Chapter 1: Medicated

Are You OK Chapter 1


People from the modern world transmigrating into the ancient Chinese fantasy world has become a common and everyday occurrence that the royal court in the latter has decided to moderate them. If you’re a transmigrator, you must report your existence to Lou Zhu, the master of Best Tower. Once you pass his test and prove that you are indeed a modern person, you can then be assigned to work in different areas of the government and be given a high salary.

Because of this promised benefit, many impostors have appeared before Lou Zhu. And one day, Zuo Yunqi takes this test as well. Is he an impostor, or is he an actual modern person?

But some transmigrators also choose to hide their existence out of distrust in the government. Where are they? And with their advanced knowledge on science and technology, what are they planning in the dark?

Elsewhere, other transmigrators find themselves in all sorts of situations—an art student is detained and forced to come up with a recipe for a poisonous meal, while another is stuck sharing a body with the original soul and fighting for its control. Meanwhile, unrest rises in the Jianghu and a storm brews in the palace. Can our transmigrators’ modern knowledge save the day? Or will their lack of understanding in the current world lead to their downfall?

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The moon hung high in the sky, and muffled whispers came from a tightly shut door.

“Brother, do you know the three colors of a traffic light?”

“Red, yellow, green.”

“What is ‘bird language’ in ‘bird language’?”


“What is the abbreviation for League of Legends?”

“Uh… LoL?”

“Wrong. Brother, our plans are of utmost importance, concerning the safety of the world. We cannot take these questions lightly.”


“How about you recite the foreign alphabet once more?”

“A, B, C, D…”

As the moon gradually sank, the strange syllables echoing in the eerie chamber finally fell silent.


The leader scrutinized Zuo Yunqi.

Zuo Yunqi stared back at the leader.

Zuo Yunqi was a handsome young man with a fair complexion, but his face was currently pale, his clothes tattered, and his exposed arms bore the marks of whipping. He stood alone in the hall, facing the various looks around him, but his expression had an air of detachment, as if it all had nothing to do with him.

The leader crossed his legs, tilted his head, and asked the burly man beside him, “What do you make of him? Is he genuine?”

The burly men exchanged glances.

One of them, a bearded man, clasped his fists and said, “My lord, he claims to be from a thousand years in the future. But we think he’s faking it.”

The leader asked, “Why?”

The man replied, “Our entire gang has an irreconcilable feud with him. It took us a lot of effort to capture him. He was locked up in the dungeon one day, and the next day he claimed to have ‘traveled’ through time.”

The men glared angrily, “He’s obviously taking us for fools.”

The leader pondered, “Hmm…”

Zuo Yunqi suddenly spoke, “Even fools like you can see the flaw. Do you think I’d be so eager to die?”


The man gritted his teeth, “My lord, please investigate this thoroughly.”

The leader chuckled, “I am but a small businessman, not much of a lord. I just happen to be a time traveler myself. Only a traveler can identify another traveler.”


The capital of Da Liang had peculiar feng shui.

Every year, one or two newly deceased people would suddenly open their eyes, their bodies occupied by souls from a thousand years in the future.

Some might suddenly collapse on the street, and when they got up, they were a different person.

At first, this caused quite a stir, but now people were used to it. Some would dismantle the mourning hall, others would report to the authorities.

However, outside the capital, such occurrences were rare. If mishandled, they could still cause a great uproar. Therefore, Da Liang’s laws explicitly stated that any time traveler discovered nationwide must be immediately sent to the capital for a special investigation.

This special investigator was the leader.

The leader’s surname was Lou, and his name was Zhu.

The leader typically dressed like a wealthy idler, with scholarly features, though his eyes were evasive, his lips slightly upturned, and his whole demeanor exuded laziness.

The people in the capital knew that this body originally belonged to a low-ranking civil servant, who died and came back to life, renaming himself Lou Zhu.

In short, he was a time traveler appointed by the emperor to identify other time travelers.


The leader said, “Usually, only those who have traveled pretend not to have traveled. But now the former emperor has died, and the current emperor’s benefits for travelers are good, attracting locals to impersonate. It’s not impossible.”

The new emperor was ambitious, slightly relaxing policies for travelers, intending to promote Da Liang’s cultural development. Once verified, travelers could be utilized not just in the court but also shine elsewhere. The leader himself was an example.

The man quickly said, “Let me explain. There is a large faction in the martial world skilled in poisons called the Side Door. Their leader is named Zuo Dao.”

The leader said, “Hmm.”

The man continued, “Zuo Dao has a son named Zuo Yunqi, which is this fellow.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I am not Zuo Yunqi.”

The man added, “There’s also a large faction called the Azure Dragon Gang, which is us.”

The leader snapped his fingers, took a sip from a celadon cup handed by a maid.

The leader said, “Can’t you come up with better names?”


The man said, “The Side Door’s poison techniques are extremely vicious. Countless brothers of the Azure Dragon Gang have died at their hands. Finally, two months ago, a mistake during their poison-making caused a big fire. The various toxic substances stored in the pharmacy were burned, and the smoke spread, poisoning their entire sect. But the leader, Zuo Dao, left no corpse, his whereabouts unknown. This young master, who was traveling, also survived.”

The leader said, “So you took advantage of the situation and captured him.”


The man said, “You are wise, my lord. We mainly wanted to interrogate Zuo Yunqi, forcing him to reveal his father’s whereabouts. Who knew he’d die after a few whips.”

