Chapter 8: Steal The Sky

Are You OK Chapter 8

Steal The Sky

【The Emperor】

Autumn wind kills.

The soft red soil of the capital, like a long scroll doused with lamp oil, turned into ashes overnight.

The once bustling eight streets and nine markets were now in chaos. People, clutching their bundles, fled from the south of the city to the north, shouting vague news along the way: “We can’t escape, it’s on fire over there too…”

The noise did not reach the silent and desolate Forbidden City.

Within the palace walls, all the concubines and maids were herded into a side hall like livestock, trembling and huddled together. A few distraught maids cried out in pleading, only to be dragged out and executed on the spot.

Only the meticulously selected imperial guards remained steadfast at their posts, their faces stoic, exuding a sense of heroic sacrifice mixed with an indescribable confusion. Some young guards occasionally glanced back at the Fei Chen Hall from which music emanated.

Emperor Zhou Jingyi sat on the dragon throne, a table of wine and dishes before him. The palace chefs, their minds elsewhere, had added too much salt in their trembling hands. After a few bites, he put down his chopsticks. The theatrical troupe played music nervously, among them a female performer who was unusually calm, her graceful figure singing softly: “In a fleeting moment, a beautiful reflection dims, that delicate shape, that soft touch…”

Her voice was tender, as if carrying a faint fragrance of cosmetics. Zhou Jingyi squinted and took a sip of wine. The emperor, very young, had the characteristic sinister and handsome face of the Daliang imperial family.

A young eunuch serving beside him, terrified out of his wits, spilled a few drops of wine while pouring, and fell to his knees, knocking his head on the floor. Just as he was about to beg for mercy, he blurted out, “Your Majesty, for the sake of the state, please leave the city for now and discuss the long-term plan later—”

Zhou Jingyi said, “Shut up.”

The music stopped immediately. The head eunuch kicked the young eunuch away, scolding, “Get out and take your punishment.” He then refilled the emperor’s cup.

Zhou Jingyi said, “The singing is good.”

The female performer bowed gracefully, neither humble nor arrogant, and said, “Your Majesty has killed so many travelers, yet you are quite lenient with us performers.”

She looked unafraid of death, but the emperor showed no sign of anger, calmly saying, “Because your performance is pleasant. Sing something more cheerful.”

The female performer bowed and said, “Then I shall sing ‘The Small Banquet’.” Without waiting for a response, she changed to a male tone: “The court banquet is peaceful, the border rebellion is disturbing, the war drums are loud, the beacons are fierce…”

The head eunuch shouted angrily, “Insolent!”

Zhou Jingyi lazily said, “Let it be, it’s the end, even a performer dares to defy orders.”

“The chilling west wind sends the evening, a lonely sunset coldly falls on Chang’an…” The troupe had long stopped playing, only the female performer’s voice continued, as if carrying the sound of clashing metals.

Zhou Jingyi suddenly applauded.

His voice echoed in the empty hall, seemingly trying to overshadow the surrounding desolation, maintaining an inexplicable sense of elegance.

The remaining eunuchs and maids in Fei Chen Hall exchanged glances and began to applaud as well.

After the song ended, the female performer bowed, her head lowered in silence.

Zhou Jingyi finished his pot of wine and said, “Leave. How far you can get outside these palace walls depends on your fate.”

The troupe hurriedly knelt to express their gratitude and rushed out. The female performer walked straight ahead without looking back, while the young eunuch who had been sent for punishment bribed a guard, limped past her, and disappeared through the side gate.

Outside the palace, the precious horses and carriages stumbled, peddlers scattered like birds and beasts, and the last ray of the Daliang dynasty’s sunset vanished behind the western mountains.

In the autumn of the 21st year of Mingchang, the pioneering group besieged the capital.

【The Landlord】

Five miles outside the capital, in the camp of the Wulin Alliance, thousands of lamps lit up the night.

The landlord placed a small flag on the sand table.

The landlord said, “The pioneering group has fought for so long and finally reached the capital. The fall of the capital is inevitable. Without military support, the imperial guards are not a threat and can hold out for at most three days.”

Lin Kai stroked his chin and smiled, “It’s not easy. You’ve done a lot during this time, the pioneering group should thank your strategies.”

The landlord said, “It’s nothing special, just knowing oneself and the enemy. From my understanding of the court, those who could flee have fled, and those who could betray have betrayed. Those still in the capital are stubborn enough to want to leave a good name by fighting to the end.”

Lin Kai lowered his eyes and said, “Their final battle means we should almost… close the net as well.”

During the years of life-and-death struggle between the court and the pioneering group, the Wulin Alliance had not been idle.

The Wulin Alliance, built over several generations, now led by the ambitious Lin Kai, who was more interested in power than martial arts, gathered heroes from all over the world. With the landlord, a traveler, and the forces he established in the capital, their foundation was far deeper than the pioneering group’s.

Since Zuo Yunqi stole the time travel compendium from the pioneering group, the Wulin Alliance had built factories to produce modern weapons, quietly accumulating power while playing both sides between the court and the pioneering group. They outwardly allied with the pioneering group but privately posed as a peaceful third party, turning many families the pioneering group tried to win over.

Lin Kai glanced at the sand table filled with various flags and said, “The Northern Army is loyal to Prince Yu, supporting the pioneering group, so they won’t betray us. But the soldiers of the Southern Army, mainly from the green forests, are already ours.”

The pioneering group, led by a bunch of travelers, had difficulty gaining the trust of the Daliang people. With the Wulin Alliance’s deliberate exaggeration, their intention to treat non-travelers as second-class citizens became well-known and deeply unpopular. Many forces, after weighing their options, sided with the Wulin Alliance.

“There’s still the Eastern Fubo Army… Didn’t your Yunqi go to explore General Chen’s stance?” Lin Kai said.

The landlord sneered, “He was treated to a meal, and the gifts we sent were accepted, but no clear stance was given. Just a fence-sitter, waiting to see who shows strength before siding with them. However, he pointed out a good question. We need a banner to rally under. The pioneering group supports Prince Yu; we also need to present a figurehead.”

Lin Kai said, “That’s easy to arrange.”

The landlord was taken aback, “How?”

Lin Kai pointed towards the capital and laughed, “When the pioneering group breaks in, we’ll join the fun and pull someone out of the palace.”

【Jiao Jiao Ran】

Jiao Jiao Ran lifted the curtain of the pioneering group’s main tent and walked in, her iron armor carrying the chill of an autumn night. Despite years of military life, she hadn’t gained a fierce look, instead, she seemed even more amiable, like a community representative mediating a family dispute.

This female leader from the modern world used the same tone she would use to mediate a quarrel between spouses, “Your Highness, the west wind is rising tonight, we plan to release poison smoke.”

Zhou Rongqi stood with his hands behind his back under the lamp, gazing at something. He smiled slightly at her words and said, “Slaughter the city?”

Jiao Jiao Ran amicably said, “Delaying could cause changes. If the people inside stop resisting, the Northern Army can attack the city faster.”

Zhou Rongqi, with the same narrow eyes as the emperor, looked at her slowly and said, “You really don’t care how the history books will write this.”

Jiao Jiao Ran kindly said, “We come from the modern world and understand one thing: whoever wins writes history.” She seemed ready to persuade further, but Zhou Rongqi indifferently said, “Then go ahead. It’s not the first time anyway.”

Jiao Jiao Ran pursed her lips and smiled, “Yes. One more thing, would Your Highness like to try on the new robe?”

“What new robe?”

Jiao Jiao Ran clapped her hands, and someone brought in a brand new dragon robe. As it was presented under the lamp, the golden embroidery glowed faintly. Jiao Jiao Ran’s nostrils flared slightly, a look of unhealthy obsession briefly flashing in her eyes like a string plucked wrong.

Zhou Rongqi did not move, “Leave it there.”

Jiao Jiao Ran was stunned, “Your Highness will soon ascend the throne, what if the size is wrong—”

“If you have the time, you should be thinking about ways to breach the city.”

Jiao Jiao Ran paused, seeming accustomed to his unkindness, and smiled, “True. It seems, once we deal with the previous dynasty, we still have a major enemy to eliminate.”

Zhou Rongqi said indifferently, “Hmm, the Wulin Alliance.”

“They have been secretly building their strength, and now under the banner of alliance, they are at the city gates, but their true intentions are clear.” Jiao Jiao Ran bit her lip, her tone turning sinister,

 “It’s finally their time to die…”

Zhou Rongqi glanced at her, but she suddenly came to her senses and bowed, “Of course, it is still up to Your Highness to plan. Rest well, and we will await your victory.”

Jiao Jiao Ran returned to her tent, where several people were already waiting.

