Chapter 10: No Remedy

Are You OK Chapter 10

No Remedy


Ancient legends often begin on an ordinary afternoon.

On a cloudy day in the 21st century, on a planet we are familiar with, a baby girl was born.

Her origins are untraceable because she was abandoned at birth.

An abandoned baby, if lucky enough to survive and be sent to an orphanage or adopted, can still lead an ordinary life. But this baby girl was not so fortunate; she was picked up by an organization that exploited children for begging.

Before she could even remember, the baby girl was given sleeping pills and carried in the arms of a strange woman, sitting on the street crying for money to save the child.

As she grew into a little girl, she knelt at the entrance of the station every day, calling out “uncle” and “auntie,” bowing her head, and handing over the money she collected to the organization in exchange for food for the day.

At that time, the greatest achievement the girl could imagine was to collect a few more coins.

Looking back from a distant future, this scene would seem absurd.


There were many children in the begging organization, all of whom slept in an abandoned factory at night.

The factory was located in the desolate countryside, where several workers had mysteriously died in the past. The police couldn’t find any cause, so it was shut down. Because of its bad reputation, no one took over the place.

The children grew up in this haunted place, and indeed, every few years, a companion would die mysteriously.

One moment they were walking fine, the next moment they would suddenly collapse and die.

The organization didn’t care about these lives and buried them carelessly on the spot. The children were also numb to this, spending all their time trying to scam more money instead of mourning their companions.

Only our girl was pondering something different.

She had no education and no outstanding intelligence. But in a life of constantly begging and observing people’s faces, she had gradually developed a terrifying sense of observation.

She was the only one who noticed a secret: the two companions who died years apart had fallen in the exact same spot in the factory, not a hair’s breadth different.


The girl stared at that death spot day and night.

No matter how she looked, it was just an unremarkable piece of ground with nothing special about it. She even ventured to walk over it but no accidents happened to her.

Even so, she felt that something invisible to the naked eye was there.


“What is this thing?” Lin Kai asked.

The Master said, “As you can see, it’s a drawing.”

Lin Kai said, “I know it’s a drawing, and I can see it’s a building. But weren’t your spies supposed to be watching the Pioneer Group? Why bring back this drawing at a time like this?”

The Master stared at the drawing on Lin Kai’s desk, heavy with emotion. “This is a very tall building.”


The Master said, “Have you ever seen such a tall building?”

Lin Kai was stunned for a moment. “No. The tallest building in this world is the one the emperor built for you in the capital, right? The one that says ‘Master is a good man who will live in peace’—it’s about seven stories, isn’t it?”

The Master said, “This is a drawing of that building.”


Lin Kai said, “It’s drawn quite artistically. Someone who doesn’t know better might think it’s a heavenly palace.”

“It’s not artistic. It looks like this now.”

Lin Kai was shocked. “What do you mean? Did the Pioneer Group renovate it?”

The Master nodded.

Lin Kai was incredulous. “At a time like this, they still have the leisure to build?”


A few months ago, the Martial Alliance secured the support of the Fubo Army. This broke the balance of power completely, and the Martial Alliance won victory after victory, with the Pioneer Group facing certain defeat.

The land was finally about to welcome new rulers.

However, around the same time, the Martial Alliance received a shocking piece of information.

The Pioneer Group’s core members’ crossings were not accidental; they utilized some kind of rule within the universe—they called it “singularity.”

After the Pioneer Group fell into decline, they began searching for the singularity in this world, attempting to escape once again.

“As a result, their years of meddling with crossings finally caught up with them. The order of time and space has been disrupted. Now, not only is our world and my homeworld affected, but a passage to a third world has also opened. If people from the new world gather in large numbers, another round of war will begin.”

The Master, weary and expressionless, said, “It’s the sign of the end times.”

Lin Kai looked at the Master. Since a few months ago, this hedonistic strategist seemed to have become a different person, suddenly diligent.

But Lin Kai felt no comfort in this change. Busyness signaled a lack of confidence.


“Born in the wrong era,” Lin Kai sighed.

He had spent over a decade building up the Martial Alliance, was just one step away from controlling the land, and now realized that the land might only be his for three seconds.

The Master rubbed his forehead and said, “I won’t let this world end like this. I still want to enjoy my time here. Since only the higher-ups of the Pioneer Group know the rules of crossing, we must capture them and extract information to clean up this mess.”

Lin Kai was silent for a moment before asking, “Have you considered that perhaps they’re rushing to escape because this mess is beyond fixing?”

“Or perhaps they simply don’t want to pay the price of fixing it.”

The word “price” dropped heavily on the table, cracking it with cold lines.

They were both silent.

Lin Kai held back his last question: If the price is too high, would you follow their example and abandon ship?


The Master took a deep breath and said, “Anyway, we need to catch someone first. Can we hope to enter the capital within three days?”

Lin Kai said, “Are you dreaming? We’re still a hundred miles from the capital. The Pioneer Group has gathered all their forces to defend it. That’s their last line of defense. It’ll take at least ten days to half a month to break through…”

Lin Kai looked at the Master’s face.

Cautiously, Lin Kai asked, “Why, will something terrible happen in three days?”

The Master pointed at the drawing on the table.

A flash of insight hit Lin Kai, making his heart heavy.

The Master said, “The Pioneer Group has probably found the singularity.”

His voice was haunting in the silent study, “If I’m not mistaken, the singularity they found should be near my building, and at a very high place.”


“My child, don’t go climbing such high places, life is about taking risks…” The mother on TV was crying.

The reporter asked her, “Did he always like climbing tall buildings from the outside?”

The mother, sobbing, said, “He always liked extreme sports since he was young. This time, he did it without telling me…”

The camera switched back to the studio, and the host added, “According to surveillance footage, Mr. Yang did not accidentally fall to his death; he lost consciousness before falling. This is the tallest building in the area. Fifteen years ago, another young man climbed it and died at the same spot shown in the footage. The police are investigating the cause.”

The woman turned off the TV and pondered.

The baby girl had grown up. Of the children she had begged with, only about one in ten had survived.

Some had died, and some had escaped. The woman did not choose to run away. Her role had reversed; she became the organizer exploiting children for begging. Life had not allowed her to be kind. She became greedy, sharp, and ruthless.

The bizarre story on the news reminded her of a secret buried in her heart for many years.

The woman had an eerie intuition. She believed there was a connection between “that place” in the factory and the news.


The woman tried to investigate but found no clues. Instead, she read through various cult pamphlets.

After three years, by chance, she came across a small-circulation book self-published by a frustrated scholar a few years ago.

The book detailed the scholar’s self-created theory. He called it a theory, but the mainstream academic community mocked it as the “delusional fantasies of a senile man.”

——There are “singularities” in our world.

Singularities are entrances to another time and space. Singularities wander across the myriad universes but have become active in this world in recent decades.

Contrary to popular belief, singularities do not stay fixed in one location, nor do they wander randomly. They appear alternately at several dozen to even hundreds of specific locations, staying at each place for no more than a minute.

“So you will find that many urban legends feature places where deaths occur frequently. I even believe that the times of these deaths can be summarized into a pattern,” the scholar wrote.

Unfortunately, even if such a pattern exists, he did not have enough data to make calculations. His whimsical and unsupported theory could only be criticized as a delusion.

The woman flipped through the pages, smiling.

At least she now knew the scholarly term for the “place” in the factory.


“Speaking of singularities, didn’t you cross over due to a traffic accident?” Zuo Yunqi asked.

Several allies of the Martial Alliance sat around the table. After hearing the information about the tall building, Lin Kai had urgently summoned them to the study for a discussion.

The Master said, “Yes, I crossed the street without watching the traffic light…”

Long Daxia frowned, “What is a traffic light?”

The Master said, “…I got hit and thrown into the greenbelt.”

Long Daxia asked, “What is a greenbelt?”

Lin Kai cleared his throat and said, “Long Daxia, you should take some time to read our alliance’s newly published ‘Interworld Translation Dictionary,’ highly recommended by popular writer Fan Aiguo.”

Popular writer Fan Aiguo puffed up his chest, “I am flattered.”

The Master knew that Long Daxia, having been forced to abandon swords and pick up guns, still had a deep-seated resistance to crossing over equipment, so he didn’t say much more. He only said, “Now that I think about it, that greenbelt was probably a singularity.”

Zuo Yunqi suddenly asked curiously, “What does it feel like to cross over in that instant?”


The Master paused, not answering for a long while.

Zuo Yunqi said, “Oh, forget it.”

“It’s not that I can’t say,” the Master slowly began, “it’s just that it’s impossible to describe it with our existing language.”

This piqued everyone’s curiosity. Lin Kai patted popular writer Fan Aiguo on the shoulder, “Time for you to prove yourself.”

Fan Aiguo hesitated, clearing his throat, “I can’t describe it well. If that’s what death feels like, it’s too blissful. It’s like… glimpsing some… truth beyond our understanding. Describing it like this is too meager. The feeling surpasses the capacity of human language a thousandfold.”

The Master nodded.

Fan Aiguo, somewhat dazed, said, “Although it was just an instant, I can never forget it.”

The Master nodded again.

Zuo Yunqi stared intently at the drawing on the desk, as if trying to see a flower bloom from the blank space at the top of the building.

