled and pulled a blood-stained sachet from his bosom. “Why didn’t you find this when you searched me?”

The secret guards were silent.

They only found what they were meant to find.

The sachet was crudely made, red with black embroidery depicting a man and a woman riding an eagle.

Xiahou Dan’s pupils contracted, instinctively looking at his side where a slightly smaller figure stood among his personal guards.

Xiahou Bo caught the shift in his gaze, his eyes narrowing.

The servant continued, “I’m sure His Majesty recognizes who made this sachet, right?” He laughed triumphantly, “I won’t survive today, but I’ll say my piece, so it doesn’t get buried as a palace secret!”

Last Night

Xiahou Bo handed a sachet and a few letters to the death warrior. “I will speak, and you will remember.”

The death warrior glanced at the letters; they were written in a woman’s hand, not particularly neat, with ambiguous love notes—all things Yu Wanyin had used to manipulate Prince Duan while in the cold palace.

Xiahou Bo continued, “Carry the sachet with you, hide the letters in the Yu residence, and let them be found during the search. Currently, everyone suspects Empress Yu is pregnant, and the emperor deposed the crown prince to make way for her child. When you are captured, you must publicly confess that the child in her womb is yours.

“She flirted with you before entering the palace and continued to meet you secretly afterward, resulting in her pregnancy. When Yu Shaoqing discovered it, you three conspired together, deciding that it was better to kill the emperor and pin the blame on Prince Duan if you failed.

“Unexpectedly, you were recognized, and the plot was exposed. Knowing you wouldn’t survive, you decided to mock the emperor before you died.”

The death warrior memorized this, but then hesitated, “Your Highness, will the emperor really believe this?”

Xiahou Bo replied, “It doesn’t matter if he believes it; what matters is that the civil and military officials present will hear it.”

In this way, Yu Wanyin would never shake off the reputation of being a witch, and if Xiahou Dan protected her, he would be seen as a foolish ruler blinded by lust.

The death warrior asked, “What if the emperor is unprepared, and we succeed in killing him?”

Xiahou Bo responded, “Then you won’t confess. Let everyone believe the child in Yu Wanyin’s womb is Xiahou Dan’s posthumous child.”

“…But Empress Yu is not really pregnant,” the death warrior reminded.

Xiahou Bo smiled.

The death warrior understood: once Xiahou Bo took power, she would become pregnant. The child would be the young emperor, and Xiahou Bo would be the regent.

Everything they planned was for legitimacy.

Prince Duan wanted more than power. He wanted to be praised by the people, revered for his virtues, and achieve great accomplishments. He wanted a united court and to establish a prosperous era.

Thus, he could not ascend the throne with the stain of regicide.

He aimed to be a sage ruler, for whom many would willingly die.

The death warrior quickly reviewed the lines in his mind and calmly began, “Yu—”

He only managed to say one word.

A gunshot rang out, and the last thing he saw was the emperor aiming a strange, smoking object at him.

The death warrior fell, convulsed a few times, coughed up blood, and was still.

Xiahou Dan had shot him, then turned to aim at Prince Duan.

Legitimacy, everyone needs it. They had endured until today to justifiably deal with Prince Duan. But all of this depended on things unfolding according to their script.

Clearly, more than one person held the script today.

As Xiahou Dan turned, his heart sank.

In mere moments, Prince Duan had disappeared behind a wall of imperial guards. He was now beyond the emperor’s range, as if knowing in advance what weapon he wielded.

The soldiers surrounding Prince Duan, once protecting him, now shielded him completely.

The newly appointed General Gao’s face changed, shouting orders to no avail. “Are you rebelling?!”

No one answered. The thousands of imperial guards present had split into two factions, each gathering and facing off against each other.

In the middle were the terrified, unarmed officials.

Bei Zhou’s ears twitched. “There are more troops in the forest. Likely his private soldiers or border troops have arrived. He never planned to rely solely on the stones. His backup is more than I anticipated.”

Meanwhile, Prince Duan loudly accused, “Your Majesty! The assassin uttered ‘Yu’ before dying. Why did you kill him? Aren’t you going to investigate who made that sachet?”

The ministers, already cowering, dared not speak. In the crowd, Li Yunxi wanted to retort but was silenced by Yang Duojie. “Don’t speak. The verbal battle is over.”

A full-scale battle was inevitable.

