But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 59

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 59

太极 (Tàijí) refers to the “Supreme Ultimate,” which signifies the fundamental principle of duality in Chinese cosmology (Yin and Yang). The Taiji diagram (also known as the Yin-Yang symbol) is a key symbol in Chinese philosophy, especially in Taoism. It represents the concept of duality and balance in the universe. The diagram consists of a circle divided into two swirling halves—black (Yin) and white (Yang)—with a dot of the opposite color in each half.

Upon exiting the cave, Ling Qingzi led Bai Fanlu into a bamboo-fenced yard. Inside the small courtyard, there was a stone table and two stone stools. After guiding Bai Fanlu to sit, Ling Qingzi directed his hand toward the surface of the stone table.

At first, Bai Fanlu touched a few smooth beads. Upon further inspection, it seemed like chess pieces and a chessboard.

“This is the layered chess game. You will take Yun Zhan’s soul into it. If you successfully pass through the tribulation, he will be reborn, transforming from death to life.”

Ling Qingzi’s words sparked a sudden realization in Bai Fanlu’s mind. That’s right! Guiding a wandering soul into the layered game, passing through the tribulation of transformation, and bringing life after death—this was the meaning behind the system prompt of the Soul Guiding Lantern!

“Alright, how do I help him pass through the tribulation?” Bai Fanlu was eager.

Ling Qingzi gazed at him for a long time before saying, “This game mirrors the span of a human life. Yun Zhan’s appearance may change during this life, or it may not. You must find him and help him through the tribulation. His soul will return to its rightful place, and you will be able to come out.”

“When will the tribulation occur, and what form will it take?”

“That depends on the progression of the game and your fate together—it’s impossible to predict.”

“I see…” Bai Fanlu thought. So, all he needed to do was find Yun Zhan and stay with him. Suddenly, he asked, “Master, earlier you mentioned a human soul?”

In the novel, the original character had given Yun Zhan one part of his soul. Without it, the original character often felt confused and irritable, even losing some of his memory. It was only after retrieving Yun Zhan’s soul from the ghost realm that he recovered.

So, not only the Abyss of the Endless World but also the exchange of souls—had Yun Zhan borne all this for him?

But Bai Fanlu remembered that after the original character lost his soul, he had been extremely weak, desperately trying to hold on to his memories. Yet, Yun Zhan seemed to have easily given up his memory without much physical impact. He had simply lost his memory.

So, does he have no attachment to the memories with me?

A sharp pain tugged at Bai Fanlu’s heart. Even though he knew there weren’t many memories between him and Yun Zhan, the sense of loss was real.

“Master, what exactly happened to Yun Zhan’s human soul?”

Ling Qingzi replied, “That day, Chong Yu returned to tell me that you had been attacked by Bai Junming and had disappeared. Later, Yun Zhan brought you back, but he soon asked to leave the mountain as well.”

“Chong Yu told me that Bai Junming had taken your human soul, but I discovered that your soul remained intact.”

“Noticing Yun Zhan’s unusual state, I realized he had given you his human soul.”

Bai Fanlu quickly asked, “What about Yun Zhan? Did you ask him?”

“I did, but he said he couldn’t remember.”

Hearing this, Bai Fanlu’s hand tightened around the chess piece before slowly releasing it.

The fragments of memories that often flashed through his mind finally had an origin—they must belong to Yun Zhan’s perspective.

However, large parts of those memories were still missing. A voice had once echoed in them, a voice that felt eerily similar to the memories he had lost.

“Master, if I return the human soul to him now, would it be possible?”

Ling Qingzi said, “His physical body is already dead, so returning it would be pointless. Besides, if you lose your human soul again while helping him through the tribulation, it might be difficult to succeed.”

After pondering for a moment, Bai Fanlu said, “I understand, Master. I’m ready. I can enter the game now.”

Ling Qingzi looked at him and said, “Your eyes were wounded by a dead soul. They won’t heal quickly…”

“It’s fine, I can manage.”

Bai Fanlu replied easily. Ling Qingzi, of course, wouldn’t know that Bai Fanlu had once spent ten years in darkness. He was no stranger to blindness and could overcome it.

