But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 19

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 19

Bai Fanlu confirmed it—this horse was absolutely targeting him on purpose.

When Xiao Liu mounted Snow Beyond the Mountains, the horse became as docile as could be, a stark contrast to the wild and unruly behavior it had exhibited while carrying Bai Fanlu just moments earlier.

Bai Fanlu couldn’t help but wonder if, just because he wasn’t the main character, even the horse refused to let him ride it. But Xiao Liu was just an NPC, wasn’t he?

Resigned, Bai Fanlu decided to ride his own horse. However, when he went to find his little chestnut horse, it was nowhere to be found.

“I didn’t notice either. Maybe it took the chance to run away?” Xiao Liu, sitting atop Snow Beyond the Mountains, looked around as if trying to help Bai Fanlu locate the horse.

Bai Fanlu regretted not tying the horse to a tree earlier. They hadn’t built a bond yet, so it made sense that the horse would take off.

“Immortal Brother, come up here! We can ride together!” Xiao Liu extended a hand from atop Snow Beyond the Mountains.

Bai Fanlu glanced at the horse. To his surprise, the beast raised its head high and snorted loudly, its large eyes filled with disdain, as if it was challenging him.

No longer hesitant, Bai Fanlu raised an eyebrow and placed his hand in Xiao Liu’s.

With a firm tug, Xiao Liu helped Bai Fanlu up, and he sat in front of Xiao Liu.

Though there was an element of competitiveness involved, Bai Fanlu still felt a bit uneasy, preparing himself to be thrown off at any moment.

Yet Snow Beyond the Mountains, whether out of respect for Xiao Liu or because it had suddenly changed its temperament, merely shook its head and began to trot, showing a hint of haughty defiance.

“Immortal Brother, where are we going?” Xiao Liu asked from behind.

Bai Fanlu turned his head and instinctively started to say, “East…” but quickly stopped.

They were sitting too close together. The horse’s back only had so much room, and with Xiao Liu holding the reins, Bai Fanlu was practically sitting in his lap.

In this position, just turning his head brought their faces close enough to touch.

He had always thought that despite Xiao Liu’s height, it was just early development, and that he would still be shorter than himself. But now, comparing them side by side, Bai Fanlu realized Xiao Liu was a few centimeters taller.

When Bai Fanlu spoke, his lips were almost level with Xiao Liu’s chin, and for a brief moment, he felt the faint prickle of a young stubble brush against his lips…

Bai Fanlu quickly turned his head back. “To the east, to Yingzhou.”

As soon as he said it, he regretted it.

Initially, it seemed that Xiao Liu had intended to lend him Snow Beyond the Mountains. How had he ended up riding with Xiao Liu?

And hadn’t he decided not to bring this kid along? Yet somehow, the horse’s attitude and its subtle provocations had pushed him into this situation.

But now that they were already riding and the destination had been named, was it too late to get off?

It felt as though he had been inadvertently tricked.

After a long pause, Xiao Liu finally responded with a muffled “Oh.”

Forget it. He was probably overthinking things. Xiao Liu’s straightforward nature likely meant he was just curious about traveling together. There was no scheme to it—how could he be fooled by a horse?

Bai Fanlu decided it wasn’t worth overanalyzing. It was just a few days’ journey, after all.

As the horse galloped along, Bai Fanlu tried to discreetly shift forward a bit, but Snow Beyond the Mountains jerked its head and nudged him back.

That wasn’t the end of it. The horse, seemingly displeased with Bai Fanlu’s movement, snorted in annoyance and shook its head vigorously, pulling its mane out from under Bai Fanlu.

As a result, Bai Fanlu ended up pressed even closer to Xiao Liu, so tightly that he could clearly feel the firm contours of the young man’s chest and the warmth of his youthful body.

Bai Fanlu dared not move again. After a brief and awkward silence, Xiao Liu spoke up, “Immortal Brother, what are you going to Yingzhou for?”

Bai Fanlu cleared his throat. “To investigate something.”


Bai Fanlu tried to change the subject. “What about Zizi? Isn’t it coming with us?”