Xiahou Bo shouted, “Your Majesty, will you kill your brother for a woman without distinguishing right from wrong? What power does Empress Yu have to bewitch you? She offended the empress dowager but emerged unscathed while the dowager died suddenly…” He suddenly looked at the small guard. “Empress Yu, do you have nothing to say?”

The small guard trembled.

Xiahou Dan ordered, “Silence him.”

General Gao bellowed, “Seize the traitors!”

Simultaneously, Prince Duan commanded, “Purge the witch, protect the emperor!”

The two factions charged, causing the ground to tremble.

Trapped between them, the officials had only one exit: the dark forest.

Pushed by the crowd, Li Yunxi and others were forced towards the forest. As they ran in, they were quickly pushed back out.

The ambushers emerged.

Hidden among the trees, they had been nearly undetectable, but now they emerged in overwhelming numbers.

The leading officer’s command brought soldiers to draw their swords, their deadly aura rolling like a black cloud, contrasting sharply with the scattered imperial guards.

Li Yunxi cursed, “Border troops…”

This kind of momentum could only come from battlefield-hardened soldiers.

So many border troops appearing here meant they had been hidden nearby, awaiting Prince Duan’s command.

This was not in Xiahou Dan’s calculations. His forward imperial guards, caught off guard, were quickly overwhelmed and defeated.

Officials screamed and fled in all directions.

Both sides cared about their reputations and avoided harming the officials, but the chaos and danger were still terrifying.

Li Yunxi, relatively strong among the officials, helped those who tripped. The sounds of battle and distant explosions, seemingly from the emperor’s direction, were ominous.

A horse veered off course and charged towards them. Li Yunxi pushed an old official aside and rolled away, barely avoiding the horse’s hooves.

“Brother Li!” Yang Duojie helped him up. “Are you alright?”

Li Yunxi coughed, “Don’t worry about me. Find a safe place to hide—where’s Erlan?”

“Haven’t seen her!”

Li Yunxi scanned the crowd, spotting Erlan in the distance. His eyes widened.

“Brother Li? Where are you going?!”

Li Yunxi sprinted through the melee.

In the forgotten mountain path, a frail figure was climbing desperately. Erlan darted behind a tree.

What was Erlan doing climbing the stone wall? Li Yunxi thought of the falling rocks and immediately understood.

If he thought of it, others would too.

The imperial guards, losing morale against the formidable border troops, began to scatter.

Prince Duan did not mount a horse, staying hidden behind his guards, watching the strange explosions from the emperor’s direction.

The emperor was no longer firing.

After the battle began, the emperor’s weapon disappeared.

The small guard, instead of staying behind the emperor, joined the fight but clearly wasn’t a trained fighter.

In a short while, the guard struggled and had to use the strange weapon for protection.

Prince Duan pointed, “Seize that guard.”

The guard, though a sharpshooter, soon ran out of bullets. Suddenly, a large net fell from above, trapping the guard.

The guard struggled violently, but the warriors pulled the net tight, immobilizing the guard.

The guard, now restrained, stopped moving when a knife was held to their throat.

Once the guard was subdued, Prince Duan ordered, “Take the weapon, tear off the mask, and hang them for all to see.”

Then, use her as a hostage to force the emperor to retreat.

The emperor must not die today. He must be driven mad by the witch Empress Yu in the palace and die there.

Li Yunxi panted, “Stop!”

Erlan: “Leave me.”

“There’s no way there’s no one up there. You’ll only die.” Li Yunxi chased her, always a few steps behind, reaching out to grab her, “I’ll go. I’ll go, alright!”

Erlan laughed, “What are you saying, Brother Li? Don’t you want to be a pillar of the court?”

“I joined the court to die with honor. Don’t take—my—chance!” Li Yunxi lunged, finally grabbing her wrist and pulling her back. “Look at your thin arms. At least I’m stronger—”

“I am a woman.”

“—and can push the stone…” Li Yunxi stopped mid-sentence.

Taking advantage of his shock, Erlan passed him again. “Go back, Brother Li. I was never meant for the court.”

On the Stone Wall

The scene on the stone wall was dire.

Prince Duan’s rebels pressed the imperial guards back to the stone wall. Dropping the boulder could kill many guards even if it didn’t kill the emperor.

The death warriors aimed for the boulder, trying to take it.

The remaining guards, injured, struggled to hold the boulder’s position.

Erlan took an arrow to the shoulder, the pain almost making her scream.

