But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 52

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 52

The carriage circled the bend and quickly entered the dense forest, leaving behind only two wheel tracks and a little dust gently floating in the air.

Bai Fanlu withdrew his gaze and escorted the old lady back to the thatched cottage.

And just like that, the Snow Lingzhi returned to its original owner, as if fulfilling the saying, “What comes around, goes around.” It ended up in the old lady’s hands once again.

This time, to ensure nothing went wrong, Bai Fanlu directly turned the Snow Lingzhi into a pill for the old lady and only felt at ease after watching her take it.

He initially planned to leave some silver, but recalling how the old lady adamantly refused to accept the Snow Lingzhi earlier, he figured she wouldn’t accept his money either, so he gave up.

It seemed that the old lady had accepted the Snow Lingzhi initially mostly because of her son’s last wish. Later, selling it was likely her way of expressing her love for him as a mother.

After bidding farewell to the old lady, Bai Fanlu received a system notification on his way to Gonghua Town.

Ding: “Congratulations on completing the side quest ‘Gift of Lingzhi.’ You have earned ‘Reader’s Brainstorm’ Fragment ×3 and unlocked Hidden Event One: ‘Two Places, One Heart’ and Hidden Event Two: ‘Morning as Black Hair, Evening as White Snow.'”

Although he still didn’t quite understand the hidden events, at least he had completed another task.

Upon arriving at Gonghua Town, Bai Fanlu casually walked past the entrance of Renxin Pharmacy but ultimately didn’t go in.

After leaving Gonghua Town, he wasn’t in the mood to return to the Tianxu Sect. With the old lady’s matter fresh in his mind, he decided to visit Jiyang to see Shen Lanshan and Xiang Wanyi. After all, he had promised them, and it was only right to see it through.

When he arrived at Jiyang, he noticed a group of unfamiliar immortal sect disciples who appeared to be part of a demon-slaying squad.

Given his current awkward reputation and uncertainty about whether these people recognized the original owner of his body, Bai Fanlu decided to disguise himself and hide his Tianxu Sect robes to avoid unnecessary trouble.

He then headed to the Shen residence and almost didn’t recognize Shen Lanshan when he saw him.

“Brother Shen, it’s been a while, and you look much better.”

People are always in high spirits when joyful things happen. The difficulties facing Xiang Wanyi had been resolved, and it showed. This handsome and dashing look was indeed worthy of Xiang Wanyi’s affection.

Bai Fanlu teased Shen Lanshan, but the other man simply stared at him for a long moment before finally smiling and saying, “You’ve changed a lot too.”

“Me? Have I?” Bai Fanlu didn’t want others to say he looked more haggard.

Shen Lanshan shook his head. “No, not really. You’re fine.”

After some small talk, Shen Lanshan led Bai Fanlu into the inner hall and had a servant send word ahead.

Outside a certain room, a young woman with delicate features came out to greet them with a bow. She was holding a baby in her arms, who looked like it had been born not long ago.

Bai Fanlu quickly realized that this baby was likely…

“Yes, this is ‘him’,” Shen Lanshan said softly.

Bai Fanlu immediately understood.

The baby seemed very attached to Shen Lanshan, wanting to be held whenever he was away, and never cried, always smiling brightly. The baby was already growing well, with big, adorable eyes.

Shen Lanshan played with the little baby while the young woman watched with concern. Since she was there, they couldn’t talk much, so after a while, the little one got hungry, and the woman took the baby inside to feed him.

Only then could Shen Lanshan tell Bai Fanlu what had happened, “That day, Brother Xiao Liu returned and mentioned a way to allow Wanyi to reincarnate, so we went looking.”

“At first, we inquired at the clinic to see if there were any similar cases, but we found no clues. We even visited nearby towns and villages, asking doctors to keep an eye out.”

“In the end, it was all a coincidence. My cousin, the one you just met, came to seek refuge with us after encountering some trouble at home. Unfortunately, her husband passed away on the way, and she gave birth to this child in great distress, after a difficult three-day labor. The baby was actually already gone…”

“And it was during that time… thanks to this opportunity. Otherwise, the midwife said both the child and the mother would have been lost.”