“Once you succeed in helping him through the tribulation and his soul is restored, your own soul may become unstable. You could lose your memory, or worse. The tribulation will interfere, and no one can predict the outcome.”

“I understand.”

Bai Fanlu had already considered the consequences, but compared to letting Yun Zhan die, the choice was obvious.

He didn’t know what Yun Zhan was thinking when he gave him the human soul, but returning it was only right—it had always belonged to Yun Zhan. Besides… he really…

Since he couldn’t let go, Bai Fanlu decided not to deceive himself anymore. With a peaceful smile, he said, “Please, Master, send me in.”

His resolve was clear; there was no point in double-checking. Ling Qingzi pondered for a moment before gently tapping the chessboard with a finger.

The black and white pieces rose into the air, forming a rapidly spinning Taiji diagram. As Bai Fanlu sat by the chessboard, his figure became ethereal and soon disappeared.

All the pieces on the board vanished, except for one black piece left in Ling Qingzi’s hand.

He lightly tapped the chessboard with the black piece, then eventually held it tightly as the black mist was drawn into the Taiji diagram.

A system beeped: “Entering the instance world. You can consume six ‘reader’s brainchild’ fragments to activate the ‘token.’ Proceed?”

In the midst of chaos, Bai Fanlu heard the system’s voice. “What does the ‘token’ do?”

“Literal meaning.”

A token likely to identify Yun Zhan? Bai Fanlu thought it would be useful and chose “Yes.”

“Activation successful. Storyline two, ‘A Lifetime Together,’ has been confirmed.”

When Bai Fanlu awoke again, he was surrounded by darkness. Then he remembered—he was blind.

The Soul Guiding Lantern had disappeared, which meant Yun Zhan’s soul had entered this life. But what identity would Yun Zhan take in this chess game? And what about the ‘token’?

Bai Fanlu sat up and realized he was lying on a bed, not out in the wilderness.

“Young master, you’re awake?” A girl’s voice, accompanied by the sound of a door opening, came from outside. “Let me help you!”

A hand gently supported him. As Bai Fanlu’s feet touched the ground, he suddenly noticed that his cultivation and spiritual power were gone—he was now just an ordinary person.

Could this be his new identity in the chess game?

Bai Fanlu steadied himself on the edge of the bed, feeling his way back to sit down. The girl’s voice grew anxious, “Is the young master still dizzy? That Third Young Master Meng is truly awful, knowing you dislike those occasions…”

“…What happened to me?” Bai Fanlu asked, pretending to be weak.

“Young master, two days ago you attended a banquet at Lingbo Tower, and that… that friend of Young Master Meng pushed you from the second floor…”

As she spoke, the girl gasped, “Young master… you don’t remember?”

Bai Fanlu had been waiting for this moment. He shook his head, “I don’t remember. My head hurts.”

The girl became tearful, “Young master, hold on! I’ll go fetch a doctor right away!”

The doctor came and diagnosed no serious injuries, only that the fall had likely caused temporary amnesia. It would take time to recover.

Afterward, Bai Fanlu carefully extracted information from the girl.

It turned out that his identity here was “Lu Linqiu,” from a family of physicians who had fallen into decline due to a wrongful imprisonment of their ancestors. Now, only a maid named Liu Xin remained in the household, and Lu Linqiu made a living by selling paintings.

One day, while Liu Xin was selling paintings in the market, she caught the attention of Meng Qi, the third son of the Lord of Meng. Meng Qi insisted on visiting Lu Linqiu and, upon meeting him, claimed they were kindred spirits. He wanted to introduce Lu to the noble young masters of Hengchang Mansion.

Lu Linqiu had declined repeatedly, but Meng Qi’s power and influence left him no choice but to attend. Unfortunately, due to his handsome appearance, he became the target of jealousy from Jiang Tianyise, a famous courtesan invited by Meng Qi. The courtesan had secretly arranged for someone to push Lu Linqiu off the second-floor balcony.

Liu Xin speculated that this was the case, as Lu Linqiu had been blind, and she had attended to him the whole time, except when Meng Qi had forbidden her from going upstairs due to her lower status.