One person asked, “He didn’t put it on?”

Jiao Jiao Ran shook her head.

That person also shook his head, “I’ve never seen someone refuse to wear a dragon robe. It seems he really plans to step down after killing the emperor.”

Another person said, “In the past, Prince Yu needed our technology, and we needed military power, so we could cooperate. Once the emperor is dead and he steps down, the troops won’t listen to us anymore, leading to another conflict.”

The pioneering group treated Daliang as wasteland to be cultivated, their arrogance was overbearing. Now, to appease the Daliang people, they could only rely on Prince Yu’s royal status. But Zhou Rongqi’s power was deeply hidden, and his personality was intimidating, making him a subject of fear.

Another person said, “Why not imprison him? Keep him locked up until he obeys…”

Jiao Jiao Ran’s eyes shifted, suddenly turning gentle, “What nonsense, how can we treat our benefactor this way? Without His Highness, where would we be today?”

The confidants were stunned, quickly agreeing.

Jiao Jiao Ran sighed, “Let’s try to persuade him. We have sacrificed so much, we must not fall apart now.” The people left to prepare.

Once they were gone, Jiao Jiao Ran looked up and calmly asked, “Is anyone heading towards Prince Yu’s tent?”

From the darkness outside the tent came the voice of a secret guard, “One person.”

Jiao Jiao Ran did not ask who, casually saying, “Kill them.” As soon as she spoke, something flew through the air, followed by a muffled grunt and the sound of a heavy body hitting the ground.

Night deepened.

【Zuo Yunqi】

Zuo Yunqi was startled, “What do you mean by stealing the crown prince?”

The landlord said, “Going into the palace and carrying out the crown prince.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “Let me get this straight. Zhou Jingyi only has one son, the crown prince… If the emperor dies, the crown prince ascends the throne… If the crown prince dies, it falls to Prince Yu, Zhou Rongqi? So the pioneering group will definitely kill the crown prince. The Alliance Leader wants to steal the crown prince, not out of a sudden sense of charity, but to raise him as a puppet emperor?”

The landlord praised, “Don’t speak nonsense, we’re just doing good for the country.”


Zuo Yunqi said, “I understand. So you want me to do this?”

The landlord nodded, “We are nominally allied with the pioneering group, but they are wary of us, making it inconvenient to act. Therefore, we need someone skilled in disguise and poison like you. We have people in both the pioneering group and the palace. During the siege, an inside man in the pioneering group will take out a minor leader. You will disguise as this leader to enter the palace. Our inside man in the palace will respond to a signal and lead you to the crown prince.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “And then?”

The landlord said, “Sedate the people around the crown prince, disguise him, and take him out of the palace. Once outside the gates, our forces in the city will ensure your safe return.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “Then, taking advantage of the pioneering group’s depleted resources after the battle, we will raise the crown prince and eliminate them as rebels?”

The landlord praised, “Don’t speak nonsense, it’s all for saving the crown prince. The Wulin Alliance has endured many hardships for this.”


The landlord asked, “Any other questions?”

Zuo Yunqi said, “No. I’ll prepare my disguise tools and sedatives.”

He turned, and the landlord stared at the slender youth’s back for a few seconds before speaking, “I do have a question.”

Zuo Yunqi paused, turning back, “What?”

The landlord hesitated unusually, slowly saying, “I heard the Left Dao is working for the pioneering group. He is also in the army this time.”

Zuo Yunqi said, “I know.”

“He once said he considered you a traitor to the sect and would kill you on sight… If you don’t want to go, I’ll ask the Alliance Leader to choose someone else.”

Zuo Yunqi lowered his head, then looked up, “Who could do this better than me? It’s better if I go.” Seeing the landlord’s uncharacteristic hesitation, he smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, there must be a resolution between father and son.”

【Left Dao】

Past midnight, the sky was high and the wind was fierce.

Left Dao stood on a low hill near the capital, gazing at the tall city walls ahead, and softly said, “Light the fire.”

Several soldiers immediately started a fire at the windward position, covering their mouths and noses with wet cloths, and poured several bags of black powder into the fire. The powder was drawn into the flames, producing a strange green smoke that quickly spread, forming an ominous thick fog.

Left Dao waved his hand, and all the soldiers swiftly and silently retreated from the hill, heading upwind.

The fire burned fiercely, the green smoke, like ten thousand evil spirits under Yama, floated towards the three-zhang-high city wall.

Jiao Jiao Ran waited in front of the pioneering group’s camp. When Left Dao came to report the task’s completion, she dismissed the others and smiled, “Thanks to the sect’s poison and Left Dao’s clever plan. When will it take effect?”

Left Dao stroked his long beard, “Now.”

As soon as he spoke, a non-human scream echoed from within the city walls, striking fear in the dead silence. The screams followed one after another, like ghosts dragging people into the inferno.

Left Dao closed his eyes, listening to the screams as if appreciating music, and said, “The poison smoke causes immediate skin ulceration and flesh dissolution upon contact, like little devils devouring human flesh, hence the name ‘Ghost Swallow’.”

Jiao Jiao Ran, knowing his temperament, immediately applauded, “What a poison.”

  Zuo Dao bowed slightly and said, “I must thank Lord Jiao for finding a use for the strange poison I have devoted my life to developing.”

The two listened for a moment. There were hurried shouts from within the city walls, but the chaos gradually faded into the distance and became inaudible. Zuo Dao said, “The Imperial Guards defending the city must have hidden underground. The poisonous smoke cannot reach them there, so they have survived.”

Jiao Jiaoran said, “Isn’t this the perfect time to attack since no one is guarding the city?” After speaking, she realized on her own, “Oh, the poisonous smoke hasn’t dispersed yet, so that’s not possible.”

Zuo Dao laughed and said, “Now is indeed not the best time to attack. Tomorrow morning, when we break open the gate, they will be unable to defend.”


“Because my ‘Ghost Swallow’ has another peculiarity. The flesh eroded by the poisonous smoke will emit another type of poison three hours later, causing anyone who smells it to lose their senses and go mad.”

Jiao Jiaoran was silent for a long time. Zuo Dao glanced at her, half intentionally, and said, “Is Lord Jiao afraid?”

Jiao Jiaoran replied, “I am contemplating the chemical reaction formula.”


Jiao Jiaoran said, “Lord Zuo is a genius in poisons, making us time travelers who consider ourselves advanced feel ashamed. I wonder if there is a certain medicine that Lord Zuo possesses.”

Zuo Dao asked, “What kind of medicine?”

Jiao Jiaoran replied, “We want to control someone, but we can’t use force. Because given his nature, he would fight us to the death.”

Upon hearing this, Zuo Dao’s beard twitched, and he slowly turned his head to look towards the main tent, his gaze unreadable.

Jiao Jiaoran smiled kindly and said, “Is there a medicine that can make a person foolish, so that from then on, he acts and speaks entirely under our control…unable to utter an extra word?”

Zuo Dao remained silent. Jiao Jiaoran did not urge him, knowing that he was weighing his options.

He was weighing his loyalty between her and Zhou Rongqi.

After a moment, she heard him say, “Such a medicine can indeed be found. But to get it, we need to obtain a person.”

“Where is this person?”

Zuo Dao raised his hand and pointed, “At the Martial Alliance.”

【Hero Long】

The night was deathly quiet.

In the camps of the Pioneering Group and the Martial Alliance, figures suddenly began moving simultaneously, but they all tacitly kept silent, the only sound being the slight tremors of the ground under their swift steps. A sentry approached Lin Kai, who had just stepped out of his tent, and urgently said, “Alliance Leader, the Pioneering Group released poisonous smoke into the capital under the cover of night and are now urgently gathering, seemingly preparing to attack again.”

“We must also be ready, move quietly.” Lin Kai gave the order, covering his mouth to yawn, but was suddenly pulled aside. Instinctively, he struck out with his palm, but the other party easily avoided it and whispered, “Let me lead the troops during the attack.”

Hero Long was already fully armed, standing in the shadows like a drawn sword.

Lin Kai said, “You rest. You’ve done enough in these past two years, and too many eyes are on you. Today, with all the leaders of the Pioneering Group at the front lines, if someone recognizes you as the one who blew up the factory in Fuyang City…”

Hero Long said, “I can disguise myself.”

“It’s not about the disguise.” The Building Leader, sleepy-eyed, walked over and interjected, “We’re just here to pass the time in this battle; there’s a more important mission to handle. If you take action, how can we stay low-key, my brother?”

Hero Long looked up at the dark sky and said, “I want to personally send off this dynasty on behalf of the people.”


Lin Kai solemnly said, “No.”