She bit down, tore armor from a corpse, and crawled towards the boulder.

A guard saw her, “Who are you?”

Erlan: “Look below. Where are Prince Duan’s men?”

The guard was stunned.

Erlan: “If I were the emperor, I’d retreat quickly to draw them below.”

A wounded guard risked a look and quickly confirmed. “

Prince Duan’s rebels pushed Xiahou Dan’s imperial guards back to the stone wall. Dropping the boulder could kill many guards even if it didn’t kill the emperor.

The death warriors realized this too and charged to seize the boulder as the battle began.

Xiahou Dan’s secret guards stayed behind to guard it, trying to shoot the attackers down the slope. But the enemy retaliated with a hail of arrows.

By now, the area around the boulder was strewn with corpses, and only three or four severely injured secret guards remained, struggling to hold their position behind the boulder.

As Erlan emerged, she was hit by an arrow, and the sharp pain almost made her cry out.

She immediately lay flat, gritting her teeth, and pulled a piece of armor from a nearby corpse to cover her back. Slowly, she crawled towards the boulders.

One of the secret guards saw an unarmed official running towards them and asked in shock, “Who are you?”

Erlan replied, “Look down and see where Prince Duan’s men are.”

The secret guard hesitated.

Erlan continued, “If I were the emperor, I would retreat quickly to draw them below.”

A guard, his back pierced by an arrow and face as pale as paper, risked a glance down. He quickly drew back and said, “It’s true. Prince Duan’s men are all below. No wonder they are in such a hurry…”

He shot two more arrows at the enemy, but weakened by his injuries, they fell short.

The guard, despairing, said, “They’re coming up.”

He looked at his remaining comrades, took a deep breath, and braced himself against the boulder.

Erlan crawled to his side and joined him. “One, two—”

Down the Slope

Several death warriors approached the small guard, one trying to pry the gun from his fingers, another attempting to tear off his mask.

As the mask was torn away, it revealed the face beneath.

The warrior froze, mouth open, but the figure in the net suddenly burst free, breaking the net with a series of bone-cracking sounds.

In moments, all the warriors fell. The man, now fully visible, leaped into the air, aiming his gun at Prince Duan.

His defenses wide open, dark weapons flew towards him from the ground, but he didn’t dodge, instead pulling the trigger—


Prince Duan had to dodge.

Though quick, the opponent’s gun was quicker. The next two shots came almost without pause!

Prince Duan barely landed when something flew off.

Half his face felt wet—it was his own blood.

His ear had been shot off.

On the Stone Wall

Erlan and the secret guards, all injured, could only push the boulder a few inches.

Erlan, gritting her teeth, threw her body against the boulder.

The boulder moved.

Erlan, delighted, noticed someone else beside her.

Li Yunxi: “Together.”

Erlan: “You’ll die!”

Li Yunxi looked at her, eyes burning with determination, and repeated, “Together.”

With no time to hesitate, Erlan shouted again, “One, two—”

A fourth person joined the effort.

Yang Duojie: “Together.”

Li Yunxi: “…”

In the Forest

Bei Zhou, in mid-air with no escape, was hit by several dark weapons. As he began to fall, he fired two more shots.

Prince Duan ran like a dog.

He ran for his life but suddenly felt a shock, instinctively looking up—


A thunderous crash silenced the battlefield for a moment.

Prince Duan was trapped beneath the boulder, with only his upper body visible. He struggled to crawl out, fingers clawing into the earth in desperation.

Bei Zhou, landing heavily, swayed, then raised his gun again.

Out of ammo.

A commanding voice came from the crowd: “Keep going, capture the emperor!”

It was the leader of the border troops. With Prince Duan down, they should have been leaderless, but this leader was evidently highly respected. He took command, saying, “Left flank, rescue Prince Duan! Others, pursue Empress Yu!”

Knowing there was no turning back, the rebels fought with renewed ferocity, charging at Xiahou Dan. Another group galloped towards the city gates to find Empress Yu.

Bei Zhou, bleeding profusely, reached Xiahou Dan and uttered one word: “Retreat.”

Without waiting for a response, he hoisted Xiahou Dan onto his back and ran.

Xiahou Dan, caught off guard, struggled, “Uncle, wait, I can’t just—”

“I don’t care!” Bei Zhou retorted, “We can’t hold them off here. Do you want to live or not? Let’s go, you’re not emperor anymore.”

