But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 50

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 50

In Mandarin Chinese, the word for “white” is “白” (bái). The character “白” represents the color white and is pronounced “bái.”

This chapter is designated as a special edition in celebration of the Lantern Festival in China. Although it is an additional chapter, the author has numbered it as Chapter 50, and I have similarly labeled it as such. To clarify any potential confusion regarding its content, which may not directly relate to the preceding chapter, I have included an explanation. This special chapter is intended to commemorate the Chinese Lantern Festival.

Shangyuan Lantern Festival, celebrated by all.

On this night in Yufang City, not only the Baohua Pavilion but the entire street was illuminated with radiant lights, with golden trees and silver flowers adorning the way. Countless visitors roamed the streets, each holding a brilliantly lit lantern in their hands.

Lanterns of all shapes and sizes—large, small, elaborate, simple, single, or paired—carried different meanings as people used them to express their hopes during this special occasion.

Bai Fanlu sat in an inconspicuous corner of a tavern, leisurely lifting his wine cup, about to drink. He had prepared well for this night, having specially obtained a legendary human-skin mask. Looking at his reflection in the cup, he felt increasingly pleased with himself.

Why should others get to deceive him by changing their appearances? He could do the same!

Bai Fanlu thought he could finally enjoy a peaceful and carefree festival. But just as he was about to take a sip, someone behind him rudely grabbed his hand, stopping him.

A hand seized his and didn’t let go, as someone unceremoniously sat beside him. The long wooden bench suddenly felt cramped.

Bai Fanlu raised an eyebrow in silence, glancing at the hand that had grasped his.

The person ignored his subtle cues and even ran their hand over his.

“Brother, drinking alone is no fun. Why not let me join you?” said a young man, flashing a mischievous smile. His face was handsome and dignified, but his manner was casual and roguish.

Bai Fanlu subtly twisted his wrist but couldn’t break free.

Alright, same old tricks. He would play along.

“Young brother, if you don’t let go, how can we share a drink?” Bai Fanlu asked, his tone calm.

The young man laughed heartily and finally released Bai Fanlu’s hand. Without further ado, Bai Fanlu drained his cup in one go.

“Hey, wait!” The young man, just about to pour more wine, saw Bai Fanlu had already finished his drink. Too late to stop him, he grabbed Bai Fanlu’s cup and complained, “We were supposed to drink together! How can you be so unbrotherly?”

“Brotherly?” Bai Fanlu replied flatly. “We’re neither relatives nor friends. What brotherly bond do we share?”

The young man was taken aback, filled both cups, and pushed one toward Bai Fanlu. But just as Bai Fanlu was about to take it, a breeze swept by, and the cup was pulled back by the young man.

“Hold on!”


What now? Bai Fanlu thought.

The young man leaned in slightly, hooking his finger under Bai Fanlu’s chin and tilting it up gently. Bai Fanlu looked into his eyes and saw the reflections of the city’s lanterns in his bright pupils.

“On a night like this, drinking in the usual way is too dull. How about we drink cross-cupped?” the young man suggested.


No response.

The tavern bustled with activity, with people calling out for more wine. Bai Fanlu threw two copper coins, one landing precisely on the young man’s stomach, causing him to retreat, while the other clinked onto the server’s tray.


The nearby diners were amazed by his precision.

Bai Fanlu stood up and left the tavern without a word.

“Brother, how can you just leave like that?” The young man chased after him, shouting loudly as if afraid no one else could hear, “There’s still so much wine left, such a waste! Let’s go back and finish it!”

The noise was unbearable, and Bai Fanlu stopped. “Young brother, if you’re concerned about wasting it, feel free to drink to your heart’s content. I have pressing matters to attend to and can’t accompany you.”

But the young man wouldn’t give up, “What’s the fun in drinking alone? We’re friends now, aren’t we? You seem like a reasonable person, so why not give me some face?”

Bai Fanlu found the young man both amusing and annoying.

Alright, let’s see you try.