Hero Long furrowed his brows, about to speak, when another person rushed over past the gathered soldiers. Xie Liang, with his hair disheveled, said, “Doctor Tao is missing.”

Everyone was taken aback. Lin Kai asked, “Wasn’t Doctor Tao always with the army in the camp? When did she go missing?”

“Just now, I went to get some medicine for the wounded, looked around but couldn’t find her. Her tent had an overturned medicine box, as if she was kidnapped.”

Lin Kai pondered, “The Pioneering Group? What would they need with a doctor who can’t fight? Unless one of their leaders is seriously ill…”

The Building Leader said, “I sense a conspiracy.”

Xie Liang said, “I think so too.”

Hero Long said, “I’ll go save her.”

Lin Kai said, “You rest; Xie will go.”


Xie Liang said, “Huh?”

The Building Leader nodded, “Xie is more suitable; isn’t his skillset similar to Hero Long’s?”


Xie Liang said, “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

The soldiers of the Martial Alliance quickly gathered, silently watching the direction of the city walls, the invisible and odorless deathly air in the atmosphere pressing on their organs.

At the back of the camp, two figures quietly slipped away, heading towards the Pioneering Group’s camp.

【Zuo Yunqi】

When Zuo Yunqi and Xie Liang reached the Pioneering Group’s camp, they found them advancing towards the capital. The Pioneering Group had turned out in full force this time, borrowing troops from the Northern Army, forming a massive formation that resembled a thunderous storm.

The two held their breath as they entered the camp, using the scattered tents as cover, watching the army march away. Zuo Yunqi was using his sharp eyes to search for the inside contact mentioned by the Building Leader, when he noticed some soldiers at the end of the formation seemed to be in a dispute, slowing their pace.

Two soldiers, clutching their stomachs, bent over in pain. The small leader, likely thinking they were feigning illness to avoid battle, began kicking and cursing them. The soldiers continually begged for mercy, yet refused to move. Zuo Yunqi and Xie Liang had no way to bypass them and had to wait behind a tent.

The small leader, losing patience, drew his sword to strike them. Before the blade could land, the seemingly weak soldiers suddenly showed fierce determination. Each drew a dagger, and with practiced ease, closed in on the leader from both sides.

With a muffled sound, the daggers plunged into the leader’s abdomen. Before he could call for help, another dagger slashed his throat.

Zuo Yunqi’s eyes narrowed, and with a quick thought, he rushed out before the leader fell, grabbed his still twitching body, and, along with the two soldiers, dragged him into a tent.

The two soldiers showed no surprise. One said in a deep voice, “Young Master Zuo.”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “It’s me.” He took out a half-finished human skin mask and some tools, working on the dead man’s face, and said, “Time is tight, please help me.”

The two immediately stripped the dead man’s clothes and helped Zuo Yunqi change into them. One said, “Later, we’ll blend into the palace in the chaos without raising suspicion.”

Zuo Yunqi quickly applied the mask. At that moment, a burnt smell drifted in from outside. The inside contact urged, “Hurry, they’re setting the camp on fire.”

Xie Liang suddenly came over and urgently asked, “Brothers, have you seen our army’s doctor being brought here?”

The inside contact exchanged glances and shook their heads, “We didn’t notice anyone at night, and there was nothing unusual when we set out.”

Thick smoke began to seep into the tent.

Xie Liang, sweating coldly, said, “She must be hidden. You go ahead; I’ll stay to find her!”

As the black smoke grew thicker, Zuo Yunqi could only leave a quick “Be careful,” before chasing after the troops with the inside contact.

The sky began to lighten, a pale dawn breaking in the east.

Shouts of battle came from the city walls, with the last Imperial Guards resisting, shooting down at the attackers, but clearly running out of strength.

The Pioneering Group set up ladders at one end and used a battering ram at the other, their armored soldiers flooding towards the walls like a tide, the sound of battle shaking the sky. With several loud bangs, the city gate, which had stood for hundreds of years, collapsed in the fire, revealing the scene inside the walls. Even the soldiers charging at the front hesitated.

Behind the city gate, there were no more defenders. The soldiers in Imperial Guard uniforms were tearing each other apart, their faces twisted in madness, some even ripping off their clothes to reveal festering flesh, roaring like beasts. Among them were some civilians, seemingly intending to sacrifice themselves for the country but inadvertently poisoned by the residual toxin of the “Ghost Swallow,” losing their minds before achieving their goal.

Jiao Jiaoran commanded, “Cover your noses and mouths, attack!”

Bullets rained down, the splattered flesh as red as the lanterns of last year’s festival.

【Xie Liang】

Black smoke billowed.

Xie Liang’s once white clothes were now gray, his face smeared with dirt, devoid of any grace. He didn’t have time to care about this, shouting hoarsely, “Doctor Tao!”

No response.

The fire spread rapidly from all directions, and he couldn’t check all the tents before the flames reached them. If Tao Zhongchi was still alive, she was probably tied up and gagged, unable to call for help.

Xie Liang, anxious and desperate, used all his strength, slashing through one tent after another with his sword, but he couldn’t find her.

The flames drew closer, the heat waves scorching him. Xie Liang shouted a few more times, then suddenly stopped and muttered to himself, “Stay calm, stay calm… losing composure is not the mark of a master.”

He took a deep breath, then sat cross-legged amidst the fire, closed his eyes, and focused his senses.

Amidst the noise of collapsing tents, Xie Liang’s heightened senses finally caught a faint sound…

He leaped up and charged into the fire, heading straight for a tent.

Sure enough, Tao Zhongchi was inside, bound and gagged, thrown into a corner. Seeing him rush in, she desperately shook her head, her eyes fixed on him, seemingly conveying some deep meaning.

Xie Liang stayed calm, stopped immediately, thought for two seconds, and asked, “I can’t come over?”

Tao Zhongchi nodded quickly.

Xie Liang asked, “Then how can I save you?”

Tao Zhongchi gestured with her eyes.

Xie Liang suddenly understood, drove his sword into the ground, and stepped back, watching Tao Zhongchi drag herself over to cut her bindings. Once free, she immediately removed the gag and calmly said, “I’ve been poisoned. If you touch me, you’ll get infected too. I need to go back immediately to try to save myself.”

Hearing this, Xie Liang ran out and shouted, “Follow me!”

He led the way out of the camp, rolling on the ground to extinguish the sparks on his clothes, and saw Tao Zhongchi stumble out. Her face was pale, but she could still walk.

Xie Liang led her back to the Martial Alliance camp, asking, “Who poisoned you?”

“Zuo Dao. He could have used a higher dose to kill me but kept me alive as bait to cause more deaths. This is a common tactic of the unorthodox.”

Xie Liang asked, “Why did Zuo Dao kidnap you?”

Tao Zhongchi replied, “He forced me to reveal an ingredient. Do you remember the ‘Ghost Insect’?”

Xie Liang said, “Isn’t that used by passengers to summon drivers with pigeons?”

“Yes, I discovered that use. Feed the pigeons male insects, and the passenger can summon the female insects by touch. The male insects in the pigeons will be attracted to the female insects, driving the pigeons to fly towards the passenger. But very few people know that the ‘Ghost Insect’ has another use. If the insects are fed with a special ingredient, the host that eats the female insect can control the host that eats the male insect, like a puppet…”

Tao Zhongchi sighed, “I was the only one who knew the ingredient, a mix of three extremely rare herbs. I thought even if I told him, he couldn’t find them. But he seemed to have already had a clue and had his disciples gather them…”

Xie Liang shivered and asked, “Who is he planning to use this sinister thing on?”

Tao Zhongchi shook her head, “I’m not sure. But I heard them mention King Yu and the Crown Prince.”

“The Crown Prince? If even the Crown Prince is controlled, how can we break it? Kill the host of the female insect?”

Tao Zhongchi smiled bitterly, “If you kill the host of the female insect, the host of the male insect will die too. This poison has no cure. The only way to break free… is death.”

【Zhou Rongqi】

The palace had been breached. Walking along, the halls were silent, only the autumn wind rustling the beaded curtains, as if entering a ghostly realm.

Zhou Rongqi had issued an order forbidding anyone from approaching Feichen Hall. He took only a small group of guards with him. He walked leisurely, as if revisiting an old haunt, even pointing to a rockery in the garden for Li Ke, saying, “I used to like playing there with my younger brother when I was a child.”

Li Ke looked at him worriedly.

Zhou Rongqi smiled, stepping over the bodies of guards and eunuchs, and walked into the silent Feichen Hall.

The music had long ceased, the banquet had ended. The emperor sat alone on the dragon throne, upright, and when he saw Zhou Rongqi enter, he said, “You’re here.”

