Extra 3: The Great Hero

Are You OK Extra 3

The Great Hero

This marks the last chapter of the novel. I have condensed multiple parts into a single chapter for coherence. For instance, there were originally four sections of “Medicated,” which I have combined into one comprehensive chapter “Chapter 1: Medicated”. Despite this consolidation, the content remains unchanged, merely unified into one chapter without segmentation.


Everyone knows about the Great Hero Long.

Chief Steward Xu reported, “Master, this morning we received a portrait from Heroine Yun of the Divine Sword Sect, personally drawn; the governor’s residence sent a sachet, unsigned; and a basket of eggs from some girl, thanking you for your previous assistance.”

The Great Hero Long said, “Send a reply to Heroine Yun, telling her I’m deeply moved but it’s not possible; I’ll handle the governor’s sachet; and find out where the eggs came from and return them.”

Chief Steward Xu said, “The governor’s daughter is already engaged, so the sachet was probably from the governor’s son.”

The Great Hero Long said, “How detestable! However…”

Chief Steward Xu said, “Master, there are also eight love letters from yesterday that have yet to be answered.”


Everyone knows about the Great Hero Long.

The storyteller said, “The Great Hero Long leapt several times, his figure like lightning, crossing three streets in an instant. When he reached the frightened horse, he waved his hand from a distance. A powerful and steady force filled his sleeve, creating a gust of wind that blew the horse eight feet away, causing it to stumble and fall!

“Several strong men rushed forward to restrain the horse, while the Great Hero Long helped up the old lady who had fallen. He asked, ‘Are you hurt, ma’am?’ The old lady, trembling, asked, ‘Are you the legendary Great Hero Long?’ The Great Hero Long, with his hands behind his back, said, ‘I’m just a nobody, ma’am. Don’t mind me.’

“The surrounding neighbors praised, ‘Such skills, such demeanor, who else could it be but the Great Hero Long? If you’re not the Great Hero Long, then who are you?’

“The Great Hero Long smiled slightly and said, ‘My surname is Lei.'”

The people in the teahouse clapped their hands and said, “…Wonderful!”

The storyteller, shaking his head, said, “This is the story of ‘The Great Hero Long Tames a Horse.'”

The people in the teahouse clapped their hands and said, “…Wonderful!”


The Great Hero Long’s family name wasn’t originally Long, but Ding.

The Great Hero Long’s great-grandfather roamed the martial world in his youth, his lightness skill swift as a floating waterfowl, and his movements ethereal as a god. People gave him the nickname “Dragon in the Sky,” and respectfully called him “Great Hero Long.” When his great-grandfather had a son, and his son had another son, the title of Great Hero Long was somehow passed down through generations, and his real name became unknown.

The Great Hero Long was naturally chivalrous, caring about the country and the people, performing good deeds daily. The line of old ladies he helped up from the ground and the good women he saved from hooligans could circle the Central Plains three times.

Such a person inevitably became burdened by his reputation. Wherever the Great Hero Long’s carriage went, flowers and fruits were thrown by young girls; wherever he did good deeds, new ballads were composed and sung far and wide. Just the other day, disguised as a common servant walking on the street, he heard children running and singing, “Great Hero Long, Great Hero Long, whoever has trouble, look for him…”

The Great Hero Long felt troubled and thought to himself, “I never wanted to leave my name behind, yet now it seems like I’m seeking fame.”

The Great Hero Long also thought, “Given my handsome appearance and graceful demeanor, it’s useless to hide my name; one look and I’m recognized.”

Life was truly lonely as snow; worldly fame was like fleeting clouds. Finally, one day, the Great Hero Long left a letter on his desk and disappeared into the moonlit martial world!

The letter read, “Going on a journey to find the true meaning of life, do not miss me.”


The Great Hero Long had planned for this for a long time. As soon as he set out, he disguised himself as a dirty, nameless soldier, slipped out of the city gates, picked a direction, and wandered on, searching for an opportunity to do good deeds in secret.

He wanted to be a kind and handsome hero without being distracted by fame.

By sunset, the Great Hero Long had just entered an inn to rest when he heard a woman crying outside. Going out to see, he found a few ruffians harassing a young woman. Some passersby cursed from a distance but didn’t dare to come closer, clearly afraid of these bullies.

The Great Hero Long was delighted! The Great Hero Long said, “Stop.”

The ruffians saw a reckless outsider daring to cause trouble and immediately rolled up their sleeves, showing fierce expressions. The Great Hero Long stepped forward, facing the first man who charged at him. With a quick flick of his toe, a stone flew like a shooting star and struck the man’s knee! The man’s raised fist had no time to fall before he screamed and collapsed.

The remaining men showed looks of shock and doubt. Their leader shouted, and they all rushed at the Great Hero Long. The Great Hero Long initially wanted to unleash a powerful move to take them all out but remembered to stay low-key, so he instead used minimal effort. In no time, with a few dull thuds, the ruffians were lying on the ground, crying for their mothers and fathers.

The young woman, her hair disheveled, trembled and thanked him, “Thank you, benefactor.”