The leader asked, “How many whips exactly?”

The man said, “Zuo Yunqi has martial arts skills; he shouldn’t die so easily. We thought he was faking death, so we soaked him in cold water overnight.”


The man continued, “Sure enough, he woke up. But although he woke up, he…”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Was no longer the original.”


The man said, “My lord, if Zuo Yunqi were alive, he would surely be tortured to death, and his father would also face retribution. The timing of this ‘travel’ is too coincidental.”

The leader said, “Makes sense.”

The man added, “But if he truly has traveled, we dare not kill him, for fear of disrupting the court’s affairs. Hence, we came to the capital seeking your judgment. If he’s a fake, we can still execute him.”

The leader said, “It’s not hard. Let me ask him a few questions.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Ask away.”

The leader asked, “You claim you’re not Zuo Yunqi, then who are you inside this body?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Jay Chou.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “Just kidding.”


The leader asked, “Where should one cross the road?”

Zuo Yunqi answered, “At the pedestrian crossing.”

The leader asked, “What is the abbreviation for League of Legends?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “LoL.”

The leader asked, “How many rings are there in the Olympics?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Five.”

The leader asked, “What are the colors from left to right?”


Zuo Yunqi said, “Do you remember them yourself?”


The leader said, “Next question.”


The leader said, “Next is a multiple-choice question. The Great River flows east, and the stars in the sky—A, sparkle; B, don’t speak; C, follow the Big Dipper; D, twinkle.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “C.”

The leader asked, “Let us live in the red dust—A, vigorously; B, freely; C, gloriously; D, sloppily.”


The leader said, “Please answer.”


A man slammed the table, “Can’t answer, can you?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “…C.”


The leader looked at Zuo Yunqi.

Zuo Yunqi looked at the leader.

Everyone looked at the leader.


The leader gazed at Zuo Yunqi for a long time, then slowly said, “He is indeed a traveler.”

The men were shocked, “Impossible!”

The leader said, “I said he is a traveler, so he is. Do you doubt my judgment?”

The man said, “We dare to question it.”


The leader sneered, “These questions could only be answered by a traveler. Anyone who disagrees, come and try answering two questions.”

No one stepped forward.

The leader said, “Since he is a traveler, he surely doesn’t know his father’s whereabouts. Torturing him further is pointless. Besides, travelers must be sent to the palace for the emperor’s interrogation. I will take over this person. You may leave.”

The men grumbled but, unable to challenge the leader invoking the emperor’s name, reluctantly left.

Zuo Yunqi glanced slightly, meeting the bearded man’s eyes, then both looked away as if nothing had happened.


The leader uncrossed his legs, crossing the other one.

The leader said, “You answered wrong. It’s not ‘gloriously,’ it’s ‘freely.'”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I see.”

The leader asked, “Why did you choose C?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “If three are long, choose the shortest; if three are short, choose the longest. When in doubt, choose C.”



The leader said, “So you guessed.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Yes, I guessed.”

The leader asked, “If you’re really a traveler, how could you not know this?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “I’m from the countryside, uneducated, never read this poem.”


The leader said, “It’s a song.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I’m from the countryside, uninformed


The leader was filled with doubts, his thoughts racing. If Zuo Yunqi were a time traveler, he shouldn’t have failed to answer such simple questions. But if he were a local, how would he know about the ABCs and the test-taking tricks?

Given that he specialized in this field, the leader had naturally done his research. According to what he knew, records of time travelers in the martial world were extremely rare. Even if someone were determined to investigate, they couldn’t possibly uncover such details.

The leader couldn’t fully trust Zuo Yunqi.

But he also couldn’t explain Zuo Yunqi’s understanding of modern knowledge.

Moreover, strangely enough, he felt a sense of familiarity in the boy’s words and actions, as if they were long-lost acquaintances.

The leader was certain he had never met Zuo Yunqi in this life. So… was it in a past life?

The leader looked at Zuo Yunqi.

The leader asked, “What was your name in your past life?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Andy Lau.”


The leader said, “Interesting.” He chuckled mirthlessly, “You can stay in the building for now.”

Zuo Yunqi tensed slightly.

Zuo Yunqi asked, “Why?”

The leader replied, “I report the movements of time travelers at the end of each month. You will then be summoned to the palace, where the emperor will decide whether to use you as talent or send you to the dungeon as a problem.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “It’s only mid-month now. Aren’t you afraid of complications due to your efficiency?”

The leader said, “Indeed, discovering a new time traveler is an urgent matter and can be reported immediately. But in the emperor’s eyes, time travelers are ‘not of our kind.’ Even if they are used, they are placed in scattered locations. It’s rare for me to meet a fellow traveler, so you’ll keep me company for a few days.”


The leader asked, “Aren’t you excited to see a fellow countryman?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “…Excited.”

The leader smirked, “Then why isn’t there any sign of it?”

After a long pause, Zuo Yunqi rolled his eyes and collapsed straight to the ground.

The leader said, “Too exaggerated.”

The leader said, “Hey, that’s too exaggerated.”

The leader said, “Doctor!”


At dusk, in a room of an inn outside the city, the bearded man said solemnly, “We have passed the first stage.”

The man who had followed him during the day said, “Master, there’s no need to worry. The young master is brave and resourceful. The subsequent plans will surely be carried out smoothly.”

The bearded man sighed, “I hope so.”

