Chapter 7: Delayed Manuscript

Are You OK Chapter 7

Delayed Manuscript


Alliance Leader Lin Kai paced in his study. His strategist, Lou Zhu, watched him pace while lounging in a rattan chair.

“I think I missed something,” Lin Kai said gravely.


“I thought I knew the battlefield well enough to predict the enemy’s moves,” Lin Kai continued, “but ever since you time travelers arrived in droves, this world is no longer the one I’m familiar with.”


“In the past, battles were fought with swords; then they were fought with guns and cannons. Do you know what battles are fought with nowadays?”

Lou Zhu sat up straight, solemnly asking, “What are they fought with?”

Lin Kai said, “Public opinion.”


Lou Zhu patted his chest and leaned back, still in shock, saying, “I thought you were going to ask me to make a hydrogen bomb.”


Lin Kai walked to the window, reciting, “White-haired and riding to the frontier, a single sword still reflects the old spirit.”


Lou Zhu hesitantly applauded, “Good poem.”

“It’s not mine,” Lin Kai turned back and said, “A court official wrote it recently while crying. It’s said to have spread across the land, inspiring even old women in their eighties to take up hoes and fight bandits.”


Lin Kai said, “Do you understand public opinion? Ideological output.”

Lou Zhu replied, “I understand.”


The court wanted to eliminate the time travelers. The time travelers wanted to overthrow the court. Two months ago, at the Battle of Fuyang, the court seemed to win a great victory, but anyone with insight knew that with such outdated weapons and tactics, the court’s fall was inevitable. However, the Expansion Group established by the time travelers was also weakened and needed time to produce new guns and ammunition.

Lou Zhu stroked his chin and analyzed, “It seems the court plans to inject some adrenaline and extinguish the Expansion Group’s momentum in one go.”

Lin Kai sneered, “The Expansion Group is not foolish.”

Lou Zhu said, “Yes, the Expansion Group also urgently needs to win the people’s hearts. I bet in a few days, their poems will be flying everywhere.”


Sure enough, the Expansion Group quickly launched a counterattack. They fought battles while sending small gifts to local aristocrats, like ballpoint pens and sanitary pads. These harmless little items successfully won over a number of noble families. The Expansion Group then continued their efforts to court the aristocracy, consolidating their future rule.

Their creations soon reached the Martial Alliance.

“Life is not just about immediate survival, but also about science and fields of hope.”


Lou Zhu flung his sleeves, saying, “Plagiarism.”

Lin Kai asked, “Oh? Plagiarism from whom?”

“…From people of our world,” Lou Zhu said, “Some time travelers are still loyal to the court. I wonder if they will come out to strongly condemn this.”


The court did not strongly condemn it. The court published a new poem.

“Why do my eyes always brim with tears? Because I love this land so deeply.”


Lou Zhu said, “I underestimated them.”


Zuo Yunqi couldn’t help but approach Lou Zhu.

“When I came down the mountain, all I heard were the Expansion Group’s doggerel. They are making such a big noise; why haven’t we, as the third party, said anything?” Zuo Yunqi asked.

The Martial Alliance ostensibly joined the time travelers’ camp but was actually aiming to reap the benefits as a third party.

Lou Zhu said, “We lost the initiative; now we must come up with a higher strategy.”

Zuo Yunqi rested his chin in his hand and said, “Let me help you think. What stance should the Martial Alliance promote?”

Lou Zhu replied, “Pacifism, promising an era of equality between time travelers and natives.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Anti-war poems then.”

Lou Zhu asked, “Does anyone in the alliance write poetry?”

Zuo Yunqi pondered, “No.”


Zuo Yunqi casually said, “The number of literate ruffians in the martial world is minimal, and they can only write plain language.”

Lou Zhu’s eyes suddenly lit up. He grasped Zuo Yunqi’s shoulders and said, “Thank you for the guidance.”


“Novels?” Lin Kai frowned, “Those lowbrow things?”

Lou Zhu confidently replied, “Novels are just the first step. In the past, indoctrination relied on poetry; later, it relied on novels. Do you know what future indoctrination will rely on?”

“What will it rely on?”

Lou Zhu said, “On IP.”


Lin Kai asked, “What is that?”

“IP. We will first launch a wildly popular novel, then have the trendy idol group ‘Bamboo Grove 48 Sages’ write songs and lyrics for it, adapt it into plays performed by troupes across the country, and have famous artists draw comics of it… covering all demographics, indoctrinating them comprehensively and without fail,” Lou Zhu explained, “The future of super IPs is in our hands.”


Lin Kai said, “You make a good point. But does anyone in the Martial Alliance write novels?”

Lou Zhu said, “We can find someone, right?”

“We cannot,” Lin Kai replied, “Unless you do it?”

Lou Zhu shuddered.

Just then, a servant knocked on the door, saying, “Alliance Leader, Fan Aiguo has awakened.”


Lin Kai and Lou Zhu hurried to the pharmacy, where several beds were lined up with curtains hanging low, faintly revealing the figures on the beds. The room was filled with the scent of medicinal herbs. A beautiful young woman with delicate eyebrows was holding a porcelain bowl, emerging from the inner room.

“Doctor Tao,” Lin Kai greeted politely.

Tao Zhongchi smiled and said, “Are you here to see Brother Fan? He has just returned to human form from being a horse and is still adjusting.”

Lin Kai asked, “What kind of adjustments, movement or speech?”

“Neither,” Fan Aiguo said gloomily.

Fan Aiguo was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with Xie Liang holding a mirror beside him. Fan Aiguo looked at his face from side to side, finally squeezing out, “So skinny.”

Xie Liang, an elegant young man, was exasperated, “Eat some meat and you’ll gain weight. Can you show some gratitude?”