The Great Hero Long was quite nervous. Though he had changed his appearance, his tall stature and elegant demeanor were unmistakable. Moreover, meeting the woman’s gaze, would she recognize him from his deep eyes? Nervously, he stared at her, forgetting to speak.

Suddenly, the woman turned pale and ran away! After running a distance, she shouted, “Pervert.”



The Great Hero Long silently walked back to the inn, muttering to himself, “Close call, wasn’t recognized.”

The innkeeper hurriedly came out! The Great Hero Long’s heart sank; he thought his identity was revealed and quickly said, “No need for formalities, I’m just a—”

The innkeeper said, “Sorry, sir, but the inn is full tonight. Please find another place to stay.”

The Great Hero Long was puzzled, “It filled up so quickly?”

The innkeeper, blushing, clasped his hands together and said, “Please forgive us. Those ruffians will come seeking revenge later, and our humble inn can’t handle the trouble.”



The Great Hero Long had no choice but to head to the next town. By now, it was dusk, and his stomach was growling. He decided to use his lightness skill to quicken his pace. After about three miles, he heard the clash of weapons ahead in the dim light.

With his extensive experience, the Great Hero Long immediately recognized it as a robbery. Sure enough, as he approached, he saw a group of escorts defending several wooden boxes against a band of mountain bandits. Their horses had already been killed. Normally, outsiders wouldn’t interfere in such matters, but the escorts were obviously guarding something important, unwilling to abandon the goods despite being outmatched. The bandits, confident in their numbers, showed no mercy.

The Great Hero Long was delighted! He leapt into the fray, feigning panic, “What’s happening here?”

Everyone was too busy fighting to notice this fool courting death. The Great Hero Long stumbled around, seemingly by accident, but headed straight for a bandit. The bandit, taken aback, saw this unarmed fool and decided to cut him down.

Just as he was about to be split in two, the Great Hero Long suddenly ducked and sped up, ghost-like, getting face-to-face with the bandit in an instant!

The Great Hero Long said, “Oops, I tripped.”

The bandit, terrified, couldn’t pull back his swing. His chest felt like it was hit by a mountain, receiving a majestic palm strike from the Great Hero Long, spitting blood three feet away, and fell silently.

The Great Hero Long glanced around; everyone was still focused on fighting.


The Great Hero Long was too high-level! His moves were too fast! To ordinary people, his actions were just a few fleeting moments, unnoticed by anyone.

With nothing else to do, the Great Hero Long targeted the bandit leader. Using the same trick, he approached. The leader, wielding a pair of meteor hammers, was a fierce fighter. The Great Hero Long dodged clumsily but subtly released a powerful energy that shattered a nearby box!

The Great Hero Long glanced around again.

However, he was too high-level! His moves were too fast! Even slowing down three times was still too fast! The crowd only saw the leader swing his hammer, and the box shattered by itself.

The bandit leader was bewildered, thinking he had unknowingly mastered some ultimate skill.

Distracted, he left an opening. Two quick-witted escorts seized the opportunity, their swords piercing the leader’s chest simultaneously, killing him instantly! Seeing their leader dead, the bandits lost morale and scattered.

The escorts stood, staring at each other. One said, “We should leave quickly.”

Another said, “Brother Liu and Brother Chen were impressive, taking down the leader.”

A third worried, “The box is broken; we need to repack.”



The Great Hero Long coughed.

The escorts finally noticed the fool standing aside and waved him off, “Hurry and leave; it’s dangerous here.”


The Great Hero Long

 cupped his fists and silently left.

As he walked away, he heard an escort mutter, “What did his fist salute mean?”

“Maybe he’s brain-damaged.”

Extra Story: “The Great Hero”


The Great Hero Long gradually felt that life was lonely as snow.

Since he had hidden his identity and disguised his appearance, he hadn’t been recognized along the way. He hadn’t received any sachets or handkerchiefs, nor had he been sung about in new ballads. However, when he traveled at night and saw the stars and the moon, he always felt like something was missing.

The Great Hero Long hadn’t found the true meaning of life and naturally didn’t want to go home. But being away, he still had to manage things back home. One day, he received a glittering invitation forwarded by Chief Steward Xu.

The seventy-seventh Martial Arts Conference was about to be held, and the current leader, Lin Kai, had specially invited the Great Hero Long to attend as a guest for the finals.

The Great Hero Long stared at the words “guest for the finals” for half a day and directly sent a carrier pigeon to Lin Kai, saying: “Master Lin, what kind of trick are you up to again?”

After a few days, Lin Kai replied.

“To the Great Hero Long: The martial arts world is full of masters, with sects rising and falling. I, Lin Kai, wish to use the reforms of the Martial Arts Conference to promote unity, prosperity, and sustainable development in the martial world. Friendship first, competition second, peaceful exchanges, and healthy competition. Newcomers can showcase their talents, and masters can gain prestige, fostering mutual benefit and win-win situations.

“The conference will feature preliminary matches, group matches, knockout matches, and exhibition matches. Spectator seats will be provided around the venue, with different ticket prices, and all proceeds will be used for the Martial Alliance’s investments and expenses. To enhance professionalism and viewership, we invite esteemed martial artists to serve as on-site guests, providing commentary and guidance to the contestants.

