But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 36

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 36

In Chinese mythology, the Yellow Springs (黄泉, Huángquán) refer to the underworld or the realm of the dead. It is depicted as a dark, cold place beneath the earth where souls go after death. Unlike the Western concept of hell, the Yellow Springs are not necessarily a place of punishment but rather a destination for all souls. The term symbolizes the natural cycle of life and death, reflecting ancient Chinese beliefs about the afterlife.

In Chinese mythology, Netherworld Ghost Fires (鬼火, Guǐhuǒ) refer to mysterious, flickering lights often seen in graveyards or desolate areas. These ghostly flames are believed to be the manifestation of restless spirits or the presence of ghosts from the underworld. Scientifically, they are often explained as phosphorescent light caused by the combustion of gases from decaying organic matter, but in folklore, they are ominous symbols of the supernatural and the connection between the living and the dead.

The towering ghost stood over ten feet tall. With the greenish glow surrounding it, its face was as dark as coal, and its upper body was bare, covered with menacing tattoos. In its left hand, it held a massive bow, and around its waist hung a quiver of arrows and a curved sword.

Bai Fanlu barely had time to assess the ghost’s weapons before it fully drew the bow and shot an arrow at him.

Bai Fanlu was unsure if the ghost’s arrows were real or not, but a sharp clang of metal as he blocked the arrow with his sword confirmed that they were indeed very real.

Before he could retaliate, another arrow came flying toward him. Though the ghost appeared clumsy and brutish, its movements were surprisingly agile. The quiver seemed never to empty, and the ghost’s hand barely moved as it continuously fired arrows at him like a relentless meteor shower.

Arrows that missed their target turned into white smoke upon hitting the ground, creating a thick miasma. Bai Fanlu dodged while looking for an opportunity to close in on his enemy.

Ordinary magic wouldn’t work on ghosts, and sure enough, when he tried a lightning spell, the ghost didn’t budge. Clearly, this ghost wasn’t afraid of magic; it likely had another weakness.

This was only the first Netherworld Ghost Fire, and who knew what he would encounter next? Bai Fanlu couldn’t afford to be careless. He decided to conserve his strength and focus on finding a clever way to win.

After a while, the ghost’s quiver finally emptied, and as it grew more frustrated with its missed shots, it abandoned long-range attacks and drew its sword, charging at Bai Fanlu with a whirlwind of slashes.

Bai Fanlu dodged nimbly, and when the ghost’s sword struck the ground, missing him again, it grew even angrier. Several more wild slashes came dangerously close to cutting Bai Fanlu’s clothes and hair, but they failed to land a hit.

As the battle continued, Bai Fanlu secretly drew dozens of talismans, testing various spots on the ghost’s body to find its weak point. Finally, one talisman lit up!

Bai Fanlu didn’t know if ghosts could get tired, but it was clear that the ghost’s swordsmanship was growing increasingly erratic due to its frustration at constantly missing him. Bai Fanlu waited for the right moment. When the ghost swung with full force again, he slipped under its arm and stabbed the glowing talisman on its back.

The ghost let out a mournful cry, and its massive body collapsed to the ground. As the white smoke cleared, the Netherworld Ghost Fire appeared before Bai Fanlu, and he successfully captured it.

It seemed clear that each Netherworld Ghost Fire was guarded by a formidable opponent. Bai Fanlu breathed a sigh of relief, quickly adjusted, and headed toward the second Netherworld Ghost Fire.

This time, the novel didn’t deceive him—whether human, immortal, or demon, all would eventually end up in the Underworld. Among the next five ghost fires, Bai Fanlu encountered not only tricky human ghosts but also unexpectedly met a fox spirit.

Unlike the other ghosts who attacked immediately, this fox spirit introduced herself, claiming that she had already attained immortality. However, she found being an immortal too boring and preferred to reincarnate as a human to enjoy the pleasures of life. Thus, she returned to the Underworld, intending to be reborn as a seductress to cause mischief.