When Fan Aiguo crossed over, there was a mishap. Originally sharing a body with Xie Liang, he later possessed various animals, from wolves to mosquitoes.

Re-forming his human body and stabilizing his soul was extremely dangerous, involving mysterious shamanic medicine. Only Tao Zhongchi, the heir to a divine healer, had the knowledge and courage to perform such an operation. Xie Liang had done many difficult tasks for the Martial Alliance to finally secure this body for Fan Aiguo.

Fan Aiguo, now human again, did not show any joy, sighing, “Can I get another one?”

Xie Liang, a refined gentleman, was so angry he rolled his eyes.


Tao Zhongchi gently explained, “You can only be reborn in human form once. Many people can’t even survive that once without their soul scattering.”

Fan Aiguo was unwilling, “Didn’t crossing over count as rebirth? That’s twice already! Maybe I’m exceptionally gifted and can go another round?”

Tao Zhongchi was taken aback and said, “Crossing over is a matter of another world; we haven’t studied it. But it’s best not to take that risk.”

“I think you’re addicted to switching bodies; reincarnation might be faster,” Xie Liang took a deep breath and turned to Lin Kai, “Thank you, Alliance Leader, for your help this time.”

“You’re welcome,” Lin Kai said with a smile, “What are Brother Fan’s plans? Do you have a place to stay?”

Fan Aiguo shook his head, “Can I stay here and work?”

Xie Liang said, “You, a time traveler who doesn’t know any martial arts, what use are you to the Martial Alliance? It’s better to come back with me to the Xie Family Manor; we can find you a job in accounting.”

Lou Zhu suddenly spoke up, “What did Brother Fan do before crossing over?”

Fan Aiguo said, “Oh, I was a clerk, specializing in preparing PPTs for my boss.”


Lin Kai nodded meaningfully.

Fan Aiguo asked, “Hmm?”

Lou Zhu said, “It’s you.”

Fan Aiguo replied, “Hmm?”


“Once, there was a promising young man who accidentally fell into a river during a trip. When he woke up, he found himself back in ancient times, transformed into a gardener for a wealthy family. The young man tried hard to hide his identity but accidentally exposed himself. The people were shocked and frightened, treating him as an outcast, beating and kicking him. Only the family’s eldest daughter pitied him, keeping him on as a worker. The young man was kind-hearted and, despite the bullying, never sought revenge, only wanting to live in peace with everyone. The eldest daughter fell in love with him, and they secretly vowed to be together forever. However, the girl’s family sensed something was wrong, driving the young man out of the city and forcing the girl to marry a suitable young master. The young man, heartbroken, died from poverty and illness. After the girl got married, she learned of his death and wept bitterly, dying in front of his grave. Then, with a crack, the tombstone split open, and two butterflies flew out, disappearing among the flowers. The end.”


Lou Zhu tilted his head and asked, “Is there

 a problem with writing based on this outline?”

“Yes,” Fan Aiguo said, “Isn’t this the story of Liang Zhu?”



Lou Zhu said, “The central theme is ‘Killing time travelers is wrong; killing natives is even worse; only the peaceful Martial Alliance is good.’ As long as this idea is implanted, you can develop the rest however you like. Any other questions?”

“Yes,” Fan Aiguo asked, “Why me?”


Lou Zhu said, “This place is full of martial artists. Young Master Xie is both literate and skilled, but as a native, he can’t grasp the essence of time traveler romance novels. Only you can take on this task.”



Lou Zhu coaxed, “The requirements are not high, just one chapter every half month, submitted on time. We will bribe the national storytellers’ organization to publicize it extensively. In three months, we will release a standalone edition and hire renowned scholars to write forewords and reviews. You will also receive a royalty, so why not?”

Fan Aiguo asked, “What if I hit a writer’s block and can’t submit on time?”

Lou Zhu replied, “We have hired Young Master Xie with a high salary to supervise you.”

Xie Liang smiled and flicked his sword at his waist.



Shanbo groaned and woke up, not remembering what day it was. He struggled to open his eyes, suddenly flipped over, and climbed up. Before him was a hall with carved beams and painted rafters, completely different from the style of the Daliang era. Suddenly, voices came from nearby, and he saw several men walking together, the leader wearing…


Fan Aiguo put down his pen.

Fan Aiguo said, “I can’t write anymore.”

A low table was set up beside Fan Aiguo’s sickbed in the pharmacy for him to write while recovering. Xie Liang, who was meditating at the bedside, heard the noise and had to open his eyes and ask, “Why can’t you continue right after the beginning?”

“Which dynasty was it in Daliang a thousand years ago? What did people wear then?”

Xie Liang, fearing to disturb other patients in the pharmacy, whispered, “You can ignore writing such details.”

Fan Aiguo replied, “No, the story must be immersive. I am a writer with high standards.”


Xie Liang resignedly scratched his brow and stood up, saying, “I’ll go to the study to find you some materials. You can skip this part and write the rest.”


Shanbo silently listened to the steward’s instructions, afraid of being noticed and not daring to speak much. He took the job and went to plant flowers in the backyard. He wiped his sweat and suddenly saw a graceful figure passing by the corridor. Shanbo looked intently and saw that the lady had…


Fan Aiguo bit the pen and racked his brains to remember.


Smoky eyebrows, eyes filled with unshed tears, delicate at thirteen, with the beauty of spring and the elegance of a fairy. Walking with a light step, her lotus feet barely touching the ground, she moved away. Shanbo, with sharp eyes, saw a sachet fall at her feet. He quickly picked it up, patted it twice, and sniffed it hard, a scent…


“I found it.” Xie Liang placed a stack of books on the bed and said, “How much have you written?”

Fan Aiguo gestured for him to see for himself. Xie Liang glanced at it and angrily said, “Just a few lines in half a day?”