“Of course, all food, lodging, and travel expenses for the guests during the competition will be covered by the alliance, and there will be appearance fees. The fees are not limited to money; the alliance’s collection of rare weapons, renowned medicines, and secret manuals are all negotiable.”

The Great Hero Long stared at the entire letter for two days.

“To Master Lin: Oh.”


The Great Hero Long wanted to be a person indifferent to fame and fortune and naturally didn’t want to steal the spotlight. However, considering the chance to meet many friends and see new martial arts talents, he agreed.

He continued to disguise himself as an ordinary person and quietly headed to the mountain where the Martial Arts Conference was held.

As he approached the foot of the mountain, the road was filled with martial artists carrying various weapons, some seeking nearby inns for accommodation, others heading up the mountain. There were also many merchants, scholars, and farmers, each holding a stamped ticket, eagerly joining the crowd.

The Great Hero Long walked on, suddenly noticing a few acquaintances not far away. He was about to greet them but remembered his current disguise and held back. However, he felt somewhat reluctant, thinking: It’s one thing for strangers not to recognize me, but do my friends not recognize me either? Do people only rely on appearance to identify each other? If so, what’s the point of living a life solely for one’s face?

Feeling dejected, he suddenly heard someone beside him excitedly say, “Great hero.”

The Great Hero Long’s body trembled!

Turning around in shock, he saw a young fortune teller with a keen gaze staring at him.

The fortune teller was young, with a clear and handsome face, but had a meticulously groomed thin beard on his clean chin. While stroking his beard, he said mysteriously, “Great hero, have you been facing misfortune lately? Do you have any worries?”


Qian Zhendu had been stationed here since the Martial Arts Conference began. He set up a stall at the foot of the mountain, and whenever he saw a martial artist pass by, he would emotionally call out “Great hero” or “Heroine” to stop them. Seeing the Great Hero Long with his head down, he added, “Do you have any worries?”

What could these people worry about at this time? Either they were afraid of losing a fight or had already lost.

The Great Hero Long, unaware of the fortune teller’s tactics, only knew that he hadn’t been called “Great hero” for a long, long time, and his expression wavered.

Seizing the opportunity, Qian Zhendu said, “I see that your face is unusual, not like an ordinary person. Allow me to read your face and predict your future. I won’t charge you, no charge at all.”

The Great Hero Long didn’t believe in fortune-telling, and under normal circumstances, would have ignored him. However, at this moment, his thoughts shifted. People say that fortune tellers are the best at recognizing people; he wanted to test if this one could guess his background.

The Great Hero Long lifted his robe and sat down boldly on the small stool in front of the stall, saying, “Go ahead.”

Qian Zhendu squinted and examined the Great Hero Long’s disguised face for a long time, then asked him to open his palm and examined the slightly calloused palm. Finally, he lowered his head, calculated, and suddenly widened his eyes!

Qian Zhendu’s eyes shone brightly, saying, “Ah, a hidden pearl, great hero.”

The Great Hero Long’s body trembled!


Qian Zhendu had a set of working principles. If he saw someone with a joyful expression, he would say, “You are in a period of great fortune. Be calm and composed, and good things will continue to come your way.” If someone looked dejected, he would decisively say, “A hidden pearl,” followed by, “Your bad luck will end soon, and you will shine brightly.”

Qian Zhendu’s eyes shone brightly, saying, “Your bad luck will end soon, and you will shine brightly.”

The Great Hero Long immediately believed the fortune teller a bit more. He knew he would soon reveal his true identity at the finals, and when that moment came, wouldn’t he indeed shine brightly?

The Great Hero Long smiled slightly, saying, “Thanks for your kind words.” He was about to give a tip.

Qian Zhendu dragged his tone, saying, “But.”

The Great Hero Long asked, “What?”

Qian Zhendu said, “I see a small disaster in your palm lines within the next two years. If you are not cautious, it could be troublesome.” He pointed to some wooden charms on the table. “I have some ancestral peachwood charms here. The small ones are ten coins, the large ones are thirty coins, each with different effects. They can help ward off misfortune and bring blessings. Why not take one with you?”



While the Great Hero Long was hesitating, a burly man came striding down the street, brandishing a knife, and kicked over the fortune-telling stall with a loud bang, scattering the wooden charms everywhere!


The Great Hero Long had to stand up and step aside. The burly man had a blood-stained white cloth wrapped around his shoulder, his beard matted with sweat, and roared, “You swindler! Didn’t you say I’d shine brightly?”


The Great Hero Long said, “Huh?”

The burly man said, “I believed your nonsense and gathered the courage to enter the preliminary competition, only to be defeated in the first round.”

Seeing the gleaming knife, Qian Zhendu immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowing, “Great hero, spare my life! I only said you’d have a turning point soon, not today. In a few days, your luck will surely change!”


The Great Hero Long said, “Oh.”


The burly man, his round face flushed like Guan Yu, shouted in anger, “I’ll take your life!” He raised his knife to strike.

At that moment, the Great Hero Long realized that the fortune teller was using cheap tricks. But being a kind and handsome hero, he couldn’t stand by and watch a murder happen.