When she reached Meng Po’s domain, she lamented that she was going to reincarnate alone, without a companion, so she decided to wait here for a suitable lover or sworn sister to accompany her into the mortal world.

Bai Fanlu listened patiently while recovering his strength. The fox spirit even asked if he would like to reincarnate with her.

Bai Fanlu suspected this might be a trap, so he dishonestly replied that he was willing. Unexpectedly, the fox spirit was displeased, baring her sharp teeth at him, “Men are all liars! You deserve to die!”


Bai Fanlu regretted saying the wrong thing, but it was true—after dealing with a bandit leader, a headless general, a drunk monk, and a demon with eagle wings, he was utterly exhausted.

By now, he had experienced every possible weapon and used every magic he could think of. Though he hadn’t suffered too many injuries, his body was no longer in perfect condition. He really wanted to get through this next challenge more easily, but unfortunately, he had to fight for real once again.

The fox spirit was skilled, using no weapons but relying entirely on her magical abilities. She created countless illusions around Bai Fanlu, making it impossible to distinguish between real and fake. She floated around, whispering seductive words in his ear, trying to disrupt his mind.

Bai Fanlu sat in the center, using a protective barrier and chanting spells to prevent the fox spirit from messing with his mind, waiting for her to slip up over time.

But the fox spirit seemed to understand his plan. Suddenly, a sharp screech pierced down from above, and a wild fox emerged from the ground, not an illusion but a real one, lunging straight for Bai Fanlu’s heart.

The wild fox was too fast for Bai Fanlu to dodge. Its sharp teeth had already pierced his robe when a burst of bright blue light suddenly erupted from his chest, knocking the wild fox to the ground, where it twitched twice before turning into a wisp of white smoke.

Seeing this, Bai Fanlu quickly scanned the area and caught sight of the fox spirit looking unusual. He immediately launched a swift attack with a binding spell, charging at her.

The fox spirit was forced to reveal her true form, and all the surrounding illusions vanished. She crossed her arms to block Bai Fanlu’s strike with all her strength, but Bai Fanlu quickly followed up with a lightning spell. The fox spirit, fearing lightning, couldn’t resist and reverted to her true fox form, curling up and pleading for mercy.

“Spare me, great one! I was momentarily possessed by a ghost, but I truly only want to reincarnate as a human. If you strike now, I’ll have no chance for rebirth. Please, great one, have mercy and spare me!”

Bai Fanlu held his spell, unable to cast it.

It wasn’t out of pity, but her mention of “no chance for rebirth” suddenly reminded him of someone.

At that moment, a purple lightning bolt shot out from the side, striking the fox spirit’s vital spot. She let out a mournful cry and shrank into a ball before turning into a Netherworld Ghost Fire.

“Unnecessary kindness can be dangerous.”

Bai Fanlu turned to the voice and saw a stranger’s face, but the black-robed figure and the voice belonged to the wild ghost from Gusu Bridge!

Didn’t he say he never left Gusu Bridge? How did he get here? And why did he help me?

“This fox spirit, having attained an immortal body, has been causing havoc. That’s why she couldn’t enter the cycle of reincarnation. Most of the spirits crossing Gusu Bridge are heinous criminals who can only become Netherworld Ghost Fires. After a hundred years, they enter the Yellow Spring Sea, where I fish for them.”

So that’s how it was—the Netherworld Ghost Fires in this forest were formed this way.

“Kindness is a good thing, but kindness without discernment can harm you. If you encounter a similar situation next time and no one helps you, what will you do?”

“… Senior, your guidance is appreciated.”

Bai Fanlu had been misunderstood; he hadn’t intended to show mercy. But he humbly accepted the lesson. His veil had fallen off during the fight, revealing his true face. The wild ghost must have realized that he wasn’t a spirit.

A living person with life still left entering the Underworld was an enormous violation, but the wild ghost’s words didn’t seem to carry any malice. Instead, there was a sense of concern, like that of an elder for a younger person.

While Bai Fanlu hesitated, the wild ghost raised his hand and produced an identical veil, handing it to Bai Fanlu. “Returning this to its owner.”

