Concealed and Blended (Fendai): Chapter 25

Concealed and Blended (Fendai): Chapter 25

“东拼西凑” (Dōng Pīn Xī Còu) is an idiom that literally means “to gather from the east and piece together from the west.” It describes the act of assembling something by collecting various small or disparate elements, often in a somewhat haphazard or piecemeal fashion.

  • “东” (Dōng) means “east.”
  • “拼” (Pīn) means “to piece together” or “to cobble together.”
  • “西” (Xī) means “west.”
  • “凑” (Còu) means “to gather” or “to collect.”

The phrase is often used in a slightly negative context to imply that the collection or assembly lacks coherence, quality, or thoroughness. It can refer to situations where things are put together without much care, using whatever is available, leading to a result that may seem disjointed or incomplete.


The phrase “断开红线” (Duànkāi Hóngxiàn) metaphorically refers to severing or cutting a symbolic connection, often related to fate or relationships.

– “断开” (Duànkāi) means “to sever” or “to cut off.”
– “红线” (Hóngxiàn) literally means “red string.”

In Chinese culture, the “red string” symbolizes a fateful connection or bond between people, often associated with destiny and relationships. The red string concept is famously linked to the idea of the “red thread of fate,” which suggests that certain people are destined to meet or be connected, regardless of time or place.

To “sever this red string” implies breaking or ending a significant connection or relationship, whether it be romantic, familial, or otherwise. It can signify an intentional act of ending or disrupting a bond that is believed to be predestined or fated. This phrase might be used to describe a decisive break from a significant relationship or destiny-bound connection.

Since learning the method taught by Actor Lu, Cheng Ping had been disappearing after work every day. He would sprint back to his room, close the door, turn on his computer, and focus on catching up on acting lessons, with dinner delivered by his assistant.

Initially, his approach of picking bits and pieces from various scenes caused some issues. His style was quite erratic and sometimes his acting seemed forced, which distorted his character.

After being corrected by the director a few times, Cheng Ping quickly learned to select and refine scenes that suited his character.

His astonishing learning ability surprised even his most optimistic supporters.

One day after work, Cheng Ping was about to head straight to his room when Actor Lu stopped him: “We need to go to the airport.”

Cheng Ping, lost in his daily routine, asked, “Why the airport?”

Actor Lu laughed: “For the premiere.”

The historical film they had worked on earlier was premiering, and the production team invited the main cast to attend.

Months later, Cheng Ping met the young actor again. By now, he had mastered the art of superficial socializing and gave the celebrity a fake smile and a wave.

The young actor turned his head and pretended not to see him.

Cheng Ping: “…” Why has this guy regressed?

It wasn’t until Cheng Ping watched the final cut on the big screen that he realized—because the young actor had been cut from the film.

Since Actor Zhang was one of the investors, the young actor had seen some early cuts of the film.

In their major fight scene, Cheng Ping’s performance and appearance outshone the young actor to the point where it affected the viewing experience.

Although the young actor usually performed decently, he was too focused on trying to upstage Cheng Ping during this scene, resulting in some dreadful close-ups.

Thus, the director decided to use only Cheng Ping’s angles, relegating the young actor to the background.

The young actor experienced firsthand the ruthlessness of the director’s editing.

To add insult to injury, the director’s renowned cinematography captured Cheng Ping’s fight scenes with an ethereal grace, like ink paintings brought to life.

Originally hoping to attract fans with his fight scenes, the young actor instead had all the spotlight stolen by Cheng Ping.

During the media Q&A at the premiere, Cheng Ping faced a barrage of questions.

“How did it feel to act in your first movie?”

“Your performance was outstanding for a newcomer. Did you put in a lot of effort behind the scenes?”

“Who do you want to thank the most in the production team?”

Facing such attention for the first time, Cheng Ping clutched the microphone, cleared his throat, and read off his prepared answers: “I’d like to thank Teacher Lu for his guidance, and the behind-the-scenes staff…” His gaze wandered, “like my makeup artist.”

The young actor sat in a corner, ignored, watching the reporters swarm Cheng Ping, envisioning what the movie’s release would look like.

He left the venue before the ceremony ended, without looking back.

The director’s skill matched his reputation, and the sequel generated as much buzz as its predecessor.

As the film’s popularity soared, Cheng Ping naturally gained fame.

This time, it wasn’t just fans celebrating; it wasn’t trending due to controversy. The audience appreciated his performance, and he rose to fame smoothly, with interview and variety show invitations flooding in.

Such is the fickle nature of fortune.

The young actor complained to Actor Zhang: “Aren’t you the investor? How could you let the director cut me like that?”

Actor Zhang, recalling the director’s stubbornness, sighed: “Let’s not quarrel with him this time. Next time…”

The young actor: “Cheng Ping offended you before, and now he’s overshadowing me. Are you just going to tolerate this slap in the face?”

Actor Zhang’s pride couldn’t take such a challenge, and his expression darkened: “I won’t let Cheng Ping get away with this.”

The young actor wanted more assurance but heard Actor Zhang change his tone: “But if you can’t hold your own, don’t blame others.”


The young actor was stunned: “That’s not what you said when I joined the cast!”

Frustrated by the young actor’s complaints and with their relationship cooling, Actor Zhang’s tone grew cold: “Do your best at the audition for my new film. It’s a serious project with high standards. If the director isn’t satisfied, no one can help you.”

The young actor: “That’s not what you said last night in bed.”

Actor Zhang kindly said: “You must have misheard.”

The young actor stared in disbelief, finally understanding what it meant to be used and discarded.

Since Cheng Ping was busy with filming and additional acting lessons, his new invitations were either declined or rescheduled by his team.