The burly man’s knife stopped mid-air and couldn’t move an inch further. Qian Zhendu, curled up on the ground, saw that the man’s wrist was firmly held by the Great Hero Long!

The Great Hero Long said, “Oops, slipped.”

With a slight twist of his fingers, the knife clattered to the ground. The burly man turned pale, knowing he was outmatched. Yet, being of a low level, he didn’t fully grasp the gap between them and still had the courage to leave with a few harsh words before slinking away.

Qian Zhendu scrambled up, his eyes shining with admiration, “Great hero!”



The Great Hero Long, hands behind his back, gazed distantly, saying lightly, “Don’t call me a great hero. I’m just a nobody. That move wasn’t a masterful small grappling technique using gentle force to dislocate his wrist. It was just an accidental slip.”

Qian Zhendu eagerly said, “Great hero, stop hiding your identity. You must be a top-notch expert, a true master in disguise.”

The Great Hero Long said, “No.”

Qian Zhendu said, “But that move just now was top-tier. I was amazed.”

The Great Hero Long said, “Coincidence.”

Qian Zhendu said, “Moreover, you’re so righteous, not holding a grudge for my deceit and instead saving my insignificant life. You have a truly noble heart, great hero.”

The Great Hero Long gazed emptily into the distance.


Extra Story: “The Great Hero”


Parting with the overly grateful little swindler, the Great Hero Long climbed the mountain alone. The competition grounds were surrounded by high walls, teeming with people inside. There were dozens of arenas, and the surrounding stands occasionally erupted with cheers and curses. The preliminary matches had already begun, and due to the large number of participants, these matches would last for several days.

The Great Hero Long, being a figure of great renown despite his youth, was treated the same as the abbot of Shaolin and the head of Wudang. He would only make his appearance in the finals to keep the peace. Several secluded villas on the mountain were reserved for the guests to rest during the conference.

The Great Hero Long first found a secluded spot in the forest to revert to his true appearance and attire, then made his way to his villa. An ushering disciple led him inside, and shortly after, a man fanning himself with a folding fan knocked on the door.

The Great Hero Long stood up and cupped his hands in greeting, “Leader Lin.”

Lin Kai, dressed in luxurious attire and exuding an air of affability, looked more like a wealthy merchant than a martial artist.

Lin Kai closed his fan, patted his shoulder warmly, and said, “Great Hero Long, how have you been?”

The Great Hero Long replied, “Still well enough.”

Lin Kai inquired, “I heard you haven’t been home for half a year. Is there something important you’re searching for?”

The Great Hero Long responded, “I’m looking for something missing in my life.”


Lin Kai said, “With your martial skills, knowledge, family, and status, what could you possibly be lacking? Tell me, and I’ll do my best to help you find it.”

The Great Hero Long said thoughtfully, “I don’t know what it is yet.”


Lin Kai chuckled, “You truly are a wise man, Great Hero Long.”


The Great Hero Long visited the other guests’ villas, and having nothing else to do, he returned to his room, disguised himself again as a common servant, and wandered back down the mountain. After wandering for half a day, he unknowingly found himself in front of the same fortune-telling stall.

The Great Hero Long thought to himself, “There are so many fortune-tellers here.” Looking closely, he was stunned to see that it was the same little swindler!

Qian Zhendu, having narrowly escaped a previous ordeal, had casually relocated his stall and was once again scouring the faces of passersby, occasionally calling out, “Great hero.”


The Great Hero Long looked displeased. Qian Zhendu’s eyes shifted and suddenly landed on him, lighting up with joy, “Great hero!”


The Great Hero Long ignored him and walked into a tea house across the street to sit down. Qian Zhendu stared after him dumbly.


Business at the tea house was booming these days. The Great Hero Long sat by the window, ordered a pot of tea and two plates of snacks, and had just taken a sip when he heard a group of men in the corner excitedly discussing the preliminary matches.

One said, “That Xie Liang from Xiangshan Villa is truly a sight to behold, as handsome as Pan An. They say his sword hasn’t been defeated since he mastered it.”

Another replied, “But he’s still young and hasn’t faced the strongest opponents. He needs more practice.”

The first man retorted, “What do you know? Xiangshan Villa has vast resources and has invited all the top swordsmen to train him. I watched the preliminaries, and his moves are extraordinary. His strikes are like lightning in broad daylight, dazzlingly bright.”

Everyone marveled and praised him. The man boasted, “Mark my words, he’ll definitely win this year.”

The Great Hero Long, drinking his tea, couldn’t help but scoff, “He’s nothing special.”

He didn’t lower his voice, and the man in the corner pounded the table, glaring, “Who are you to say that about Xie Liang? Do you know how hard he works?”


People at nearby tables, having heard of Xie Liang’s reputation, turned to see who dared speak so boldly. Seeing the disheveled man, they all sneered. Another person laughed, “Look at him, not even worthy of carrying Xie Liang’s sword.” They laughed mockingly, the sound grating.

The Great Hero Long slammed his teacup down!

The men fell silent, waiting to see his reaction. The Great Hero Long calmly picked up the teapot and, with an air of elegance, poured himself another cup of tea.