If someone who has experienced that feeling faces a singularity for the second time, what kind of mindset would they have?


Zuo Yunqi dared not think too much, pulling the topic back, “Since the singularity this time is in such a high place, and our main forces are too far away to besiege the city in time, do we have to take a risky move?”

The Master said, “Even risky moves are difficult. We don’t have airplanes here…”

Long Daxia asked, “What is an airplane?”


Xie Liang, who had been quietly drinking tea, explained, “A flying machine—it roughly means that. It can take people to very high places.”

Long Daxia said deeply, “I don’t need a machine to fly high.”

Everyone exchanged looks.

Lin Kai said, “We all know that, but you flying high alone won’t help.”

Long Daxia said deeply, “To catch the thief, first capture the king. Only one person is needed.”

Everyone exchanged looks again.

The Master smiled, “My great hero, you’ve already infiltrated their lair once. Do you think the Pioneer Group are fools and would let you succeed a second time?”

Long Daxia frowned, “You suggested a risky move.”

“This isn’t a risky move, this is sending yourself to die.”

“I come forward because I have some confidence. Only the weak dare not enter the tiger’s den.”

The Master, feeling strangely discriminated against, smiled instead of getting angry, “I may not be physically strong, but I have a good thing called a brain.”

The atmosphere was very awkward.

Xie Liang futilely said, “Drink tea, drink tea.”


Zuo Yunqi forcefully brought the topic back again, “It’s your building. You must be familiar with it. Is there any way to destroy that building directly?”

Lin Kai said, “Yes, yes, we still have a few people in the capital. At least we can try planting some explosives or something.”

The Master said, “No use.”

“Why not?”

“Because that building can’t be blown up.”

Lin Kai was baffled, “Where in the world is there a building that can’t be blown up?”

“When the building was constructed, the emperor was very generous. The pillars of that building are made of four thousand-year-old sacred trees. The wood itself is resistant to water and fire, as hard as rock, and highly toxic. Not to mention being eaten by insects, even people have to wear gloves to touch it.”

“No matter how powerful, it’s still just wood…”

The Master said indifferently, “The wood is also encased in a layer of metal. It’s a special alloy unique to this world, extremely lightweight yet impervious to weapons. The four pillars can’t be broken, so the building can’t be toppled. They can blow up the added height platform, but to do that, they still have to storm the building.”

Lin Kai said, “Then what do you suggest?”

“I still say we need an airstrike.”

“There are no airplanes here.”

The Master smiled, “When I first arrived here, there was nothing.”


The woman knew very well that she had no power or influence. Even if she revealed the secret of the singularities to the public, she wouldn’t gain any benefits from it.

The event would be immediately taken over, and at that point, she wouldn’t even have the right to approach the factory.

What would happen to those who touched a singularity? Would they really fly to another strange world, or just become a wisp of a soul? The woman wasn’t sure but didn’t care much.

For someone like her, making the world more painful was a benefit in itself.

She began to punish disobedient children in the organization by making them take turns standing on that ominous piece of ground.

A year later, the first child died. It was a little girl who had just learned to speak. She became the woman’s first data point.

At the same time, the accomplices in the organization were sent all over the country to gather information on “places where people frequently die.” There may be many enthusiasts of the bizarre in the world, but none like them, collecting coordinates and time data year after year, trying to find the pattern the scholar had speculated about.

Years later, one day, the woman ran through a dark alley with a stopwatch, pushing a passerby into a secluded corner.

He cursed as he got up, then suddenly collapsed silently like a machine turned off.


A girl on the roadside had her phone snatched by a thief. Chasing after him, she suddenly collapsed and died. The doctor said it was from overexertion; a man ran a red light crossing the street and was hit by a suddenly appearing car, dying instantly…

Out of a thousand murders, there’s always one that succeeds by coincidence. Thus, the woman’s data became clearer, and her predictions more accurate.

She saw it as a game, planning creative deaths again and again. The world remained oblivious, thinking they were natural disasters. This gave her a god-like sense of control.

Until one day, she heard that the scholar had become widely recognized as a madman.

People said he had completely lost his mind because he proposed a new hypothesis—that singularities tend to appear in times and places with life activities.

In other words, those who touched singularities and crossed over might continue to live in another world.


The Martial Alliance was fully mobilized; all skilled craftsmen nearby were summoned.

The camp was filled with the sounds of hammering, and sawdust and dust flew in the air like a blizzard, while the heat from the blacksmiths’ forges distorted the view.

The Master wanted to build a flying wooden kite.

As if the idea wasn’t strange enough, he added a deadline: three days.

Everyone who heard the news felt a wave of despair.

Local craftsmen broke into a cold sweat, “Building a wooden bird, maybe we could manage… but you want it to carry people? And weapons?”

“Imagining pushing the progress of civilization forward by hundreds of years, that’s quite ambitious. Are we going to the moon next month?” the Alliance’s crossover members mocked.

“Forget building an airplane, I can’t even make a steam engine.”

“I can’t even recite Newton’s first law.”

“I can only remember the first ten elements on the periodic table…”


Past midnight, no one in the noisy camp could sleep.

The moonlight was obscured by dust, and the Master patrolled the construction site before returning to his room with his hands behind his back.

“You know the truth, don’t you?”

The Master looked up at the voice and saw Zuo Yunqi sitting at the table in the room. The candlelight flickered, casting half of the boy’s face in shadow, making his features look even colder.

The Master smiled, “Were you waiting for me?”

Zuo Yunqi poured him a cup of tea, “You know they have no knowledge reserves, and with only three days, even if they build something that can fly, it won’t be able to carry weight.”

The Master sat down across from him. The flickering candlelight made it hard to read their expressions.

After a moment of silence, Zuo Yunqi said in confusion, “I always thought you had a plan. Turns out even you have limits.”

The Master put away his empty smile and spread his hands slowly, “Specialized skills… I’m not a god, my expertise has limits.”

Zuo Yunqi was still in disbelief, “You’re truly out of options? I thought you were setting up a facade for the Pioneer Group, maybe you had another plan.”

The Master said, “There is a plan. But it’s not feasible, so I didn’t mention it.”

“Tell me about it.”

The Master chuckled, “Why, do you want to take my place?”

Zuo Yunqi insisted, “Tell me, just in case.”


The Master lowered his head, thinking for a moment, then went to the bookshelf, took out a long, narrow box, and pushed it to Zuo Yunqi.

“Open it.”

The box was made of iron, about an arm’s length, with a metallic gray sheen.

Zuo Yunqi opened it without any precautions and was nearly startled into dropping it, “What is this?”

The box was filled with a giant worm, covered in brightly colored and eerie scales, with a head so hideous and wrinkled that it was impossible to tell where the eyes or mouth were. Besides the worm, there were also some black fragments.

The Master seemed to find the worm unsightly as well and looked away, “This is something I got from Doctor Tao. This worm was originally a rare medicinal ingredient called Mi Snake. Mi Snake loves wood, it can chew through any kind of tree, including…”

“Including the poisonous pillars in your building?” Zuo Yunqi tilted his head, looking at the black wood fragments.

The Master nodded, “Do you remember when we first met, I asked you how many floors my building had?”

“I remember. Everyone thinks it has seven floors, but you told me there are eight.”

The Master smiled, “I’m actually a cautious person, always fearing the emperor might want my life someday. The underground chamber has an exit leading to an escape tunnel. But the tunnel isn’t long, it only extends to a private house in the capital…”

Zuo Yunqi suddenly understood, “If we can’t go from the top, we go from the bottom and undermine it!”

The Master concealed a bitter smile, “Yes, the plan is to dig down from the underground chamber to the foundation, then avoid the outer layer of metal and let the Mi Snake hollow out the wood. If it can hollow out just one pillar, the building will collapse.”

Zuo Yunqi saw that the Master still looked calm and frowned, “So what are we waiting for?”

“How to say this…” the Master said, “This worm is the only one in the world. By the time it finishes chewing through that pillar, you might be holding your grandchildren.”


Zuo Yunqi left the Master’s room, his steps heavy and slow, but his thoughts still racing, trying to find a way out like a headless fly.

He actually had a vague plan of his own.

But he didn’t want to mention it to the Master.

He was ashamed to let anyone know.

In the distance, he saw a light flickering and noticed Tao Zhongchi, in her nightclothes, hurrying over with a lantern. Zuo Yunqi met her halfway, “Doctor Tao, what brings you here in such a hurry?”

Tao Zhongchi looked haggard, but her eyes were bright, “I finished it.”

Zuo Yunqi tensed, “Is it…”

“The antidote for the Li Ru worm toxin. I had been approaching it all wrong; the antidote isn’t for the Crown Prince and Li Ke, but for Zuo Dao. The mother worm is in Zuo Dao’s body. If he takes the antidote, the mother worm will die with him, and the Crown Prince and Li Ke won’t be affected.”

“So… Zuo Dao has to commit suicide?”

Tao Zhongchi sighed, “Exactly. Zuo Dao is a remarkable person. Even in a coma, he somehow knows the potion is poisonous and keeps his jaws clenched. Even strong men couldn’t pry his mouth open. I just reported this to Alliance Leader Lin, who suggested I seek the Master’s advice.”

Tao Zhongchi was about to excuse herself when Zuo Yunqi said slowly, “Wait.”