The follower said, “Master, we have infiltrated the Azure Dragon Gang for many days. Now that we’ve managed to get the young master away from under their noses, staying any longer could be dangerous. It’s best to retreat quickly.”

The bearded man said, “But once we leave, there will be no way to get news of Yunqi’s situation.”

The follower said solemnly, “The young master said that no news is the best news.”


The bearded man said, “Where did this kid learn all these strange sayings?”

The follower said, “I don’t know.”

The bearded man said, “What about those five rings and six rings? Have you heard of them?”

The follower said, “I don’t know.”

The bearded man said, “Hmm. Truly worthy of being my son.”



The leader sat in the study, writing. The pen was made of Xiang bamboo with a violet frost tip, and the paper was pink stationery with gold trimming. Even his white fingertips gripping the pen exuded a sense of decadence.

Identifying time travelers wasn’t the leader’s main job.

He managed a building in the city.

The building was seven stories high, a specification approved by the current emperor. It integrated taverns, inns, brothels, and gambling houses, with advanced service concepts and splendid architecture, making it very popular. Since it had no plaque when completed, it was simply called “the especially tall building” by the people.

Later, as a sign of favor, the emperor bestowed a jade scroll with the inscription, “Good people live in peace.”


The leader was writing a letter.

“To Leader Lin: I have heard that two months ago, a pharmacy of the Side Door sect caught fire, killing the entire sect. The sect leader Zuo Dao disappeared, and his son was captured by enemies. The young master was brought to my building two days ago, claiming to be a time traveler. The coincidences are many. Please investigate whether the Side Door incident is true. If there are doubts, please inform me.”

The leader handed the letter to a servant and went to the guest room.

Zuo Yunqi lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

He was bandaged all over and dressed in clean clothes, making him appear even more distinguished. Although young, he already had the demeanor of a sect leader’s son.

The leader stood with his hands behind his back, leaning against a bedpost, watching his peaceful sleeping face.

The leader said, “Do you plan to stay unconscious until the end of the month?”



The leader said, “You’ve been fed medicine and have slept enough. It’s time to stop pretending.”


The leader said, “If you don’t wake up by the count of three, I’ll notify the Azure Dragon Gang. Three.”


The leader said, “Someone, tell the kitchen to make braised pork with plum snow, crab steamed with ten-year-old wine, West Lake lotus leaf sticky rice, ginseng broth with mushrooms, and for dessert, candied longan and deep-fried golden cakes.”


“Bring it all to Young Master Zuo’s bedside. I’ll sit here and eat.”

Zuo Yunqi groaned.


Zuo Yunqi picked up a few slices of pork, cut as thin as cicada wings, almost translucent, from the sauce. “You really know how to enjoy yourself.”

The leader said leisurely, “Life is meant to be enjoyed. Xiaoxue, peel the crab for me.”

Xiaoxue said, “Yes.”

Zuo Yunqi looked up at Xiaoxue’s pretty face and sneered, “Feasting in a mansion while others starve.”

The leader said, “Oh, you’re not afraid of me?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Not at all. May I borrow a bronze mirror?”

Zuo Yunqi looked in the mirror and said, “Wow, this person is really handsome.”



The leader asked, “Is this your first time looking in the mirror since you traveled here?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “I was dragged around as soon as I arrived, not even given food, let alone a mirror… Tsk, this eyelid isn’t double enough.”

The leader said, “What man cares about double eyelids?”

Zuo Yunqi said sadly, “My eyes were my best feature, big and bright.”

The leader sneered, “All turned to dust, you could be bragging. Maybe you were a bald old man.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Were you a beautiful flower in your past life?”

The leader said, “Average, average. Just stopped by scouts about thirty times while walking on the street.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “You bastard.”

The leader suddenly stared at him.

The leader said, “Say that again.”


Zuo Yunqi hesitated, showing fear, and lowered his head, “Forgive my rudeness…”

The leader said, “Say that again.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “You, you bastard.”

The leader sighed, “I had a college roommate who always ended our arguments with this line.”

Zuo Yunqi observed his expression silently.

The leader showed a trace of sadness, “Xiaoyu, pour me a drink, fill it up.”

Zuo Yunqi looked at him holding the cup and said considerately, “If you like, I wouldn’t mind greeting you with that every day.”



The leader said, “You’re really not afraid of me, huh?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “To be honest, a little afraid, but not too much.”

The leader asked, “Why?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Once you’ve truly faced death, you’re not so afraid of life.”

The leader seemed thoughtful, sighing, “You’re right. We all live towards death.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “With a heart from a thousand years later, looking at everything, fame and fortune are dust, grudges and hatreds are bones. Gone is gone, no big deal.”

Zuo Yunqi was initially being perfunctory, but as he spoke, he touched on his own feelings, mumbling, “Why do people strive for these worldly things?”

The leader poured himself a drink, “In my past life, I had a house, a car, a career, but one day, crossing the road, I didn’t see the red light, bang, all turned to clouds.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “…One must follow traffic rules.”

The leader asked, “And you? How did you come?”


Zuo Yunqi calmly replied, “Suicide.”

Zuo Yunqi braced himself for more questions.

But the leader remained silent for a long time, only handing him a wine cup, “Drink.”


The leader seemed to relax his guard around Zuo Yunqi.

In the following days, he no longer questioned

 him constantly, only inviting him to chat during meals.

Zuo Yunqi, well-prepared, responded without making mistakes.

