Concealed and Blended (Fendai): Chapter 12

Concealed and Blended (Fendai): Chapter 12

金刚经 (Diamond Sutra): The Diamond Sutra is a famous Mahayana Buddhist text that emphasizes the practice of non-attachment and the emptiness of all phenomena. It teaches that all forms are illusory and that wisdom lies in understanding this emptiness. In the context provided, the mention of reciting the Diamond Sutra suggests that the director is using it as a way to calm himself and maintain patience, reflecting the text’s focus on detachment and inner peace.



The phrase “…living on the edge but maintaining righteousness!” suggests a situation where someone is constantly facing danger or challenges (“living on the edge”) but still upholds their moral principles and integrity (“maintaining righteousness”). It conveys the idea of staying true to one’s values even in difficult or risky circumstances.


Godfather/father-son relationship = sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship or having a ‘sponsor’

The young actor held his breath, secretly observing Cheng Ping, wanting to see what hidden talent had caught the production team’s eye.

After observing three scenes, he still found nothing.

Under the director’s high standards, Cheng Ping’s NGs (no-goods) were even more frequent than the young actor’s.

Despite having awkward acting, Cheng Ping insisted on putting on a thoughtful, diligent appearance. Every time he got an NG, he would change his acting method, eight different methods with eight different awkwardnesses, dragging the young actor along with him, unable to keep up with the changes in rhythm—such people were the most annoying on set.

At first, the director remembered Li Baixi’s request and saw that Cheng Ping at least had a serious attitude, so he tried to restrain himself, taking deep breaths before each guidance, almost reciting the Diamond Sutra.

However, Cheng Ping still couldn’t find the right method.

The progress was severely delayed, and the machines burned money every day they were on. The pressure from all sides mounted, and the director’s temper became harder to control.

“Do you think dragging everyone down will make me let you pass for the sake of progress?” The director exploded one day after reshooting a group scene several times. “Let me tell you, don’t even think about it. I’d rather cut this entire scene!”

What are the most taboo words in gaming? Slacking off.

This bombshell from the director hit Cheng Ping hard, his expression changed instantly, “When did I—”

The director glared at him, fully prepared for a rebuttal.

But Cheng Ping swallowed the second half of his sentence and just stood there with his head down.

The young actor also stood with his head down, his eyes hidden in the shadows, mocking Cheng Ping. He thought Cheng Ping didn’t explode because he was taught a lesson by Zhang the Movie King and finally learned to behave.

Even though he had been dragged down for hours, the young actor’s mood wasn’t bad, feeling a bit like watching a drowning dog.

He had performed well today, and the director hadn’t given him any criticism since the second take. The young actor, learning from Cheng Ping’s lesson, copied and pasted his performance each time, even his eye expressions were identical.

But before he could finish his thought, the bomb landed on him: “And you! Every retake has the same expression, like a piece of wood! At least he knows how to change, what about you?”

The young actor: “…?”

“Don’t you think the director has a double standard?” the young actor asked his assistant behind closed doors.

This assistant, recently assigned by Zhang the Movie King, loved gossip and drama, immediately agreed, “Yes, absolutely, he’s clearly favoring Cheng Ping, even scolding him with a softer voice.”

“But why?” The assistant had already dug around the crew and still hadn’t found any connections for Cheng Ping.

The assistant snarked, “Maybe it’s some under-the-table deal.”

The young actor’s face changed.

Having a godfather himself, this term hit a sore spot.

The assistant, unaware, continued bluntly, “The director also judges by looks.”

The young actor’s face changed again, disdainful, “Is his face that good-looking?”

The assistant finally realized and quickly changed his tone, “I mean, it’s…well…natural…uh…looks decent.”

The assistant, unable to stop, hit three sore spots in a row and quickly found an excuse to slip away.

The young actor fell into deep thought.

Did Cheng Ping get work done? He couldn’t tell. But somehow, every time he watched the playback on set, Cheng Ping always stood out more on camera than in real life.

That deep profile, sharp eyes, it seemed as if he was born to be a hero.

They were both dressed in identical black outfits, their makeup and positions indistinguishable, but whenever they appeared in the same shot, Cheng Ping always won.

Must have had work done! Just didn’t know which country did it so naturally.

Thinking of his three million, the young actor felt even worse.