“What is it?”

Zuo Yunqi looked at her calmly, “The Master is busy with the flying kite. I’m afraid he can’t spare the time. If you don’t mind, I have a way we can try.”


“Do you really think this will work?” Tao Zhongchi looked worriedly at the prisoner lying in the infirmary. Zuo Dao’s eyes were closed, his cheeks sunken, and if not for the slight rise and fall of his chest, he would look like a dried corpse.

Zuo Yunqi said, “It will work. In his current state, he can’t resist. Once he’s awake, I’ll persuade him to take the antidote himself. Also, Doctor Tao, please stay alert. If he shows any signs of trying to control the Crown Prince, put him back to sleep.”

Tao Zhongchi hesitated, “You are probably the only one who can persuade him. After all, you are father and son. I also want to speak with him before he dies.”

Her words made sense, and Tao Zhongchi had no doubts. She brought the antidote to the bedside, opened her medical kit, and took out a set of golden needles. The doctor’s hands were dry and steady as she worked on the prisoner, finally exhaling in relief, “It’s done, Young Master Zuo…”

Her voice stopped abruptly.

Zuo Yunqi caught her as she silently collapsed, carrying her to a chair and whispering, “Sorry, just a little sedative, it will wear off soon.”

Zuo Dao began to stir, his breathing growing heavier. After a moment, he coughed dryly and slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Zuo Yunqi’s face.

Zuo Yunqi sat at the bedside, speaking calmly, “I have two requests, Father.”

Zuo Dao, half-opening his eyes, remained silent for a moment, probably assessing his situation. When he finally spoke, he didn’t ask what the requests were but instead said, “What if I refuse?”

Zuo Yunqi leaned forward slowly, whispering in Zuo Dao’s ear, “I found some things on you. Like the token of the Sect… and a small iron caltrop.”


Zuo Dao’s ashen face became even more grim.

Zuo Yunqi chuckled, “I once saw you use that caltrop as a key to open a secret room in the infirmary.”

【Karma・Origin I】

Great legends often happen on ordinary afternoons.

One cloudy day in the 21st century, on our familiar planet, a baby girl was born.

Her origins were impossible to verify, for she was abandoned at birth.

If a foundling is lucky enough to survive, she might be sent to an orphanage or adopted, leading an ordinary life. But this girl wasn’t so fortunate; she was found by an organization that used children for begging.

Before she could even remember, she was given sedatives and held in a stranger’s arms, crying pitifully for alms on the streets.

As she grew into a little girl, she knelt at the train station, begging money from passersby, giving it to the organization in exchange for food.

Her greatest achievement was to get a few more coins.

Looking back from the distant future, this scene seems all the more absurd.

【Karma・Origin II】

There were many children in the begging organization, all sleeping in an abandoned factory at night.

The factory, located in the desolate outskirts, had a mysterious history with several unexplained worker deaths, leading to its abandonment. Nobody wanted to take over the eerie place.

The children grew up in this haunted place, where, indeed, every few years, a companion would die under mysterious circumstances.

One moment, they would be walking, and the next, they would collapse and die.

The organization didn’t care about a few lost lives, burying them hastily on site. The children, too, grew numb, spending all their time trying to scam more money.

But our girl was pondering different things.

Although she had no education and no remarkable talents, she had honed a terrifying observational ability from years of begging.

She was the only one who noticed a secret: two companions who died years apart had collapsed in the exact same spot in the factory.

【Karma・Origin III】

Day and night, the girl kept her eyes on that deadly spot.

No matter how hard she looked, it was just an unremarkable patch of ground, devoid of any distinguishing features. She even risked stepping on it but nothing happened.

Even so, she felt that an invisible “something” existed there.

【Karma・End I】

“What is this thing?” Lin Kai asked.

The Master replied, “As you can see, it’s a drawing.”

“I know it’s a drawing. I can see it’s a building. But aren’t your spies supposed to keep an eye on the Pioneer Group? What’s the point of bringing this now?”

The Master stared heavily at the blueprint on Lin Kai’s desk, “It’s a very tall building.”


“Have you ever seen such a tall building?”

Lin Kai was stunned for a moment, “No. The tallest building in the world is the one the emperor built for you in the capital, the one that says ‘The Master is a Good Person.’ It’s what, seven floors?”

The Master replied, “That’s the building.”


Lin Kai said, “The drawing style is quite artistic. Those who don’t know would think it’s a heavenly palace.”

“It’s not artistic. That’s how it looks now.”

Lin Kai was shocked, “What do you mean? The building was rebuilt by the Pioneer Group?”

The Master nodded.

Lin Kai was incredulous, “Why would they have the leisure to build a house at a time like this?”

【Karma・End II】

Months ago, the Martial Alliance secured the support of the Fubo Army. This broke the balance of power completely, leading to the Alliance’s successive victories and the inevitable defeat of the Pioneer Group.

The nation was finally on the verge of welcoming a new ruler.

However, months ago, the Martial Alliance also received a terrifying piece of information.

The core members of the Pioneer Group didn’t cross over by accident; they utilized some cosmic rules—they called it a “singularity.”

Once the Pioneer Group started losing, they began searching for this world’s singularity, intending to escape again.

“As a result, their numerous crossings over the years have caused a backlash, disrupting the space-time order. Now, not only are your world and mine connected, but even a third world has opened a passage. If the new world’s people gather in large numbers, another war will start.”

The Master spoke with a weary expression, “Demons dancing, it’s a sign of the apocalypse.”

Lin Kai looked at the Master. Since a few months ago, this hedonistic strategist seemed to have transformed, suddenly becoming diligent.

But Lin Kai felt no comfort. Busy, meant no certainty.

【Karma・End III】

“Born at the wrong time,” Lin Kai sighed.

He had devoted over a decade to building the Martial Alliance, and just when he was about to take control of the nation, he realized the country might only last for three seconds.

The Master rubbed his temples and said, “I won’t let this world end. I still want to enjoy life here. Since only the higher-ups of the Pioneer Group know the rules of crossing over, we must capture them and extract the information to deal with the aftermath.”

Lin Kai hesitated for a moment before deciding to ask, “Have you ever thought that perhaps they’re desperate to escape because the aftermath is already beyond repair?”

“Or maybe they just don’t want to pay the price of repairing it.”

The word “price” hung heavily in the air, cold and burdensome.

They sat in silence.

Lin Kai left one last question unasked: if the price was too high, would you follow their example and abandon ship?

【Karma・End IV】

The Master took a deep breath, “No matter what, we must capture someone first. Can we storm the capital within three days?”

Lin Kai said, “Are you dreaming? We’re still a hundred miles from the capital. The Pioneer Group has gathered all their forces to defend the city, their last stronghold. It’ll take at least ten days to half a month to break through…”

Lin Kai glanced at the Master’s face.

Lin Kai cautiously asked, “What, is something terrible going to happen in three days?”

The Master pointed at the blueprint on the table.

A flash of understanding crossed Lin Kai’s mind, his heart sinking.

The Master said, “The Pioneer Group has probably found the singularity.”

His voice echoed in the silent study, “If I’m not mistaken, the singularity they found should be near my building, and at a very high place.”

【Karma・Origin IV】

“He loved heights, saying life was all about adventure…” The mother on TV cried.

The reporter asked, “Did he often climb high buildings before?”

The mother sobbed, “He loved extreme sports since he was a child, always doing these things behind my back…”

The scene cut back to the studio, and the host added, “But from surveillance footage, it appears Yang didn’t fall by accident; he suddenly lost consciousness before falling. This building is the tallest in the area. Fifteen years ago, another young man climbed it and died suddenly at the same spot captured on camera. The police are investigating the cause.”

The woman turned off the TV, deep in thought.

The abandoned baby had grown up. Among her companions, only one-tenth had survived.

Some died, some escaped. The woman didn’t choose to run; she became one of the organizers exploiting children for begging. Life had left no room for kindness, turning her into a greedy, sharp, and ruthless person.

The strange story on the news reminded her of a long-held secret.

The woman had an eerie intuition. She believed there was a connection between the “place” in the factory and the news.

【Karma・Origin V】

The woman tried to investigate but found no clues. She did, however, read numerous pamphlets from various cults.

After three years, by chance, she came across a book with a very limited print run, self-published years ago by an obscure scholar.

The book contained the scholar’s self-developed theory. He called it a theory, but mainstream academia dismissed it as “the delusions of a senile old man.”

Our world contains “singularities.”

Singularities are portals connecting to another time-space continuum. Singularities wander across the myriad universes, but in recent decades, they’ve become active in this world.

Contrary to popular belief, singularities neither stay fixed in one place nor float around randomly. They flicker at dozens or even hundreds of specific locations, never staying more than a minute at each spot.

“So you’ll find many urban legends with locations where people frequently die. I even believe the times of these deaths can be summarized into patterns,” the scholar wrote.

Unfortunately, even if there is a pattern, he didn’t have enough data to calculate it. His unsupported wild theories could only be dismissed as delusions.

The woman flipped through the pages, smiling.

At least she knew the scholarly name for the “place” in the factory.

【Karma・End V】

“Weren’t you hit by a car when you crossed over?” Zuo Yunqi asked.