On the Road

As Erlan and the others fought their way up the hill, Yu Wanyin woke with a start.

She found herself in a jostling carriage, and Xiahou Dan was not with her.

Last night, Xiahou Dan had agreed to face the battle together at Bei Mountain, and then they had shared an intimate moment. How she had fallen asleep afterward, she couldn’t remember.

“Xiahou Dan…” Yu Wanyin muttered angrily, lifting the carriage curtain to look outside. The carriage was clearly out of the city, traveling on a forest path with a team of secret guards escorting it.

Yu Wanyin shouted, “Stop the carriage!”

No one responded.

Yu Wanyin tried again, “Stop right now! Where is the emperor?”

A guard answered, “We have orders to protect you at all costs, no matter what happens, we cannot turn back.”

“Don’t waste your breath,” a voice opposite her said coolly.

Xie Yong’er, sitting across from her, sighed. “You only woke up after half an hour out of the city. Looks like Xiao Tiancai’s knockout drops are quite effective.”

Yu Wanyin asked, “Did Xiahou Dan put me in here? You knew about this?”

Xie Yong’er raised her hands. “I didn’t know. I was about to leave this morning when he suddenly put you in. He kept it a secret until the last moment to prevent leaks. Don’t be angry; he did it for you.”

Yu Wanyin drew out her pistol from her coat.

Her mind was filled with foreboding. “What about Bei Mountain?”

“We can’t know right now. We have to get to another city, disguise ourselves, settle down, and then find out.” Xie Yong’er seemed surprisingly cheerful. “Which city do you think we’ll go to first?”

Yu Wanyin remained silent.

“Sorry, I’m just a bit drunk on the air of freedom—”

Xie Yong’er’s words were cut off abruptly.

The next moment, Yu Wanyin felt the carriage overturn, flinging her out. The sounds of horses’ screams filled the air.

“Tripping ropes!” a guard shouted.

Yu Wanyin hit the ground hard, blacking out for a moment.

Arrows whistled through the air.

Sounds of fighting.

Guards falling.

Yu Wanyin sat up, rubbing her head, finding herself inside the overturned carriage. Xie Yong’er was beside her, clutching her arm in pain.

Yu Wanyin whispered, “Are you alright?”

“Seems like a fracture…”

An arrow shot through the window, grazing Yu Wanyin’s ear and embedding itself in the seat.

“Empress Yu, care to climb out yourself?” a mocking voice called from afar.

Xie Yong’er looked up sharply. “It’s Mu Yun.”

Mu Yun stood at a distance, watching his men fight the guards. “Prince Duan wants you alive if possible, but dead works too.”

Inside the carriage, Yu Wanyin searched for her gun but found nothing.

Mu Yun called out, “Come out, or I’ll set the carriage on fire. If you’re burned beyond recognition, it’ll be hard to explain to Prince Duan.”

The smell of burning grew stronger. He wasn’t joking.

Yu Wanyin frantically searched, but the gun eluded her.

A hand pressed her shoulder. “Don’t rush, take your time.”

Xie Yong’er raised her voice. “You made a mistake targeting us.”

Yu Wanyin looked up in surprise. Xie Yong’er was already climbing out the window. She reached to pull her back but missed.

Outside the Carriage

Xie Yong’er, emerging from the carriage, was immediately captured and dragged before Mu Yun.

Mu Yun, momentarily stunned, then laughed. “Well, well, if it isn’t Consort Xie.”

With her hands tied behind her back and the pain from her broken bone, Xie Yong’er endured through gritted teeth, her words coming out in gasps. “You…you’ve already been dismissed. Why not…join me in rebelling against Prince Duan? He’s not a good master either.”

Mu Yun’s expression turned sinister. “Indeed, I’m gambling everything here, hoping the emperor would send away Empress Yu and that they’d choose this secluded path. I prided myself on understanding human nature, thinking I’d be Prince Duan’s top advisor. Now, after all my schemes, I have to beg for his scraps. And do you know who I have to thank for that?”

Xie Yong’er tried to soothe him, adjusting her tone. “You don’t understand—”

“Of course, I have you to thank!” Mu Yun’s eyes gleamed with malice.

Xie Yong’er was forced to her knees, the pain drawing a cry from her lips. Her face was slapped repeatedly, each blow harsh and unrelenting.

Mu Yun, after savoring her pained expression, laughed. “Did you really think such petty tricks would protect the person in that carriage?”

“What are you…talking about?”