Zhou Rongqi replied, “I’m here.”

Zhou Jingyi took a sip from his wine cup and sighed, “I often dream of you these days. You look the same as in the dream, but I have aged a lot.”

His tone was like reminiscing about old times, and Zhou Rongqi calmly asked, “What else do you dream about?”

Zhou Jingyi thought for a moment and said, “I also dreamed of our father. Before he died, he held my hand and told me not to let you take the throne.” Zhou Jingyi laughed lightly, “I would have been a good emperor, at least worthy of our ancestors’ trust. But unfortunately, a bunch of time travelers came out of nowhere and disrupted the world. It’s all fate. Heaven wants you to win, and I have nothing to say.”

Zhou Rongqi stopped Li Ke from speaking and smiled, “Is that all you dreamed about?”


“Didn’t you see our drowned younger brother crawling out for help? Didn’t you see my mother lying before you, bleeding from her seven orifices?”

His tone was grim, as if a ghostly wind had swept through the hall.

Zhou Jingyi’s face twitched.

Zhou Rongqi said calmly, “I have no interest in this broken kingdom, nor do I wish to spend my life on it.” He took two steps forward, looked directly into the emperor’s eyes, and said softly, “To see you buried with my own eyes is all I ask for.”

Upon hearing this, the guards behind him were shocked.

Zhou Rongqi’s usually somber face was now unusually bright, almost detached.

Zhou Jingyi stared at him for a long time, then suddenly laughed, his whole body shaking.

Zhou Jingyi said, “You washed the country in blood and came back to me, just for my life?”

Zhou Rongqi said, “Don’t underestimate yourself, Your Majesty. Your life can bring peace to many souls.”

Zhou Jingyi laughed loudly, “Good, good…” He repeated “good” several times, then lowered his head and said hoarsely, “Whether we spend our lives on it or not, it’s not up to you or me.”

Zhou Jingyi never raised his head again.

Black blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, and the wine cup fell to the ground with a clang.

Zhou Rongqi stared at Zhou Jingyi’s corpse for a moment, then softly ordered, “Take him out and whip the corpse until it’s shredded.”

【Zuo Yunqi】

When Zuo Yunqi and the two inside contacts entered the palace, the Pioneering Group was searching all the rooms, the cries and pleas of palace maids echoing around.

Zuo Yunqi avoided the Pioneering Group, pursed his lips, and made a bird call. This was the agreed-upon signal between the Martial Alliance and the inside contacts in the palace.

After trying several places, he heard a matching bird call from the bushes. Zuo Yunqi approached and stopped, saying softly, “I’m here to find the Crown Prince.”

The bushes rustled, and a young palace maid crawled out, saying quickly, “Pretend to arrest me.”

One of the inside contacts stepped forward, pretending to capture her. The palace maid cried perfunctorily and stumbled forward. Zuo Yunqi and the others followed, waiting for her to lead them to the Crown Prince.

After turning a corner, the palace maid pointed and said, “He’s in that room,” when someone behind them shouted, “Where are you going?”

Zuo Yunqi turned and saw a group of Pioneering Group soldiers approaching. The leader said, “Lord Jiao ordered not to act alone. What are you doing?”

Zuo Yunqi squinted, assessed the situation, and said with a forced smile, “We got lost while capturing this palace maid, trying to find our way back.”

The leader frowned, “Going to such lengths to capture a palace maid? Didn’t Lord Jiao say to focus on capturing the few key individuals in the portraits?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Brother, take a closer look at this palace maid’s face. Doesn’t she look somewhat familiar?”

The group was puzzled and moved closer to examine her face carefully. As soon as they were within five steps, Zuo Yunqi suddenly waved his sleeve, releasing a white mist that engulfed them!

Before they could react, they collapsed to the ground as if their tendons and bones had been removed, fainting on the spot.

Another person fell as well.

That person was Zuo Yunqi himself.

Zuo Yunqi knelt on one knee, swaying, his face pale as he said, “You—”

【Xie Liang】

Tao Zhongchi barely made it to the Martial Alliance camp, her face turning blue, and with a trembling voice, she directed Xie Liang to open a medicine box and find several pills, which she swallowed.

Xie Liang moved to one side, allowing her to open her collar and administer acupuncture to herself. Only then did he hear her say, “I’m temporarily fine, but I’ll need several more rounds of acupuncture to completely detoxify.”

【Zhou Rongqi】

The fall of the capital’s walls brought chaos, with soldiers scrambling over each other, some trying to escape while others fought the invaders. The scene was chaotic and filled with screams and shouts.

Zhou Rongqi, with his small group of guards, moved swiftly towards the inner palace, avoiding the worst of the fighting. He issued orders to secure key points and continued towards Feichen Hall with determined steps.

Upon reaching the hall, the guards remained outside as Zhou Rongqi entered alone. The hall was eerily silent, the remnants of the feast and the once majestic decorations now tarnished by the siege.

Inside, Zhou Jingyi sat upright on the dragon throne, a faint smile playing on his lips as he saw Zhou Rongqi. “You’re here,” he said softly.

“I am,” Zhou Rongqi replied.

Zhou Jingyi took a sip of wine and sighed, “I often dream of you these days. You look the same as in my dreams, but I have aged considerably.”

Zhou Rongqi nodded slightly, “What else do you dream about?”

Zhou Jingyi pondered, then spoke, “I dreamed of our father. Before he died, he held my hand and warned me not to let you take the throne.” He chuckled lightly, “I could have been a good emperor, at least worthy of our ancestors’ trust. But unfortunately, a group of time travelers came and disrupted the world. It’s all fate. Heaven wants you to win, and I have nothing to say.”

Zhou Rongqi stopped Li Ke from speaking and smiled, “Is that all you dreamed about?”


“Didn’t you see our drowned younger brother crawling out for help? Didn’t you see my mother lying before you, bleeding from her seven orifices?”

His tone was grim, as if a ghostly wind had swept through the hall.

Zhou Jingyi’s face twitched.

Zhou Rongqi said calmly, “I have no interest in this broken kingdom, nor do I wish to spend my life on it.” He took two steps forward, looked directly into the emperor’s eyes, and said softly, “To see you buried with my own eyes is all I ask for.”

Upon hearing this, the guards behind him were shocked.

Zhou Rongqi’s usually somber face was now unusually bright, almost detached.

Zhou Jingyi stared at him for a long time, then suddenly laughed, his whole body shaking.

Zhou Jingyi said, “You washed the country in blood and came back to me, just for my life?”

Zhou Rongqi said, “Don’t underestimate yourself, Your Majesty. Your life can bring peace to many souls.”

Zhou Jingyi laughed loudly, “Good, good…” He repeated “good” several times, then lowered his head and said hoarsely, “Whether we spend our lives on it or not, it’s not up to you or me.”

Zhou Jingyi never raised his head again.

Black blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, and the wine cup fell to the ground with a clang.

Zhou Rongqi stared at Zhou Jingyi’s corpse for a moment, then softly ordered, “Take him out and whip the corpse until it’s shredded.”

【Zuo Yunqi】

Zuo Yunqi and the two inside contacts moved quickly through the palace. The Pioneering Group was ransacking the rooms, the cries and pleas of palace maids echoing through the halls.

Zuo Yunqi avoided the Pioneering Group, making bird calls as a signal to the inside contacts. After trying several places, he heard a matching call from the bushes. Zuo Yunqi approached and stopped, saying softly, “I’m here to find the Crown Prince.”

A young palace maid emerged from the bushes, saying quickly, “Pretend to arrest me.”

One of the inside contacts stepped forward, pretending to capture her. The palace maid cried perfunctorily and stumbled forward. Zuo Yunqi and the others followed, waiting for her to lead them to the Crown Prince.

After turning a corner, the palace maid pointed and said, “He’s in that room,” when someone behind them shouted, “Where are you going?”

Zuo Yunqi turned and saw a group of Pioneering Group soldiers approaching. The leader said, “Lord Jiao ordered not to act alone. What are you doing?”

Zuo Yunqi squinted, assessed the situation, and said with a forced smile, “We got lost while capturing this palace maid, trying to find our way back.”

The leader frowned, “Going to such lengths to capture a palace maid? Didn’t Lord Jiao say to focus on capturing the few key individuals in the portraits?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “Brother, take a closer look at this palace maid’s face. Doesn’t she look somewhat familiar?”

The group was puzzled and moved closer to examine her face carefully. As soon as they were within five steps, Zuo Yunqi suddenly waved his sleeve, releasing a white mist that engulfed them!

Before they could react, they collapsed to the ground as if their tendons and bones had been removed, fainting on the spot.