And so, a battle of wits and wine ensued between them, leading to an unexpected turn of events that would mark this night, not with peace, but with laughter, brawls, and shared secrets under the moonlit sky.

The young man, clearly determined, chased after Bai Fanlu for three miles outside the city, carrying a large wine jar. He blocked Bai Fanlu’s path, panting heavily.

“Stop right there!”

Bai Fanlu halted, raising an eyebrow. “What do you want?”

The young man hoisted the wine jar, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and said, “I want to drink with you, of course!”

A wine fanatic!

Bai Fanlu snorted softly, “And what if I refuse?”

The young man held the jar in his right hand, stroking his chin with his left, appearing to ponder seriously. “If you refuse, well, I can always drink for you. Or perhaps… this little fellow can.”

With a wave of his hand, the young man pulled something out of thin air. It was a plump little creature, covered in white fur, with big, tear-filled black eyes. It dangled helplessly as the young man held it by the scruff of its neck, struggling to escape but unable to.

“Squeak squeak~ squeak squeak~”

Bai Fanlu was momentarily speechless.

Really? Using your own pet as a threat? Is that even effective?

Surprisingly, the answer was yes.

After a moment of hesitation, Bai Fanlu waved his hand, and the human-skin mask on his face dissipated into the air.

The “young man” burst out laughing. With a flash of blue light, his true form was revealed—none other than Yun Zhan, who had mysteriously disappeared for several days.

Yun Zhan released the little white monkey, which quickly scampered off to safety, escaping as if its life depended on it.

“Haha! So, you give in just like that? That’s not like you, senior brother.”

Bai Fanlu chuckled, “It’s just too boring.”

“Were you missing me?” Yun Zhan teased.

“…” Bai Fanlu thought it best not to respond.

Yun Zhan grinned mischievously, patting the wine jar he was holding. “If you’re bored, how about we share another jar? This is the finest ‘Yuxiu Liufang,’ and I waited in line for several days to get it.”

So, this is why he disappeared for so long? Just to get this?

For some reason, Bai Fanlu felt a bit irritated. “You’ll drink yourself to death.”

Yun Zhan laughed, his smile playful and teasing. “If I die, would you be heartbroken, senior brother?”

“…” Bai Fanlu regretted engaging in this conversation. He had already decided not to speak, so why was he still responding?

Not waiting for an answer, Yun Zhan sat down on the grass and patted the ground beside him.

After a moment of hesitation, Bai Fanlu sat down as well.

The night sky was clear, the moon hanging high above.

The two of them passed the wine jar back and forth, taking turns drinking, until they had gone through several rounds without even realizing it.

Yun Zhan peered into the wine jar, shaking it slightly. “Look at that, only one mouthful left… Senior brother, who’s going to drink it?”

Bai Fanlu was indifferent. “You can have it.”

Yun Zhan had drunk most of the jar anyway. Now he was acting all modest?

After thinking for a moment, Yun Zhan suggested, “How about this—we spar for it. Three rounds. Whoever wins gets the last sip. If it’s a tie, we’ll share it. Sound fair?”

“There’s no need for that. You can drink it,” Bai Fanlu replied. He wasn’t that obsessed with wine.

“That won’t do. I can’t take advantage of you, senior brother!”


You’ve taken advantage of me enough already, haven’t you?

With a wave of his hand, Bai Fanlu signaled Yun Zhan to make the first move. Yun Zhan didn’t hesitate and walked to an open spot.

Both of them moved with extraordinary grace, their movements captivating. With a few swift, sharp sounds, Bai Fanlu launched two silver streaks from his hands, blocking Yun Zhan from both above and below. His robe sleeves extended, unleashing a brilliant golden arc like a rainbow across the sky, directly targeting Yun Zhan.

But Yun Zhan remained calm, a flash of green light from his waist sweeping up like a thousand waves. His blade moved like ink on a scroll, unfurling layer by layer, as vast and powerful as a mighty river.

The streaks from Bai Fanlu’s attack dissolved into the waves, disappearing without a trace.