Members of the Martial Alliance sat around the table. After hearing the information about the tall building, Lin Kai had urgently summoned them to discuss matters in the study.

The Master replied, “Yes, I didn’t watch the light when crossing the street…”

Master Long frowned, “What is a light?”

The Master said, “…I was hit straight into the greenery.”

Master Long said, “What is greenery?”

Lin Kai coughed and said, “Master Long, you should read our Alliance’s newly released ‘Dictionary of Otherworld Translations,’ highly recommended by bestselling author Fan Aiguo.”

Fan Aiguo proudly said, “Just doing my part.”

The Master knew Master Long, who had been forced to abandon his sword for firearms, still deeply resisted crossing equipment, so he didn’t elaborate. “Now that I think about it, the greenery was probably a singularity.”

Zuo Yunqi was suddenly curious, “What did it feel like to cross over?”

【Karma・End VI】

The Master paused

, not answering for a long time.

Zuo Yunqi said, “Oh, forget it.”

“It’s not that I can’t say,” the Master slowly replied, “It’s just that it’s indescribable with our current language.”

His words piqued everyone’s curiosity. Lin Kai patted Fan Aiguo, “Time to prove yourself.”

Fan Aiguo hesitated, clearing his throat, “I can’t describe it either. If that was death, it was too joyful. It was like… like glimpsing some… truth that transcends our understanding. Such a description is too inadequate. That feeling surpasses human language’s capacity by millions of times.”

The Master nodded.

Fan Aiguo seemed dazed, “Though it was just a moment, I’ll never forget it.”

The Master nodded.

Zuo Yunqi stared hard at the blueprint on the table, as if trying to force a flower to bloom in the empty space above the building’s top.

If someone had experienced that moment, how would they feel facing a singularity a second time?

【Karma・End VII】

Zuo Yunqi didn’t dare think further, steering the conversation back, “Since the singularity is so high up this time, and our main force can’t attack the city in time to stop them, we have to take a risky move?”

The Master said, “Even risky moves are hard. We don’t have airplanes…”

Master Long asked, “What is an airplane?”


Xie Liang, who had been silently sipping tea, intervened, “A flying machine—that’s basically what it means. It can carry people to high places.”

Master Long said seriously, “I can fly very high without a machine.”

Everyone exchanged glances.

Lin Kai said, “We all know that, but you flying high alone is useless.”

Master Long said seriously, “To catch a bandit, first catch the leader; it only takes one person.”

Everyone exchanged glances again.

The Master laughed, “My dear hero, you’ve done that once before. Do you think the Pioneer Group are fools who’ll let you succeed a second time?”

Master Long frowned, “You mentioned a risky move.”

“This isn’t a risky move; it’s a suicide mission.”

“If I’m asking to undertake it, it’s because I have some confidence. Only the weak fear the tiger’s den.”

The Master, strangely, didn’t get angry but laughed, “My dear hero, I’m not very strong physically, but I have something called a brain.”

The atmosphere was awkward.

Xie Liang offered, “Tea, anyone?”

【Karma・End VIII】

Zuo Yunqi dragged the conversation back again, “You’re familiar with your own building. Isn’t there any way to destroy it directly?”

Lin Kai said, “Yes, we still have a few people in the capital. At least we can try planting some explosives.”

The Master said, “No use.”

“Why not?”

“Because that building can’t be blown up.”

Lin Kai was confused, “What building can’t be blown up?”

“When it was built, the emperor was very generous. The pillars were made of thousand-year-old divine wood, impervious to water and fire, hard as rock, and highly poisonous. Not even insects can bore into it, and people have to wear gloves to touch it.”

“No matter how incredible, it’s still just wood…”

The Master said blankly, “The wood is encased in metal. It’s a unique metal from here called zhu silver, extremely light yet impervious to weapons. Even if one pillar is hollowed out, the building won’t fall. We could blow up the added platforms, but to strike at the connection points, we still have to go inside the building.”

Lin Kai asked, “So what do we do?”

“I said we need an airstrike.”

“There are no planes here.”

The Master smiled, “When I first arrived, there was nothing here.”

【Karma・Origin VI】

The woman knew she had no power or influence. Even if she made the singularity’s secret public, she wouldn’t benefit from it.

The incident would be immediately investigated and taken over, and she wouldn’t even be allowed near the factory.

What would happen to those who touched the singularity? Would they really fly to another strange world or merely turn into a wisp of the dead? The woman had no certainty, but she didn’t care much.

For someone like her, making the world more painful was also a benefit.

She began to punish disobedient children in the organization by making them stand in that cursed spot.

A year later, the first child died—a little girl who had just learned to speak, becoming the woman’s first data point.

Meanwhile, the woman’s accomplices were sent far and wide to collect locations where people “often died.” There might be many enthusiasts of the bizarre in the world, but none as dedicated as they, gathering coordinates and times year after year, trying to find the scholar’s elusive pattern.

Years later, one day, the woman, with a stopwatch in hand, ran through a dark alley, shoving a passerby into a remote corner.

He cursed as he got up, then suddenly collapsed like a machine shutting down.

【Karma・Origin VII】

The girl by the roadside had her phone snatched by a thief, and as she chased him, she suddenly collapsed and died. The doctor said it was exhaustion; the man who ran a red light was hit by a car and died in the greenery…

Out of a thousand murders, one would eventually succeed. Thus, the woman’s data became clearer, her predictions more accurate.

She saw it as a game, planning creative deaths, while the world remained ignorant, seeing them as natural disasters. This gave her a godlike pleasure.

One day, she heard that the scholar was now universally acknowledged as insane.

People said he had completely lost his mind, proposing a new hypothesis—that singularities tended to appear in places with life activities.

In other words, those who touched singularities and crossed over might continue to live in another world.

【Karma・End IX】

The Martial Alliance was fully mobilized; all skilled craftsmen nearby were summoned.

The camp was filled with the sounds of hammering, and sawdust and dust flew in the air like a blizzard, while the heat from the blacksmiths’ forges distorted the view.

The Master wanted to build a flying wooden kite.

As if the idea wasn’t strange enough, he added a deadline: three days.

Everyone who heard the news felt a wave of despair.

Local craftsmen broke into a cold sweat, “Building a wooden bird, maybe we could manage… but you want it to carry people? And weapons?”

“Imagining pushing the progress of civilization forward by hundreds of years, that’s quite ambitious. Are we going to the moon next month?” the Alliance’s crossover members mocked.

“Forget building an airplane, I can’t even make a steam engine.”

“I can’t even recite Newton’s first law.”

“I can only remember the first ten elements on the periodic table…”

【Karma・End X】

Past midnight, no one in the noisy camp could sleep.

The moonlight was obscured by dust, and the Master patrolled the construction site before returning to his room with his hands behind his back.

“You know the truth, don’t you?”

The Master looked up at the voice and saw Zuo Yunqi sitting at the table in the room. The candlelight flickered, casting half of the boy’s face in shadow, making his features look even colder.

The Master smiled, “Were you waiting for me?”

Zuo Yunqi poured him a cup of tea, “You know they have no knowledge reserves, and with only three days, even if they build something that can fly, it won’t be able to carry weight.”

The Master sat down across from him. The flickering candlelight made it hard to read their expressions.

After a moment of silence, Zuo Yunqi said in confusion, “I always thought you had a plan. Turns out even you have limits.”

The Master put away his empty smile and spread his hands slowly, “Specialized skills… I’m not a god, my expertise has limits.”

Zuo Yunqi was still in disbelief, “You’re truly out of options? I thought you were setting up a facade for the Pioneer Group, maybe you had another plan.”

The Master said, “There is a plan. But it’s not feasible, so I didn’t mention it.”

“Tell me about it.”

The Master chuckled, “Why, do you want to take my place?”

Zuo Yunqi insisted, “Tell me, just in case.”

【Karma・End XI】

The Master lowered his head, thinking for a moment, then went to the bookshelf, took out a long, narrow box, and pushed it to Zuo Yunqi.

“Open it.”

The box was made of iron, about an arm’s length, with a metallic gray sheen.

Zuo Yunqi opened it without any precautions and was nearly startled into dropping it, “What is this?”

The box was filled with a giant worm, covered in brightly colored and eerie scales, with a head so hideous and wrinkled that it was impossible to tell where the eyes or mouth were. Besides the worm, there were also some black fragments.

The Master seemed to find the worm unsightly as well and looked away, “This is something I got from Doctor Tao. This worm was originally a rare medicinal ingredient called Mi Snake. Mi Snake loves wood, it can chew through any kind of tree, including…”

“Including the poisonous pillars in your building?” Zuo Yunqi tilted his head, looking at the black wood fragments.

The Master nodded, “Do you remember when we first met, I asked you how many floors my building had?”

“I remember. Everyone thinks it has seven floors, but you told me there are eight.”

The Master smiled, “I’m actually a cautious person, always fearing the emperor might want my life someday. The underground chamber has an exit leading to an escape tunnel. But the tunnel isn’t long, it only extends to a private house in the capital…”

Zuo Yunqi suddenly understood, “If we can’t go from above, we’ll undermine it from below!”

The Master hid a bitter smile, “Yes, the plan is to keep digging from the underground chamber until we reach the foundation, then avoid the outer layer of zhu silver and let the Mi Snake hollow out the wood inside. As long as one pillar is hollowed out, the building will collapse.”