Perhaps out of consideration for a “fellow countryman,” the leader allowed Zuo Yunqi free rein in the building, eating and drinking at will, and even reimbursed his gambling losses, treating him like a VIP.

The tea in the building was the finest first pick, the flowers rare and precious, the wine golden nectar, and the gambling games ever-changing and novel.

In the capital, high officials, noblemen, and scholars felt it was a must-visit place.


Prince Gong said, “A card of ‘one last job and I’ll retire.'”

Prince Zhuang said, “A card of ‘one last job and I’ll go home and marry.'”

The leader said, “Big, I can’t match that.”

Prince Gong said, “A card of ‘I will be safe on this trip.'”

Prince Zhuang said, “A card of ‘I have a secret to tell you tomorrow.’ I have only five cards left.”

The leader said, “Big, I can’t match that.”

Prince Gong said, “Four cards of ‘my family awaits me for New Year’s,’ bomb!”

Prince Zhuang said, “Four cards of ‘the murderer is.’ Do you have anything bigger?”

Prince Gong quickly looked at the leader.

The leader said, “Sorry.”

Prince Gong said angrily, “What’s the use of you then?”

Prince Zhuang smugly played his last card, “A card of ‘I will be safe on this trip.’ Gentlemen, I win.”


The leader smiled harmoniously, “A bet is a bet. The pair of gold and jade cups in the building will be sent to your residence, Your Highness.”

Prince Gong sighed and walked out.

Prince Zhuang, unwilling to let go, patted his shoulder, “Brother, will you have your men send that jar of Bamboo Leaf Green, or shall I come to fetch it?”

Prince Gong said irritably, “I’ll send it.”

Prince Zhuang laughed, “Leader, your new ‘Death Cards’ are interesting. I enjoy them. But I don’t quite understand their meaning.”

The leader, following them out, said, “It’s simple. The bigger the card, the more fatal the sentence. Saying ‘I will be safe on this trip’ might leave some chance of survival, but saying ‘my family awaits me for New Year’s’ guarantees you’ll never make it.”

Prince Zhuang asked, “What’s the reasoning?”


The leader pondered.

Prince Gong said, “Such profound divination, you don’t understand, he probably only knows a little.”


The leader said, “Sorry.”


The leader said, “There are other ways to bet, like ‘Good Person Card’ and ‘Protagonist’s Halo.'”

Prince Zhuang said, “Next time I’ll bring friends to try them all. Brother, will you come?”

Prince Gong said, “I’ll come! Big bets!”

The leader bowed and said, “Thank you both for patronizing my business. Safe travels, Your Highnesses.”

After the distinguished guests left, the leader sprawled on a chaise longue, “Someone, come and massage my shoulders, pour wine, cut fruit.”

Xiaoxue frowned, “Sir, drinking during the day?”

The leader laughed, “I need to drown my sorrows.”

Xiaoxue asked, “What’s troubling you?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “He’s lonely.”

The leader lazily said, “You understand nothing. None of you understand…nothing.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “What’s there not to understand? I’ve seen TV dramas.”


The leader stared at him again.


The leader said, “A pair of ‘I’ve always seen you as a brother.'”

Zuo Yunqi said, “A pair of ‘I wish you find someone more suitable.'”

Xiaoxue said, “Four, four cards of ‘you don’t understand what love means.'”

The leader threw his cards down, “Damn, lost again.”

Zuo Yunqi said with a smile, “Why don’t we switch seats and change the feng shui?”

Xiaoxue asked fearfully, “What does this mean?”

The leader said, “It’s profound divination.”


Zuo Yunqi laughed, “I’ll shuffle the cards.”


One morning, the leader summoned Zuo Yunqi to the study.

The leader hesitated for a moment before handing Zuo Yunqi a letter.

The leader said, “Read it aloud.”

Zuo Yunqi calmly accepted it and saw the seal of the Wulin Alliance; it was written by Leader Lin.

Clearing his throat, Zuo Yunqi read, “To the leader: The matter you entrusted has been thoroughly investigated. The entanglement between the Side Door and the Azure Dragon Gang is entirely true, with no doubts.”

The leader said, “Hmm.”

Zuo Yunqi smiled, “Is there anything else?”

The leader stared at him, hesitating for a long time as if struggling with an intense internal conflict.

Alarm bells rang in Zuo Yunqi’s mind.

Finally, the leader said, “Write this letter out again.”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Sure.”

The leader said, “In simplified characters.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “I confess.”


The leader closed his eyes, hiding his disappointment.

The leader said, “Confess.”

Zuo Yunqi decisively knelt and said, “My entire sect was wiped out, and my father’s life or death is unknown. I was captured by evildoers in a moment of inattention. My death is a small matter, but my father is still waiting for rescue. Desperate to escape, I resorted to this last resort, just to keep my life and bide my time.”

Tears streaming down his face, Zuo Yunqi pleaded, “Please don’t turn me in. I will repay you greatly in the future; whatever you want, I can give.”

The leader sympathetically said, “Get lost.”



The leader, having reached such a high position, was undoubtedly clever. He had long seen the emperor’s deep-seated wariness towards time travelers and understood the principle of self-preservation. Thus, he neither entered the officialdom nor joined the military, his life’s ambition being to lie in the building and count money.

Someone like him, living a seemingly carefree life, was actually cautious and meticulous. To risk his life as an accomplice to a fake time traveler was a pipe dream.

However, the leader had one unresolved matter.

The leader said, “I have a question.”