He had just realized he hadn’t seen the little monkey around.

“It’s in my bag.” As Xiao Liu spoke, the little white monkey poked its head out of his bag, clinging to his collar and chattering as if to respond.

Xiao Liu used one hand to gently push the monkey back into the bag. “If we start going too fast, I’m afraid it might fall out.”

Snow Beyond the Mountains started to pick up speed, eventually running so fast it seemed to be flying, the ground barely touching its hooves. Though the ride became smoother, the horse’s movements still caused their clothes to rub against each other.

Bai Fanlu, who had been extremely uncomfortable at first, gradually adjusted. With the wind whipping around him and Xiao Liu’s warm presence at his back, he found the situation somewhat comforting.

While Bai Fanlu had become more comfortable, he had no idea how much Xiao Liu was struggling to maintain his composure as the warmth in his chest threatened to erupt like a volcano.

Though Snow Beyond the Mountains was fast, Yingzhou was far away, and it couldn’t be reached in a single day.

Moreover, a horse, unlike a carriage, had its own temper and needs. Carrying two grown men, Snow Beyond the Mountains needed to rest occasionally, and as a result, they would have to spend the night in the wild.

After his recent experience meditating in a tree, Bai Fanlu found it easier to concentrate while perched among the branches. So, when they stopped to rest, he climbed up a tree to meditate.

When he came down, something soft and furry landed on his head. Bai Fanlu reached up and found the little monkey, Zizi, who was now clinging to his wrist, trying to ingratiate itself by nuzzling his hand.

“Immortal Brother, you’re down! Look what I’ve been doing!”

Xiao Liu excitedly called Bai Fanlu over. The ground in front of him had been dug up, revealing a mound of dirt, which Bai Fanlu realized was a makeshift earth stove.

Xiao Liu was crouched in front of the stove, blowing into it with all his might, his face smudged with dirt and ash. As he spoke to Bai Fanlu, he absentmindedly wiped his face, smearing the dirt further until his features were barely recognizable.

Bai Fanlu couldn’t help but chuckle.

Xiao Liu immediately pouted, glaring at him. “Laugh at me, will you? Later, when you’re hungry, I won’t let you eat any!”

Bai Fanlu thought to himself that he wouldn’t want any anyway.

He recalled the fruit he had seen from the tree earlier and wondered if he should go back up to pick some. But then he realized how silly that was—he could easily bring them down with just a flick of his finger.

With a flash of light, the tree’s fruit fell to the ground. Zizi excitedly began picking them up, while the last piece of fruit dropped right on Xiao Liu’s head.

Xiao Liu yelped in surprise, giving Bai Fanlu a tearful, accusing look.

Bai Fanlu sat down next to him. “You’re blowing too slowly. Let me show you a faster way.”

“Immortal Brother, are you going to teach me a spell?”

Confidently, Bai Fanlu made a hand sign, ready to cast a simple fire-starting spell. But before he could even finish his thought, a snap of his fingers sent a roaring flame shooting out of the small stove.

A fire dragon burst out, heading straight for Xiao Liu’s face. Startled, Xiao Liu jumped back, and Bai Fanlu, equally shocked, rushed to grab him and drag him to the riverbank, where he accidentally pulled both of them into the water.

With a splash, they both tumbled into the river.

Bai Fanlu’s first thought was, “One, two, three—why do I keep ending up in the water? Damn it! Do I really need to learn how to swim?”

Fortunately, the river was shallow. After a brief struggle, Bai Fanlu, his face expressionless, stood up and climbed ashore.

But as he stood there, dripping wet, he looked back to see Xiao Liu still flailing dramatically in the shallow water…

Bai Fanlu sighed, rubbing his forehead, and silently walked back to where they had been.

A short while later, Xiao Liu, soaked to the bone and looking pitiful, followed him back. “Immortal Brother, why didn’t you help me?”

Bai Fanlu thought of saying, “I’m not your parent,” but remembered that Xiao Liu was an orphan and instead said, “You’re sixteen; that’s old enough to be an adult.”

“Then you’re my master, right? A master is like a father for life.”

“When did I ever agree to be your master?”