Zuo Yunqi noticed the Master’s still calm expression, frowning, “Then what are we waiting for?”

“Well…” the Master said, “this worm is the only one in the world. By the time it finishes the pillar, you might already have grandchildren.”

【Karma・End XII】

Zuo Yunqi walked out of the Master’s room, his steps slow and numb, but his thoughts still flying at a dizzying speed, like a headless fly, stubbornly trying to find a way.

In fact, Zuo Yunqi had a vague plan.

But he didn’t want to tell the Master.

He was ashamed to let anyone know.

In the distance, firelight flickered, and Zuo Yunqi looked up to see Tao Zhongchi, in a cloak, hurrying over with a lantern. Zuo Yunqi went to meet her, “Doctor Tao, what’s the matter?”

Tao Zhongchi looked exhausted, but her eyes were shining, “I’ve finished it.”

Zuo Yunqi’s heart skipped a beat, “Could it be…”

“The antidote to the Li Snake Worm Gu. I was on the wrong track before; the antidote should not be given to the Crown Prince and Li Ke but to Zuo Dao. The mother worm is in Zuo Dao’s body, and if he drinks the antidote, the mother worm will die with him, sparing the Crown Prince and Li Ke.”

“In other words… Zuo Dao must commit suicide?”

Tao Zhongchi sighed, “Exactly. Zuo Dao is a strange man, even in a coma, he knows it’s poison and keeps his jaw clenched, making it impossible to force the medicine in. Not even strong men can pry it open. I just reported to Alliance Leader Lin, and he suggested I consult the Master.”

Tao Zhongchi was about to take her leave when Zuo Yunqi said softly, “Wait.”

“What is it?”

“Master is busy with the flying kite project and probably can’t spare time. If Doctor Tao doesn’t mind, I have an idea worth trying.”

【Karma・End XIII】

“Are you sure this will work?” Tao Zhongchi asked worriedly, looking at the prisoner lying in the infirmary. Zuo Dao’s eyes were closed, his cheeks sunken, and but for the faint rise and fall of his chest, he looked like a dried corpse.

Zuo Yunqi said, “There won’t be any mistakes. Given his current state, he can’t resist. Once he’s awake, I’ll persuade him to take the antidote. Just be ready to knock him out again if he shows any sign of controlling the Crown Prince.”

Tao Zhongchi hesitated, “You’re probably the only one who can persuade him, Young Master Zuo.”

Zuo Yunqi forced a smile, “It’s only fitting. At least as father and son, I want to say a few words to him before he dies.”

This was reasonable, and Tao Zhongchi had no doubt, placing the antidote on the bedside table and preparing a set of golden needles. Her dry, steady hands carefully worked on the prisoner. Finally, she sighed, “It’s done, Young Master Zuo…”

She stopped abruptly.

Zuo Yunqi caught her as she collapsed soundlessly, placing her gently on a chair, “Sorry, just a little sedative, you’ll be fine soon.”

Zuo Dao began to stir, his breathing becoming heavier, and after a moment, he coughed dryly and slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing his murky eyes saw was Zuo Yunqi’s face.

Zuo Yunqi sat on the bedside, calmly saying, “I have two requests, Father.”

Zuo Dao was silent for a moment, perhaps assessing his situation. When he finally spoke, he didn’t ask what the requests were but said, “What if I refuse?”

Zuo Yunqi leaned forward, speaking softly into his father’s ear, “I found a few things on you. Like the sect token… and a small iron caltrop.”


Zuo Dao’s already pallid face turned even grayer.

Zuo Yunqi chuckled, “I once saw you use that caltrop as a key to open a hidden room in the infirmary.”

He straightened up, looking down at Zuo Dao, “If you refuse, I’ll burn all your life’s work, all your poisons, to ashes.”


Zuo Dao’s throat emitted a muffled sound that gradually turned into a raspy laugh.

He coughed and laughed, “You finally have the makings of a villain. As your father, I’m proud.”

These words hit Zuo Yunqi’s heart like a blow, almost making the young man lose his composure, “Enough nonsense. First, drink this antidote. Second, hand over the Li Snake Worm Gu’s medicine lead.”

Zuo Dao raised an eyebrow, “I can smell what’s in that bowl. But what do you want with the Worm Gu?”

“The same thing you did to King Yu,” Zuo Yunqi said coldly, “If I can’t stop them, I’ll control them and make them stay.”

Zuo Dao was taken aback and then genuinely laughed.

He laughed so hard that his bony chest heaved, nearly choking, “Weren’t you always the one who despised such underhanded tactics? Weren’t you the one who wanted to turn over a new leaf? How is it that after all these years with those righteous warriors, you haven’t changed your nature and are following in my footsteps?”

“Shut up.”

“Yunqi, can’t you see? Everyone’s fate is predestined. I’ve always said this world is doomed—”

“You want it to end!”

Zuo Dao laughed, “Destruction precedes creation.”

Zuo Yunqi didn’t want to waste another word. He pulled out the iron caltrop from his sleeve, holding it up to Zuo Dao’s face. He noticed his hand was shaking, gripping it tighter in anger, “Where’s the medicine lead?”

Zuo Dao laughed, “Burn the infirmary or look for the medicine lead, you’ll have to go back to the sect anyway. It’s not my style to pamper children. If you have the guts, go find it yourself and see if they recognize you. But as a reward for your progress—”

He struggled to sit up.

Zuo Yunqi watched coldly as Zuo Dao picked up the bowl of antidote from the bedside table and drank it slowly.

Zuo Yunqi didn’t intervene.

The empty bowl fell to the floor, shattering into pieces. Zuo Dao’s lips curled into a smile, his sunken eyes staring at his son until they lost their light.

Zuo Yunqi stood up from the fallen corpse, staggering out like a puppet without joy or sorrow.

He couldn’t sit down now; it wasn’t time to question everything. Those could wait until it was all over…

He forced himself to quicken his pace, heading towards the stables.

【Karma・Origin VIII】

If the scholar’s theory was correct, those who suddenly died were actually living in another world.

With the knowledge and experience from this world, perhaps they could turn their utterly failed lives around in that one.

Though the woman now firmly believed in the scholar’s theory, she still hesitated. Even living in the mud, these former beggars were unwilling to risk death.

But soon, they had no choice.

One of her accomplices was caught by the police while pushing a passerby into the singularity. The passerby convulsed and died right under the police’s eyes, and the police, clueless about the method and motive, arrested the accomplice for questioning.

He refused to confess, leading to an investigation of their entire organization.

The woman knew she couldn’t avoid this.

No matter how risky, it was better than facing execution. Finally, on an ordinary afternoon, she led a group like moths to a flame, one after another, into the singularity in the abandoned factory.

They had prepared in advance, causing the already crumbling factory to collapse, burying the bodies with their secrets.

She died.

And then she lived again.

She arrived in a place called Da Liang.

【Karma・End XIV】

In the darkness, a figure entered the depths of the sect’s infirmary.

A small iron caltrop embedded in the wall rotated slightly, and with a dull sound, a crack opened in the wall.

The figure slipped inside, revealing a narrow secret room with several wooden cabinets lined with countless porcelain bottles, emitting a cold medicinal scent.

The figure quickly rummaged through the bottles, occasionally lifting one to sniff it carefully. Time flew by, and after searching all the cabinets, the figure still found nothing and began feeling around the corners.

There was a faint sound of movement.

“Who’s there?” someone outside called.

The figure froze.

Zuo Yunqi held his breath.

He had ridden through the night and day, slipping into the sect at dusk, navigating his way to the infirmary, only to be caught off guard by someone entering.

“Who’s there?” the voice was more stern, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Zuo Yunqi made several decisions in that instant.

The person outside lit a lamp, illuminating the infirmary. Zuo Yunqi stood nonchalantly by the window.

The person saw his face and hesitated, “Old Wu? What are you doing in the infirmary?”

Zuo Yunqi wore a human skin mask prepared in advance and gruffly said, “Deputy Sect Leader Tu sent me to get

 some pills.”

The sect member’s face darkened, “Don’t lie. What are you really doing here?”

Zuo Yunqi stuck to his story, “Deputy Sect Leader Tu really sent me. If you don’t believe me, ask him.”

“Oh? I don’t remember giving such orders,” a third voice said.

The sect member turned and saluted, “Deputy Sect Leader.”

In his mind, Zuo Yunqi slammed his head against the wall.

【Karma・End XV】

Deputy Sect Leader Tu walked in with a smile, “Long time no see. You’ve changed a lot—Young Sect Leader?”

The first sect member was shocked and ran out to call for help. Soon, footsteps echoed as sect members rushed to the infirmary.

Zuo Yunqi casually tore off his mask, his expression unchanged, “Uncle Tu, the same could be said for you. Have you been poisoned?”

When Zuo Yunqi left the sect, Deputy Sect Leader Tu was a somewhat frail-looking middle-aged man. Now, he was anything but frail, with bulging muscles and even seeming taller, like two of his former selves.

Zuo Yunqi felt only a chill down his spine, silently shifting into a defensive stance. His face remained calm, “I know many poisons can temporarily boost one’s strength but lead to madness, turning one into a murderous monster—Uncle Tu, your sacrifice for the sect is truly touching.”