The leader said, “You know what I’m going to ask.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I do.”

The leader said, “Tell the truth, and I’ll give you a chance.”


Zuo Yunqi deliberated for a long time, seemingly making a decision, and said, “All those things were taught to me by Wulin Alliance Leader Lin. Leader Lin himself is a time traveler.”

The leader said, “Goodbye.”

Zuo Yunqi urgently said, “You have to believe me! Leader Lin spoke at last year’s martial arts conference about sustainable development in the martial world and ensuring the transparency of Wulin Alliance policies. Isn’t that obvious?”

The leader said, “I taught him that.”


The leader said, “Lin Kai is my close friend. I’m well aware of his ability to throw in a few modern phrases.”


The leader said, “This is your last chance.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Actually, it was an elder.”

The leader asked, “Who?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Many years ago, my father kindly saved an old man who was a time traveler and kept him in the sect. I grew up listening to his stories and learned a lot.”

The leader said, “Haha. The old man liked Jay Chou?”


Zuo Yunqi said, “He was just unlucky to travel into an old body. In his past life, he was a young… girl.”

The leader said, “A girl playing LoL?”

Zuo Yunqi gritted his teeth and raised his head, “Why not?”

The leader asked, “Where is he now?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “He’s buried.”


The leader squinted at Zuo Yunqi.

Zuo Yunqi stared back at the leader.

**Chapter Thirty-Five**

The leader asked, “Do you know how many floors this building has?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Seven?”

The leader said, “It’s eight.”

The leader stood up and walked out of the study, “Follow me.”

Zuo Yunqi’s eyelid twitched.


The leader led Zuo Yunqi around and around, eventually arriving at an inconspicuous storage room on the ground floor. He pressed seemingly random spots on the wall, and a section of bricks slid aside, revealing a dark hole with a wooden ladder extending downward.

Zuo Yunqi said desperately, “Brother, if you don’t like me, just send me back to the Azure Dragon Gang. There’s no need to solve it here.”


The leader ignored him and climbed down first.

Zuo Yunqi looked around, knowing there was no escape, and silently followed.

The further they descended, the thicker the darkness became, almost impenetrable. Just as Zuo Yunqi was preparing to make a desperate move, a flash of light appeared below. The leader had lit an oil lamp with a fire starter.

The basement was still a storage room.

Zuo Yunqi landed on the ground, slightly open-mouthed, examining the scene before him.


The leader pointed to a pile of strange iron objects in the corner, “This is called a bicycle. This is a scooter. These were made by recent travelers, but the craftsmanship is poor and they rust easily, so they’re unusable.”

Zuo Yunqi said nothing, trying to fathom the leader’s intentions.

The leader paced a few steps and picked up a small piece of knotted red cloth, “This is a red scarf. When the emperor asked someone to showcase their talents, he made this and was immediately thrown into the dungeon. The emperor ordered it discarded, but I secretly retrieved it.”

The leader wistfully tied the red cloth around his neck.


“This painting was given to me by a girl who traveled here. See how three-dimensional this head looks? It’s impressive she managed to create shadows and highlights with ink.”


As the leader introduced the various items, Zuo Yunqi’s gaze moved from the objects to the leader’s face.


The entire secret room was filled with bizarre items, out of place in this era and useless in this world, covered in rust and dust, exuding a lifeless aura.

Even the figure standing among them seemed enveloped in a suffocating loneliness.

Zuo Yunqi didn’t know if this could be called homesickness.

Finally, the leader chuckled, “My position is awkward, with limited power. Even if I want to protect others, there’s not much I can do. Once they are sent to the palace, they are either imprisoned or scattered across the country, never to be seen again. But I still care about them.”


The leader looked at Zuo Yunqi, “I find you inexplicably pleasing.”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “…Thank you.”

**Chapter Thirty-Nine**

The leader said, “There’s something familiar about you that I can’t quite place.”

The room was narrow, and they stood close, almost breathing each other’s air. The leader took a step closer, and Zuo Yunqi instinctively stepped back.

The leader said, “Maybe you really are a traveler, just not telling the whole truth due to some hardship.”

Zuo Yunqi remained silent, wary.

The leader took another step closer, and Zuo Yunqi, with no room to retreat, pressed his back against the wall, staring at the leader like a cornered animal.

The leader said, “Maybe you did tell the truth, and someone really taught you these things.”

Zuo Yunqi sensed a glimmer of hope but also suspected a trap, unsure of his next move.

The leader suddenly smiled, “I hope one day you’ll tell me.”


Zuo Yunqi stood stunned as the leader turned away, “I have no reason to trust you, but I do. If you can fool me, you can fool the emperor.”


Zuo Yunqi said in surprise, “What?”

The leader said, “I’ll send you to the palace tomorrow.”

Zuo Yunqi looked up in disbelief.

The leader didn’t look at him, climbing back up the ladder.


Zuo Yunqi’s heart pounded. The more straightforward the leader was, the heavier Zuo Yunqi felt with guilt, almost ready to reveal his plan.

But remembering the earnest instructions before his departure, he calmed down, reminding himself not to complicate things further.

That night, the leader hosted a farewell for Zuo Yunqi.

After a few cups of strong wine, the leader draped an arm around Zuo Yunqi’s shoulder, earnestly advising, “Understand the art of hiding your abilities.”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “…Understood.”

The leader said, “Show some talent, don’t get thrown into the dungeon as a waste. But don’t show too much; don’t volunteer for an official position. Only fools do that. Officials have deep-rooted influence, killing you is easy for them.”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Understood.”