Life indeed relies on fate, and Bai Fanlu couldn’t help but sigh.

“With this child, my father is also very pleased. My cousin’s father is my uncle, so this child carries the blood of the Shen family. To be honest, after you left that day, I told my father that I would not marry in the future.”

Bai Fanlu wasn’t surprised. “I knew you’d say that.” That’s why he had intentionally given Shen’s father a heads-up.

Shen Lanshan smiled knowingly, “Thank you. You are a great benefactor to both me and Wanyi.” He paused and added, “And so is Brother Xiao Liu.”

Bai Fanlu’s expression became a bit uneasy.

“You might not know this,” Shen Lanshan said, “but during those days when my cousin was giving birth, we had to switch midwives several times, all thanks to Brother Xiao Liu. Though he seems young, he’s very meticulous and patient in his work.”

Bai Fanlu forced a laugh, unsure how to respond, so he could only nod slightly in agreement.

Since Shen Lanshan and Xiang Wanyi had a deep mutual affection, they naturally had more sensitivity to matters of the heart than others. Shen Lanshan had already noticed something and said to Bai Fanlu, “Actually, I envy both of you.”

“Envy… us?”

“Yes, you and Xiao Liu.” Shen Lanshan held the tea cup in his hand and looked down at the green tea leaves floating inside, rising and sinking, just like life.

“…” Bai Fanlu lowered his head, seemingly sipping tea but not actually drinking a drop.

“You two are close in age and have many years ahead of you to enjoy the best times together. But Wanyi and I…” Shen Lanshan smiled and then sighed, “By the time he grows up, I’ll already be old. I’ll feel unworthy of him then.”

“We’re not…” Bai Fanlu hurried to clarify, but Shen Lanshan’s teasing gaze made him lose his words.

If it wasn’t the case, there was no need for such a strong reaction. After all, Shen Lanshan hadn’t even directly pointed it out, only mentioned age differences. Now, with this reaction, it was as good as an unintentional confession.

Bai Fanlu calmed himself and changed the subject, “Wanyi won’t mind that. Look at how young he is now; you’re different to him. If someone truly cares about another, even if their appearance changes, their place in that person’s heart remains unchanged…”

But after saying this, it sounded suspiciously like a confession.

“What I mean is…” The more he explained, the worse it got. Should he continue?

Shen Lanshan smiled gently, “Hearing you say that, I feel much more at ease.”

“…” But Bai Fanlu’s heart was even more conflicted.

Bai Fanlu ended up staying at the Shen residence for two days. On one hand, he wanted to see what the immortal sect disciples were up to in the town. On the other, he wanted to spend time with the baby, who was the reincarnation of Wanyi.

He had always had a soft spot for these little ones. When he was at the orphanage, he was the oldest of all the children, and from a young age, he had looked after the younger ones, constantly moving between cribs and diapers, with two snot-nosed toddlers trailing behind him.

But Xiao Liu was the easiest to care for. Even when he was only eight months old, he would call him “big brother” without learning to say “mom” or “dad,” just “big brother.”

Just like Wanyi now, Xiao Liu always smiled at him and would only pout when he felt ignored, throwing little tantrums. But the moment he saw Bai Fanlu, his face would light up with a big smile.

As Xiao Liu grew older, he would ask for hugs and kisses and even compete with other little boys and girls for attention. His way of competing was silent; he’d simply squeeze into the crowd, hang on Bai Fanlu’s neck, and give him kisses on the cheek.

He also had a trick that Bai Fanlu accidentally discovered later on. When Bai Fanlu turned his back, the sweet, innocent expression on Xiao Liu’s face would immediately change to that of a domineering, aloof little rascal. He would glare at any other little boy or girl who “dared to covet” his big brother, scaring them off with a fierce look.

Whether this tactic was effective or not, no one knew, but in the end, Xiao Liu naturally became known among the children as “the one Big Brother dotes on the most,” “the worst one who always monopolizes Big Brother,” and “the one who always tricks Big Brother with his pitiful act.”

And so, later on…

“Big brother, aren’t I your favorite? Why did you put socks on him and not me?”

“Xiao Liu, you’re already four years old; you can put on your socks by yourself.”