Another person fell as well.

That person was Zuo Yunqi himself.

Zuo Yunqi knelt on one knee, swaying, his face pale as he said, “You—”

【Xie Liang】

Tao Zhongchi barely made it to the Martial Alliance camp, her face turning blue, and with a trembling voice, she directed Xie Liang to open a medicine box and find several pills, which she swallowed.

Xie Liang moved to one side, allowing her to open her collar and administer acupuncture to herself. Only then did he hear her say, “I’m temporarily fine, but I’ll need several more rounds of acupuncture to completely detoxify.”

Xie Liang quickly tidied his hair and said, “In that case, I can’t help much here. I’ll go into the city to see the situation. Maybe I can stop Zuo Dao from using the Ghost Insect. King Yu is a shrewd strategist and should have defenses around him. The Crown Prince’s whereabouts are unknown, so Zuo Dao might not succeed so quickly.”

Tao Zhongchi said gravely, “I’m afraid Zuo Dao’s abilities exceed what we know. After he forced me to reveal the ingredient, he immediately captured someone to test the medicine. In just a few breaths, that person was turned into a puppet, controlled entirely by him.”

“Who was the test subject?”

“I couldn’t recognize them. There’s something strange: before leaving, Zuo Dao disguised himself as a soldier…”

Xie Liang’s pupils suddenly contracted.

【Zuo Yunqi】

Beads of sweat appeared on Zuo Yunqi’s forehead.

The two inside contacts he was protecting walked up to him, and one of them chuckled, “When using poison, you should also mind your own weak points—Young Master Zuo.”

Zuo Yunqi struggled to stand but fell back to his knees.

He watched helplessly as one of the inside contacts dragged the young palace maid towards the side hall where the Crown Prince was hiding.

The remaining one observed his reaction with interest.

“You—” Zuo Yunqi gritted his teeth, “How can you use unorthodox poisons?”

【Xie Liang】

“Inside contacts!” Xie Liang was shocked, “The Pioneering Group has spies on our side who overheard our plan. Zuo Dao is turning the tables!”

He suddenly turned and dashed out, shouting, “Why do troubles always find me…”

【Zuo Yunqi】

The inside contact lifted his hand and peeled off a human skin mask from his face.

Zuo Yunqi was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly tore off his own disguise.

Zuo Yunqi sneered, “It’s been years, and you’re still as cunning as ever, father.”

Zuo Dao laughed, “It’s been years, and you’re still as weak and useless, not even using lethal poison powder.”


Zuo Dao looked down at his son and said, “Do you remember what I said to you the last time we met?”

Zuo Yunqi said expressionlessly, “I remember.”

“Good. Today is the day I clean house. The ‘Green Maiden’ poison in you will flow through your blood, attack your organs, and the more you move, the faster you die.”

After saying this, Zuo Dao struck at Zuo Yunqi with his palm.

Zuo Yunqi rolled on the ground with all his strength, narrowly avoiding the blow. Zuo Dao’s next palm strike followed closely!

【Hero Long】

Hero Long was practicing his swordsmanship in the camp.

Each move was made with full concentration, as if fighting enemies on the battlefield, even though modern battles were fought with guns and cannons.

The Martial Alliance camp gradually quieted down, and the sound of Hero Long’s sword cutting through the air could be heard.

Qian Zhendu approached. Hero Long stopped his practice and asked, “Have they all left?”

Qian Zhendu nodded, “They’ve all gone to the capital.” He smiled and said, “Are you going too, big brother?”

Hero Long paused, “Little Qian…”

Qian Zhendu said, “No one knows you better than I do. You don’t fight for the Martial Alliance, so you don’t seek merit or fame. My big brother is a true hero who is worthy of the heavens.”

Hero Long opened his mouth but couldn’t speak. Qian Zhendu laughed, “Go, come back soon, and take me to travel the rivers and lakes.”


Hero Long said, “Little Qian, take back those words. People in the martial world who say that usually die tragically.”


Qian Zhendu said, “I solemnly take them back.”

【Zhou Rongqi】

The sound of whipping came from outside Feichen Hall, and the strong smell of blood filled the air.

Zhou Rongqi stood silently at the door, lost in thought. After a long time, he moved, found an untouched tea cup, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Li Ke approached and whispered, “Your Highness, the water here might not be safe. Use the water from our own canteen.”

Zhou Rongqi nodded, took the canteen, and listened to the whipping sounds, murmuring to himself, “So this is the end.”

Li Ke said, “It’s over. Your Highness’s wish has been fulfilled.”

Zhou Rongqi raised an eyebrow and said, “What kind of wish is this? It’s just an old obsession.”

【Zuo Yunqi】

Zuo Dao’s moves were ruthless, as if dealing with a mere animal blocking his way.

Zuo Dao sneered, “You haven’t improved at all, a waste of my teachings.”

Zuo Yunqi suddenly threw a handful of poison powder, forcing Zuo Dao to retreat several steps. Zuo Yunqi followed with a barrage of poisoned needles and sleeve arrows, saying, “I still see you as my father!”

Zuo Dao’s movements paused slightly.

【Zhou Rongqi】

Li Ke seemed to awaken from a deep dream.

He heard Zhou Rongqi say, “Just an old obsession,” and instinctively asked, “What obsession?”

Zhou Rongqi was stunned.

Li Ke looked around in confusion and asked, “Your Highness, where are we?”

Zhou Rongqi threw the canteen to the ground. The guards hurried forward. Zhou Rongqi pointed at Li Ke and said, “Seize him.”

【Zuo Yunqi】

Zuo Dao only hesitated for a moment, then mocked, “Such sentimental foolishness.”

He removed his robe and used it to sweep away Zuo Yunqi’s hidden weapons. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he sent the weapons flying back with a fishy wind, “It is this foolishness that made you betray your master and ruin my great plan!”

【Zhou Rongqi】

Li Ke’s eyes suddenly went blank. Seeing several guards rushing towards him, he exploded with an inhuman strength, grabbing two guards by the chest with his fingers and throwing them down the steps like toys!

The normally weak Li Ke suddenly became a terrifying force, stunning the remaining guards.

Li Ke quickly dealt with the guards, his thin body moving like a puppet on strings. He leaped at Zhou Rongqi, who had retreated to the door, and tore a piece of flesh from his back!

Zhou Rongqi remained calm, endured the pain without making a sound, pulled a dagger from his sleeve, and stabbed backward. But he had no martial skills and was easily overpowered by Li Ke, who crushed his wrist with a snap, causing him to black out from the pain.

Li Ke then dragged him back into the hall, grabbed the canteen from the ground, pulled out the stopper, and poured its contents into the wound on Zhou Rongqi’s back.

Zhou Rongqi’s muscles tensed in pain, and he gritted out, “Who are you?”

Li Ke said, “I’m Li Ke.”

Zhou Rongqi repeated, “Who are you?”

Li Ke tilted his head and laughed, “As expected of Prince Yu. But you don’t need to know who I am, because soon you will know nothing, just like him—”

Zhou Rongqi asked, “What did you do to him?”

“Li Ke” replied, “Your little follower was useless. I captured him, fed him the Ghost Insect, and now he’s under my control.”

Zhou Rongqi listened in silence and then asked, “Did you pour the same insect into my wound? Let me guess, was it Jiao Jiaoran who ordered you to control me?”

“Li Ke” laughed, “Prince Yu is indeed smart.”

Zhou Rongqi said slowly, “Master Zuo is also smart, but he chose the wrong master.”

“Li Ke” laughed, “If I didn’t choose Lord Jiao, should I have chosen to die with you?”

【Zuo Yunqi】

At first, Zuo Yunqi could barely hold on, but as the “Green Maiden” poison took effect, his movements slowed, and he was soon hit several times, struggling more and more to dodge.

The support sent by the Building Leader should have arrived outside the palace gate by now, but the Crown Prince was still missing, while the Pioneering Group’s inside contacts had already acted.

The situation was desperate. Zuo Dao also saw this and showed a bit of emotion, saying, “I once had high hopes for you, but you turned out to be a disappointment.”

“What great ambition… the ambition to kill the innocent?” Zuo Yunqi said brokenly, “What great cause… the cause of harming the country and the people?”

Zuo Dao suddenly rushed forward and slapped him with an iron palm. Zuo Yunqi was sent flying, crashing into a pillar and barely standing, one side of his face swollen high. He said, “For the sake of poison, you betray your ancestors and disown your son. You… you should be the one cleaned out.”

Zuo Dao laughed, “Then why don’t you try, Yunqi! You want to kill your father, but you don’t have the guts to be a villain. Truly disappointing. A useless product, better destroyed!”