The leader said, “Best to become a merchant like me. The status is lower, but at least you live freely.”

Zuo Yunqi, unsettled, said, “Not everyone has the luxury to be carefree.”

The leader thought for a moment, “You’re right. Only the handsome can be carefree. The ugly are just lazy.”



The next day, the leader sent Zuo Yunqi to the palace gates and then

 left as per the rules. Back at the building, still uneasy, he sent a trusted aide to gather information.

Half a day later, the aide returned, reporting, “Young Master Zuo passed the review and has been assigned to the Ministry of Revenue.”

The leader frowned, “Didn’t I tell him not to become an official if he could avoid it?”

The aide said, “Perhaps it was the emperor’s order, and Young Master Zuo had no choice.”

The leader sighed, “Nothing can be done then.”

Two days later, the aide returned with more news, “It is said that Young Master Zuo volunteered to manage the national treasury at the Ministry of Revenue!”

The leader said, “What?”

The aide said, “He claimed to be a gem appraiser in his previous life.”


The leader said, “A gem? An appraiser?”

The leader was amused and bewildered, “He said that, and the emperor believed him?”

The aide said, “Young Master Zuo demonstrated extraordinary gem identification skills on the spot, and the emperor was very pleased.”

The leader was stunned.

Zuo Yunqi had stayed in the building for many days, never once mentioning gems.

The leader faintly smelled a conspiracy.


Two days later, the leader received a letter from Lin Kai.

The letter read: “To the leader: I have something to say, but I’m not sure if I should say it.”


The leader turned the letter over, confirming there were no other words.


The leader silently picked up his pen and wrote, “To Leader Lin: Take your time to think.”


Several days later, Lin Kai replied, “To the leader: I have thought it over and decided to tell you.

“The Side Door has long been seeking a legendary treasure called ‘Naihe Incense.’ It is an extremely expensive spice, worth a fortune for just a little bit. However, what people don’t know is that Naihe Incense is also a medicine. Combined with a formula developed by the Side Door, it can greatly enhance the internal strength of martial artists, allowing them to progress by leaps and bounds, even equaling decades of practice.

“Although Naihe Incense is rare in the world, there is a rumor that a small pellet-sized piece is kept in the Jade Treasury within the royal palace!”


The leader wrote back, “Do you know that the young master of the Side Door has infiltrated the treasury?”

Several days later, Lin Kai replied, “Yes, I know.”



The leader found it difficult to express his feelings at that moment.

Dipping his brush in vermilion, he wrote in bloody large characters all over the paper: “You knew? You fucking knew? You knew from the start and didn’t warn me???”

Several days later, Lin Kai replied, “Do you know why he could spout so much modern knowledge?”

The leader wrote back, “Why?”

Several days later, Lin Kai replied, “I taught him.”


The leader felt a rush of blood to his throat, spitting out a mouthful that splattered three feet away.


The leader’s mind was filled with thoughts of “bad friends,” wishing he could sprout wings and fly to Lin Kai to beat him senseless.

Lin Kai’s letter continued, “Every time we drank together, once you were drunk, you would start talking non-stop about your world, and no one could stop you. From the ‘Three Represents’ to middle school exercises, you covered everything, even singing the alphabet song multiple times. I found it interesting and wrote it all down. Who knew you would have no memory of it when you woke up.”


The leader finally understood something.

He finally realized why everything Zuo Yunqi mentioned felt so familiar…


Before the leader could go find Lin Kai, Lin Kai arrived at the building.

Not only did he come himself, but he also brought more than a dozen top martial artists from the Wulin Alliance, making a grand entrance.

The leader sat sternly in the hall, saying, “Do you think that with them here, I can’t kill you?”

Lin Kai shook his folding fan and said, “Calm down, why resort to violence immediately? Where’s your composure?”



The leader, furious, laughed bitterly, “As friends, why did you betray me?”

Lin Kai said, “I didn’t harm you. Isn’t everything peaceful and quiet?”

The leader slapped the table, “A guy aiming to steal treasures from the treasury has infiltrated it! And you call this peaceful and quiet!”

Lin Kai remained calm, “Relax. If he hadn’t gotten in, things wouldn’t be peaceful. You don’t understand.”


The leader said, “I really don’t.”

Lin Kai said, “Just trust me, the Wulin Alliance always does things reliably. Even if it goes wrong, these experts can protect you.”

The leader said, “So you plan to stay here?”

Lin Kai said, “I heard the wine and meat here are excellent, so I thought I’d try them.”


The leader felt like crying but had no tears, “I just want to live a comfortable life. What grudge do you have against me?”

Lin Kai earnestly said, “For the peace of the universe.”


The leader was so angry he couldn’t enjoy his meal.

Three parts of his anger were due to being played by Lin Kai, and seven parts due to Zuo Yunqi’s betrayal.

His trusted aide worriedly suggested, “Why not go to the palace and expose Young Master Zuo now?”

The leader sneered, “I’d love to, but I can’t.”

The aide asked, “Why not?”

The leader said, “Exposing him now means I knew all along. Even if I’m not deemed an accomplice, it will make the emperor suspicious of me. Better to pretend I know nothing. Even if the palace is robbed, I’ll just be blamed for poor judgment, which is a lighter charge.”

The aide said, “But the Side Door is evil. If they get that miracle medicine, they’ll create invincible monsters, causing a disaster!”