“Spare me your provocations,” Deputy Sect Leader Tu laughed, “Everyone knows the miracle drug I’m using, including you. After all, it was the reason you left the sect.”

Zuo Yunqi’s heart sank, “Naihe Incense?”

“Just a bit, and it’s worth decades of cultivation. It’s priceless and rare in the world. The Sect Leader spent his life obtaining some and just finished refining it. Before he could use it, some unfilial son captured him for the Martial Alliance. Now, with the sect leader gone, I must… take his place.”

Zuo Yunqi’s world darkened.

He had risked everything to stop Zuo Dao, knowing the power of Naihe Incense. In the wrong hands, it could kill gods and buddhas.

Facing this man now, the odds were against him.

But he had no choice but to fight!

【Karma・End XVI】

Deputy Sect Leader Tu pointed at Zuo Yunqi and said to the sect members, “The Sect Leader ordered that this traitor be killed on sight!”

The sect members, who had watched Zuo Yunqi grow up, hesitated. But Deputy Sect Leader Tu’s authority was strong, and a few led the charge with weapons drawn, prompting the others to follow.

Zuo Yunqi stood still.

He swept his sleeve, knocking over a shelf of bottles and jars. The room filled with a dark, ominous smoke from the shattered poisons.

The attackers covered their mouths and noses, retreating. Deputy Sect Leader Tu roared, “Generations of our sect’s hard work, destroyed by this traitor!”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Yes.”

With that, he pushed over an entire cabinet with a loud crash.

The sect members were stunned.

Zuo Yunqi raised a token, “Zuo Dao is dead. Now, I am the Sect Leader.”

Deputy Sect Leader Tu’s face twitched, “Dead? Did you kill your own father?”

Zuo Yunqi smiled.

“The sect never cared about morality. Who cares how he died?” He slowly raised his head, his eyes showing the same fierce stubbornness as Zuo Dao’s, “If anyone objects, fight me according to sect rules. The winner takes the token. Who wants to die first?”

The returning Young Sect Leader suddenly embodied the sect’s survival of the fittest philosophy to its fullest.

Those who were already uncertain found themselves unable to move.

Only Deputy Sect Leader Tu laughed, his eyes faintly bloodshot, and shook out a long whip, “Fine, let your uncle test you.”

【Karma・End XVIII】

While the Martial Alliance was in chaos, Hero Long had already infiltrated the capital.

He came alone, bearing the undeniable aura of a protagonist.

The Master’s intelligence was accurate; the Wild Pioneer Group had added a ghastly extension to the high building, making it nearly top-heavy, with a platform of one square zhang at the top.

The Wild Pioneer Group’s spies were also busy, learning that the Martial Alliance had hired craftsmen to build a flying kite. Consequently, they surrounded the high building with rings of cannons, their barrels all pointing skyward, ready to turn any intruders into sieves.

Hero Long hid at a distance, carefully observing the Wild Pioneer Group.

His eyes never left an inconspicuous underling, silently watching him for several hours. He had to memorize the man’s every detail—appearance, demeanor, actions, even his rank and post.

Then, he would become that man.

【Karma・End XIX】

Zuo Yunqi felt like he was back in the scorching heat of the Martial Alliance camp, his vision wavering so much that he could see nothing clearly.

He twisted on instinct, barely dodging a whip strike.

Deputy Sect Leader Tu clicked his tongue impatiently, “Dragging it out, what’s the point?”

Zuo Yunqi had lost count of how many times he’d been whipped. The whip was, of course, poisoned, and despite taking a supposedly universal antidote beforehand, his wounds had turned a horrific purple-black.

Everything felt familiar—once again, he was desperately stalling for time.

The only difference was that this time, his opponent hadn’t given him a chance to poison anything in advance. Even if he continued stalling, no turning point would come.

…At least, it seemed that way.

Zuo Yunqi’s body was numb, almost incapable of feeling his limbs. His dodges became more labored, and suddenly, a whip lashed across his back, tearing a deep gash in his flesh.

Someone in the crowd watching shouted, “Deputy Sect Leader, give him a swift end!” The title “Deputy” was conspicuously omitted.

Deputy Sect Leader Tu’s veins bulged in his forehead. He wanted to end this quickly but didn’t understand why the frail-looking Zuo Yunqi could always slip away from such a close distance.

Deputy Sect Leader Tu’s impatience grew, his strikes increasingly erratic. Bottles and jars shattered all around the infirmary, toxic powders and fumes spreading, forcing the onlookers to retreat further, while the two combatants remained unaffected.

Zuo Yunqi was unaffected because of the antidote. Deputy Sect Leader Tu, on the other hand, was likely immune due to the transformative effects of the Naihe Incense, making him impervious to poisons.

…At least, it seemed that way.

As Zuo Yunqi collapsed to the ground, struggling to rise, Deputy Sect Leader Tu raised his whip for the final blow but suddenly froze.

He clutched his throat in disbelief, gasping for breath, his massive body swaying before crashing down.

The shocking turn of events stunned the crowd, one of whom impulsively rushed over but forgot to cover his mouth and nose, collapsing after only a few steps.

Deputy Sect Leader Tu’s face turned a livid purple as he rasped out his dying breath, “What… poison…”

Zuo Yunqi, equally incapacitated, rasped a laugh, “Who knows.”

【Karma・End XX】

Before leaving the secret room, Zuo Yunqi made many decisions in an instant.

He had originally planned to burn the infirmary after finding the Li Snake Worm Gu’s medicine lead, so he had oil and firestones with him. When discovered, he knew he would likely not survive the night. Therefore, he couldn’t let Zuo Dao’s lifetime of secret poisons continue to exist.

Zuo Yunqi walked out with his head held high, quickly activating the mechanism to close the wall behind him. Flames began to consume the hidden toxins.

The countless deadly poisons, unknown even to most in the sect, turned to ash and smoke. The thick, toxic smoke seeped through an invisible crack, slowly drifting out, entering Deputy Sect Leader Tu’s mouth and nose…

Of course, despite taking the antidote, Zuo Yunqi couldn’t escape either.

So this is what death feels like, Zuo Yunqi thought.

He strained to turn his head, through the window he could see a slow-rising red sun, just like every other morning.

He didn’t know how many poisons he had ingested; his corpse would likely look strange and unsightly.

Zuo Yunqi felt his death was somewhat heroic.

To perish with the Deputy Sect Leader and these numerous poisons, as a natural-born villain, he couldn’t have asked for more.

It was a pity that he hadn’t accomplished his initial goal of coming to the sect—finding the medicine lead. The capital’s problem remained unsolved. After his death, what would become of the world? Would the Master and others live safely? Or would they move on to another world without looking back?

Such regret, so much regret.

Just a bit more and he would have found the answer…

Zuo Yunqi’s eyes snapped open, his parched eyes wide, as if he couldn’t die in peace.

He still had one breath left.

He couldn’t die heroically.

He had to live miserably, even for just another hour.

Because there was something he had to do…

This thought controlled his heavy body, like a spell from the underworld.

Zuo Yunqi very slowly turned over, digging his fingers into the floor tiles, crawling forward with all four limbs.

Under the gaze of the sect members, he crawled past the Deputy Sect Leader’s body, through the wreckage of the infirmary, dragging a long trail of purple-black blood. After what felt like a century, he finally crossed the threshold.

He still had the token, and no one in the sect dared to stop him, watching as he whistled for his horse, shakily mounting it and slowly riding away.

【Karma・Origin IX】

After some investigation, they learned that the place called Da Liang was already filled with many other travelers. Naturally, these were the pedestrians they had initially killed.

The pedestrians believed their crossing was purely accidental, helplessly manipulated by fate, struggling to survive in this new world, evading the court’s capture and interrogation. The lucky ones managed to escape before being imprisoned, seeking refuge among others like themselves.

Only the core members of the growing organization knew their true purpose for being there.

Eventually, their female leader set a new goal for the organization.

No longer content with prankish murders, they aimed to seize the power and status they had never had in this new world.

“We shall call ourselves the Wild Pioneer Group,” Jiao Jiaoran said with a smile.

【Karma・End XXI】

The scout sent to the sect returned within half a day, carrying the unconscious Zuo Yunqi on horseback.

Seeing Zuo Yunqi’s condition, even the Master couldn’t hide his shock, his voice trembling involuntarily, “Doctor Tao—”

Tao Zhongchi’s face was solemn, “I will do my best.”

Several people hurriedly moved Zuo Yunqi to a bed, the Master called for a group to assist the doctor, creating a frantic scene. The scout spoke, “Young Master Zuo was conscious when I found him and left a message…”

The Master stared at him, “Speak.”

The scout scratched his head, “I didn’t quite understand… he said something about fragments… a gift… asked if you sold it…”

【Karma・Origin X】

Years after the Wild Pioneer Group was founded, in the famous high building in the capital.

Zuo Yunqi had just foiled Zuo Dao’s conspiracy, holding out a small fragment of incense to the Master.

Zuo Yunqi said, “This incense is worth a fortune. I thought I should save some. Too little for medicine, but it could fetch a good price as a fragrance.”

The Master was puzzled, “Why give it to me?”

The cold-faced young man smiled, “Isn’t there a lodging fee for staying in your building?”