Fan Aiguo replied, “This is called striving for perfection. I’m stuck again.”

“Stuck on what?”

“I don’t know what scent the sachet should have.”


Fan Aiguo reached out and said, “Why don’t you give me one?”

Xie Liang said, “I don’t have any.”

Fan Aiguo sneered, “Don’t pretend. Young Master Xie is so popular that even if you don’t have a hundred sachets, you have eighty. I don’t believe you don’t have one.”

Xie Liang said, “I really don’t.”

Fan Aiguo said, “Let’s take half a day off, walk around the street, and pick one up if someone drops it.”

Xie Liang’s long sword unsheathed two inches with a “clang.”

Fan Aiguo silently retracted his head and added in a low voice, “A scent indescribable.”


Shanbo kept the sachet for five days before seeing the lady walk by the corridor again. He hurriedly called out, “Miss, have you lost something recently?”

The lady turned around at the sound, seeing a young gardener with thick eyebrows and big eyes, quite handsome. He lowered his head, not daring to look at her but rubbed his hands on his clothes before taking out the sachet and presenting it.

The lady joyfully said, “I’ve been looking for this, and you found it.” She took the sachet and handed over a few pieces of silver. Shanbo shook his head and refused, stammering, “It was nothing, Miss. If you want to reward me, may I boldly ask your name?”

A blush spread across the lady’s cheeks as she shyly said, “Even if I tell you, you mustn’t call me that. My name is Yingtai.”


“I didn’t expect you, Fan Aiguo, to have such a touch of literary talent.” Xie Liang mumbled as he copied the manuscript, “What’s this character?”

“Which one?”

Xie Liang pointed. Fan Aiguo leaned in to look and said, “Tai. As in pavilion.”

Xie Liang then transcribed it into traditional characters onto the paper, “By the way, your novel still doesn’t have a title.”

Fan Aiguo said, “Return My Pearl.”

Xie Liang said, “Too elegant, not very relatable.”

“Transforming Butterflies.”

“Still too literary. I think Lou Zhu wants it to be as down-to-earth as possible.”

Fan Aiguo lay back in frustration and said, “I’ve never written a novel before.”

Xie Liang said, “Even if you’ve never written one, you must have read some? Just imitate a few, and I’ll help you refine them.”

Fan Aiguo said, “A Thousand-Year Love of a Rich Family’s Daughter. The Dark Gardener Fell in Love with Me.”


Fan Aiguo said, “Travel Through Time to My Delicate Wife. Rebirth of the Butterfly Love. Man-Beast Love: My Husband is a Butterfly.”



“I think ‘The Dark Gardener Fell in Love with Me’ sounds good, quite catchy.” Lin Kai praised as he finished reading the last page of the manuscript, “Hmm, well done! This issue’s submission was smooth; keep it up for the next one?”

Fan Aiguo, with a bitter face, said, “I’ll try.”

Lin Kai, smiling, rolled up the manuscript and walked out of the pharmacy with Lou Zhu.

Lou Zhu whispered, “The national storytellers’ organization has been bribed. They will recite it daily in teahouses across the country. Bamboo Grove 48 Sages are working on a new song, ‘Lucky Sachet.’ Next month’s literary reviews will mention it, costing quite a bit for promotion.”

Lin Kai said, “As long as it works. It’s up to you now.”

Lou Zhu paused and said calmly, “With this card played and our recent moves, we are now in the open.”

“It’s about time,” Lin Kai said, “Local aristocrats are now determined to side with the Expansion Group, waiting for Prince Yu to take power and let them continue as local tyrants. We need to send someone to reason with them.”

Lou Zhu said, “The people are ready, and the lines are taught: ‘Mountains of gold and silver are just talk; the Expansion Group makes grand promises but won’t even share weapons. What if they don’t deliver? How did they oppress natives in Fuyang? To live peacefully, it’s better to pledge allegiance to a clear leader.'”

Lin Kai nodded and said, “Hmm, it must be done discreetly. Are the people trustworthy?”

Suddenly, a voice interjected, “Why not let me go?”


A tall, dignified figure exuding the aura of a protagonist walked into the pharmacy. Lin Kai looked up and smiled, “Hero Long. Are you here to visit Xiao Qian? How is he?”

Hero Long said, “Doctor Tao said he’s out of danger, but he’s badly injured and it’s hard to say when he’ll wake up.”

Lin Kai asked, “And yourself? You were also seriously injured in the Battle of Fuyang.”

Hero Long replied, “I’m fully recovered.”

The three looked at each other in silence. Finally, Lou Zhu asked coolly, “Was the fall hard enough?”

Hero Long, expressionless, said, “Hard enough.”

Lou Zhu asked again, “Figured it out?”

Hero Long said, “Haven’t figured it out.”

Lou Zhu chuckled.

A while ago, Hero Long, full of loyalty to the country, had a big fight with the Martial Alliance, infiltrated Fuyang City alone to eliminate traitors for the court, but happened to witness the court slaughtering civilians. He returned in despair.

“I told you it was naive, but you didn’t believe me,” Lou Zhu said.

Hero Long didn’t mind the salt in his wounds. His heroic brows didn’t move, and he calmly said, “If I can’t figure it out, I’ll clear it away.”

Lou Zhu was slightly taken aback.

He thought no one could remain unchanged. Now it seemed there were indeed people who never regret no matter what.

“Let me go as your envoy. With my skills, I can ensure no one notices,” Hero Long said.

Lin Kai, however, smiled and patted his shoulder, “You are an honorable hero; how can you do such dirty work? Rest well; there will be many places where your skills are needed.”


The new author, Mr. Fan’s tragic romance novel “The Dark Gardener Fell in Love with Me” became an instant hit.