The leader said, “Are they your ancestors or paying you? Why care so much?”



The leader spoke coldly but still calculated how to silently kill this plot in the cradle.

However, before he could act, a major incident occurred in the palace.

One morning, a servant reported, “The Jade Treasury caught fire last night. Most treasures were saved, but some were destroyed. Among the ashes was a charred body, unrecognizable, but based on the jade pendant, it is likely… Young Master Zuo.”

The leader’s heart skipped a beat.

Zuo Yunqi was dead?

The plot barely halfway, and he was dead?

The leader couldn’t decide if he felt more relieved or regretful, but his intellect caught up, “A charred body?”

The servant said, “Yes.”

The leader rubbed his chin, “Have they identified which treasures were burned?”

The servant said, “Not yet.”

The leader said, “Investigate if the Naihe Incense is among them.”

The servant had just reached the door when he turned back, “A group of martial artists is here to see you.”


The leader’s sense of foreboding grew stronger.

He entered the guest hall and saw a group of masked, suspicious-looking people.

One of them moved, lifted his veil, and smiled, “Hi.”


The leader said, “Xiaoxue, see the guests out.”

Zuo Yunqi hurriedly said, “Wait!”


Zuo Yunqi said, “Aren’t you curious why I’m here?”

The leader said, “You’re dead. Go reincarnate peacefully, don’t haunt me. I’ll burn you money. Xiaoxue, see the guests out.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I can’t harm you. We traveled incognito, unseen. Even if discovered, I committed no crime.”

The leader said, “No crime?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I didn’t just take the incense. I swapped it for a white rosin first, then set the fire. Only those from the Side Door can tell the difference. The palace fools won’t notice even after eight hundred checks.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “Oh, by the way, let me introduce my Side Door brothers and my father.”

A middle-aged man with a pale face and no beard removed his hat, “Greetings, my lord.”

The leader said, “Have we met?”

Zuo Dao said, “I disguised as a bearded man among the Azure Dragon Gang and spoke with you that day.”


The leader said, “You all had fun.”


The Side Door, ambitious and driven, had sought the Naihe Incense’s power and learned a pellet was kept in the treasury.

Guarded heavily, direct theft was impossible. To infiltrate, Zuo Yunqi proposed pretending to be a time traveler to enter the palace.

The entire act of the sect’s massacre and capture was to use the Azure Dragon Gang’s hands, avoiding suspicion. Zuo Dao disguised himself and infiltrated the gang, coordinating with Zuo Yunqi.

Zuo Yunqi said, “I pretended to be possessed while my father encouraged the gang to send me to the capital. If you were fooled, our plan succeeded halfway. If you discovered the ruse, my father would take me back under revenge’s pretext, then kill the gang members.”

The leader nodded, “You’re impressive.”


Zuo Yunqi, seeing the leader’s sarcastic look, gritted his teeth and smiled, “I think so too.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “But we miscalculated one thing. We didn’t expect you to send me to the palace after discovering I was a fake.”

The leader, already mentally dissecting the traitor, coldly said, “I also miscalculated. I thought you had nowhere to learn modern knowledge, never expecting you’d have connections with Lin—”

Zuo Yunqi interrupted, “Oh!”

The leader squinted at him.

Zuo Yunqi said, “I remembered something. When will you give me the Naihe Incense?”



The leader said, “Me? Give you the Naihe Incense?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Yes, wasn’t that the deal?”


The leader said, “Did you hit your head escaping?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “No. To ensure success, I had someone send the incense to you for safekeeping. Where is it?”

The leader laughed, “I fed it to the Jade Rabbit in the Moon Palace.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Dad, he’s lying.”

Zuo Dao shouted, and immediately the group surrounded the leader. The building’s guards couldn’t react in time, watching as weapons were pointed at the leader’s throat.

The leader was stunned.

For a moment, he couldn’t believe there was someone more shameless than Lin Kai.


Zuo Yunqi, looking at the sword at the leader’s neck, said, “Dad, don’t hurt him. If the authorities come, we gain nothing.”

Zuo Dao slashed lightly, cutting the leader’s skin, drawing blood.

The leader, having never suffered like this in two lives, glared at Zuo Yunqi with eyes that could burn through him.

Zuo Dao ordered, “No one move! Search the place!”

The Side Door members scattered, searching every room. No one dared to stop them.

The leader said, “Zuo Yunqi.”

Zuo Yunqi tilted his head and looked back.

The leader said, “What do you want?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “The Naihe Incense.”



Zuo Yunqi personally searched several rooms, suddenly saying, “Ah, is this it?”

Everyone crowded in, Zuo Dao shouted, “Don’t touch it!”

Zuo Dao dragged the leader past the crowd into the room, seeing a pellet on the table, his eyes gleaming as he picked it up and sniffed it carefully.

In a flash, something struck Zuo Dao’s wrist, making him drop his sword with a clang. Simultaneously, the leader was lifted by the collar and pulled aside.

The Side Door members, shocked, turned to see Lin Kai and his men.

Lin Kai stood before the leader, smiling and dramatically shaking his fan, trying to look heroic.

Lin Kai said, “Master Zuo, isn’t it a small world?”


Zuo Dao’s face turned ashen as he threw away the incense pellet, saying, “This one is fake.”

Lin Kai said, “Fake? What a pity.”

Zuo Dao asked, “Lin Alliance Leader, appearing here at this moment, could it be that you also want a share of the treasure?”