【Zhou Rongqi】

“Li Ke” pressed down on Zhou Rongqi’s back, holding him to the ground, saying, “Thanks to your order, your men are most disciplined and will not come to save you.”

Zhou Rongqi’s mind raced, and he said calmly, “What did Jiao Jiaoran promise you that I can’t give?”

“Li Ke” replied, “Not afraid of your laughter, she promised me the power to collect and research all the most potent poisons in the world.”

Zhou Rongqi sneered, “You think I can’t protect that for you?”

“Li Ke” said, “That’s not the issue for now. The problem is that you didn’t want the throne. In this world, if you don’t climb up, you’re destined to be shattered to pieces.”

“Li Ke” leaned close to Zhou Rongqi’s ear and whispered, “You’ve long lost the chance to leave unscathed.”

That almost gentle voice felt like worms burrowing into his ears, making Zhou Rongqi dizzy, as if he were sliding into an invisible abyss, his thoughts becoming sluggish…

“I almost forgot to tell you, Your Highness, we have always greatly respected your cleverness. So to be safe, besides the Ghost Insect, I also used another special unorthodox medicine. When you’re not under my control, your mind will be completely lost, turning you into a complete fool, unable to say a single word.”

【Zuo Yunqi】

At first, Zuo Yunqi could barely hold on, but as the “Green Maiden” poison took effect, his movements slowed, and he was soon hit several times, struggling more and more to dodge.

The support sent by the Building Leader should have arrived outside the palace gate by now, but the Crown Prince was still missing, while the Pioneering Group’s inside contacts had already acted.

The situation was desperate. Zuo Dao also saw this and showed a bit of emotion, saying, “I once had high hopes for you, but you turned out to be a disappointment.”

“What great ambition… the ambition to kill the innocent?” Zuo Yunqi said brokenly, “What great cause… the cause of harming the country and the people?”

Zuo Dao suddenly rushed forward and slapped him with an iron palm. Zuo Yunqi was sent flying, crashing into a pillar and barely standing, one side of his face swollen high. He said, “For the sake of poison, you betray your ancestors and disown your son. You… you should be the one cleaned out.”

Zuo Dao laughed, “Then why don’t you try, Yunqi! You want to kill your father, but you don’t have the guts to be a villain. Truly disappointing. A useless product, better destroyed!”

【Zhou Rongqi】

“Li Ke” pressed down on Zhou Rongqi’s back, holding him to the ground, saying, “Thanks to your order, your men are most disciplined and will not come to save you.”

Zhou Rongqi’s mind raced, and he said calmly, “What did Jiao Jiaoran promise you that I can’t give?”

“Li Ke” replied, “Not afraid of your laughter, she promised me the power to collect and research all the most potent poisons in the world.”

Zhou Rongqi sneered, “You think I can’t protect that for you?”

“Li Ke” said, “That’s not the issue for now. The problem is that you didn’t want the throne. In this world, if you don’t climb up, you’re destined to be shattered to pieces.”

“Li Ke” leaned close to Zhou Rongqi’s ear and whispered, “You’ve long lost the chance to leave unscathed.”

That almost gentle voice felt like worms burrowing into his ears, making Zhou Rongqi dizzy, as if he were sliding into an invisible abyss, his thoughts becoming sluggish…

“I almost forgot to tell you, Your Highness, we have always greatly respected your cleverness. So to be safe, besides the Ghost Insect, I also used another special unorthodox medicine. When you’re not under my control, your mind will be completely lost, turning you into a complete fool, unable to say a single word.”

【Zuo Yunqi】

At first, Zuo Yunqi could barely hold on, but as the “Green Maiden” poison took effect, his movements slowed, and he was soon hit several times, struggling more and more to dodge.

The support sent by the Building Leader should have arrived outside the palace gate by now, but the Crown Prince was still missing, while the Pioneering Group’s inside contacts had already acted.

The situation was desperate. Zuo Dao also saw this and showed a bit of emotion, saying, “I once had high hopes for you, but you turned out to be a disappointment.”

“What great ambition… the ambition to kill the innocent?” Zuo Yunqi said brokenly, “What great cause… the cause of harming the country and the people?”

Zuo Dao suddenly rushed forward and slapped him with an iron palm. Zuo Yunqi was sent flying, crashing into a pillar and barely standing, one side of his face swollen high. He said, “For the sake of poison, you betray your ancestors and disown your son. You… you should be the one cleaned out.”

Zuo Dao laughed, “Then why don’t you try, Yunqi! You want to kill your father, but you don’t have the guts to be a villain. Truly disappointing. A useless product, better destroyed!”

【Zhou Rongqi】

“Li Ke” pressed down on Zhou Rongqi’s back, holding him to the ground, saying, “Thanks to your order, your men are most disciplined and will not come to save you.”

Zhou Rongqi’s mind raced, and he said calmly, “What did Jiao Jiaoran promise you that I can’t give?”

“Li Ke” replied, “Not afraid of your laughter, she promised me the power to collect and research all the most potent poisons in the world.”

Zhou Rongqi sneered, “You think I can’t protect that for you?”

“Li Ke” said, “That’s not the issue for now. The problem is that you didn’t want the throne. In this world, if you don’t climb up, you’re destined to be shattered to pieces.”

“Li Ke” leaned close to Zhou Rongqi’s ear and whispered, “You’ve long lost the chance to leave unscathed.”

That almost gentle voice felt like worms burrowing into his ears, making Zhou Rongqi dizzy, as if he were sliding into an invisible abyss, his thoughts becoming sluggish…

“I almost forgot to tell you, Your Highness, we have always greatly respected your cleverness. So to be safe, besides the Ghost Insect, I also used another special unorthodox medicine. When you’re not under my control, your mind will be completely lost, turning you into a complete fool, unable to say a single word.”

“Li Ke” smiled and said, “This poison has no cure and takes effect very quickly. How about it, Your Highness? Can you still understand what I’m saying?”

Zhou Rongqi struggled to raise his head, looking at the empty hall. The emperor’s body outside the door was still emitting a bloody smell under the sunlight, and the surroundings were eerily silent.

He did not want to die.

He did not want to become a living corpse in this place.

Zhou Rongqi’s thoughts grew increasingly sluggish, and his eyelids drooped heavily as if in deep sleep.

He remembered promising someone that after today, he would leave here and never return.

【Xie Liang】

The guards of the palace had been completely taken over by the Pioneering Group, but due to the hasty takeover, despite frequent patrols, there were still gaps in their vigilance.

Xie Liang hid outside a side door, observing for a long time until he finally saw an opportunity. He crouched low and darted to the wall, using his excellent lightness skills to climb up and flip over the wall in an instant. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he heard footsteps nearby.

Xie Liang’s eyes quickly scanned the area and saw a few bodies of court guards and Pioneering Group soldiers lying near the door. He immediately dove into a pool of blood and pretended to be dead.

The patrol’s footsteps approached and then receded without stopping. Xie Liang got up, quickly stripped off a Pioneering Group soldier’s clothes and put them on, looking around in confusion, having no idea where the Crown Prince and Zuo Yunqi were. He could only tiptoe around in search.

After wandering aimlessly for a while, he suddenly heard a commotion in the distance. It seemed a group of guards was running in a certain direction, shouting “Catch him” and other things. Xie Liang’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly followed them.

The guards split into two groups, one heading towards a side hall and the other towards a corridor. Xie Liang, with sharp eyes, saw two people fighting at the end of the corridor. The one who was clearly losing looked very familiar.

Xie Liang took a deep breath and recited a mantra, “Steady.” He lifted his head, eyes sharp, and moved in the opposite direction, using his lightness skills to leap into a thicket. He pulled out a small bird gun and fired it into the air, shouting, “The Crown Prince has escaped!”

As expected, the group heading towards the side hall hesitated, then split into two, with a few heading towards the sound. Xie Liang fired a few more shots for effect, then slipped out of the thicket and back towards the side hall.

It didn’t take him long to find the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince was screaming, pinned to the ground by the Pioneering Group. The lead person was the same inside contact from before, who was now grabbing the Crown Prince’s hair, shouting for him to be quiet. The little Crown Prince, no more than seven or eight years old, had been given some liquid but was still struggling, muttering for his father. He fought so hard that the men holding his limbs had to avoid his bites, becoming quite flustered.

Xie Liang stepped out of the shadows. The Pioneering Group soldiers didn’t notice anything unusual and breathlessly asked him to help gag the “brat.”

Xie Liang responded with a “Yes,” then drew his sword with a “swish,” the cold light reflecting on the terrified Crown Prince’s face. The guards didn’t even have time to raise their guns before they fell to the ground.