Compared to vague poems, such a straightforward story was clearly more popular among the common folk.

Fan Aiguo’s national fan club quickly formed, the song “Lucky

 Sachet” was sung everywhere, and the illustrations by renowned artists were widely praised. Young men and women dressed up as Shanbo and Yingtai, longing for a romantic adventure.

Lou Zhu seized the opportunity, producing a batch of Yingtai’s special sachets for sale as merchandise.


Yingtai wiped Shanbo’s back, crying, “Those scoundrels, I’ll have my father teach them a lesson.” Shanbo shook his head and said, “I am a time traveler; their fear and hatred of me are inevitable.”

Yingtai, with teary eyes, glared at him and said, “You know so much about the future; why let them bully you?” Shanbo, by the moonlit rockery, tightly grasped her soft hand, emotionally said, “Yingtai, I don’t want to be a villain and make enemies with the natives; I just want a world where you and I can be together!”


“‘I don’t want to be a villain and make enemies with the natives; I just want a world where you and I can be together!'” Jiao Jiaoran recited, holding the book, “Yingtai tearfully said: ‘If everyone were like you…'”

Jiao Jiaoran, with a kind face, looked more like a neighborhood committee director than the notorious leader of the Expansion Group. But now, putting down the latest volume of “The Dark Gardener Fell in Love with Me,” she was unsettled and said, “Your Highness, the Martial Alliance has included us in their scolding!”

The small study had only one table and one chair, and at that single chair sat Prince Yu, Zhou Rongqi, the financier behind the Expansion Group.

Zhou Rongqi raised his long, slender eyebrows and said casually, “Maybe they want to make some money.”

Jiao Jiaoran said, “I’m afraid it’s not just money. Last month, they cut off our military supplies, saying the factory was temporarily broken. I think the Martial Alliance has ulterior motives. When Left Cloudqi stole our invention manuals and now shows signs of betrayal, once we overthrow the court—”

“They want to be the yellow bird after the mantis stalks the cicada.”

Jiao Jiaoran quickly nodded.

Zhou Rongqi remained indifferent, still nonchalant, “The priority is to push into the capital in one go.”


Jiao Jiaoran forced a smile, “His Highness is right. When Prince Yu ascends the throne, the Martial Alliance will be insignificant. They have no foundation and can’t stir up much trouble.”

Zhou Rongqi smiled without speaking. Promises he didn’t want to make, even the Expansion Group couldn’t get from him.

Jiao Jiaoran lowered her head, hiding her expression, murmuring to herself, “Playing these petty tricks under our noses, it’s no harm to teach them a lesson.”

As she turned to leave, the hideous scars crisscrossing the back of her neck were revealed, extending down her collar and out of her sleeves.

Two years ago, in the Battle of Fuyang, the Expansion Group’s munitions factory was blown up, and Jiao Jiaoran was the only heavily injured survivor. Although the court troops had taken Fuyang, an informant had seen Martial Alliance spies there.

The Expansion Group had been searching for two years based on a vague portrait.


The setting sun was sinking.

“How many words left?” Xie Liang asked.

“About six thousand.”

Xie Liang said, “Can you finish it tonight? The landlord is coming to collect the manuscript early tomorrow morning, my friend.”

Fan Aiguo merely said, “I’ll try my best, I’ll try my best. There’s still about ten days left until the end of the month, why such a rush like debt collectors?”

Xie Liang said, “Doesn’t the illustration need time? Doesn’t the printing need time? Doesn’t the nationwide distribution need time? Let me tell you, if your first standalone book sells well, we all eat meat together. If it doesn’t sell well…”

Fan Aiguo said, “Eat shit?”


Fan Aiguo said, “You can keep it for yourself, no need to be polite.”


Xie Liang had never learned such vulgar language and was speechless, he pressed his long sword ominously and said, “If you don’t finish the manuscript tonight, just wait and see.”

“I’ll try my best, I’ll try my best….”


Dusk was falling.

“How many words left?” Xie Liang asked.

“About three thousand.”

“You’ve already written three thousand? Let me see.”

“Wait, I haven’t finished polishing it yet….”

Without another word, Xie Liang pinched his two fingers and snatched the manuscript paper, mumbling as he counted with his index finger, finally, his eyes showed a fierce light and said, “This has three thousand? At most one thousand!”

Fan Aiguo merely said, “Almost done, almost done.”

“Almost done my ass, I believed your nonsense!” Xie Liang racked his brain to think of a harsh scolding.

Fan Aiguo furrowed his brows, looking bitter, “I can’t write anymore.”

“Why can’t you write anymore?”

Fan Aiguo took back the manuscript and scanned it a few times, “Here it says Shanbo and Yingtai climbed the hill for the first time and saw the full view of the ancient town, with mountains connecting to the clouds outside the city, the world is so vast and beautiful. He thought he could make it more beautiful with advanced knowledge, but had to shrink like an ant because of the evil human hearts. Right here, this desolate and indignant mood, without personal experience, it’s hard to describe it with tension.”

Xie Liang said, “So?”

Fan Aiguo said, “So I’m pondering.”

The two of them stared at each other. Suddenly, a waft of vegetable aroma floated over, Dr. Tao walked over to open the door and welcomed the maid in, saying, “Dinner is served.”

Xie Liang stared at Fan Aiguo, not turning his head and said, “Let Hero Long and the others eat first, don’t wait for us.”

Xie Liang sat on Fan Aiguo’s bed edge with a smile, “Whenever you finish writing, we will have dinner.”


“So, have you felt the tension of desolation and indignation?”


The night was deep and quiet.

“How many words left?” Xie Liang yawned, wiping the corner of his eyes.

Fan Aiguo said, “One thousand.”

Xie Liang squinted his eyes, “Really?”

