Concealed and Blended (Fendai): Chapter 29

Concealed and Blended (Fendai): Chapter 29

This chapter is quite lengthy.

The PR efforts from Cheng Ping’s team had already shown results. The former captain’s impulsive comments lacked fabricated evidence, media preparation, and personal appeal, so he quickly quieted down.

The incident’s impact was minor, but the company still called the manager for a meeting to discuss Cheng Ping’s personal issues.

The next day, without notifying anyone, the manager appeared on set.

Today, they were shooting a scene with multiple actors, and the main actors were in the makeup room. The manager arrived just in time to see Li Baixi doing Cheng Ping’s makeup. He stopped and observed from a distance, noticing the odd atmosphere between the two. Cheng Ping was looking at the script, while Li Baixi focused on the makeup, with zero interaction and no eye contact.

Had they had a falling out so soon after the makeup live stream?

Just as he was pondering this, he saw Cheng Ping steal a glance at Li Baixi in the mirror.

Three seconds later, Li Baixi seemed to sense it and glanced back through the mirror. As their eyes met, Cheng Ping quickly looked away.

Li Baixi paused before continuing his work.

The manager sensed something was off.

He wanted to observe a bit longer, but Cheng Ping’s assistant came in, surprised: “Brother X!”

The two noticed his presence, their expressions subtly shifting.

Li Baixi quickly recovered, greeting him with a smile. Cheng Ping asked, “Why are you here?”

Manager: “What do you mean? I’m here to visit.”

Cheng Ping nodded and fell silent.

They continued the makeup in silence. After a few minutes, unable to bear the strange atmosphere, Cheng Ping pointed to the script and tossed a topic to Li Baixi: “I think the writer should have dark circles by now.”

Li Baixi smiled: “I know. I was thinking of adding some stubble too.”

Cheng Ping mumbled: “I shouldn’t have shaved today.”

The manager was surprised: “Dark circles?”

Cheng Ping: “Yes, because the protagonist already knows who the killer is and must be having trouble sleeping.”

The manager looked closely and noticed red blood vessels in Cheng Ping’s eyes. He asked: “Did you stay up late on purpose to match the character’s state?”

Cheng Ping was visibly flustered: “Uh, yes.”

The manager was very displeased: “Li Laoshi, can you handle this?”

Despite Li Baixi’s high status, he was still just a makeup artist in this crew. Allowing Cheng Ping’s eyes to redden without addressing it and even planning to make him look rougher? Cheng Ping was still relying on his looks, and producing such an image wasn’t acceptable.

Moreover, Cheng Ping was here to hone his acting skills, but in his distracted state, could he perform well?

His displeasure was evident, but his criticism fell on deaf ears.

Li Baixi smiled: “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Xiao Cheng looks great.”

Despite his words, his actions suggested otherwise.

Li Baixi could address the red eyes, but he agreed with Cheng Ping that the character should look this way. So, instead of using eye drops, he enhanced Cheng Ping’s haggard look with contouring and under-eye shading.

The manager frowned deeply: “This—’looks great’?”

Li Baixi: “Relax, it’ll look good on camera. If there are any issues, we can adjust.”

Adjust later? In a group scene, who would dare hold up the entire crew for a touch-up? If the manager dared to ask, rumors of Cheng Ping acting like a diva would quickly spread.

As he was about to argue, Young actor walked by, glancing at Cheng Ping: “Wow, impressive as always, Li Laoshi!”

Manager: “?”

Young actor didn’t know the manager and had no interest in knowing him. He patted Cheng Ping on the shoulder: “Group scenes are tough. Let’s aim to finish by noon.”

Cheng Ping: “Finish by noon? Let’s aim for a one-take.”

Young actor laughed, giving him a high-five before leaving.

Manager: “???”

Was this his usual demeanor?

Interrupted by Young actor, the director called for shooting. The manager could only follow, simmering with anger.

The group scene involved most of the main cast. In the plot, the police and the writer had gathered the murder mystery players, excluding the character played by Actor Lu, to reveal the truth.

The police showed his badge: “We infiltrated the full-closed murder mystery to catch a drug dealer. You were all gathered because each of you has played this scenario before, raising suspicions.”

The players, startled, quickly defended themselves, revealing their reasons.

The actress was a gaming disaster, never having won, and just wanted a win. A young man was an undercover agent from another murder mystery company, filming their set and props. A newlywed couple wanted some excitement.

The police smirked: “We investigated all this, and the real drug dealer is already caught.”

The players, embarrassed and angry: “Then why call us? To mess with us?”