In the next moment, Bai Fanlu’s five silver streaks spread from his fingers, and light, sharp as a breeze, shot toward Yun Zhan. The airborne flower petals were shredded, scattering in the wind. Bai Fanlu’s fingers danced with the elegance of a swallow in spring.

Yun Zhan remained unhurried, raising his arm casually. His green blade seemed to transform into a brush, rising into the sky and meeting Bai Fanlu’s wind blades head-on.

For the first two rounds, Bai Fanlu attacked while Yun Zhan defended. Since Bai Fanlu couldn’t break through Yun Zhan’s defense, the result was a tie.

In the third round, both of them instinctively switched their strategies. Spotting a weakness in Yun Zhan’s defense, Bai Fanlu seized the opportunity. Yun Zhan, meanwhile, uttered an incantation, and within moments, the spiritual energy surrounding Bai Fanlu was drawn in, radiating like a dazzling halo.

This was an all-out attack, a move made out of respect for an opponent’s skill. Yun Zhan’s smile grew wider as he watched Bai Fanlu remain still, his expression calm.

With a mighty sweep of his weapon, Yun Zhan unleashed a final, decisive strike.

But just as the powerful golden light descended, Bai Fanlu tilted his head slightly. In the next instant, the spiritual energy swirling around him froze, inexplicably retracting into the sword in his hand.

He had exposed himself completely to Yun Zhan’s attack!

Yun Zhan’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly pulled back. But it was too late—Bai Fanlu’s spiritual energy merged with his own in an instant, trapping him.

In the blink of an eye, the tables had turned. Bai Fanlu raised his right hand, retracting the wind blades aimed at Yun Zhan.

He clasped his hands together and smiled faintly. “Junior brother, I win.”

Ah, my wine…

Using a feigned weakness to bait him into defeat? That was too devious! Where had his gentle and innocent senior brother gone?

Yun Zhan mourned his loss, casting a longing look at Bai Fanlu.

The wine jar was already at Bai Fanlu’s lips. Feeling Yun Zhan’s gaze on him, Bai Fanlu hesitated.

“Junior brother, it was actually a tie. How about we each drink half?”

There was barely a mouthful left—splitting it would hardly be enough for a sip.

Bai Fanlu had only said it out of courtesy, but to his surprise, Yun Zhan practically jumped at the suggestion.

“Great! I knew you were the best, senior brother! I won’t be polite then!”

Yun Zhan cheerfully took the wine jar, and true to his word, he drank only half, leaving the rest for Bai Fanlu.

Bai Fanlu stared at the jar, suddenly realizing something: Had he become foolish? He had just gone through a whole sparring match over a mere mouthful of wine, and now they were splitting it.

With a sigh, Bai Fanlu finished the last of the wine.

“Senior brother…” Yun Zhan suddenly leaned closer.

Bai Fanlu had a bad feeling. Yun Zhan’s eyes locked onto his, making Bai Fanlu’s throat itch, and he instinctively licked his lips.

“What are you staring at me for? There’s no more wine…”

Yun Zhan shook his head, his tone serious. “Yes, there is.”

The freshly licked lips sparkled under the moonlight, looking more tempting than any fine wine.

Yun Zhan cupped the wine jar and leaned in, pretending to savor the aroma. “Senior brother, do you think what we just did counts as… an indirect kiss?”


And so, another fight was inevitable.

Bai Fanlu didn’t know why, but lately, every time he saw Yun Zhan, he felt an unexplainable urge to hit him.

Perhaps fighting was indeed a way for men to vent their frustrations. After the brawl, the wine was finished, and Bai Fanlu felt much better, his strange annoyance with Yun Zhan almost gone.

Yun Zhan lay on the grass, exhausted, while Bai Fanlu sat beside him. Not far from them was a lake.

Across the lake, they could see the brightly lit boats of Yufang City, and the sound of laughter and music drifted faintly through the night, making the forest around them seem even more peaceful and serene.