Fan Aiguo said, “Just over a thousand.”

“How much over?”

Fan Aiguo said, “One thousand eight.”


“I’m so sleepy.” Fan Aiguo said sadly, “So sleepy, my brain can’t function anymore. You guys don’t have electric lights. My eyes hurt. I’m going blind.”


“How about I sleep for two hours first, then you wake me up….”

“In your dreams!”


The sky was about to dawn.

Xie Liang was awakened by the first bird song of the morning, his neck aching unbearably, he groggily raised his hand to rub it. Last night he had waited for Fan Aiguo until the third watch, unable to stay awake, he had fallen asleep with his head down on the chair.

Xie Liang turned his head and was startled.

He saw Fan Aiguo with dark circles under his eyes, staring blankly at the manuscript in front of him, like a ghost who couldn’t rest in peace, but his hand was still swiftly moving the pen.

Xie Liang rasped, “How are you doing?”

“Just one more line.”

Xie Liang quickly leaned over, only to see a black, blurry figure on the paper, seemingly nodding off, and Fan Aiguo was sketching the chair under him.

Xie Liang angrily said, “What’s this?”

“It’s your portrait.” Fan Aiguo said, “See, don’t I have a talent for drawing?”


Xie Liang took a deep breath, “My friend. Your novel is just one line short, why don’t you hurry up and finish it?”

Fan Aiguo said, “Because I found that as long as there is an unfinished manuscript in front of me, everything else I do is particularly smooth.”



Yingtai watched the solitary wild goose fly past the end of the clouds, feeling melancholic. Seeing Shanbo silent, she couldn’t help but feel heartbroken and tearfully said, “How can you trust me? They have promised me to Mr. Ma, is it my fault?” Shanbo smiled, “It’s good for you to marry him, matching in status, you don’t have to live in fear with me.”

Yingtai untied the sachet and threw it down the hill fiercely, crying, “My heart was taken by you long ago, if you don’t want it, I’d rather die than marry him.” Shanbo’s heart had long melted at her words, he tightly hugged her, and they kissed passionately on the hilltop.


“Rigid and uncreative, ‘Climbing High’ section reveals a lack of vision. The whole piece is full of pointless moaning, showing no character or insight, it looks like a walking corpse!”

This was the private review given by Hanlin Academician Li after reading “The Black-Bellied Gardener Fell in Love with Me.” For some reason, these harsh words quickly spread out, causing a huge stir.

During this time, “The Black-Bellied Gardener Fell in Love with Me” was so popular that it caused paper shortages in Luoyang, book fans were everywhere, seemingly pushing other novels into a dead end. Many literati and booksellers were already furious, seeing Mr. Fan as a thorn in their side but helpless against him. This time there was finally an authoritative voice, like a thunderclap, drawing a flood of echoes.

“Master Li said it’s like a walking corpse!”

“Whoever reads it has no taste!”

“If the nation does not survive, how can there be a home? Writing about love affairs in a chaotic world, is it to weaken the morale?”

“A real masterpiece should have character and insight. Like the newly released ‘The Wolf Saga’ next door.”

“Order ‘The Wolf Saga’ now for a chance to get the author’s signature.”


The literary criticism wars quickly spread to the streets.

The storyteller in the teahouse was just talking about the “Yingtai throwing the sachet” section when a burly man jumped out and shouted, “Why talk about such boring things? The court is fighting bitterly in the north, and we are complacent in the south, relying on these miscellaneous books to decorate peace!”

Another person said, “Exactly, those invaders burned my house, killed my family, and you’re here talking about love and peace, truly despicable.”

But then someone else said, “Didn’t the court have a part in killing your family? If it weren’t for their conservatism and relentless pursuit of the invaders, how would it have led to war, harming the civilians?”

The burly man mocked, “Son, did the pioneering group pay you?”

For a moment, teapots and saucers clattered to the ground.

“What are you arguing about?” A woman slapped the table, “Grandma just wants to hear something fun, all the foul-mouthed people get out!”

She said to the person across the table, “Look, these are brainwashed fans of those idle books.”

The woman put her hands on her hips, “Hey, are you a hired troll? My Fan is so popular, blocking your master’s way, huh?”

For a moment, teapots and saucers clattered to the ground again.

“Whoever reads trash books is trash!”

“You’re just jealous!”

“That’s right, our Mr. Fan has talents as high as the sky, those outdated old guys in the Hanlin Academy are just using him to find a sense of existence.”

“What did you say?”

“You’re even stepping on the Hanlin Academy?”

“Everyone calm down, calm down! That’s a fake fan pretending to be loyal, causing trouble for Mr. Fan!”


In the Wulin Alliance.

After listening to the situation, Fan Aiguo said after a long pause, “Saying I moan without illness and have no substance?”

“Don’t mind it, that’s just a provocation.”

Fan Aiguo shrugged, “Why would I care, I’m just trying to make a living. Besides, I haven’t kissed anyone on the mountain, of course, I wrote it wrong—how about the Wulin Alliance sponsors one for me—?”

The landlord ignored him and said, “Such low-level tricks, I think it’s mostly the court’s doing, the pioneering group is still brewing a big move. Don’t worry about that, we have arranged a nationwide signing event at the end of the month, get ready early.”

Fan Aiguo said, “Oh.”

“And also, don’t forget to write the manuscript for the signing event, and submit the final draft of the last issue as soon as possible.”


Fan Aiguo said indignantly, “Three months’ worth of manuscript, why do you need it now?”

The landlord said, “The theater troupe wants to start adapting it early. When the new play and the new book are released simultaneously, they will boost each other’s popularity, very high-end.”

Fan Aiguo said, “I have no inspiration.”

The landlord said, “What inspiration do you need to expand on the outline?”