Bai Fanlu was startled. The meaning was clear—the wild ghost had seen through his identity but was willing to help him conceal it?

“… Thank you, senior.”

Bai Fanlu accepted the veil, putting it on while secretly observing the man. The novel described him as mysterious, and the original protagonist had addressed him as “senior” upon first sight, so Bai Fanlu assumed he was at least middle-aged.

But to his surprise, the wild ghost looked very young, around twenty-five or twenty-six, with long, slightly unruly hair. Though not particularly handsome, his face had a certain kindness.

“If you’re looking for Netherworld Ghost Fire, there’s a way to obtain it in the human world that might save you some effort.”

Bai Fanlu was taken aback. Was he saying that Netherworld Ghost Fire existed in the human world too? Bai Fanlu immediately recalled the original storyline.

Xun Huang hadn’t asked the original protagonist to retrieve Netherworld Ghost Fire but had instead awakened directly when the time came. Could this mean that Xun Huang had already obtained the Netherworld Ghost Fire from the human world in the original story?

“May I ask, senior, how can Netherworld Ghost Fire be obtained in the human world?”

“In the human world, there’s a plant called Redroot Grass. Have you heard of it?”

Bai Fanlu shook his head, and the wild ghost continued, “Redroot Grass grows in snowy plains and takes five hundred years to mature into a single plant. It has red stems and green leaves, and while it can be harvested indefinitely, it only survives for a month before disappearing for another five hundred years.”

Bai Fanlu remembered seeing such a plant!

“Anyone who eats Redroot Grass or comes into contact with it will turn into Netherworld Ghost Fire upon death. That’s why there are also scattered Netherworld Ghost Fires in the human world.”

Bai Fanlu suddenly realized—the group of seven he had encountered, if they hadn’t been rescued, would have become exactly seven Netherworld Ghost Fires!

At this moment, Bai Fanlu remembered something else—Xiao Liu had also touched Redroot Grass.

He hurriedly asked, “What if someone who isn’t human touches the grass?”

“The result is the same, except that the stronger the spiritual power, whether immortal or demon, the more potent the ghost fire that is produced.”

“Does ‘more potent’ mean that a single ghost fire from an immortal could equal seven from a human?”

“You could say that, maybe even more.” The wild ghost paused, then added, “Absorbing Netherworld Ghost Fire can temporarily boost your cultivation, but it’s extremely dangerous—it’s an act against the natural order… You…”

The wild ghost shook his head, refraining from saying more, while Bai Fanlu furrowed his brow. This conversation had given him a sudden insight into why Xun Huang wanted him to kill Xiao Liu.

No wonder Xun Huang said he had no grudge against Xiao Liu—he must have sensed the Redroot Grass on him and wanted the Netherworld Ghost Fire!

Moreover, Xun Huang could have simply waited for the poison to kill Xiao Liu, but perhaps time was running out, so he pressured Bai Fanlu to act. When that failed, he resorted to having Bai Fanlu go through the Underworld.

Finally, Bai Fanlu had unraveled the events surrounding Ling City.

Originally, the Dragon God Xun Huang’s true dragon form was sealed in Fengshen Terrace. The person who sealed him had been quite cunning, knowing that Xun Huang’s strength would be a problem. So they erased Xun Huang’s memory, had him guard Fengshen Terrace himself, and constructed a barrier around it. Beneath this barrier lay Ling City, and no one would suspect that an entire city and a dragon were buried underground.

But the appearance of the demonic rift was a turning point. In the novel, when Yun Zhan and his companion entered Fengshen Terrace to seal the demonic rift, they disrupted the earth’s veins, causing the true form of the Dragon God beneath to show signs of awakening. This also triggered the return of Xun Huang’s memories, leading him to try to break free from his confinement, eventually overturning Ling City and breaking through the barrier.

This was how the events were supposed to unfold, but now it seemed the novel hadn’t mentioned that the people of Ling City who had eaten Redroot Grass turned into Netherworld Ghost Fire, which Xun Huang absorbed to aid his awakening.