The leader’s gaze darted between them, his thoughts racing: Lin Kai and Zuo Dao are not allies? Then what about Zuo Yunqi—

Lin Kai suddenly said, “Hmm, do you smell something?”


Zuo Yunqi replied, “Yes.”

Lin Kai said, “Why do I feel like it smells like Naihe Incense?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Impossible.”

Lin Kai said, “My nose isn’t sensitive. Smell it again.”

Zuo Yunqi sniffed hard, “It really does.”

Lin Kai said, “This pellet is fake. How could it smell like Naihe Incense?”

Zuo Yunqi thought for a moment and said, “Oh, I might have thrown the real pellet into the furnace by mistake.”



With a strange cry, Zuo Dao flung himself toward the furnace like a plucked vulture.

Kicking over the furnace, he ignored the scorching coals and rummaged with bare hands. His skin sizzled almost immediately, filling the air with a burnt smell. He looked deranged, shouting continuously. Everyone watched in horror as he sifted through the ashes, finally picking up a pinch of black ash.

Zuo Dao sniffed the ash desperately, his eyes bloodshot as he wailed, “It’s gone! It’s all gone! This is the smell of Naihe Incense! It’s all burned! All burned!”

Lin Kai whispered, “Tsk, how terrifying.”


Zuo Dao wailed for a long time before abruptly turning and striking at Zuo Yunqi.

Zuo Yunqi couldn’t dodge, but one of Lin Kai’s experts stepped between them, taking the blow from Zuo Dao head-on.

Zuo Dao staggered back, clutching his chest, “Ungrateful son! You planned this! I thought you volunteered out of filial piety!”

Zuo Yunqi, pale, slowly knelt and looked up, “Father, it’s time to wake up.”


The leader said, “Oh, so that’s the plot.”

**Chapter Sixty-One**

Zuo Yunqi said, “I don’t ask you to be a righteous hero, just to be safe and healthy—”

Zuo Dao said, “Ungrateful son.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “You’ve become increasingly obsessed with Naihe Incense over the years, neglecting the sect. How can the loyal disciples bear this—”

Zuo Dao said, “Ungrateful son.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “You’re almost possessed. If you really obtained that evil medicine, power doesn’t come without a price. Not only you, but how many innocent people in the martial world would suffer—”

Zuo Dao said, “Ungrateful son.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “Can you say something else, Father?”

Zuo Dao said, “Don’t call me father. From now on, we’re no longer father and son. If we meet again, I’ll kill you without mercy.”

Zuo Yunqi’s face turned pale.

The leader frowned, “Hey, you’re making threats under the emperor’s nose. Do you think I won’t report this?”

Zuo Yunqi’s pale face regained some color, and he glanced at the leader.


Lin Kai said coldly, “Exactly, I’m still standing here. Is there any point in making threats?”

Zuo Dao, wary of Lin Kai’s experts, didn’t look at him, but instead swept out of the room with his men, leaving in an instant.

Zuo Yunqi remained kneeling with his head down.

Lin Kai sighed, closed his fan, and walked over to pull Zuo Yunqi up, “You did well.”

Zuo Yunqi smiled bitterly, “I didn’t disgrace the mission.”

Lin Kai patted his shoulder, “Be careful. Until we meet again.” With that, he and his experts left.


The leader, finally recovering, roared, “Lin Kai! Room rent!”


Only the leader and Zuo Yunqi were left, staring at each other.

Zuo Yunqi blinked innocently.


The leader said, “I guess we’ll meet again.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “That’s it? Don’t you have any questions for me?”

The leader thought for a moment, “I do. If you wanted to stop your father, why not prevent him from stealing the Naihe Incense from the start? Why go through all this?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “As long as Naihe Incense is in the treasury, my father would never give up. Sooner or later, he’d make a desperate move. Only by burning it to ashes in front of him could I end his obsession.”

The leader asked, “Was this Lin Kai’s idea?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Mine. I wrote to the alliance leader for help. He suggested I pretend to be a time traveler.”


Zuo Yunqi added, “Oh, but not all of it was burned.”

He opened his palm, revealing a small fragment of the incense pellet.

Zuo Yunqi said, “This incense is worth a fortune. I kept a bit. It’s too little to use as medicine, but as a spice, it can sell for a lot.”


The leader said, “Kid, your tactics are worthy of the Side Door.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I’m a good person.”


Zuo Yunqi extended his hand, “Take it.”

The leader asked, “Why give it to me?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Staying in your building requires payment.”



The leader said, “When did I say you could stay?”

Zuo Yunqi lowered his head, “My father said he’d kill me.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “The Side Door is powerful and good with poisons. I can’t survive in the martial world now.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “We’ve met, and I’ve paid. Be kind and take me in.”

The leader’s expression was complex.

The leader said, “You’re supposed to be a charred corpse, yet you’re here. How do I explain that?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Simple. If my father can disguise as a bearded man, I can do the same.”

The leader said, “All my guests are distinguished. What identity will you assume? What if you’re exposed?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I won’t be a guest. I’ll work for you.”

The leader said, “I don’t lack staff.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “But you need me.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “Without me, who will talk to you about the past—the future? I still don’t understand the middle school exercises, haven’t built a real bicycle, or promoted the Death Cards throughout the capital. I’ll play a game with you every day, how about that?”

The leader said, “Not interested.”


The leader said, “Three games a day at least.”


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