But even on set, he could feel the changes brought by his rising fame.

First, any tweet he posted was like pouring water into hot oil.

The influx of new fans was overwhelming, even digging up his old competition videos and spreading clips like “Cheng Ping’s 108 Ways to Curse Silently.”

Uncomfortable with the spotlight, Cheng Ping stopped going online.

Second, when he appeared on set, the young female crew members looked at him differently, often asking for autographs.

While signing an autograph for the third person, someone tapped his shoulder. He said, “Just a moment.”

Turning to receive another autograph request, he found Li Baixi.

Cheng Ping: “…”

Li Baixi looked at his outstretched hand, searched his pockets, and handed him a mini makeup mirror: “How about signing this?”

Cheng Ping: “…”

Blushing, Cheng Ping mumbled, “I thought it was someone else… What’s up?”

Li Baixi, smiling, said: “Time for makeup.”

Having finished the script murder scenes, they were now filming the scenes after the characters left the game, so the leads needed a change of wardrobe.

As Li Baixi worked on Cheng Ping’s makeup, the Blue Peacock actress wandered over, complimenting him: “Brother Cheng looks even more handsome in everyday clothes.”

Recently, the actress often lingered around, unable to hide her crush. She was pretty, with high emotional intelligence, and her gentle advances towards Cheng Ping were not off-putting.

Li Baixi even found her endearing, giving her a playful wink: “You’re even more beautiful. You were a fairy in costume, and now you’re a fairy descended to earth.”

Blushing, she quickly found an excuse to leave.

Cheng Ping: “…”

Li Baixi smiled in the mirror, exuding an aura of an old, seasoned charmer.

He soon realized he had been too naive.

After the actress left, the young actor approached.

Silently, he stood by the makeup mirror, staring at Cheng Ping: “Cheng Ping.”

Cheng Ping waited for his move.

The young actor stiffly said: “How about grabbing dinner after we wrap up?”

Li Baixi: “?”

For the first two weeks after joining the crew, the young actor barely interacted with Cheng Ping. Perhaps after being impressed by Cheng Ping’s acting, his arrogance had subsided, but their relationship wasn’t close enough to warrant a dinner invite.

Cheng Ping, equally stiff, replied: “I’m busy tonight.”

The young actor wanted to say more but was called away by the director.

Li Baixi: “Why did you refuse?”

Cheng Ping, crossing his arms: “Don’t like him. Who knows what he’s planning.”

Li Baixi advised: “You’ve just become famous. Be careful not to be accused of putting on airs.”

Cheng Ping glanced at him in the mirror, saying nothing.

Li Baixi: “?”

After one scene, Actor Lu called Cheng Ping aside.

Actor Lu, like a dorm supervisor resolving disputes, advised: “Xiao Cheng, if there’s any conflict between you two leads, it’s best to talk it out.”

Cheng Ping, surprised: “Teacher Lu?”

Actor Lu: “I hesitated to teach you that method, fearing you’d mimic too much and your acting would become mechanical. Mechanical acting means not believing in your performance, treating yourself like a puppet.”

Cheng Ping: “I understand, but what does that have to do with Brother Liu?”

Actor Lu: “In the previous scenes, the policeman and the writer were constantly suspicious and at odds, so your discord didn’t matter much. But now, the characters need to cooperate.”

In the story, the policeman successfully captures the suspect among the script murder players, but he can’t forget the writer’s childhood story.

The writer’s family was massacred, and he was saved from the brink of death, with the real culprit never found. Too young at the time, his memories were vague, but he distinctly remembered a black sun.

The writer didn’t understand why this black sun was in his memory, but he felt it was key to the case and never forgot it.

The policeman, moved by the story, decided to investigate the old case, only to face unexpected obstacles.

Actor Lu: “The characters need to cooperate. Do you want to act with unresolved tension? Some actors can handle such duality, but you can’t.”

Cheng Ping felt defiant.

His defiance showed on his face, making Actor Lu smile: “You’re a child who’s especially true to himself. Many people around you must be protecting this trait. Including me, I don’t want to see it change.”

Cheng Ping didn’t know if Actor Lu also talked to the young actor. After work, the young actor again stiffly signaled: “I need to talk to you.”

Cheng Ping thought for a moment and followed him.

Watching from the monitor, Li Baixi: “…”

Ma Koukou: “Master.”

Ma Koukou: “Master?”

Ma Koukou sighed: “It’s time for me to sever this red string. Just wait.”

The young actor took Cheng Ping to a secluded spot: “I misunderstood you before and had a bad attitude. Please forgive me.”

His straightforward approach surprised Cheng Ping.

The young actor extended his hand: “I want to create a good piece of work, and I believe you do too. Let’s cooperate well for the upcoming scenes.”

Cheng Ping stood still.

The young actor’s brow furrowed: “Isn’t this enough? I haven’t apologized like this since elementary school!”

Cheng Ping shook his head: “You don’t need to apologize to me for that.”

He hesitated, then said: “The person you should apologize to isn’t me. Do you know that when foundation is missing in close-ups, it has to be fixed in post-production?”

The young actor: “…?”

Cheng Ping: “Actors are just parts of the whole work. Is acting so great? You haven’t even looked our costume director in the eye!”

Feeling relieved, Cheng Ping turned to leave.

So be it, he thought. I’m not afraid to offend people.

“Wait.” The young actor followed: “Is the costume director your friend?”

Cheng Ping ignored him, turning a corner.

And nearly collided with Ma Koukou.

Cheng Ping: “…”

Ma Koukou: “…”

The young actor who followed: “?”

Just when Cheng Ping was awkward to the point of wanting to disappear, Ma Koukou slowly clasped his hand and solemnly patted it.

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