“No! You put socks on him, so you have to put socks on me too, and I want to be first.”

“So, if I give him a bottle, do you also want to drink from a bottle?”


“And if I change his diaper, do you also want to wear a diaper?”


The other children started to tease, “Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu, so shameless! You’re so big, yet you still want to wear a diaper. Shame on you!”

Bai Fanlu teased him on purpose, “Alright then, take off your pants, and I’ll put a diaper on you.”

“…No, no way!”

He covered his face and ran away in a flash.

But he wouldn’t stay embarrassed for long. By nightfall, after all the other kids were sound asleep, the little rascal would sneak back to Bai Fanlu’s bed, squeezing himself between him and the baby.

“Big brother, I want you to sleep with me.”

“Alright, sleep.”

“Big brother, I’m still your favorite, right?”

“Yes, you’re still my favorite, okay?”

“Hehe! I knew it, brother, I—I like you too! Like you very, very, very much! The most, the most, the most! You must remember this, in the future… in the future…”

In the future, if you forget me, when I tell you ‘I like you,’ you must remember again, you must…

Bai Fanlu suddenly woke up, realizing that at some point, he had fallen asleep leaning on the edge of the cradle.

That last sentence wasn’t from the child in the dream—it was…

Bai Fanlu frowned, gripping the edge of the cradle tightly, feeling a faint pain in his head.

Inside the cradle, little Wanyi was staring at him with wide, round eyes, murmuring, “Ya… ya…”

Bai Fanlu snapped back to reality, and upon seeing little Wanyi, his heart softened. He was about to reach out and pinch the child’s cheek but then stopped himself.

He wasn’t sure if the soul reincarnated with memories. If this was an adult’s mind in a baby’s body, it wouldn’t be appropriate to pinch the face like that.

But the way this little baby looked, it really made his hands itch.

Instead, Bai Fanlu lightly patted the cradle and softly said, “Wanyi, I have to go. I need to check on another child about your age. There’s chaos everywhere now, and I’m worried about them.”

As he was saying this, Shen Lanshan entered the courtyard and overheard him. “You’re leaving already?”

Bai Fanlu nodded and asked, “What’s the situation outside?”

Shen Lanshan had gone to gather information for him and replied, “From what I heard, it seems to be members of the Liu Feng Sect tracking down a demon, but they haven’t found it yet. Are you leaving now? If there really is a demon…”

Bai Fanlu hadn’t told Shen Lanshan his true identity and simply said, “I’m just a wandering cultivator, no need to worry.”

This area wasn’t under Tianxu Sect’s jurisdiction, and as for Liu Feng Sect, their leader was a stubborn man. In the novel, he was the one who most vocally advocated for the original protagonist’s downfall. Although Bai Fanlu’s master had suppressed the rumors, there was no telling what those people truly thought. It was best to avoid them.

Bai Fanlu decided to use a teleportation technique, then travel by sword to his next destination.

This journey was much smoother and more efficient than last time. In just one day, he traveled from Jiyang Town to Mount Ercang, arriving in the glow of the setting sun. His flying sword stopped outside a courtyard wall nestled among green trees at the northern foot of the mountain.

From afar, he could already hear the joyful laughter of children. Bai Fanlu hadn’t even dismounted from his sword, yet his heart had already flown ahead.

He sheathed his sword and jogged a few steps until he saw the house’s thatched roof. Smoke was rising lazily from the chimney—it was dinnertime, and the smell of roasted sweet potatoes filled the air.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Fanlu was about to push open the door when he heard a girl’s voice, like silver bells, from inside, “This smells so good! Can I eat it now?”

“You can, but it’s very hot. Let it cool down a bit. Oh, and call everyone to come over.”

The voice, still youthful, carried a newfound maturity, as if two tones had combined—both familiar and strange.

Bai Fanlu paused in his steps, his hand frozen in midair, just before pushing open the door.

“They’re playing with Little Grey and Little White. They said they want to play for a while longer. I’ll fan it to cool it down faster~”


“Hmm? What’s up?”

“Could you… call me again… I feel like…”

“Haha! Brother Xiao Liu, how many times have I called you today? Xiao, Liu, Ge, Ge!”

The girl called out several more times in a row, and only then did the boy chuckle softly.