【Karma・End XXII】

The Master turned to look at the unconscious Zuo Yunqi on the bed, dazed, “No. I didn’t sell it. I kept it.”

【Karma・End XXIII】

Great legends often unfold on ordinary afternoons.

On the day Jiao Jiaoran ascended the building, the Wild Pioneer Group was on high alert, fearing an attack from the Martial Alliance.

But their fears never materialized. The capital remained eerily calm, and the ascent was unnervingly smooth.

To mark the occasion, Jiao Jiaoran even wore light makeup, an unprecedented move. She led the way up the creaky wooden ladder to the top platform.

The platform was empty except for a few guards.

Jiao Jiaoran walked to the edge, looking down at the streets of the capital, admiring the view.

She smiled with complex emotions.

At that moment, the nearest guard suddenly moved with lightning speed.

He grabbed her, shouting, “No one move, or I’ll jump with her.”

Hero Long had observed from afar for two days, concluding it would be easier to disguise himself as a guard on the rooftop rather than breaking through the building.

Hero Long said coldly, “Lady Jiao, your subordinates can flee, but you must come with me.”

To his surprise, Jiao Jiaoran remained calm, smirking, “Alright.”

As soon as she spoke, Hero Long knew he was in trouble.

Sure enough, another voice called out from the crowd, “Hero Long, we are not fools. Do you think your tricks will work again?”

This was the real voice of Jiao Jiaoran.

The “Jiao Jiaoran” he held, wearing makeup, suddenly attacked with a short blade. Hero

 Long reflexively dodged, his palm striking out, sending her flying off the high building.

Gunfire erupted from the rooftop, with guards aiming at Hero Long. The narrow platform offered little room to maneuver. He rolled, advancing instead of retreating, using his tall frame to endure the gunfire as he charged at the voice in the crowd.

A giant net was cast, aiming to ensnare him. Hero Long didn’t evade, slicing the net with his long sword.

Unexpectedly, as Hero Long focused his strength, a handful of powder was thrown at him. Instinctively holding his breath, he realized the powder targeted his gunshot wounds, dissolving upon contact with blood.

Hero Long was momentarily paralyzed by excruciating pain, giving the guards the chance to overwhelm him. Despite his lethal strikes, the guards, loyal unto death, clung to him even as they perished. This delay allowed the powder to take effect, leaving Hero Long weak and unable to resist.

A new batch of guards quickly bound him with iron chains.

The Wild Pioneer Group had prepared for everything.

The person who had spoken earlier removed their disguise, revealing Jiao Jiaoran’s face.

Standing at a distance, she ordered the guards to tear off Hero Long’s human skin mask. She sneered, “Hero Long, I have no special desire to kill anyone in this world, but you are the first. You made sure I wouldn’t miss out on this chance by delivering yourself to me.”

Back in Fuyang City’s munitions factory, Hero Long’s explosives had completely ruined her back, leaving countless hideous scars.

Hero Long gritted his teeth, enduring waves of searing pain, “I… have nothing… to say… give me… a quick death…”

“How could I do that?” Jiao Jiaoran laughed, “I wouldn’t give you the chance to strike back. Let’s let what Left Sect Leader left behind do its work.”

She glanced at the sky, tilting her head, “I’m just a defeated escapee. The Martial Alliance has already won. Why did you have to sacrifice your life?”

Hero Long coldly replied, “For… the people.”

“Impressive, someone like you really exists in this world.”


“Too bad, even if you caught me today, it wouldn’t matter. This world is already beyond saving.”

【Karma・Origin XI】

Some time ago, an incident occurred within the Wild Pioneer Group.

A traveler suddenly died and came back to life, immediately starting to kill upon awakening.

When subdued and examined, it was discovered that the original traveling soul had vanished, with the body now occupied by another soul.

This new soul did not come from their familiar homeland but from a third world.

The singularities had become active in the third dimension.

The core members, already knowledgeable about the singularities, gathered to deduce a new and chilling conclusion.

【Karma・End XXIV】

“In the past, we only knew that people from our homeland could travel to Da Liang. We never discovered anyone traveling from Da Liang back to our homeland,” Jiao Jiaoran said. “So we only studied the entrances to the travel pathways, knowing nothing about the exits.”


She gave Hero Long a malicious smile, “Now we finally know where the exits are. These so-called ‘exits’ are the bodies that are inherently prone to possession. These bodies, once taken over while still alive, can be possessed again in the future.”


“You know what this means? All travelers could be possessed again at any time, perhaps even in their sleep, pushed into the underworld by another soul. That’s why we’re in a hurry to leave.”

Hero Long struggled, “Where… to?”

Jiao Jiaoran shrugged, “To explore other wild lands.”


“We don’t know where we’ll end up this time. Maybe back home, maybe to a primitive civilization like yours, or perhaps to a world where we’ll be killed instantly. But staying here means certain death, leaving gives us hope.”


Jiao Jiaoran smiled, “Even if you captured me, I wouldn’t reveal anything. You want to seal the singularities? Mortal power can’t do that, it can only be left to fate. You want to know the rules of the singularities? I won’t say. In the end, discovering the flickering point on the high building is enough, isn’t it?”

Hero Long asked, “Why?”

Jiao Jiaoran replied, “When your traveler friends realize they’ll eventually be possessed and that climbing this high building allows them to leave, what do you think they’ll choose? Who will be left to save this world?”

Hero Long didn’t reply.

He didn’t have time to reply.

For a strange rumbling sound came from the cloudy afternoon sky.

It was unlike any known creature or mechanism, causing everyone to look up in fear. A black dot appeared in the distant sky, growing larger, eventually taking the shape of a bird.

—A bird as large as a ship!

【Karma・End XXV】

The Martial Alliance’s wooden kite finally arrived.

Its immense shadow swept over the streets of the capital, blocking out the sun, with the rumbling sound resolving into the clattering of countless mechanisms, like a cacophony of a thousand instruments tormenting the ears.

The war-torn citizens of the capital cowered in their homes, silently watching the descending object through their windows.

For them, nothing these travelers did was surprising anymore.

But the Wild Pioneer Group thought otherwise!

The group stared in shock at the massive creation conjured up in just a few days. Ground cannons fired wildly, but only the larger cannons had enough range, managing to clip the kite’s left wing.

Yet, the kite, surprisingly fragile, veered off course after the hit, drifting lightly toward the platform!

Screams erupted from the rooftop crowd, everyone scattering and ducking, while death guards shielded Jiao Jiaoran.

With a loud crash, the kite struck the platform.

【Karma・End XXVI】

The kite crushed the two guards it first hit. Despite its size, it was incredibly light, disintegrating upon impact.

Survivors climbed from the wreckage, only to find a heap of feather-light wood. It was empty, devoid of explosives, as if it couldn’t carry any more weight.

“So, what was the point of this thing?” someone couldn’t help but ask.

They soon found out.

The farce-like commotion masked the most fatal noise.

A muffled sound came from below their feet, and the platform began to sink!

Ground gunners gasped as the high building appeared to be severed in the middle, breaking off where the extension began.

“How is this possible?” Jiao Jiaoran demanded, grabbing Hero Long, “What did you do?”

Hero Long remained silent.

He was equally bewildered.

Those on the ground were terrified. The high building continued to collapse, and from the break emerged a giant serpent-like creature, covered in vividly colored and grotesque scales, its head a mass of wrinkles.

The creature kept writhing, “crunching” through more of the connecting wood…

【Karma・Origin XII】

The Master turned to look at the unconscious Zuo Yunqi, dazed, “No. I didn’t sell it. I always kept it.”

He returned to his room and retrieved the small piece of Naihe Incense, pondering its use. What was Zuo Yunqi trying to tell him? In such a situation, what use could the incense have?

Eat it? Zuo Yunqi said the dosage was too small, and he had no inner power; any increase in strength would be pointless.

Burn it? That was even more meaningless.

Eliminating all other possibilities, only one remained…

The Master slowly crushed the Naihe Incense, opened the box containing the Li Snake Worm, and sprinkled some powder in, watching the insect’s reaction.

After a moment, he called out, “Someone!”

【Karma・End XXVII】

As initially planned, the Martial Alliance reached the foundation of the high building. They fed the Li Snake Worm all the Naihe Incense, then let it chew through the columns.

The massive worm ate quickly, making considerable noise. Thus, the seemingly pointless flying kite was deployed to divert the Wild Pioneer Group’s attention and buy more time.

Once the worm hollowed out the columns, the building collapsed.

Inside the building, chaos reigned. Those unable to escape in time met untimely deaths, falling or being crushed. Desperate individuals jumped from windows, dying before the gunners below.

The platform on the roof cracked, and the guards standing at the edges disappeared before they could even scream. However, Jiao Jiaoran still stood, teetering but smiling at Hero Long.

Hero Long heard her say, “Do you think that just because I built this tall building, the singularity must be this high?”

Jiao Jiaoran took a few steps back, spread her arms wide, and leapt like a moth chasing an invisible flame.

“Stop—!” Hero Long shouted.

She dashed past him, and with a sudden burst of strength, Hero Long twisted his bound body and bit onto her clothing. But it was too late; she joyfully leapt, dragging him down with her.