The Great Hero Long, with an air of elegance, said, “Xie Liang’s swordsmanship may look impressive, but it has many flaws. Take his favorite move, ‘Little Overlapping Clouds,’ which aims for continuous, rapid thrusts without interruption, making it difficult to defend against. But in his pursuit of speed, it may seem smooth, but his inner strength can’t sustain it, and by the third strike, his strength wanes. At that moment, a skilled opponent could channel their inner strength into their sword and deflect his blade—”

The man interrupted, “If you’re so great, why don’t you show us?”



The Great Hero Long said, “Ridiculous! But…”

At that moment, a commotion erupted across the street. The Great Hero Long turned to look through the window and saw that the fortune-telling stall had been kicked over again.

This time, the culprit was a woman. Despite her graceful figure, her strikes were ruthless, and she was about to whip the little swindler. The Great Hero Long, still by the table, couldn’t reach him in time. His eyes swept the room, and he grabbed a rough porcelain chopstick rest from the table, hurling it out the window.

The small porcelain piece, infused with inner strength, shot out with great force, striking the woman on her kidney acupuncture point, falling to the ground in two pieces.

The woman felt a sudden ache in her waist, her entire body weakening. Her whip dropped from her hand. She turned in alarm, asking, “Who is it?”

Qian Zhendu’s eyes shone as he looked at the tea house window. Lowering his head, he stroked his thin beard and lamented, “It’s fate… fate. Heroine, if you listen to me, you should stop doing such harmful deeds.”

The woman, doubtful but ultimately fearful, glared at Qian Zhendu, spat, “Swindler,” picked up her whip, and left quickly.

Qian Zhendu suddenly looked up, ignoring his scattered stall. He bowed repeatedly across the street, mouthing, “Thank you, great hero! Thank you, great hero!”

The Great Hero Long turned his gaze back, sipping his tea in solitude.


The Great Hero Long found himself wandering down the mountain whenever he had free time.

When the fortune-telling stall moved across from the noodle shop, he happened to want to try the noodles.

When the fortune-telling stall moved across from the tavern, he suddenly wanted a drink.

Qian Zhendu, true to his name, worked hard to make money. Despite several close calls, he continued to deceive the martial artists who licked their blades. As the preliminary matches ended and the group matches began, fewer people were eliminated each day, but their skills improved. Occasionally, those who had their fortunes told by Qian Zhendu and then lost would come back to trouble him.

The Great Hero Long, sitting across the street, watched the clouds roll by, occasionally “accidentally” deflecting a blade or two to protect him.

Gradually, people began to say that the fortune-telling stall was truly mystical, as the fortune-teller seemed to be blessed, never getting hurt. The more it spread, the more people came to his stall.

And so, the Great Hero Long spent more and more time watching the clouds roll by.


Qian Zhendu, grateful for the help, earned some money and eagerly treated the Great Hero Long to food and drink.

The Great Hero Long didn’t refuse. Though the villa on the mountain had fine wine and food, he preferred to accept the offerings from the poor fortune teller.

As they grew familiar, Qian Zhendu asked, “Great hero, what is your name?”

The Great Hero Long couldn’t say his name was Long. Besides, his family name was actually Ding; “Great Hero Long” was just a title passed down. He thought for a moment and decided to use his real name, which he had never used in public.

The Great Hero Long said, “My name is Ding Ri.”


Qian Zhendu, delighted, said, “Brother Ding, I’m Qian Zhendu.”

The Great Hero Long said, “Your family must have been really short of money to give you such a name. No wonder—” He thought, “No wonder you’re so money-minded, making a living off deceit.”


Qian Zhendu said, “True, we were poor. But Brother Ding, I have to ask, what are you really looking for?”

The Great Hero Long, pondering, replied, “I’m not entirely sure. Something that completes my life, but I don’t yet know what it is.”

Qian Zhendu, seeing his serious expression, nodded sympathetically, “Everyone is searching for something, Brother Ding. Even if you don’t know what it is yet, the journey itself is worthwhile.”

The Great Hero Long smiled faintly, “Perhaps you’re right.”

Their conversations continued, often revolving

 around the mysteries of life and the martial world. Despite the differences in their backgrounds, they found common ground in their quests, one for truth, the other for survival.

And so, the Great Hero Long’s search continued, guided by fate and the wisdom of a humble fortune teller.

Qian Zhendu, protected by him, didn’t mind being called out and awkwardly smiled, “It’s not a name my parents gave me. I picked it myself. I’m an orphan, wandering the streets since childhood. I’ve begged and stolen just to get a bite to eat. I genuinely believe there’s nothing better than money, so I chose this name.”

The Great Hero Long scrutinized Qian Zhendu, who seemed to be just a young man, his face weathered by the elements, and intentionally growing that bit of fine beard to appear older.

He recalled that at his age, he was still living in luxury at home, a spoiled child. A pang of sympathy touched his heart.

The Great Hero Long said, “Being a swindler isn’t good and it’s dangerous. Why don’t you follow me instead? Stand tall and walk the earth with dignity. I’ll make sure you have food to eat and wine to drink.”

Qian Zhendu was deeply moved! He asked, “Brother Ding, which school or sect do you belong to?”


The Great Hero Long reluctantly lied, “No school or sect. I do odd jobs, deliver escorts, and occasionally take on missions to catch people.”