“Don’t worry, none of you will be left behind.” Mu Yun drew a dagger, stabbing downwards. “Burn the carriage.”

Those were his last words.

A series of gunshots rang out.

He paused, looking up in panic as his men fell one by one.

In his mind echoed words he had heard before his dismissal: “There were several bowl-sized holes left in the Hall of Joy. We don’t know what weapon made them…”

The next moment, his thoughts ceased. One of those holes appeared in his head.

With the leader dead, the remaining enemies scattered, quickly dealt with by the surviving secret guards.

Yu Wanyin rushed to Xie Yong’er.

Mu Yun had been efficient; Xie Yong’er was already bleeding from several wounds.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, just stop the bleeding,” Yu Wanyin’s hands trembled as she futilely tried to stem the flow of blood. Her voice was shaky. “Where’s Xiao Tiancai?!”

Xie Yong’er smiled weakly. “You forgot? He stayed in the palace to secure my freedom.”

“We’ll go back, we’ll find him. Just hold on…”

“Listen to me,” Xie Yong’er gripped her hand. “Don’t tell Xiao Tiancai. If he knows I’m dead, he might stop working.”

Yu Wanyin’s eyes filled with tears. “Shut up!”

On the Battlefield

As Bei Zhou carried Xiahou Dan away, the imperial guards lost their morale and were quickly defeated.

Prince Duan’s forces would not let them escape. They disregarded the need to take prisoners, raining arrows and throwing hidden weapons, but none could touch Bei Zhou and Xiahou Dan.

However, Bei Zhou was bleeding profusely. After a few moments of running, his pace slowed.

Xiahou Dan, seeing he couldn’t hold on much longer, said, “Uncle Bei, put me down and save yourself.”

Bei Zhou gave a short, derisive laugh, like he had heard a great joke. “I won’t leave you, even if the sky falls.”

“I don’t have long to live.”

“Nonsense! As long as you’re not the emperor, you’ll live a long life. I’ll find you medicine…”

Xiahou Dan lay quietly on his back for a moment. “I am not your old friend’s son.”

Bei Zhou’s steps didn’t falter, but he fell silent, unsure if he understood.

Xiahou Dan: “I am not Xiahou Dan. I am a lone soul borrowing this body. Everything before was a lie.”


“Uncle?” Xiahou Dan, still not being put down, grew urgent. “Do you understand? I am not—”

“I understand, you’re not her child.” Bei Zhou’s voice suddenly became hoarse, as if he aged in an instant. “But she wouldn’t want to see you suffer either.”

He took a deep breath and let out a long howl, his voice echoing through the mountains.

On the Mountain

“Prince Duan’s men are coming,” Erlan said, hiding behind the remaining boulder. “To die with you all today is an honor.”

Li Yunxi looked conflicted, finally making a decision. He clenched his fist. “Brother Erlan, actually I—”

“Hahaha, why don’t we swear brotherhood here and meet again in the next life!” Yang Duojie said boldly.

Erlan: “Great idea.”

Li Yunxi: “…”

In the Forest

“Live well…build that business empire,” Xie Yong’er’s vision began to blur. “Don’t be sad, I’m going back…to the world outside this book.”

Yu Wanyin’s tears finally spilled over.

For a character in a book, there is no world outside.

Xie Yong’er: “When I return to modern times, I’ll visit your hometown and try that…dou something…”

“Douzhi,” Yu Wanyin’s tears fell on her face. “And chaogan, zhajiangmian, roast duck, steamed duck, steamed lamb…”

Xie Yong’er closed her eyes amidst Yu Wanyin’s litany of dishes.

The earth began to shake.

With the chosen one’s unexpected death, the world seemed to hum, rocks trembled, and the ground threatened to collapse.

Yu Wanyin held Xie Yong’er’s body tightly, trying to shield her from the falling debris.

Her mind was blank, filled only with the regret of not finding the gun earlier.

The earthquake lasted for a full quarter-hour before the land calmed.

Yu Wanyin sat in a daze until a secret guard pulled her up. “Your Highness, we must keep moving. Should we bury Consort Xie here?”


“Your Highness?”

Yu Wanyin took a deep breath. Only five guards remained, all lightly injured.

She slapped her cheeks, forcing herself to think. “Bury her. Erase our tracks as much as possible, or leave false trails to mislead any pursuers.”

Leaving one guard behind, the remaining four escorted her as they continued on foot along a hidden path.