Halfway through filming, unable to go back for more work, he decided to ask Zhang the Movie King, “Godfather, I think the crew’s makeup artist is targeting me. Can you help me find a top makeup artist to join the crew?”

After returning to the hotel, Cheng Ping paced around his room ten times. He wanted to scream to the sky but feared eavesdroppers; wanted to get drunk but feared being late the next morning; wanted to play games all night but feared being caught by Li Baixi. Finally, picturing Li Baixi smoking against a wall, he went to the convenience store to buy a pack of cigarettes.

As Cheng Ping unwrapped the pack and walked into the elevator, he ran into his assistant.

Cheng Ping: “.”

The assistant’s lips trembled, “Boss! When did you start smoking!”

Cheng Ping impatiently replied, “Today.”

“No way, boss, Sister X will skin me alive. How about I buy you a milk tea? Chocolate? Sweets can help improve mood…”

Hearing his agent’s name, Cheng Ping’s temples throbbed. His agent had specifically told him to push all non-essential announcements recently so he could rest well.

The whole team knew about his situation on set, everyone being cautious to avoid adding pressure.

Cheng Ping threw away the pack of cigarettes in front of the assistant. However, as soon as he returned to his room, his phone rang. Thinking the assistant was tattling, he answered irritably, “I threw it away, I didn’t smoke.”

“Smoke what?” Li Baixi asked.

Cheng Ping: “…”

Since not teaming up online, Li Baixi hadn’t contacted Cheng Ping directly.

However, this didn’t mean he was unaware of Cheng Ping’s situation.

“Feeling a lot of pressure?” Li Baixi asked, “Actually, you need to take it one step at a time. You’ve been working hard, everyone understands…”

“Precisely because everyone understands.” Cheng Ping suddenly said.


Cheng Ping, seeming to have bottled up feelings, finally let them out, “The director’s outburst today made me feel relieved, like he exposed my shame. I suspect I’m a fraud, sneaking into this industry and slacking off, no matter how hard I try. Even the young actor NGs less than I do.”

“He’s been in the industry longer than you,” Li Baixi responded matter-of-factly.

“But everyone’s too patient, too kind, my team, and all you’ve done…”

“Me?” Li Baixi raised an eyebrow.

Cheng Ping knew? How did he know? Did the director spill the beans?

Cheng Ping continued earnestly, “You came all this way, got up early to do my makeup, and did it so well.”

Li Baixi covered his face, laughing.

Cheng Ping, the more they interacted, the more interesting he became.

Li Baixi said, “Though I’m not in your field, I’ve seen countless actors. You’re not a fraud, I can guarantee that.”

The next day, after filming his morning scenes, Cheng Ping stayed around his trailer, reciting his lines for an evening scene.

“Master… You always say we should live with integrity despite living on the edge… Master! You always say…”

After getting the full script, he realized it was the same scene from his disastrous audition.

The scene was about the female master not revealing the full plan to her subordinates, leading them to suspect she’d gone astray, losing their righteous heart, and passionately speaking before her.

Cheng Ping would rather ascend to heaven than break his voice on set again.

“…living on the edge but maintaining righteousness!” Cheng Ping passionately recited to the trailer.

The trailer’s front end stared blankly back at him.

“Master, you always say…” Cheng Ping circled around again, losing patience, suddenly shouting at the trailer, “Didn’t you say to be a good person! What the hell are you doing!”

He punched the front of the trailer.

Trailer: “?”

A snicker came from behind him.

Cheng Ping turned sharply. All the actors were on set; no one should be around here.

The laugh came from a middle-aged man, looking tired, dressed in nondescript modern clothes, like a staff member, yet seriously commenting, “That last take was the best.”

Cheng Ping, embarrassed at being caught, didn’t respond, “Did the director call me?”

The man: “Huh?”

“Aren’t you here to notify—” Cheng Ping’s voice stopped midway, realizing who the man was.

“Damn.” Cheng Ping said, “Hello, sir.”

Cheng Ping’s main scenes were with the young actor and the female lead, so he hadn’t met the actor playing the male lead, Lu the Movie King, until now.

In real life, Lu looked different from on-screen, like he was shrouded in a layer of dust.

Cheng Ping was mortified, but Lu laughed heartily, “Your expression just now looked like my son’s.”

Cheng Ping: “?”

What kind of way to take advantage of someone is this?

Given Zhang the Movie King and the young actor’s “father-son” relationship, the term “son” made Cheng Ping nervous, suspecting hidden implications. However, upon closer inspection, it seemed not.