Suddenly, Yun Zhan’s eyes lit up. He stood up and said, “Senior brother, wait here for a moment.”

Before Bai Fanlu could react, Yun Zhan had already flown off toward Yufang City.

“… What’s going on?” Bai Fanlu was confused. Seeing Yun Zhan vanish into the distance, he withdrew his gaze and absentmindedly plucked a blade of grass to twirl between his fingers. Then, he gazed out over the lake.

A few stray lanterns floated on the surface of the water.

Across the lake, many people must have released their lanterns, but there was no wind tonight, so only a few had drifted over to this side.

Bai Fanlu stared at the lake, lost in thought.

What was he thinking about? His mind felt blank, as if Yun Zhan’s departure had left him with nothing to contemplate.

The feeling was akin to loneliness—frightening and helpless.

Unable to suppress the emotion, Bai Fanlu stood up and sat down several times, even considering flying across the lake himself.

It wasn’t until he finally saw a flash of blue light in the sky that Yun Zhan reappeared before him, bringing with him a sense of relief.

Yun Zhan landed, flashing a smile. “Senior brother, did you miss me already? I was only gone for a moment.”

“…” Bai Fanlu, for once, didn’t retort.

Yun Zhan approached, and from behind his back, he revealed two lanterns.

One was a rabbit lantern, and the other was a lotus lantern. He gently blew on the rabbit lantern, and it lit up.

Yun Zhan handed the lotus lantern to Bai Fanlu. “Here, senior brother, you light this one.”

Bai Fanlu frowned, glancing at the lantern. “I want the rabbit one.”

“No way! The rabbit is mine. I’ve already named it ‘Little White Rabbit,’ and no one can take it. Little White Rabbit is mine.”


How childish! Bai Fanlu’s face reddened slightly.

Why was he blushing? What was there to blush about? He needed to stop!

Bai Fanlu silently scolded himself, taking the lotus lantern with some frustration. He lit the candle inside, and as the fire flickered to life, his blush was hidden by the glow.

But the lotus lantern was really ugly. He still wanted the rabbit one.

“Do you really like this one, senior brother?” Yun Zhan asked.


Bai Fanlu was born in the Year of the Rabbit, so maybe it was some kind of zodiac attachment?

“In that case, I’ll give it to you.”

What? Bai Fanlu’s eyes lit up, then dimmed again. There was no way Yun Zhan would be so generous.

“But…” Yun Zhan added.

Knew it. There was a catch.

“But senior brother, you owe me a favor now.”

As Yun Zhan spoke, he suddenly leaned down and kissed Bai Fanlu on the cheek. “There, that’s the favor.”

Bai Fanlu snatched the rabbit lantern from Yun Zhan, resisting the urge to throw the lotus lantern at his head. He remembered the flame inside and, not wanting to cause a fire, restrained himself and instead marched toward the lake.

The two of them silently set their lanterns afloat on the water, making wishes just like the ordinary people on the other side of the lake.

When they had finished making their wishes, Bai Fanlu expected Yun Zhan to tease him about what he had wished for. But Yun Zhan didn’t ask, so Bai Fanlu didn’t ask him either.

They sat by the lake, quietly watching the lanterns drift.

After some time had passed, Yun Zhan yawned and stretched. “It’s rare to have such a peaceful moment.”

“Indeed,” Bai Fanlu agreed for once.

“Senior brother,” Yun Zhan said with a nostalgic smile, “When was the last time we sat together like this?”

Bai Fanlu closed his eyes, pretending not to hear.

Yun Zhan leaned on his arm, resting his head in his hand. “Senior brother, what are you thinking about?”

“Nothing,” Bai Fanlu replied.

“Really?” Yun Zhan moved a little closer, his voice lowering, becoming more coaxing. “Are you sure you have nothing to say to me, senior brother?”

Bai Fanlu turned his head away. “Nothing.”

Yun Zhan stared intently at Bai Fanlu, not immediately refuting him.