Qian Zhendu felt embarrassed, thinking, “That’s just as inconsistent, with no guarantee of supporting a follower.”

Afraid of hurting his benefactor’s feelings, Qian Zhendu quickly smiled, “Brother Ding, with your incredible martial arts, you will surely make a name for yourself at the martial arts conference and won’t have to worry about your livelihood anymore.”



Qian Zhendu continued, “But you’re right. Though forced by circumstances, being a swindler isn’t honorable.”

The Great Hero Long said, “As long as you understand.”

Qian Zhendu said, “Once this martial arts conference is over, I’ll wash my hands of this and find an honest way to earn a living.”


The Great Hero Long trembled and said, “Swallow those words back right now.”

Qian Zhendu asked, “Why?”

The Great Hero Long replied, “There’s a mysterious phenomenon in the martial world. People who say they’ll wash their hands of their past rarely live to do so.”


Qian Zhendu said, “Then that doesn’t count. I’ll rephrase. Once the martial arts conference ends, and Brother Ding makes a name for himself, maybe even joins a great sect, I’ll just follow you.”

The Great Hero Long felt a vague sense of unease.


One lie had to be covered by a hundred more. From then on, whenever Qian Zhendu saw the Great Hero Long, he would eagerly ask if he had won his match.

If the Great Hero Long had lost, he wouldn’t have a reason to stay, so every time he was asked, he would nonchalantly nod. Qian Zhendu would then enthusiastically say, “Brother Ding, you’re amazing!”

As the group matches continued, with fewer heroes remaining, Qian Zhendu’s admiration for the Great Hero Long grew.

Being stared at with such bright eyes made the Great Hero Long uneasy. This lie would eventually be exposed. If Qian Zhendu checked the rankings, he’d see that Ding Ri wasn’t listed.

The Great Hero Long, having roamed incognito until now, couldn’t reveal his identity for the sake of a mere fortune-teller. To keep up the lie, the best way would be to make Ding Ri lose before he could find out.

But if Ding Ri lost, he would have to leave.


One day, before the Great Hero Long could head down the mountain, Lin Kai intercepted him for a private spar.

The great leader’s martial skills were average at best. The Great Hero Long had to use all his skills to let Lin Kai barely win.

Lin Kai, panting and waving his fan, said, “Great Hero Long, they say you should look at a person with fresh eyes after three days apart. Have you noticed my increased skills?”


The Great Hero Long replied, “Yes… I’ve noticed.”

Lin Kai said, “You flatter me. Great Hero Long, with your rapid progress, in another two years, you won’t be able to let me win even if you tried.”

The Great Hero Long forced a smile, “If the leader spent a bit more effort on training, with your intelligence, your achievements wouldn’t stop here.”

Lin Kai said, “Everyone has their own aspirations.”

The Great Hero Long had heard this before and hadn’t paid much attention. Now, it stirred a thought, “Leader, I’m quite envious of you. You always knew what you wanted.”

Lin Kai, raising an elegant eyebrow and fanning himself, smiled, “You already have what others are still striving for. You don’t know what you want because you have everything. People can’t see clearly when they’re in the midst of things, but from an outsider’s perspective, I think what Great Hero Long seeks now is simply ‘contentment.'”


“Without all that you already have, what would still make you happy?”


The Great Hero Long wandered alone in the forest for half a day, finally arriving at Qian Zhendu’s stall at dusk.

Qian Zhendu had been waiting all day and was delighted to see him, “Brother Ding, I bought something incredible today. Guess what it is.”

The Great Hero Long asked, “What is it?”

Qian Zhendu proudly displayed a neatly printed ticket.

The Great Hero Long was shocked, “The quarter-finals haven’t even started, and you bought a ticket for the finals. What if I lose along the way? Wouldn’t that money be wasted?”

Qian Zhendu said, “It did cost quite a bit, but I’ve saved up some money recently. Consider it my support for Brother Ding. The finals tickets are very popular. If I didn’t buy it now, I wouldn’t be able to get one later. I can’t afford to cheer for you every match, so I’ll wait at the end. With Brother Ding’s skills, I’m sure I’ll see you there.”

The Great Hero Long, touched, felt a twinge of regret for the first time.


Though reluctant, the Great Hero Long knew it was time to stop delaying.

Ding Ri had to lose.

However, what seemed easy made the Great Hero Long restless for a day. He went down the mountain even later, reaching Qian Zhendu’s stall when it was already dark.

Qian Zhendu, still waiting for him, asked, “Brother Ding, how did the match go today?”

The Great Hero Long, throat tightening, lowered his head, gathering himself before heavily saying, “Little Qian, your big brother lost.”

Qian Zhendu, stunned, asked, “Lost…?”

The Great Hero Long replied, “Lost.” Thinking of some prominent names from this year’s tournament, he picked one randomly, “That monk Hengwu from Shaolin was too tough. We exchanged over fifty moves, but I couldn’t win.”

A mile away, Hengwu, meditating in his room, suddenly shivered.


Qian Zhendu, still dazed, was speechless. The Great Hero Long, feeling heavy-hearted, thought, “This is farewell.”