Fan Aiguo said, “My hand hurts. My cervical spine hurts. My eyes hurt.”

The landlord didn’t even lift his eyelids and said, “Just trying to make a living.”



Despite the endless debates from all sides, the popularity of “The Black-Bellied Gardener Fell in Love with Me” continued to rise uncontrollably.

At the end of this month, Mr. Fan started a nationwide signing tour. Although it was called nationwide, the itinerary only included areas that had not yet been affected by the war.

Fan Aiguo expressed deep concerns about this: “What if I’m assassinated by the court or the pioneering group?”

The landlord sneered, “They will do everything to protect your life. If an unarmed writer is killed on their territory, the people’s scorn alone could drown them.”

Fan Aiguo said, “What if these two sides assassinate me on each other’s territory?”

The landlord said, “You don’t have that kind of face yet.”


Sure enough, local governments attached great importance to Fan Aiguo’s personal safety, and every signing location was guarded by soldiers.

Although the Wulin Alliance spoke lightly, they still dispatched a batch of experts to serve as secret sentries.

Xie Liang, acting as a bodyguard, carried a bird gun hidden on him and stood majestically beside Fan Aiguo, intercepting wave after wave of infatuated men and women.

“This fan friend, please maintain a polite distance and queue for the signature.”

“Fan Lang!” A young girl who was stopped stretched out her arm, looking eagerly, “Can you accept my handkerchief?”

Fan Aiguo was stunned by his own popularity.

He took the handkerchief she handed over, flattered.

“Ah—” The crowd let out a frenzy of screams, and for a moment, handkerchiefs and sachets rained down on him like rain.

Fan Aiguo picked up a sachet, curled his lips and glanced at Xie Liang.

Xie Liang ground his teeth without looking away.


In the evening, staying at the inn, Fan Aiguo provocatively said, “Young Master Xie, did I break your sachet record?”

Xie Liang coldly snorted, “People love your writing. And your writing isn’t really yours.”

Fan Aiguo indifferently said, “It wasn’t originally, but now it is.”

Xie Liang was about to retort when a secret sentry suddenly knocked on the door and said, “The landlord’s carrier pigeon message.”

Xie Liang took the letter and read a line, his expression slightly changing, “…This time it’s really not.”

Fan Aiguo’s heart skipped a beat, only to hear him say, “The pioneering group’s big move has arrived.”


Lady Zhu saw a hastily erected tombstone on the mound and knelt down, wailing, “Oh heavens, if you sense my sincerity, let me go with Mr. Liang!” Suddenly, there was a loud rumble, a pale lightning bolt streaked across the sky, striking Mr. Liang’s tombstone, splitting it in two.

The crowd gasped and fled in shock, but Lady Zhu’s face showed joy as she murmured, “Mr. Liang, you have come.” Saying this, she leapt into the tomb. The crowd cried out, “Miss! Why this suffering?” But when they went to look, Lady Zhu was nowhere to be found.

After a while, the thunder stopped and the rain cleared. Suddenly, someone pointed at the tombstone and said, “Look….” They saw a pair of colorful butterflies fluttering out of the tomb, chasing each other as they flew away.


Fan Aiguo seemed to have just been struck by lightning, blinking blankly.

Fan Aiguo said, “What is this?”

Xie Liang handed him the letter, which read: Excerpt from the pioneering group ghostwriter’s newly published book.

Fan Aiguo said, “How did they know…”

“Your male protagonist is called Shanbo, the female protagonist is called Yingtai, it would be strange if they didn’t know.” Xie Liang said, “Now they have found a ghostwriter to preemptively write the ending of Liang Zhu and it’s selling well. If you write it like this again, it will be blatant plagiarism, leading to ruin and infamy.”

Fan Aiguo said, “What should I do then?”

Xie Liang said, “The landlord told you not to panic, to put in extra effort to come up with something that surpasses it, more tragic, more heroic, and more brainwashing.”


Fan Aiguo smiled, “I’m a guy who used to make PowerPoint presentations for my boss, and he wants me to surpass Liang Zhu?”

Xie Liang was silent for a moment.

Fan Aiguo walked over and threw himself onto the bed, lying motionless.


“Your Highness, we just received news that a traitor in the group has privately hoarded arms, apparently turned by the Wulin Alliance. Our people have captured him and are interrogating him,” Jiao Jiao said.

Zhou Rongqi raised an eyebrow, “Why bother consulting me on such a trivial matter?”

Jiao Jiao smiled awkwardly, “The traitor is General Wang’s adjutant, and General Wang is an old subordinate of Your Highness…. I thought it would be better for Your Highness to handle this.”

Zhou Rongqi said, “Understood.”

Jiao Jiao lowered her head and suppressed her expression, about to leave, but her peripheral vision caught sight of a dagger hanging from his waist, and she paused.

“What is it?” Zhou Rongqi glanced down, “Oh, this is a gift from the Left Dao during his defection.”

Jiao Jiao said, “When the Left Dao defected, he brought several divine weapons for us to study the forging techniques of this world. But forgive me for being nosy, these divine weapons have absorbed human blood for hundreds of years and might be inauspicious. It’s said that the owners of this ‘Spring Breeze Pen’ either die young or live in solitude, dying very tragically….” She dragged her voice, “Your Highness should be careful.”

Zhou Rongqi chuckled softly, and Jiao Jiao’s face changed slightly.

Zhou Rongqi said, “No need to worry.”


After Jiao Jiao left, Zhou Rongqi turned back and said, “Did you hear that?”

There was a light sound from behind the bookshelf, and Li Ke emerged with a complex expression, pouring a cup of tea for Zhou Rongqi, “I think she means harm. This is clearly sowing discord, trying to cut off your wings.”