Bai Fanlu’s breath quickened. Yun Zhan’s gaze was too direct, making him feel like he had nowhere to hide.

“Senior brother, are you mad at me?”

Bai Fanlu’s heart skipped a beat. Why would he be mad? Was it because this person, who was usually impossible to get rid of, had suddenly disappeared for so many days?

Or was it something else…?

He couldn’t remember, nor did he want to.

“I’m not mad at you,” he said.

“Then…” Yun Zhan smiled, “does that mean you were thinking about me, senior brother?”

Bai Fanlu didn’t know how to respond. After a long pause, he said, “No.”

Yun Zhan’s eyes gleamed with moonlight as he gazed at Bai Fanlu. “Senior brother, can you say that again?”

“…” There was nothing he couldn’t say, but Bai Fanlu opened his mouth and couldn’t get the words out.

Yun Zhan stared at him for a long moment, then shook his head. “Ah, how sad. Senior brother didn’t think about me at all, but I…”

He reached for a gourd at his waist and waved it in front of Bai Fanlu. “Since senior brother didn’t think about me, I guess this pot of good wine is all mine.”

Bai Fanlu lowered his eyes. “Go ahead, drink it yourself.”

Yun Zhan uncorked the gourd with a flick of his thumb, tipping his head back to take a drink.

Bai Fanlu smiled faintly, making as if to stand up, but just then, a powerful force slammed into his shoulder, knocking him off balance and sending him tumbling to the ground.

Before he could react, a firm chest pressed down on him, still warm with the heat of the wine.


His voice was swallowed before it could escape. The rich flavor of Yuxiu Liufang, the finest wine, sweet and intoxicating, flooded his senses, mingling with the aggressive kiss that claimed his lips.

Bai Fanlu had no time to resist as Yun Zhan dominated the kiss. By the time he regained his senses, he was already swallowing the warm wine Yun Zhan had fed him.


His hands were pinned by his sides. Bai Fanlu struggled to break free, but Yun Zhan’s grip was too strong.

In a moment of desperation, Bai Fanlu bit down on Yun Zhan’s lip. But even then, he hesitated and didn’t bite too hard.

Yun Zhan felt Bai Fanlu’s bite and opened his eyes. Instead of getting angry, his gaze sparkled with mischief.

Senior brother, you just can’t bear to hurt me, can you?

Reading the teasing in Yun Zhan’s expression, Bai Fanlu glared back at him.

But Yun Zhan couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

He released Bai Fanlu and leaned his forehead against his, hugging him tightly.

“Senior brother, I was so sad these past few days. I thought you had given up on me.”


“If I hadn’t come back today, would you have looked for me?”

Bai Fanlu couldn’t answer. He remained silent.

Yun Zhan’s breath was warm against his skin, and Bai Fanlu’s heartbeat quickened. He shrank back slightly, as if trying to hide his feelings.

But even if others couldn’t see it, his feelings were right there in his heart.

There was no hiding from himself.

“Actually…” Bai Fanlu began, but he trailed off.

The lanterns floated across the lake, swaying gently. Two lanterns, one rabbit and one lotus, drifted apart, heading in different directions, only to be brought back together by the returning waves.

When Bai Fanlu woke up, he couldn’t remember what he had wanted to say. He only remembered the two lanterns—one rabbit and one lotus—and that he had made a wish on the rabbit lantern.

Perhaps this was a glimpse of reality from many years in the future.

Or maybe it was just a fleeting dream on this very night.

Bai Fanlu thought the main character would be someone else, but it turned out to be “him,” buried deep within his heart—perhaps even deeper than that other person.

Whose memory was this?

Who knew?

It was probably just like those tales passed down in storybooks, where people say, “It was all just a dream.”

Author’s note:

In response to a reader’s wish for something sweet, I quickly added this extra chapter, which is why this update came a bit late. Sorry! There are probably some errors, as I didn’t have much time to revise it, hehe. Most importantly, Happy Lantern Festival to everyone! Love you all!

Also, I just realized… I wrote 10,000 characters today!

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