【End of Fate XXVIII】

The cold wind howled. All the scenery rapidly receded from view. Hero Long, with no strength to deploy his martial skills, could only watch as Jiao Jiaoran extended her arms, desperately reaching for something in mid-air…

He suddenly realized what she was aiming for, but it was too late to stop her.

That moment felt longer than a lifetime. Jiao Jiaoran’s eyes widened, and Hero Long clearly saw her excited smile, as if her wish had come true and she had embarked on a new journey.

Then everything abruptly stopped. She died mid-air, her soul seemingly sucked away, leaving only her lifeless body to fall.

And he was inevitably falling towards the same spot she had just passed through!

Was he also going to be transported?

Hero Long had no time to think.

Hero Long’s last thought was—perhaps he wasn’t actually the protagonist.

A sudden sharp pain struck him.

Everything ended.

【End of Fate XXIX】



Fan Aiguo’s voice echoed in his ears: “If that’s what death feels like, it’s too pleasant…”

Could it be that his way of dying was wrong?

Hero Long opened his eyes and saw an arrow embedded in his body.

The arrow successfully altered his falling direction, making him miss Jiao Jiaoran’s trajectory.

Then, a pair of arms caught him.

Those arms “cracked” with a bone-breaking sound.

A face, twisted in pain, appeared before him, unfamiliar yet with a familiar voice, speaking through gritted teeth, “Hero Long, who would’ve thought even a low-end version like me could save you.”

Hero Long solemnly said, “Thank you, Young Master Xie. I will never forget your life-saving grace.”

Xie Liang placed him on the ground, his injured arm giving way, nearly making him collapse from the pain. Hero Long then noticed Xie Liang was dressed as a gunner, having infiltrated the Wild Pioneer Group.

At that moment, genuine Wild Pioneer Group members were in chaos, dodging falling debris and bodies. Martial Alliance spies took advantage of the confusion, riding in to retrieve the two and whisking them away.

【A New Beginning I】

The young prince’s enthronement ceremony proceeded as planned.

The newly appointed Protector General, Lin Kai, was generous. The Martial Alliance brothers who had fought alongside him were all given high-ranking positions. Those who didn’t want official titles were granted ample land to return to the martial world.

The Master finally had the days he dreamed of, lying on piles of gold and silver, counting money.

But he no longer had the heart to count.

Zuo Yunqi had been unconscious for a full month before finally waking up. The Master would’ve preferred him to sleep longer, avoiding the diagnosis from Doctor Tao Zhongchi.

“I have detoxified what I can,” said Doctor Tao. “But some poisons are Left Dao’s unique concoctions, beyond my ability to cure. Left Young Master’s constitution will be greatly weakened from now on, and…”

His martial arts were completely destroyed, and he would never be able to practice again.

Even for an ordinary martial artist, this would be devastating news.

Moreover, the Master knew Zuo Yunqi’s temperament too well.

Without martial arts, his only means of self-protection would be… using poison.

【A New Beginning II】

Contrary to the Master’s expectations, Zuo Yunqi listened to the diagnosis with a pale face and only said, “Oh.”

The Master sat at his bedside, quietly waiting for him to process the news, surprised when Zuo Yunqi immediately asked, “Did Jiao Jiaoran confess?”

The Master was taken aback, and when he looked at Zuo Yunqi again, the boy seemed to have grown up overnight, becoming much more distant.

The Master slowly replied, “Jiao Jiaoran escaped. But Hero Long brought back her last words before she left.”

A group gathered around Zuo Yunqi’s bed, listening to Hero Long recount the story once more.

The already-possessed bodies were more likely to be possessed again.

Zuo Yunqi slowly blinked, gradually understanding what he had just heard.

The Master, Li Ke, Fan Aiguo… perhaps one day they would wake up, and these bodies would no longer house the people he knew.

Hero Long crossed his arms, saying, “General Lin has already stated that whether to stay or leave is up to you. If you want to go and try to follow Jiao Jiaoran through the singularity, he won’t stop you. If you want to stay and work with the remaining travelers from the Wild Pioneer Group to find a solution, he will fully support that too.”

Finding a solution was uncertain. Sealing off the travel pathways seemed like an unattainable goal in their lifetime.

Except for Zuo Yunqi, everyone had had a month to think about their fate.

【A New Beginning III】

After a moment of silence, Hero Long spoke first, “In any case, I’m going to retire. Little Qian is still waiting for me to take him on an adventure. If you need any help in the future, just write to me. Especially Young Master Xie, I am at your service for life.”

Xie Liang smiled, “Hero Long, you’re too polite. Didn’t you save my life once before? When we meet again, let’s have a drink together.”

Fan Aiguo, who seemed to have done some serious thinking, said, “I’ll stay. Traveling or being traveled is up to the heavens; there’s no need to worry too much. This place is pretty good. I still want to write a few more bestsellers.”

Xie Liang said, “That sounds great. You can write anywhere. How about you come to stay at Xiangshan Manor for a while?”

Fan Aiguo happily agreed.

The Master, feeling relieved, said, “I’ll stay too. I’m too lazy to move around.”

Zuo Yunqi gave him a deep look.

Finally, only Li Ke remained.

Li Ke smiled, “I won’t leave either.”

Everyone felt a bit sorry but remained silent due to their positions. Li Ke, however, appeared quite at ease, saying, “Prince Yu wasn’t a good person, but he was very kind to me. If he can come back, I will be the one to take him in. If he can’t…” He patted the dagger he carried in his coat, “I’ll wander around, showing him the mountains and seas.”

【A New Beginning IV】

As the days of departure approached, everyone gathered frequently, sharing many meals and drinking numerous jars of wine.

One day, after a bout of drinking, General Lin, clutching his head, stumbled into the Imperial Pharmacy. “Imperial Physician, I have a headache.”

The newly appointed Imperial Physician, Tao Zhongchi, was on duty. She hurried to greet him, “Could it be a cold?”

Lin Kai replied, “I don’t know. I did drink a lot.”


Imperial Physician Tao asked, “Doesn’t General Lin’s residence have any hangover soup?”

Lin Kai, still clutching his head, said, “I don’t know. Please, Physician Tao, make me a bowl.”

Tao Zhongchi put down her work and selected some herbs to brew him a soup.

Lin Kai, resting his chin in his hand, watched her busying herself. After a while, he drunkenly said, “Physician Tao.”


“Have you ever thought about being someone other than an imperial physician?”

Tao Zhongchi gently humored him, “For example?”

“For example, a general’s wife?” Lin Kai adjusted his hair.


Tao Zhongchi replied, “Being an imperial physician is quite good.”


“Oh. Alright. Alright.” Lin Kai, still clutching his head, got up to leave.

Tao Zhongchi added, “I’ve never thought about another role before.”

“… What about in the future?”

“In the future, I might have some time to think about it.”

【A New Beginning V】

“I’ve thought about it a lot,” Zuo Yunqi said. “Will you reconsider staying?”

The Master replied, “Why?”

It was late spring, early summer. Zuo Yunqi had finally finished recovering at the Master’s new residence but was still dressed warmly. They sat in the courtyard, enjoying the scenery, though the falling pale petals were not particularly cheerful.

Zuo Yunqi, looking down, said, “Staying is dangerous.”

“I know that.”

“I might not be able to protect you anymore.”


“Before, you said I should become strong and protect you.”

The Master was stunned for a long time, almost laughing but fearing to hurt the young man’s feelings, so he held it in. “Silly child, that was just a joke…”

“I was serious,” Zuo Yunqi said.

The Master fell silent.

Zuo Yunqi poured himself a drink, his thin face reflected in the rippling wine. “I’m going to inherit the Side Gate.”

The Master was surprised. “Why?”

“I already have the token. Rather than letting them wreak havoc, it’s better if I control them.”

The Master hesitated. “It will be very difficult to make them obey.”

It wouldn’t just be difficult; it would be life-threatening!

“Yes, but I can gradually become stronger.” Zuo Yunqi said calmly, “I don’t want to be a burden. I still have many unfulfilled wishes.”

The Master looked at Zuo Yunqi.

Zuo Yunqi looked back at the Master.

【A New Beginning VI】

The Master, calming down and thinking carefully, realized that with the world just stabilizing, it was hard to say which was more dangerous, the court or the martial world. Forcing Zuo Yunqi to stay by his side might seem protective but could actually harm him.

The Master said with difficulty, “If you are determined, go ahead. Don’t worry about me. I’ve struggled to get this far and will continue to do my best. But remember…” He struggled with the right words, “Herbs have no good or evil; it’s the human heart that matters. With ill intentions, even good medicine can kill. Conversely, poison can save lives…”

Zuo Yunqi chuckled softly, somewhat self-mockingly. “Has any poison user ever become a great hero?”

The Master paused and then said, “Then you be the first.”

Zuo Yunqi didn’t expect this answer, his eyes warming, and he quickly took a gulp of wine.

After a long silence, Zuo Yunqi quietly asked, “If one day I become like my father?”


The Master replied, “Then I will personally kill you.”

Hearing this harsh statement strangely reassured Zuo Yunqi, who nodded with downcast eyes.

A petal drifted into the Master’s wine cup. He looked up at the sky; the wind had picked up again.

The Master raised his cup to Zuo Yunqi and said, “One day, we will meet again.”

They shared a smile.

《End of No Remedy》

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