In the altered storyline, the sealing of the demonic rift in Yingzhou caused an unexpected disturbance in the earth’s veins, leading to the early awakening of Xun Huang’s true form beneath the ground, and the premature burial of Ling City.

However, the seven people who should have died in the snowstorm were saved by chance, leaving Xun Huang without the necessary condition for his awakening.

The barrier that imprisoned Xun Huang, like all barriers, would be weakest at certain times. Xun Huang was in a hurry because this was likely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After regaining his memory, Xun Huang’s only goal was to escape the barrier, but he couldn’t break through to the Underworld. So, he had no choice but to cooperate with Bai Fanlu.

Bai Fanlu finally pieced everything together, feeling just as overwhelmed as he had after the events in Yingzhou.

The wild ghost had been observing Bai Fanlu the whole time. Seeing that he seemed to have relaxed a bit, he continued, “However, finding Netherworld Ghost Fire in the human world requires luck. The grass originally came from the demon world, and only those in the demon world can obtain its seeds.”

Bai Fanlu was shocked. Was this a hint that the Redroot Grass in Ling City had been deliberately planted? If it was planted there to create conditions for Xun Huang’s awakening… then the demon world…

The mastermind must be Bai Junming! If anyone had the power and cunning to do this, it had to be him.

“Are you seeking Netherworld Ghost Fire to save someone?” the wild ghost suddenly asked.

Bai Fanlu pulled his thoughts together and replied earnestly, “Yes, a very important friend.”

“I can see that.” The wild ghost nodded slightly, not asking anything further.

Bai Fanlu glanced at the ghost fires flickering in the forest, then turned to the wild ghost and bowed, “May I ask the senior’s name?”

“Wu Zhong.”

Bai Fanlu silently committed the name to memory. “Thank you, Senior Wu. I only need one more ghost fire. May I ask for your help?”

Wu Zhong gestured for him to continue.

Bai Fanlu took a deep breath and was about to approach a ghost fire when one suddenly floated over on its own, landing gently in his palm.

“…” Bai Fanlu was puzzled. Why did this happen?

“It has a connection with you.” Wu Zhong walked over to him, also looking at the ghost fire.

“Since it is willing to help you, accept it. Consider it a good deed.”

Bai Fanlu had been prepared for another battle, but when he tried to capture the ghost fire, it offered no resistance.

If each ghost fire represented a life, then who was this ghost fire? As it flickered gently in his palm, it felt warm and lively. Could a life with such qualities turn into a Netherworld Ghost Fire?

Bai Fanlu couldn’t figure it out. Wu Zhong then said, “You should go back. This isn’t a place for you to linger.”

Bai Fanlu nodded. Xiao Liu was still waiting for him, but before leaving, there was one more important thing he needed to ask. “Senior, I have one more question.”

“Go ahead.”

“If a Shadow Demon wants to enter the cycle of reincarnation, how can it be done?”

“That…” Wu Zhong frowned slightly, and Bai Fanlu knew it wasn’t going to be easy. But the system had mentioned “Yellow Spring Sea, Meng Po’s Soup,” so it had to be resolved in the Underworld.

Wu Zhong shook his head. “The matter of reincarnation should be discussed with Meng Po. I only handle the ghost fires by Gusu Bridge; she oversees reincarnation.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

“Mm, go ahead.” Wu Zhong nodded slightly, watching Bai Fanlu leave quickly.

When Bai Fanlu crossed Gusu Bridge and seemed to head toward the Chain Bridge, Wu Zhong shook his head and smiled as he looked at the forest filled with flickering lights.

“Your son has grown up… He really resembles you.”

Author’s note:

Bai Fanlu: Continuing with the theme of others knowing me while I don’t know them.

Yun Zhan: What concerns me more is this… So, I’m just an ‘important friend’ to you?

Bai Fanlu: What else?

Author: What’s there to be confused about? Everyone listening already understands—you just haven’t noticed.

Yun Zhan: ╯^╰ (dog eyes not happy)

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