So, this was the start of his journey in the layered chess game? It seemed like a tough life right from the beginning.

Just as Bai Fanlu was coming to terms with his new background, footsteps approached from outside, followed by someone barging in without knocking. He had a good idea of who it was. Sure enough, Liu Xin called out in frustration, “Third Young Master Meng!”

“It’s my fault, Brother Lu, so I’ve come to apologize. I also plan to take you to my estate to recuperate for a while. You shouldn’t leave any lasting injuries!”

Bai Fanlu found the man’s voice annoying. Knowing his current status, he doubted Meng Qi’s offer of “recuperation” had any good intentions.

Despite his polite refusal, Meng Qi ignored him and had people come in to forcefully drag him away. If Bai Fanlu resisted too much, it might only make things worse for him, so he maintained a pretense of compliance and allowed himself to be taken outside.

Liu Xin was forced to stay behind. Before leaving, she adjusted Bai Fanlu’s clothes and tied a jade pendant to his waist.

He realized it must have been removed while he was bedridden. Liu Xin said, “Young master, you might not remember, but when you’re out on your own, please be careful not to lose this jade.”

Bai Fanlu asked, “Is there any special significance to this jade?”

“This was a gift from a great monk when you were a child. It’s for your safety. Wearing it will help you meet the benefactors destined to help you, so please keep it safe.”

“Got it, I’ll be careful,” Bai Fanlu responded, thinking it was probably just an ordinary amulet, a common kind of saying.

He boarded a carriage, though Meng Qi did not join him. However, after Bai Fanlu had settled in, he quickly sensed someone already seated across from him, quietly observing.

Wearing a conical hat that Meng Qi’s men had forced him to wear, Bai Fanlu sensed the stranger’s gaze. He pretended not to notice and remained calm and silent.

The route from the “commoner’s alley” in the west of the city to the “noble district” in the east took them through the busiest area of Hengchang City, a place called Ten Mile Lane.

Lingbo Tower was situated here, a famous tavern well known for its culinary delights.

The chefs in the tavern were descendants of imperial cooks from the previous dynasty, numbering over thirty, renowned for preparing 861 rare and exotic dishes. The cuisine from all corners of the world could be found in Lingbo Tower.

However, the allure of these delicacies alone was not enough to elevate the tavern to its current fame.

It was the season for the “Golden Osmanthus Brew” to be released, and the fragrance of osmanthus blossoms wafted through the air in early autumn.

Before long, the tavern’s doors were lined with a queue that stretched down Ten Mile Lane, with no end in sight. The rich scent of the brew filled the air, drawing everyone’s attention.

Inside the carriage, Bai Fanlu was still lost in thought when the fragrance of the brew caught him off guard, evoking an oddly familiar feeling.

“Make way! Make way!”

Suddenly, a loud and brash voice cut through the noise of Ten Mile Lane.

Bai Fanlu’s eyes snapped open at the sound, though he was still blind. That voice—

It was Yun Zhan!

“You! I want to buy some wine! Hurry up and get out of my way!”

Outside the carriage, the voice rang out before its owner even arrived.

Moments later, the crowd only saw a blur before a figure appeared, standing elegantly atop the large stone lion outside Lingbo Tower.

The figure was dressed in a sky-blue embroidered robe with a short brocade coat over it. He had sword-like eyebrows and bright, clear eyes, his expression relaxed. In his left hand, he casually twirled a folding fan, which suddenly snapped open with a crisp sound. Four bold characters were scrawled across the white jade fan—”Peerless Under Heaven!”

He was the perfect image of a carefree young noble, yet there was an unmistakable air of roguishness in his demeanor.

“Old man, I’m in a good mood today. I’ll take all the osmanthus wine you’ve got!”

Hearing the commotion, the innkeeper rushed out, intending to welcome the man in before he could say too much. However, he was still a step too late.

“Well… to tell you the truth, Prince Mu, the wine has already… already sold out. You see, there’s none left…”

“Ha! You think my nose can’t tell if there’s wine left?”

The young noble raised an eyebrow, and as light as a feather, he leaped down from the stone lion, striding toward the tavern to investigate for himself. The innkeeper followed behind, muttering apologies.