“Of course she means harm. The pioneering group needs me, a native, to lead and gain support. It would be a huge loss for them otherwise.”

Li Ke bit his lip and whispered, “Your Highness, why wade into this mess? You have already lived a lifetime, you gave up last time….”

“Precisely because I have lived a lifetime, don’t you understand?”

Li Ke was stunned.

Zhou Rongqi sipped his tea and said, “Last life, after I gave up regicide, I lived until a natural death, and returned to the time when I first met you. Although I lived in seclusion that lifetime, I knew that eventually, the dynasty changed.”


“If it was a futile effort, I wouldn’t risk my life. But knowing that the emperor is fated to die, and encountering the pioneering group in this life, why not take advantage and finish him myself?”


Li Ke hesitated, then finally said, “But can you foresee whether the pioneering group or the Wulin Alliance will eventually take the throne?”

“I can’t,” Zhou Rongqi smiled, “And I don’t care.”


“In both my previous and current lives, I have no interest in the throne, I just want to see the emperor dead. Once he’s dead, we can leave.”

Li Ke stared blankly at him. Zhou Rongqi’s tone softened a bit, “Besides, if the invaders take power, they might make this world more like your homeland.”

Li Ke almost cried.

He wanted to ask: Is it worth the shattered mountains and rivers, the suffering of living beings?

But the question ultimately remained unspoken. Not because he didn’t dare, but because it no longer mattered.


“Ancestor,” Xie Liang said.

“Ancestor, you haven’t written for three days. Have you found your touch today?”

On the signing tour, Fan Aiguo spent all day cooped up in the carriage, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him.

Xie Liang, unable to get a response after shouting for a long time, took the driver’s seat, guiding the reins himself, patiently performing psychological counseling, looking like he was muttering to himself from afar.

“If you get stuck any longer, we’ll die here together. Let’s talk about life.”

“I put myself in your shoes, and the pressure is

 indeed great. People will always criticize you, but so what, there are still so many true fans. Although you really don’t have much talent—” Xie Liang spat at himself, “But at least you’ve made progress.”

“As for surpassing Liang Zhu, the landlord is just saying that, do your best.” Xie Liang turned his head, looking at the carriage curtain, sincerely said, “At least I’ve always believed in you.”

“Fan Aiguo? If you don’t respond, I’m going to break in.”

The curtain remained silent. Xie Liang gradually grew uneasy, yanked open the curtain, and saw Fan Aiguo sprawled out in a “大” shape, snoring loudly.

Xie Liang abruptly pulled the reins, his long sword “shing” embedded next to Fan Aiguo’s neck in the carriage board, lifting him up and slapped him, “I can’t stand it, I’ll beat you to death and then turn myself in.”

“No no no!” Fan Aiguo scrambled, “I just had a flash of inspiration in my dream, thought of a perfect ending destined to be remembered forever.”


When Yingtai heard that Shanbo was not dead, she was in such a panic that she rushed to the thatched house, but it was empty, with only a letter on the table, which read: “The world is like a dream, riding the wind and returning, don’t miss me.”

Yingtai cried, “He went back to his time. There is no peace he sought in this world, this world doesn’t deserve him.” But would she just marry and spend her life in regret? No, she swore to find him. Yingtai muttered, “Tomorrow, I will find a way to go back to him. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

Yingtai walked away alone, soon disappearing. Ma Wencai searched everywhere for her but couldn’t find her, finally turned to the thatched house, picked up the letter, and saw dense writing on the back. Ma Wencai read a few lines, finding it full of poems predicting the fates of the Zhu and Ma families. The last poem read: “The enlightened enter the void; the obsessed die in vain. Just like a bird exhausted after feeding, the vast earth is pure white.”

Ma Wencai suddenly realized that according to the prophecy, the town would be swept away by a hurricane as soon as he finished reading the verses. The family doomed to a century of solitude would not reappear.


Xie Liang held the manuscript, tears streaming down his face.

Xie Liang choked, “So tragic, it’s truly masterful, encompassing everything. Did you write this yourself?”

Fan Aiguo calmly said, “Now it is.”



Fan Aiguo, proud of his timeless ending, felt as if he could float up into the air with a single breath.

The next day at the signing event, fans expressed their love for “The Black-Bellied Gardener Fell in Love with Me,” and Fan Aiguo modestly smiled, “It’s just a few lines of pointless moaning.”

“Ah—” The crowd threw handkerchiefs and sachets.

Xie Liang’s mouth twitched.

After the signing event, Fan Aiguo, in a good mood, warmly said to the officer guarding the area, “Thank you for your hard work, brother.”

“It’s not hard, not hard at all,” the officer shyly smiled and lowered his head, “My sister used to be a fan of Mr. Fan’s books.”

Fan Aiguo was practically floating on air, kindly said, “How wonderful, would you like me to sign something for her?”

“Thank you very much,” the officer said shyly, “I will burn it for her.”


Xie Liang glanced at Fan Aiguo, who was petrified on the spot.

The officer said, “This book is very well written. If there were no wars in this world, my sister would be alive today to personally receive Mr. Fan’s signature.”

Xie Liang stepped in to resolve the awkwardness, “If your sister has a spirit in heaven, she would find some comfort.”

Fan Aiguo stiffly signed his name, finally organizing his thoughts, and said, “I sincerely hope that the day when natives and travelers can live in peace comes soon, and that there will be no more conflicts and wars in the world.”

The officer’s eyes immediately turned red with emotion, “Mr. Fan, you are so noble, truly a living bodhisattva.”


The officer said, “You gave me your signature, I have nothing to repay, but I can escort you around the city.”

Xie Liang looked him up and down warily, but Fan Aiguo suddenly thought of something and asked, “Brother, can you take me to a high place? Somewhere I can see the whole city and the distant mountains.”