Since posing as Ding Ri, only Qian Zhendu had shown such gratitude, admiration, and unconditional trust in him. Now, facing Qian Zhendu’s disappointment, his emotions were tumultuous.

Qian Zhendu, snapping back to reality, immediately smiled, “Brother Ding, don’t be upset. Winning and losing are part of the game. As they say, heroes aren’t judged by their victories. If you lose this time, there’s always next year.”

The Great Hero Long was stunned. Seeing him stare, Qian Zhendu thought he was feeling down. Gathering his courage, he softly said, “Actually, I need to leave too…”

The Great Hero Long, surprised, asked, “You’re leaving too? Where to?”

Qian Zhendu replied, “The martial arts conference is ending. I promised you I’d stop swindling and find a new way to make money.”

The Great Hero Long said, “…Oh.” Slowly raising his hand, he cupped his fists, feeling as if his arms weighed a thousand pounds, “Take care then.”

Seeing him about to leave, Qian Zhendu, mustering his courage, said, “Brother Ding, if you don’t have any other work lined up, why not travel with me for a while?”

The Great Hero Long turned sharply.

Qian Zhendu, looking somewhat embarrassed, stammered, “I won’t be afraid of being bullied with you around. Though I’m not rich, I can still offer you a meal and a drink.”


The Great Hero Long could tell that Qian Zhendu, despite his eloquent words, was actually worried about him being penniless. Though he himself earned little, he was willing to share a meal.

The Great Hero Long was moved, his eyes slightly moist, momentarily unable to think of anything else. This kind of friendship made him both soft-hearted and slightly embarrassed—was he really going to keep up this act of being useless in front of this kid?

At that moment, a bright moon began to rise, casting its clear light, illuminating the earth. Qian Zhendu smiled, “I’ve wandered around and found many fun places and good drinks. This journey will surely be interesting.”

And in that moment, the Great Hero Long made a decision.

The Great Hero Long said, “Alright, I’ll accompany you. But since you already bought the ticket for the finals, it would be a waste not to use it. The top matches are sure to be exciting. You should watch them before we leave.”


Returning to the mountain, the Great Hero Long sought out Lin Kai for a drink and explained his plan, saying, “I need your

 help, Leader.”

Lin Kai, squinting in confusion, said, “Such a small matter is easy to handle, but… what’s it for?”

The Great Hero Long replied, “To make someone know I’m amazing.”


Lin Kai asked, “Then why did you disguise yourself until now?”

The Great Hero Long said, “I don’t care about other fame, but this person must know how great I am.”


Lin Kai said, “Alright. As long as you’re sure this is what you want.”


On the day of the martial arts conference finals, the sky was overcast with drizzle. However, the arena was still packed, with heroes from all over and nearby villagers flocking to watch, filling the stands to the brim.

In the center of the field, two people entered. One was Hengwu from Shaolin, tall and solemn in his monk robes. The other was Xie Liang from Xiaoxiang Manor, as handsome as rumored, looking more like a scholar, but holding his long sword with a serious gaze, already showing signs of a great master.

Both were very young, but having fought their way to the finals, their strength was undeniable. As they stood facing each other, it was as if the atmosphere was charged with the tension of a thousand armies clashing.

A loud laugh came from outside the gates as Lin Kai entered, fanning himself, saying, “Today, we have a full house. Truly a grand event in the martial world, hahaha. As the saying goes, a running stream doesn’t decay, and a moving hinge doesn’t rust. Only through constant exchange and competition can martial arts continuously improve and never end…”


No one was listening to Lin Kai’s formalities; their eyes were all on the row of grand chairs outside the field. At this moment, the chairs were empty, but there were attendants standing behind them, holding umbrellas. The crowd guessed that these were the guests invited to preside over the event this year, and the discussions started buzzing.

Lin Kai, unfazed by the murmuring crowd, finished his speech and respectfully called towards the entrance, “Please, honored guests, take your seats.”

Then they saw the Shaolin Abbot, the Wudang Sect Leader, and other venerable martial arts leaders, walking in steadily one by one. Each of them exuded a dignified aura, with raindrops swirling around them without getting their clothes wet, clearly indicating their mastery of internal energy. The crowd watched in awe, but fell silent upon seeing the last person enter.

This person looked like a dirty servant from nowhere. However, he clearly followed behind the great masters and headed straight for the grand chairs.

“Who…is that?” “Doesn’t seem like a well-known figure?”

Someone suddenly said, “Ah.”

Everyone turned to look at him. The man’s face was pale as he said, “There’s no mistake. That’s the guy who mocked Xie Gongzi in the teahouse.”


Standing aside, Lin Kai announced the names of the guests one by one. When the last person reached the chair, he loudly declared, “This is the Great Hero Long.”


No one didn’t know the Great Hero Long.

There was a moment of silence in the crowd. People looked at each other, uncertain if they should remind Lin Kai that the Martial Alliance might have invited the wrong person.

At this moment, the servant-like man lowered his head, covered his face with his sleeve, and wiped a few times. When he raised his head again, his aura transformed completely!

The Great Hero Long circulated his energy, his robes fluttering without wind, looking tall, handsome, and imposing! The stands erupted in amazement, with faint exclamations of admiration from female disciples!