“Please forgive me, my lord… The truth is, this year’s brew has aged too long. If you drink too much, you might not be able to handle it!”

The young noble stopped in his tracks, “What did you say?”

The innkeeper’s forehead beaded with sweat.

Everyone in Hengchang knew that Mu Yunhe, the only son of the northern general, was an infamous drunkard. He despised anyone questioning his capacity for alcohol. If anyone dared doubt him, he would challenge them to drink until one of them dropped.

More importantly, if the prince ever got truly drunk, it was said that even the heavens and earth would tremble. His mother had once publicly warned everyone that no one was to sell him alcohol, or they would face dire consequences.

By now, all the patrons of Lingbo Tower had quietly dispersed, and the crowd outside had vanished.

The carriage in the middle of the street now stood out clearly. Mu Yunhe glanced over, spotting the person seated outside.

“Isn’t that Meng Qi’s carriage?”

The driver flinched, pretending not to hear, and kept urging the horses forward.

Unconcerned by this, Mu Yunhe used his light footwork to catch up to the carriage, stepping onto its edge and half leaning into it.

“Meng Qi, what’s the latest trouble you’re stirring up with abducting innocent women… huh?”

The sudden weight shift caught Bai Fanlu off guard. He had been paying attention to the sounds outside but hadn’t expected someone to climb directly into the carriage and, to his surprise, sit right beside him.

From the chatter outside, Bai Fanlu had learned that this was Mu Yunhe, the only son of the Duke of Zhenbei, a man notorious for his arrogance and love of causing trouble. Despite being exceptionally skilled in martial arts and having powerful backing, he was feared by all for his wild behavior, earning him the title of “troublemaker” of Hengchang City.

Though Bai Fanlu couldn’t see the man’s appearance, his voice left him wondering—could this truly be Yun Zhan?

Mu Yunhe reached out to grab the conical hat on Bai Fanlu’s head, but before he could succeed, a sword hilt blocked him from the side. The person in the carriage, with a cold expression, directed a burst of internal energy through the sword to subtly push Mu Yunhe away from Bai Fanlu.

Mu Yunhe chuckled, withdrawing his hand and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He stared at the person across from him for a moment, then suddenly let out two strange laughs and turned to face the other person in the carriage.

“I say, Old Fifth, after two years in Yan Prefecture, it seems you’ve finally opened up! Now you’re hiding a beauty in your carriage, dressed in men’s clothes no less. You think I wouldn’t notice? I see right through your little trick!”

Before he even finished speaking, Mu Yunhe’s hand moved like lightning, reaching once more for Bai Fanlu’s hat. This time, his speed was so swift that it generated a gust of wind, making the veil in front of the hat flutter.

But that was all it did—flutter slightly.

At the same time, Mu Yunhe and the person across from him exchanged two quick blows. Neither gained an advantage. “Tsk tsk, Old Fifth, you’re being so stingy. Won’t even let me take a look!”

The person in the carriage remained silent, uninterested in entertaining him. He glanced briefly at Bai Fanlu, his lips pressed into a hard line.

Meanwhile, Bai Fanlu, hearing Mu Yunhe’s teasing remarks, couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle. Could this man really be Yun Zhan? How could he be so brash and carefree? He seemed so unlike Yun Zhan, yet there was also something vaguely familiar. Such a contradictory feeling.

When Mu Yunhe heard Bai Fanlu’s soft laugh, he abruptly stopped talking. His eyes widened as if trying to bore holes into Bai Fanlu.

After a long moment, he turned his suspicious gaze to the other person in the carriage. “It’s really a man… Old Fifth, since when did you develop a taste for this?”

Author’s note:

Bai Fanlu: Wait a minute. Before we start filming, I need to confirm something.

Author/Director: Go ahead.

Bai Fanlu: Who wrote this subplot?

Author: The system.

System: ??? (Innocent.jpg)

Yun Zhan (in his dog form): I know.

Author: What do you know?

Yun Zhan: It’s obvious! With the “reader’s brainchild” fragments, this script must be something the readers imagined. (I’m so clever.jpg)

Bai Fanlu: … (True sense of foreboding.jpg)

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