Hero Long walked into the pharmacy and took off his blood-stained clothes.

Although the Wulin Alliance had cut off several arms supplies to the pioneering group, they compensated by increasing manpower to help the travelers’ camp in sieging and warfare. Hero Long, relying on his exceptional martial skills, always led the charge, braving the gunfire and achieving many great deeds. But he was still mortal, and with more encounters, he inevitably sustained some minor injuries.

“Sorry to trouble you, Dr. Tao,” Hero Long said softly.

Tao Zhongchi applied medicine to his shoulder wound, gently saying, “It’s nothing serious, but you need to rest more in the coming days, no more fighting.”

Hero Long remained silent.

Tao Zhongchi said, “Can’t manage it?”

Hero Long shook his head. Tao Zhongchi sighed, “Why do people fight so desperately?”

Hero Long smiled bitterly, “I used to not believe in stopping war with war.” He didn’t continue.

Tao Zhongchi didn’t press further, pointing with her finger, “At least remember, someone is waiting for you to come back alive.”

Hero Long followed her gaze to the figure sleeping behind the veil, his eyes serene.


“This is the highest place in the city,” the officer grinned, “Today’s weather is clear, perfect for sightseeing.”

He led Fan Aiguo directly to the city tower.

Looking down, although some shops were closed and the streets were a bit desolate, the willow trees were green, and the spring mountains stretched endlessly. It seemed that the war hadn’t affected it much, still presenting a bustling and gentle appearance.

Xie Liang, uninterested in the scenery, kept a vigilant watch, scanning around and scrutinizing the soldiers guarding the city. He felt uneasy, took a quick round, and then urged, “Isn’t this enough?”

Fan Aiguo didn’t answer.

Xie Liang frowned and whispered, “Haven’t you seen enough? If you need material, you can find another place—” Before he finished, he saw Fan Aiguo’s expression.

Fan Aiguo stood there dazed, looking in the opposite direction.

The officer glanced at the view outside the city walls and scratched his head, “Don’t worry, that was half a year ago. There’s no fighting here now. The governor surrendered to the pioneering group and doesn’t let refugees into the city.”

A warm breeze blew, stirring up dust from the mottled city walls.

Xie Liang closed his eyes, pulling Fan Aiguo forcefully, “Let’s go.”

Fan Aiguo staggered slightly as he turned, but before descending the stairs, he looked back one last time at the scorched earth where the town once was.

Spring was splendid, with bright sunshine illuminating the fields of white—


—corpses and broken limbs.


“Ancestor,” Xie Liang said.

“Ancestor, what are you up to? The Wulin Alliance is urging for the manuscript so much that I might have to offer my head. You’ve clearly finished it, why not send it out and escape this suffering?”

“Fan Aiguo.”

Xie Liang sighed, lifted the curtain, and ducked inside.

Fan Aiguo had returned to his ghostly state with dark circles around his eyes, sitting cross-legged in a corner of the carriage, scribbling something crookedly. The crumpled manuscript paper was already half-filled, but on closer inspection, each line had been blacked out.

The carriage swayed, and Xie Liang blinked at him, “Have you been possessed by Hero Long?”

“What?” Fan Aiguo looked up as if waking from a dream.

“With that face of sorrow and cold wind, it looks terribly out of place.”


Xie Liang said, “Are you trying to rewrite the ending?”

Fan Aiguo was silent for a moment, “Yes.”

Xie Liang said, “Why? Wasn’t the previous one good?”

“Very good,” Fan Aiguo smiled bitterly, “So good that I couldn’t come up with a better one in my next life. The only problem is, it wasn’t my words.”

Fan Aiguo tossed aside the manuscript, looking at Xie Liang with a nearly confused expression, “I used to have nothing to say, but now I do. But what can I say? Who would want to listen?”


Xie Liang quietly stared at Fan Aiguo for a while, then sat cross-legged opposite him, resting his chin in his hand, “I used to think I could never become Hero Long. Though both of us are swordsmen, Hero Long can sweep through thousands of troops, while I was framed and hunted for half a year, eventually saved by him.”

Without caring whether Fan Aiguo was listening or not, he continued, “Later, I felt it didn’t matter if I couldn’t become Hero Long. Because I was framed and pathetically cleared my name, I helped the Wulin Alliance eliminate an internal traitor. It was a small thing, but it was something I did. How many people in this world leave a name behind? Does that mean small people aren’t worthy of living?”


Xie Liang said, “If you have something you want to write, just write it boldly. Don’t think about surpassing anyone. Even if one person hears it, it’s the mark you’ve left behind.”


Shanbo, carrying his bundle, walked through the ruins of the town, glancing back at the collapsed gate of the Zhu mansion.

Yingtai said, “I don’t know when we’ll return.” Shanbo took her hand and smiled, “You and I are of one heart, what else is there to fear?” Yingtai looked at him steadily, and although there was war all around and she was separated from her family, standing beside him, it seemed as if there was a vast world before her, and she couldn’t help but smile through her tears.

(End of Part One)


“I am truly foolish, really,” Xie Liang said.

“I merely encouraged him to write the ending he wanted, but I didn’t know that what he wanted wasn’t an ending,” Xie Liang said.

The landlord laughed, “Isn’t that just fine? The pioneering group is approaching the capital, and it’s time for a new occupant on that throne. After the first act, we are eagerly awaiting the next.”

Fan Aiguo coughed.

The landlord said, “Write the second part well, submit your manuscripts on time, and don’t always put Xie Liang in a difficult position. The organization needs you to shine. How many words have you written for the first issue?”


Fan Aiguo recalled the blank manuscript paper on his desk and glanced at Xie Liang.

Fan Aiguo firmly said, “Three thousand words.”


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