When Bai Fanlu heard this, for some reason, his heart was tugged by that laugh. He quietly stepped back a few paces, intending to leave without a sound.

Suddenly, someone called out behind him, “Brother Lu Fan, you’re back! Why are you standing at the door instead of going inside?”

From inside came the sound of something falling to the ground, followed by the girl’s complaint, “Brother Xiao Liu, the sweet potato fell on the ground!”

Embarrassed, Bai Fanlu turned around. A herdsman uncle was carrying a large bundle of firewood and a bamboo basket in his hand. Seeing Bai Fanlu standing there, he smiled and asked, “Has the house been built so well that you can’t recognize it anymore?”

As he approached, Bai Fanlu naturally stepped aside, and the herdsman uncle pushed open the wooden door in front of them, calling out, “Aunt Zhang, look who’s here!”

Before he could finish speaking, the man spotted the boy standing among the children in the courtyard and his smile widened even more. “Ah! Brother Xiao Liu is back too. Everyone’s here today…”

The children in the courtyard, upon seeing Bai Fanlu, immediately dropped whatever they were holding and rushed towards him like little swallows, jumping and chattering excitedly.

While interacting with the children, Bai Fanlu couldn’t help but steal glances towards a certain spot. The boy stood still for a long moment, then silently bent down to pick up the fallen sweet potato, not saying a word or making any extra movements.

The herdsman uncle probably sensed something was off but hadn’t yet asked. Bai Fanlu quickly explained, “We didn’t come together. I just arrived. He… he got here a bit earlier than me.”

“Oh, I see,” the herdsman uncle said with a hearty laugh. Fortunately, at that moment, Aunt Zhang emerged from the house, bringing a bit of life back into the awkward reunion.

Aunt Zhang was one of the three elders they had rescued back then, the youngest of the group. She was holding a bunch of greens, still dripping with water, as if she had rushed out in the middle of cooking.

She also had a baby strapped to her back, its head turning this way and that, its tiny hands waving and making soft cooing noises, as if it had just cried.

Seeing Bai Fanlu, Aunt Zhang immediately broke into a wide grin. “Lu Fan’s here too! Why didn’t Xiao Liu say anything? I’ll go prepare a few more dishes!”

“Perfect timing. I just brought some firewood, Aunt Zhang. Let me help you out.”

“Oh no, you don’t have to! Your household is busy enough. You always bring me firewood…”

“It’s just one bundle,” the herdsman uncle said, pushing her along. “Come, I’ll put it in the woodshed for you. Oh, by the way, our hen hatched a few chicks today. I brought them over for you to raise…”

As soon as the children heard about the chicks, they immediately forgot all about Bai Fanlu and crowded around the herdsman uncle, eager to see the baby chicks in his basket.

Fearing the kids might handle the chicks too roughly, the herdsman uncle quickly lifted the basket higher, and the group of children trooped off towards the woodshed with great excitement.

The courtyard, which had just been bustling with activity, suddenly quieted down.

Now, only Bai Fanlu stood by the door, and the boy sat near a small metal bucket in the courtyard, silently toying with the roasted sweet potato on the ground.

Author’s note:

Bai Xiaolu: Fate really has us crossing paths again. (draws sword)

Yun Gouzhan: You definitely favor Xiao Liu the most! (hugs pillow to block)

Bai Xiaolu: So, do you want me to change your diaper too? Come on then… (dark expression)

Yun Gouzhan: Senior brother, what are you… what are you planning to do… oh no, this is your happiness for the rest of your life—999,999 lives! (They say it’s the “draw sword without mercy” type, but senior brother, what is this… ahhhhhh.)

At this point, the story will flip from a queenly uke’s attempt to reverse the jealous seme, to the wolfdog seme reclaiming dominance and subduing the uke.

%;:#One thousand words omitted—find the rest on hh or wb!

cough cough Back to the main point.

Author: That unexpected burst of jealousy sure hit hard. Homemade vinegar smells the best after all.

Reader: That unexpected mouthful of dog food really got me! Forget the melon seeds, meat is the best.

PS: More and more, it feels like this part is the real me… Could it be that I, too, am a split-personality seme (?).

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