Lu couldn’t stop laughing.

Apparently, Cheng Ping’s inner monologue had played out vividly on his face, almost like a silent film.

“Why wasn’t your acting this lively earlier?” Lu asked.

He was genuinely curious, and Cheng Ping, caught off guard, blurted out, “I’m not very good at acting.”

“How can that be? You’re doing great. Some people, like me, lack expression in daily life and have to switch modes in front of the camera. You don’t need to, just try not switching modes.”

Lu chatted casually, waved, and walked away, “We have scenes together tonight, I’ll go prepare, see you later.”

Sometimes, things happen in an instant.

Cheng Ping felt like he was enlightened by a master, suddenly understanding something yet unable to grasp it fully.

But he knew this moment wasn’t a coincidence. A month of daily pondering had brought him closer to this breakthrough, now opened by a moment of insight.

That evening, dressed in black, Cheng Ping’s clothes and hair billowed in the wind machine.

Facing him stood Lu the Movie King and Qiao the Movie Queen, Qiao holding a dagger to Lu’s throat.

“Master!” Cheng Ping shouted with the same tone as “What the hell are you doing”, “You always say we should live with integrity despite living on the edge, I’ve never forgotten that!”


The director looked at Cheng Ping expressionlessly, “Anger is there, now add some sadness, pay attention to layers, don’t be a roaring emperor.”

Cheng Ping: “…”

Feeling embarrassed, Cheng Ping glanced at Lu, noticing the veins bulging in his neck—provoked by Qiao’s dagger.

Cheng Ping was deeply moved, and his doubts about Lu’s advice vanished.

“Don’t be so strict,” said Qiao, the Movie Queen, “Xiao Cheng improved, didn’t he, director?”

The director: “.”

The director seemed to remember something, “Indeed, there’s improvement, seems like he’s getting the hang of it.” He, worried Cheng Ping wouldn’t believe the praise, walked over, put an arm around Cheng Ping’s shoulder, and shook him, “Keep it up.”

That night, Cheng Ping, driven by the Movie King and Queen, performed excellently.

The director’s praise grew higher with each take, finally exclaiming, “Good, good, good, I knew I didn’t choose wrong.”

Cheng Ping, encouraged, didn’t notice the subtle expressions among the crew.

A few days later, more crew members started showing those subtle expressions.

Walking on set, Cheng Ping occasionally heard his name whispered behind him.

One afternoon, while napping in his trailer, he heard someone whispering nearby.

“…That’s the situation, don’t let Xiao Cheng know, just handle it discreetly…”

Cheng Ping groggily raised his head, “What?”

Only an assistant sat beside him, looking innocently at him, “What?”

“Don’t play dumb, what voice message were you playing, play it again.”

Unable to defy the boss, the assistant showed him the chat history. The message came from a costume department girl, who had become friends with the assistant, sharing secrets.

Though Cheng Ping’s reputation wasn’t great, his behavior on set had been seen by all. The industry was full of seasoned veterans, and someone like Cheng Ping, with that face, easily aroused protective instincts.

Today, the girl had come to inform the assistant.

Apparently, a rumor had spread that someone saw Cheng Ping leaving the director’s room in his pajamas one morning.

The assistant played a Buddhist scripture, filling the trailer with peaceful chants.

“Boss, calm down, calm down, boss, murder is illegal…”

Cheng Ping: “Shut up.”

The assistant shut up.

Cheng Ping, breathing heavily, stood up moments later, “Illegal it is then.”

“Boss!!” The assistant clung to him from behind, “There are other ways, I promise there are other ways to ruin that young actor…”

“What ways? Without evidence, no one can prove he spread the rumor.”

The assistant was speechless, only the Buddhist chant continuing, “Thus one delivers innumerable beings…”

“Shut up!”

Buddha shut up.

The assistant, pale, suddenly remembered something, “We’ve all heard, but what about the director?”

The director was on the phone with Li Baixi.

“It has nothing to do with me! I swear on my life!” The director swore vehemently.

Li Baixi: “No need for that.”

“Who spread this rumor, I’ll kill them…” The director cursed.

Li Baixi said slowly, “I think I know who.”

The director took a deep breath, “Baixi, my heart belongs to your mother, I’m innocent, you can come check.”

Li Baixi thought for a moment, “Sure, I’ll come take a look.”

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