The writer, who had been watching coldly, stepped forward: “Because among you is someone guilty of a crime from years ago.”

He revealed his identity as the scriptwriter: “This story is based on a crime from my childhood.” He asked hoarsely, “Why does a black sun rise whenever someone dies in the story?”

The players exchanged confused glances.

Young Man: “I thought it was a literary metaphor.”

Actress: “A solar eclipse?”

The writer shook his head, voice trembling: “That black sun is my faint memory. I thought it was an illusion until I saw the police’s surveillance footage this time…”

The manager was stunned.

The gloomy complexion, the fragile, almost neurotic demeanor, the trembling voice, and the shifting gaze—Cheng Ping seemed to have merged with the writer, almost unrecognizable.

If Cheng Ping had been mimicking and exploring at the start, he had now become his character.

In the footage, the drug dealer killed the policeman’s teammate and was knocked out by the arriving police.

As the police wept over his teammate’s body, a figure approached.

The actress pointed at the villain played by Actor Lu: “Isn’t that Uncle Huang?”

Cheng Ping also watched the figure, his face drained of color, his lips trembling.

In the footage, Uncle Huang appeared to check the fallen comrade’s vitals, feeling the pulse, then examining the pupils, shaking his head sympathetically, comforting the police.

The footage paused.

Cheng Ping: “Do you understand?”

Everyone looked at him, bewildered.

The writer’s voice seemed to come from the abyss: “The killer didn’t intend to leave me alive. He made his move, and I was dying. He leaned in close, to enjoy my pupils dilating, getting so close… In my dying eyes, his irises became a black sun.”

The actress screamed in horror.

The police summarized the deduction process, listing more evidence against the suspect.

“But this person was very cautious, registering with fake details for the murder mystery and has now disappeared. We need you to recall any interactions with him during the game, no matter how small.”

Everyone racked their brains while the writer paced anxiously, back to the group.

Finally, the young man raised his hand: “I’m sensitive to accents. Uncle Huang had a slight accent, like from the neighboring province.”

Police: “Can you narrow it down to the city?”

Young Man: “Almost down to the county.”

Director: “Cut!”

The director gave feedback to each actor, praising Cheng Ping: “Great, keep it up.”

He turned to the manager: “Your Xiao Cheng is amazing. How did he do that?”

Manager: “…”

Cheng Ping wouldn’t lie: “It’s thanks to Li Laoshi’s makeup.”

Director: “Hiring Li Laoshi was a great decision. His makeup always perfectly matches the character, enhancing the performance. It’s top-notch.”

The manager’s face seemed to hurt a bit.

Li Baixi modestly thanked him.

Cheng Ping initiated the conversation, so Li Baixi naturally kept looking at him. But as soon as Cheng Ping met his commercial smile, he hurriedly looked away and lowered his head.

That demeanor didn’t match his sharp features at all.

Li Baixi’s gaze darkened.

Last night, after Cheng Ping’s shocking question, Li Baixi’s mind was in turmoil. But his veteran instincts led him to reply with a smile: “What did you say?”

Cheng Ping’s question, initially barely audible, lost all momentum after that: “Nothing.”

That dinner was like sitting on pins and needles for Li Baixi.

Watching Cheng Ping barely lift his head, he kept thinking of the live stream comments: “The legendary silent machine gun is like a lamb in front of Li Laoshi.”

At the time, he laughed at the fans’ blindness. But upon reflection, it was he who was blind.

Had Cheng Ping shown this demeanor to anyone else?

Li Baixi couldn’t swallow his food, his throat scorched by guilt.

He spent the day in a daze.

At the end of the day, the actress approached Cheng Ping: “Your eyes still have red veins. Want some eye drops?”

Cheng Ping: “It’s okay, I’ll just rest after removing the makeup.”

Actress: “Alright, take care.”

Li Baixi sympathetically smiled at the actress, knowing Cheng Ping’s orientation and feeling a bit sorry for her. He wondered if he should subtly advise her later, but then she turned and hesitated: “Li Laoshi, can I talk to you alone?”

Li Baixi: “?”

Cheng Ping: “?”

Actress: “I’ll be wrapping up tomorrow. I need to tell you something…”

With that, Li Baixi had no choice but to follow her with a belly full of questions.

Cheng Ping stared at their retreating backs, puzzled.

Manager: “Good, I have something to discuss with you too.” He led him in the opposite direction.

The actress brought Li Baixi to a secluded spot, her face red, eyes filled with unshed tears, handing him a delicate box: “I made these… and wrote you a letter.”

Li Baixi was shocked to inaction.

Wasn’t she into Cheng Ping…?