The Great Hero Long, feeling as lonely as snow, bowed and took his seat.

Lin Kai’s mouth twitched slightly, but he remained calm and said, “Master Hengwu, Young Master Xie, please begin.”


The Great Hero Long, feeling as lonely as snow, crossed his legs.

Xie Liang drew his sword with a “shing,” its light flashing like a rainbow and lightning, launching a flurry of swift attacks within a few steps. Hengwu, holding a staff, stood as steady as a mountain, simply defending against the moves.

The Great Hero Long glanced at the packed audience, imagining Qian Zhendu squeezed among them watching the earlier scene, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Xie Liang was not only good-looking but also wielded his sword with breathtaking speed and beauty, creating a dazzling flurry of sword light that quickly made over ten strikes, causing gasps from the crowd. Hengwu, only dodging, seemed to be on the defensive.

After dozens of moves, the Great Hero Long turned to the Shaolin Abbot seated beside him and said, “Master, your disciple is truly talented.”

The abbot’s snow-white beard trembled as he chanted, “Amitabha.”

Hengwu appeared to only defend without attacking but did so without a single flaw. The overwhelming sword light, which would have killed an ordinary person ten times over, couldn’t touch even a corner of his robe. As half an incense stick of time passed, Xie Liang, though still vigorous, began to sweat on his forehead. Suddenly, he leapt into the air, and his sword gleamed brightly, raining down continuously on Hengwu.

Someone in the stands couldn’t help but shout, “Xiao Die Yun Zhang!”

Before the words were finished, a loud “clang” was heard. Hengwu had infused his entire internal energy into his staff, forcibly blocking Xie Liang’s lightning-fast attacks and deflecting his sword. The force of the clash made Hengwu step back, while Xie Liang staggered back two steps. Before Xie Liang could regain his stance, Hengwu’s staff whooshed through the air, stopping just three inches from Xie Liang’s brow.

“Bravo, bravo,” the Great Hero Long clapped his hands kindly.


Even during the guest commentary, the Great Hero Long’s mind was elsewhere. Once the event ended, he quickly changed back into Ding Ri’s attire and rushed down the mountain to find Qian Zhendu.

Qian Zhendu had already taken down his fortune-telling stall and was busy packing. Seeing the Great Hero Long approach, he smiled and said, “Brother Ding, are you ready to hit the road?”

The Great Hero Long paused, surprised and thinking: He saw my true identity reveal, how come there’s no reaction?

Though curious to ask him outright, he maintained his composure and asked, “How was the final?”

Qian Zhendu thought for a moment and said nonchalantly, “It was alright.”

The Great Hero Long was shocked!

He asked again, “What about Xie Gongzi and Master Hengwu?”

Qian Zhendu thought again, casually saying, “Both are masters. Xie Gongzi is quite handsome but unfortunately lost.”

The Great Hero Long was stunned!

Never would he have thought Qian Zhendu would respond like this. With a trembling voice, he asked the final question, “And…the judges?”

“They all looked quite imposing…”


Qian Zhendu finished packing his bag, then scratched his head, looking a bit embarrassed, and said, “Brother Ding, to save money, I bought the cheapest ticket. The seat was too far back, and it was so crowded I couldn’t see much, just some figures in the distance.”



The Great Hero Long felt both amused and exasperated, feeling that fate was playing tricks on him. Yet, he was still unwilling to give up and asked, “In your opinion, among the judges’ figures, which one looked the most imposing?”

Qian Zhendu seriously considered for a long time before saying, “Though I couldn’t see clearly, I feel that none of them looked as imposing as you.”

The Great Hero Long was stunned.

Qian Zhendu continued, “What use are martial arts and fame? No matter how powerful the champion is, he hasn’t saved me from danger multiple times, nor has he ever said to me, ‘Follow me from now on…'”

Qian Zhendu resolutely declared, “Brother Ding, in my heart, you are the greatest hero. People say I’m just a swindler, but if I have ever predicted anything right in this life, it must be this— you will shine brightly soon!”


The Great Hero Long stood there in a daze.

At this moment, it was as if celestial music played in his mind, with celestial maidens scattering flowers.


With a strange smile on his face, the Great Hero Long remained silent for a long time. Qian Zhendu couldn’t help but worry, “Brother Ding, are you alright?”

The Great Hero Long said, “I’m fine, absolutely fine.”

The Great Hero Long glanced up the mountain, where many men and women were just leaving the conference. Seeing him in his servant disguise from afar, their eyes lit up, and they started running towards him, calling out something.

The Great Hero Long turned back to look at the confused Qian Zhendu, who had just shouldered his bag.

In an instant, he suddenly understood that the elusive thing he had been seeking, the “contentment” Lin Kai had spoken of, had been obtained so easily.

Qian Zhendu asked, puzzled, “What are they shouting?”

The Great Hero Long laughed, “Who knows. Let’s go. I’ll take you to those fun places and drink good wine.”

A few days later, the steward Xu at the mansion received a letter that read: “I have found the true meaning of life. Returning home in a month, bringing it with me.”

【The End of the Extra Story: The Great Hero】

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