At sunset, Yu Wanyin’s strength was gone. They found a cave to rest in, not daring to light a fire, and shared some dry rations.

Yu Wanyin nibbled on her food without appetite, retreating to a corner to sit with her knees hugged, staring blankly.

After everything that had happened, two questions plagued her mind.

Why hadn’t she seen through Xiahou Dan’s deception last night?

Why couldn’t she find the gun sooner?

Perhaps because she looked so awful, the guards kept glancing at her. After some whispered discussion, one of them pulled out a letter. “Your Highness.”

Yu Wanyin slowly looked up.

“The emperor left this letter for you, to be given only after you were safe. I took the liberty of giving it to you early…you might want to read it.”

Yu Wanyin snatched the letter and tore it open, reading it quickly in the fading light.

The letter was written in simplified Chinese, in a graceful, flowing hand, unlike Xiahou Dan’s usual writing. It resembled the calligraphy he had done for the spring couplets last night.

The first line read, “To my wife, Wan Yin.”

The second line: “My name is Zhang San.”

To my wife, Wan Yin:

My name is Zhang San.

Laugh if you want; people always asked if I got this name as a joke. Actually, it’s the opposite. My parents were extremely satisfied with this name, thinking it was so unconventional it would make me stand out.

Indeed, I never met anyone with the same name. From elementary to middle school, I was always the first student the teachers remembered. Other than this cool name, I was pretty mediocre. My grades weren’t great, except for physics where I came first twice. As for English, I usually relied on dice for the multiple-choice questions.

Oh, and I was good at sports. I was always forced to sign up for long-distance running at school sports events.

You might wonder why I’m rambling about middle school.

Because in our world, I don’t have memories beyond that.

In the third year of middle school, I got distracted in class, playing on my phone, and was sucked into this book by a pop-up ad (this story teaches us to focus in class). When I became Xiahou Dan, this body was six years old.

Sixteen years and eight months have passed since then.

By this calculation, I have been Xiahou Dan longer than I was ever Zhang San.

In recent years, I sometimes doubted if the “world outside the book” was real or just a delusion from a sick mind. After all, a world with air conditioning, the internet, healthcare, and aspirin sounds increasingly unrealistic.

Funny enough, when I first arrived here, I felt trapped in a never-ending nightmare. But now, looking back, I can barely remember my middle school’s name. Those past experiences feel like a fleeting dream.

Until you asked, “How are you.”

It turns out everything was real. I really lived, had parents, friends, and a future.

I am a despicable person. In that moment, you saved me, but in the next, I devised a plan to deceive you. Gaining your trust, becoming your ally, and using the script in your hands for my own purposes. Only in this way could I achieve victory in the safest manner and ensure that the Empress Dowager and Prince Duan pay for their blood debts.

In front of you, I not only concealed my past but also carefully controlled my words and actions, striving to play the role of a modern person you were familiar with. I couldn’t let the blood on my hands scare you away.

Only when I truly started playing Zhang San did I realize how far I had strayed from him. Over the years, I have dreamt nightly of being dragged into the abyss by demons and monsters, so frequently that it became a habit. One month after you arrived, I suddenly dreamt of classmates passing notes, inviting me to rush to the cafeteria after class. Waking up, I smashed several cups and plates, just wanting to hear some noise within the palace walls. At that moment, I wished I could set everything on fire and end it all.

You arrived too late, Wan Yin. There is no one here waiting for you who is like you. You only ended up with a madman who doesn’t have much time left. Born not as a human, I am deeply sorry.

—Did you just laugh? Smile more, you’ve been too unhappy lately.

I can’t pinpoint when I fell in love with you. As Zhang San, liking you seemed only natural; as Xiahou Dan, it felt almost like an obsession. I just know that from that moment on, I feared being exposed even more.

A drowning person prays to grab onto a piece of driftwood. But when they are too far from shore and beyond saving, clinging tightly to the driftwood only drags it into the water too.

I hope that, at the very least, I can keep you from getting blood on your hands. I hope that in this sea of dark winds and wicked waves, there is at least one place where you can sleep peacefully. I hope to delay the moment when I face your frightened and guarded eyes. Most of all, I hope to see you always burning bright like fire, shining like the moon, forever the fearless, powerful girl you were at the beginning.

If you need the strength of a kindred spirit during moments of fear and doubt, then I will play that role for you, right up until the day I die.

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