“You just said you’d teach me.”

Oh, so now he’s learned to talk back? Bai Fanlu smirked and hummed softly, “You didn’t master it, so it doesn’t count.”

“Who says I didn’t?”

Xiao Liu puffed up his cheeks, and at that moment, another fire dragon shot out of the earth stove, exploding in the air with a burst of colorful sparks.

Zizi, startled,

 quickly leaped up into a tree.


“How about that?” Xiao Liu said proudly, raising his head. “I told you I’m a quick learner. I pick up small spells like this in no time!”

He slapped his forehead. “Oh no, I got so distracted! My chicken’s probably overcooked! Hurry, hurry!”

Xiao Liu used two sticks to quickly dig through the ashes, eventually pulling out a charred object.

Bai Fanlu looked at him with a complicated expression.

Xiao Liu didn’t seem to notice Bai Fanlu’s reaction and held the charred object like a treasure, placing it in front of Bai Fanlu with great ceremony.

“Ta-da! Xiao Liu’s secret recipe: Beggar’s Chicken!”

The hard, blackened clay shell was cracked open, revealing a layer of leaves. As Xiao Liu carefully peeled them back, the golden-brown, aromatic skin of the chicken was exposed, releasing a mouthwatering scent that filled the air and made Bai Fanlu’s mouth water.

Bai Fanlu was still trying to sense the strange energy fluctuations he had felt earlier, but he couldn’t detect them anymore. Instead, the tantalizing aroma of the food filled his senses.

It had been two whole days since he last ate anything, and although immortals didn’t need to eat to survive, the sight and smell of food were hard to resist.

“Normally, you’d use lotus leaves, but there weren’t any around here. If we find some next time, it’ll taste even better.”

As Xiao Liu explained, he tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Bai Fanlu. “Try it!”

Bai Fanlu stared at the dripping chicken leg for a moment before calmly accepting it. Under Xiao Liu’s expectant gaze, and with his stomach demanding attention, he took a small, polite bite.

…It was pretty good…

“How is it?”

“…It’s alright.”

Bai Fanlu took another bite. Seeing him eat a second mouthful, Xiao Liu, encouraged by the silent approval, grinned and began tearing the chicken into smaller pieces.

Most of the meat ended up in front of Bai Fanlu, while Xiao Liu was left with the bony parts—the carcass, neck, and feet.

The difference in portions was so obvious that Bai Fanlu couldn’t ignore it. “You’re still growing; you should eat more. I can’t finish all of this.”

Xiao Liu was slowly nibbling on the chicken carcass. Hearing Bai Fanlu’s words, he tilted his head slightly and looked over.

By now, Bai Fanlu’s face was covered in grease, though he seemed unaware of it. Xiao Liu smiled, his eyes sparkling with a hint of affection. “I’m happy when Immortal Brother eats more.”

Bai Fanlu realized he had lost his composure but didn’t want to wipe his mouth with his white sleeves. He considered using a spell to clean himself, but then thought, “Why bother? I’ll just get messy again while eating.” Deciding it wasn’t worth the fuss, he continued eating with a more relaxed attitude until he was completely full.

Xiao Liu, also full and content, lay beside him with a stalk of grass in his mouth, legs crossed, looking like a carefree wanderer.

As he had been preparing the chicken, Xiao Liu had gotten covered in dirt and ash again. Bai Fanlu discreetly used a cleansing spell to tidy him up, then glanced down at his own palm.

The strange energy fluctuation was there again, just like when Xiao Liu had conjured the fire dragon—a unique spiritual energy.

The little monkey Zizi was asleep nearby, its soft snores carried by the night breeze.

Bai Fanlu softly called out, “Come here.”

Xiao Liu rolled over and obediently moved closer, his eyes curving into crescent moons as he smiled innocently. Even when Bai Fanlu suddenly grabbed his wrist, he only looked slightly puzzled.

“What’s wrong?”

Bai Fanlu didn’t answer. He silently applied pressure, feeling the steady pulse under his fingers.

Whether one was a demon, an immortal, or a human—he could tell with a simple test.

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