Xie Liang coldly said, “You need to practice more.”

He bent down and lifted the stunned Crown Prince, urgently saying, “Quick, stick your fingers down your throat and vomit it out!” The Crown Prince, trembling, did as he was told, retching up filth.

Xie Liang asked, “How do you feel?”

The Crown Prince looked up, his eyes beginning to glaze over.

Xie Liang cursed under his breath, “Too late.” He knocked the Crown Prince unconscious with a finger and carried him out of the side hall.

Feeling the weight of the future ruler on his shoulders, Xie Liang put all his strength into his steps, intending to rush out of the palace and hand the Crown Prince over to the Martial Alliance’s support. As he ran, he pulled out a signal firework from his robe. This was a special communication firework made by the Martial Alliance; pulling the ring would launch it.

Midway through his run, he remembered the other half of the Pioneering Group’s guards and squinted to see that Zuo Yunqi was already surrounded. The guards seemed wary of unorthodox poisons, not daring to get too close, just pointing their guns at him.

Xie Liang hesitated, unable to advance or retreat. In a moment of desperation, he came up with a plan, not bothering to weigh the consequences. He found a dense shrub and hid the unconscious Crown Prince in it. He then ran in the opposite direction, planting the lower half of the firework tube in the ground, preparing to repeat his trick.

Xie Liang pulled the ring and stepped back a few paces. The firework tube shook, and with a “whoosh,” a white light shot up into the sky, exploding into a bright red bloom. The loud bang in the silent palace was like a thunderclap!

Even Xie Liang was startled. He turned to retreat but heard shouts from all over the palace: “What’s happening?”, “Martial Alliance signal!”, “They’re infiltrating, go check it out!”

Xie Liang bolted.

【Zuo Yunqi】

Zuo Yunqi spat out a mouthful of blood with a “ka.”

His calf was hit by two poison darts, and the numbness was spreading to his knee, making it nearly impossible to stand.

Various emotions flashed in Zuo Dao’s eyes before he finally showed some disdain. He backed off a bit and told the guards, “Shoot him.”

However, this order was drowned out by the sudden thunderous explosion. Everyone saw the fireworks blooming above the palace. The guards, hearing someone shout “Martial Alliance infiltrators,” abandoned the sure-win situation and ran towards the fireworks.

Zuo Yunqi started to laugh breathlessly. He said, “What, you don’t dare to kill me yourself?”

Zuo Dao raised an eyebrow and said, “Ask that again?”

【Li Ke】

Li Ke’s consciousness floated in the void.

When he floated up, he could vaguely hear sounds and see light from the outside. When he sank, he was submerged in an endless abyss, trapped in an eternal nightmare.

He could feel his limbs and body being controlled, like a delicate shadow puppet performing a meaningless dance. The force controlling him varied in strength, and in rare moments, those strings would snap, dropping him back into reality.

At this moment, those strings snapped due to a surge of anger.

Li Ke blinked in confusion and saw Zhou Rongqi’s bloodied back.

He shivered and hastily helped Zhou Rongqi turn over, tremblingly asking, “Your Highness, what happened?”

“Li Ke,” Zhou Rongqi called out slowly. His voice was strange, as if his tongue and lips had suddenly rusted.

Li Ke looked at him in terror, his memory suddenly becoming clear.

Li Ke, as if struck by lightning, said, “I’ve been poisoned.”

Zhou Rongqi nodded weakly, closing his eyes and then forcing them open again, saying, “I know, it’s my fault you’re involved.”

Tears streamed down Li Ke’s face as he finally understood the situation: “Did they give you the same drug?” He forced himself to calm down, looking around and saying, “We need to escape, maybe we can find a way to cure it.”

Zhou Rongqi said, “There’s another drug that makes people fools. No… no cure.”

Li Ke could hear Zhou Rongqi’s panicked words, but his fading mind could no longer comprehend them.

Not now, Zhou Rongqi thought.

At least give me a little more time…

“Li Ke,” he used all his strength to move his fingers, signaling for him to look at the dagger lying nearby.

“Kill me,” Zhou Rongqi said.

Li Ke froze, saying without hesitation, “No!”

But Zhou Rongqi no longer had the strength to listen to objections. His increasingly stiff lips struggled to say, “I refuse to be a puppet… with no way to die… obey my last order, let me die by your hand. If I die, they won’t value you… maybe you can survive…”

The palace around him faded like a dream, but in his blurred vision, he saw the image of Li Ke dying in front of him in a past life.

Back then, he seemed to have said, “I regret it.”

How did I forget later?

Li Ke didn’t even have time to cry, only repeating, “No, Your Highness, we’ve endured so many years, there must be another way—”

But even as he said this, he knew: The Pioneering Group could arrive at any moment, and Zuo Dao could regain control of him at any second. Zhou Rongqi would become a complete puppet, living the rest of his life without dignity.

There was no other way.

Only one way.

Zhou Rongqi closed his eyes and murmured like a dream, “In the next life, don’t meet me again.”

Distant footsteps approached; the Pioneering Group was coming.

Li Ke gave a strange laugh.

Li Ke said, “That’s not up to you.”

Jiao Jiaoran, leading a group of guards to inspect Zuo Dao’s success, had just stepped onto the stairs when she heard a wolf-like howl from the hall.

Her heart tightened, and she rushed in, only to see a floor covered in corpses, with Li Ke kneeling in the middle of the hall.

In front of him lay Prince Yu, with a dagger embedded in his chest, his face serene as if he were sleeping.

【Zuo Yunqi】

Zuo Yunqi could no longer stand, crawling and dodging desperately, panting like a broken bellows, but refusing to give up.

Zuo Dao held a few poison darts between his fingers, aiming directly at Zuo Yunqi’s vital points. Zuo Yunqi used his hand to prop himself up, struggling to move a few inches away, the darts embedding deeply into his flesh. His body was already covered in wounds, yet he fought for every breath, clinging to life in a wretched state.

Zuo Dao finally showed impatience, stepped forward, and grabbed Zuo Yunqi by the collar, ready to deliver a killing blow to his head.

But the strike never landed.

It was blocked mid-air.

The one who blocked the strike was Zuo Yunqi.

Zuo Dao’s initial surprise quickly turned to shock.

He looked down at his own body, tried to channel his inner energy, and immediately felt a paralyzing numbness, causing him to collapse.

Meanwhile, Zuo Yunqi stood up.

Zuo Yunqi tapped several points on his own body to stop the bleeding, then began to remove the poison darts one by one, treating his wounds in front of Zuo Dao.

Zuo Dao, speechless, watched Zuo Yunqi’s deliberate actions.

Zuo Yunqi said quietly, “Do you have any questions?”

Zuo Dao, his expression twisted, asked, “I was always cautious, you never had a chance to strike. What poison did you use? When did you…”

“The ‘Green Maiden’,” Zuo Yunqi replied. “It wasn’t me who was poisoned, it was you. As for when—remember when you disguised yourself as an inside contact and took the clothes off that small leader?”


Zuo Dao said, “You poisoned the corpse?”

Zuo Yunqi mocked, “They say to apply what you’ve learned, isn’t that right, Father?”

“So, you were prepared from the start.”

“Naturally. After all, it was you who taught me disguise, right?” Zuo Yunqi’s words were full of sarcasm, though his face showed no pride. “The moment I saw you, I guessed your intentions. To avoid your suspicion, I only applied a minimal amount of ‘Green Maiden’ poison on the corpse. ‘Green Maiden’ is colorless and tasteless but travels through the bloodstream into the internal organs…”

Zuo Dao felt a sweet taste in his throat, and a mouthful of blood surged up, which he forcibly swallowed, leaving only a metallic taste in his mouth.

Zuo Yunqi continued, “All my acting of being poisoned and dragging out the fight was worth it.”

Zuo Dao was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed. He lay immobile on the ground but laughed loudly. Zuo Yunqi was already wary and stood three steps away, picking up a sleeve arrow and aiming at Zuo Dao’s forehead.

Zuo Dao stared intently into his son’s eyes and said word by word, “Finally some achievement, worthy of being my evil spawn.”

Zuo Yunqi’s body trembled, his eyes turning red. Zuo Dao, however, seemed very pleased, closing his eyes and saying, “Since you took such a ruthless action today, I can rest assured passing the unorthodox techniques to you.”

Zuo Yunqi, eyes red with anger, shouted, “I am not like you!”

Zuo Dao coughed and laughed, “Boy, my blood runs in your veins. You’re born to use poison. Your grave will never grow green grass. You can’t fight fate—” He coughed and laughed, blood seeping from his mouth as his breath weakened.