That thought hadn’t finished forming when he remembered she always “happened” to be around when he was near Cheng Ping.

He thought she needed a pretext to be near Cheng Ping. He hadn’t realized he was the pretext.

Seeing him hesitate, her face reddened further, tears welling up.

Li Baixi quickly took it: “Thank you, I’ll enjoy it.”

The actress, relieved, stammered: “If I’m wrong, please don’t mind, but I really want to know… Are you bisexual?”

This was too familiar.

Actress: “I have gay friends, but you’re different. The way you look at girls… If I’m wrong, I’m really, really sorry.”

Every word was like a thunderclap to Li Baixi.

How many girls had he courted with this question back in the day?

But he had been blind to the actress’s hints and signals.

This moment forced him to confront some truths.

When he realized Cheng Ping was jealous, wasn’t he smiling?

Spraying insults at the former captain all day with a new account, was that just boredom?

Tossing and turning in bed last night, were his feelings only anxiety and guilt?

He realized the actress was waiting for an answer. Gently, he hugged her: “I’m sorry, I can’t like you back.”

The actress took it as a declaration of orientation, feeling hurt but relieved: “Alright, then we’ll be sisters.”

Li Baixi smoothly said: “Of course, you’ll be my little sister.”

He turned away, appearing calm but feeling as if every step was on cotton, wandering aimlessly until he stumbled into a narrow passage between the sets.

The lights were out, making it pitch black. Crew members preferred to take the long way around outside.

Li Baixi welcomed the isolation, walking for a bit until he heard voices. It sounded like Cheng Ping and the manager, speaking privately.

He wanted to leave but hesitated upon hearing his name.

The manager was delivering the company’s message.

“We had a meeting and decided you’re not suited to manage your own social accounts. We hope you’ll hand them over to a professional. The content will be reviewed by you, and anything you want to post will be checked and polished. And no small accounts; if exposed, it will be more trouble.”

Cheng Ping’s reaction was as expected: “Why?”

The manager patiently explained the PR and media issues: “Most celebrities with any fame do this. It’s not targeting you.”

Cheng Ping repeated: “Why?”

Manager: “Why what?”

“Why does being a celebrity mean being fake?”

The manager’s patience was waning: “Because a celebrity is everyone’s fantasy boyfriend. You’re a boyfriend to millions, meeting their varied expectations. You have to be strong, weak, mature, childish, aloof, and gentle. You must be everything, so you can be nothing! A real person is bound to be disliked, but as long as you’re not a real person, you can be a great star.”

Cheng Ping was speechless, looking humiliated.

The manager sighed: “Managing accounts requires skill and experience, which you, as an ordinary person, don’t have. I know you’re from esports and are adjusting to this industry, but this is how it is.”

Cheng Ping: “Is that so.”

Seeing his softened expression, he pressed on, revealing another issue: “Watching your acting today, I was surprised. You’re destined for the top. For that reason, you need to cherish your reputation and understand what you want… One mistake can ruin everything, don’t let distractions drag you down.”

Cheng Ping sensed something off: “What distractions?”

The manager took a deep breath and went straight to the point: “What’s going on with you and Li Baixi?”

Cheng Ping’s pupils dilated slightly: “What’s going on?”

The manager sneered: “Don’t play dumb. It’s obvious. I thought he wasn’t your type, so it wouldn’t develop, but…”

Cheng Ping interrupted: “You’re misunderstanding everything.”

Manager calmly: “Misunderstanding or not, I’ll be blunt. You’re not in a position to date anyone, male or female. If your relationship is exposed, fans will turn on you.”

Cheng Ping opened his mouth.

The manager didn’t give him a chance: “You’re basking in fame now, but if you’re reduced to struggling for minor roles again, will you still say it doesn’t matter?”

Cheng Ping: “I will.”

Manager: “What?”

Cheng Ping: “If I lose fans and roles, it means I’m not good enough. My acting isn’t worth anything.”

Manager, exasperated, laughed: “Cheng Ping, are you determined to hit a wall? Remember, the team won’t stick around forever if you don’t succeed.”

Cheng Ping: “Do as you wish.”

The manager truly felt exasperated.

He looked at him like a misbehaving child: “Thousands have gone through this. Why can’t you?”

Cheng Ping was silent for a long time: “Because he didn’t bow his head.”

Manager: “He?”

Cheng Ping stayed silent. The manager slowly realized: “Li Baixi?”

Cheng Ping: “Did he ever change his makeup when told? Did he change because people disliked his cross-dressing? He’s smooth but remains true to himself. He stands tall, and if I bow now, I’m not worthy to look at him.”

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