Zuo Yunqi stared at him, stunned, when suddenly someone shouted, “Wait! He can’t die!”

Soaking wet, Xie Liang came rushing over, water dripping from his body, and shouted desperately, “Give him the antidote! He fed the Crown Prince the Ghost Insect poison. If he dies, the Crown Prince will die too!”

Xie Liang had originally hidden in a pond to avoid the pursuers, but halfway through holding his breath, he remembered this crucial point and hurriedly emerged to warn them. As soon as he surfaced, the soldiers searching for him regained their target, surrounding him with continuous gunfire.

Xie Liang ran in a panic, shouting, “What are you waiting for?”

Zuo Yunqi picked up a handful of poison darts, taking out a few pursuers with the tightest grip, “I don’t have the antidote with me. We’ll have to take him back to the Martial Alliance!”

The pursuers shouted, “Catch them! Don’t let them take Master Zuo!”

Zuo Yunqi struck Zuo Dao on the back of the neck to ensure he stayed unconscious, then used his body as a shield, shouting, “Get behind me.”

Xie Liang complied, and the Pioneering Group hesitated, not daring to shoot. Xie Liang asked urgently, “How long can you hold on?”

“I can stall for a bit, but Zuo Dao can’t wait,” Zuo Yunqi said grimly, “We need to retreat now.”

“What about the Crown Prince?”

“You haven’t saved the Crown Prince yet? What are you here for?”

“To save you!”


As they were surrounded, they suddenly heard gunfire from behind, aimed at their pursuers!

Xie Liang, relieved, said, “The Martial Alliance finally arrived. What took you so long?”

A group of Martial Alliance warriors, led by a man, protected their retreat and said intermittently, “We were waiting outside to support. When we didn’t see the Crown Prince come out, we feared a direct assault might alert the enemy. We had to wait for a signal. We saw the fireworks but couldn’t find you…”

Xie Liang hurriedly said, “I hid the Crown Prince in that shrub over there—”

The man said, “We’ve already secured the Crown Prince. That’s why we dared to come in.”

Xie Liang was skeptical, “How is that possible?”

The man explained, “Someone flew out and threw the Crown Prince to us. Although that person was masked, from their skills…”

【Li Ke】

Jiao Jiaoran stared blankly at Zhou Rongqi’s corpse for a moment, then snapped out of it and ordered, “Take Prince Yu back!”

Li Ke raised his head in disbelief, “He’s already dead. Why—”

Jiao Jiaoran said kindly, “Dead bodies are very useful. As a fellow time traveler, you should know that.”

Li Ke screamed and futilely tried to protect Zhou Rongqi’s body from being dragged away by the guards. Jiao Jiaoran impatiently frowned and ordered, “Kill the nuisance.”

A gunshot rang out.

The guard aiming at Li Ke fell.

A tall figure seemed to descend from the heavens, landing behind Jiao Jiaoran. The person swiftly grabbed her, placing a short blade against her neck, and commanded, “Drop your guns and step back.”

Jiao Jiaoran’s eyes widened in shock, “Who are you?” The person ignored her and repeated, “Everyone drop your guns and step back. You, over there, carry Prince Yu out.”

The guards exchanged glances and reluctantly laid down their weapons, retreating step by step. Li Ke, without further questioning, struggled to lift Zhou Rongqi’s body onto his back and staggered out of the hall.

Li Ke had only managed a few steps down the stairs when he heard a rush of wind and felt himself being lifted. The intruder easily carried Zhou Rongqi’s body with one hand and hoisted Li Ke with the other, leaping out of the palace.

Gunshots rang out behind them, but none hit their target. The person spoke slowly but loudly, “The Pioneering Group has committed treason, poisoning the emperor and Prince Yu. They will be hunted by all heroes in the world.”

Li Ke, astonished, turned to look at the person, who was masked, hiding their features.

Li Ke asked, “Are you from the Martial Alliance?”

The person replied evasively, “I came to kill Prince Yu, but found him already dead. Since he’s dead, I won’t let the Pioneering Group use his body.”

Li Ke asked, “Then why did you save me?”

The person paused and said, “Convenience.”

【Jiao Jiaoran】

Jiao Jiaoran, watching the receding figure, angrily asked, “Who was that?”

A guard suggested, “With such skills, it must be Hero Long from the Martial Alliance, right?”

Another guard argued, “Nonsense. Hero Long never fights masked. Why wouldn’t he show his face today?”

Jiao Jiaoran’s thoughts raced, and she suddenly said, “Never masked?”

The guard hesitated, “I’ve seen him in battle before.”

Jiao Jiaoran blinked, recalling the movement of the person lifting Li Ke and was reminded of a figure in the military factory of Fuyang City.

Expressionless, Jiao Jiaoran said, “Go check a portrait for me. See if the person on it… is this so-called Hero Long.”

The last few words were almost ground out with blood.

【Crown Prince】

The Crown Prince woke up slowly, finding himself in the Martial Alliance.

In front of him sat a man dressed in luxurious clothes, like a wealthy merchant, fanning himself leisurely with a golden fan in the cool autumn air.

The man smiled and said, “Your Highness, my name is Lin Kai, the leader of the Martial Alliance.”

The Crown Prince, confused and frightened by the memories before he fainted, clutched a blanket tightly and trembled, “Where is my father?”

“The late emperor was harmed by traitors from the Pioneering Group and has unfortunately passed away,” Lin Kai said gently. “But don’t worry, Your Highness. The Martial Alliance will not stand by and watch the empire fall. We will protect you with our lives and ensure you ascend to the throne.”

The Crown Prince said, “The throne? I don’t want to be emperor; I just want to live.”

Lin Kai replied, “With me here, Your Highness will live a long and prosperous life. Don’t you like the idea of being emperor?”

The Crown Prince, puzzled, asked, “What’s so good about being emperor?”

Lin Kai smiled and said, “As emperor, you will have countless toys, ponies, pastries, and fine wines… In a few years, you will have endless beauties to gaze upon and songs to listen to…”

The Crown Prince stopped trembling. He asked, “Can I kill people?”

Lin Kai was momentarily stunned and then narrowed his eyes, saying, “Of course, Your Highness has the power to kill anyone.”

A look identical to the late emperor’s flashed across the young prince’s face for an instant, and he crisply declared, “Then I want to be emperor.”

Lin Kai’s folding fan momentarily paused before he resumed fanning himself leisurely, “We will soon march to quell the traitors.”

【Li Ke】

Li Ke said, “You came to see me again.”

Tao Zhongchi sat down on the chair beside his bed, speaking softly, “I’m sorry, but since we haven’t figured out a way to free you and the Crown Prince from Zuo Dao’s control, we can only ask you to rest alone and avoid contact with others, in case Zuo Dao suddenly awakens and causes trouble.”

Her voice had a soothing quality unique to healers, bringing calm to the listener’s heart.

Li Ke asked, “How is Zuo Dao’s condition?”

Tao Zhongchi sighed, seeming quite troubled, “The ‘Green Maiden’ poison has already reached his internal organs. We can’t wake him up, but we also can’t let him die. We have to keep him alive while I urgently research a cure for the Ghost Insect poison.”

Li Ke nodded, and after a long pause, he spoke with difficulty, “I heard Jiao Jiaoran say that Prince Yu’s body is still useful. Do you know…”

Tao Zhongchi shook her head with a touch of compassion, “You mentioned that Prince Yu has already been reborn once, right? Jiao Jiaoran probably doesn’t know this. A person’s soul is very fragile. While it can wander in mountains and rivers, temporarily residing in the bodies of birds and beasts, it can never be reborn in a human body a second time. I once used shamanic techniques to stabilize the soul of a friend in the alliance, but if he died again, I wouldn’t be able to save him.”

Li Ke lowered his head in silence.

Tao Zhongchi softly said, “Prince Yu has already been laid to rest. Here, take this as a memento.” She handed him a dagger that gleamed like flowing water.

Li Ke held the dagger blankly, then suddenly asked, “Is it possible for him to return as a bird or fish?”

Tao Zhongchi paused, carefully choosing her words, “At that time, there were no other living beings around you… However, I heard that the dagger in your hand is called the ‘Spring Wind Verse Pen,’ a notorious soul-devouring weapon in the martial world.” She seemed worried that Li Ke would fall into despair and racked her brain for words of comfort, “Maybe Prince Yu’s soul…”

Li Ke interrupted, “I understand.” He carefully tucked the dagger into his sleeve and smiled, “I have to live well. If he ever comes back, someone has to be here waiting for him.”

Tao Zhongchi said no more. She walked over and opened the window in his room, letting the sunlight pour in.

Autumn had deepened.

The land was as picturesque as a painting.

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