But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 66

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 66

十八式 (“The Eighteen Forms of Love”) 

   This refers to a fictional or euphemistic title, likely representing a guide or manual detailing intimate positions or techniques in romantic or sexual encounters. It is often used humorously to suggest detailed knowledge of such matters.


春戏图 (“Springtime Play Art”)

   This term likely refers to an illustrated work or guide on romantic or erotic activities, often with a playful or artistic depiction of intimacy. The word “春” (spring) is commonly used as a metaphor for love or sexual matters in classical Chinese literature.

Bai Fanlu quickly sat up.

Mu Yunhe waited for him to calm down for a moment, then said to those outside, “Come in.”

The door was pushed open, and Bai Fanlu heard several people enter. He sat upright, placing his hands neatly on his lap.

Mu Yunhe said to him, “There are still some steps to complete. Once they’re done, you can sleep properly.”

A maid giggled softly, and Bai Fanlu, with his sharp ears, felt his heart start to race. Someone approached and tied the ends of the bride and groom’s red wedding robes together. “Young Lord, Young Lady, may your hearts be bound together forever!”

Mu Yunhe placed a silver ingot on the tray and took the ceremonial stick.

“The young lord can now lift the bride’s veil.”

Bai Fanlu’s hands, which rested on his lap, curled slightly. It wasn’t really a big deal. He had worn a hat before, not because he couldn’t be seen, but due to some mix-up. But now, this would be the first time Mu Yunhe saw him.

And in this setting… Bai Fanlu felt unusually nervous.

But no movement came for a while.

Then, Mu Yunhe said, “You can all leave. Just leave the things behind.”

The maids placed their trays on the table. Bai Fanlu heard the sounds of many items being set down but wasn’t sure what they were. When the door finally closed again, the room grew quiet once more.

His earlier nervousness, which had just subsided, now rushed back like a tide, flooding his chest.

Bai Fanlu held his breath, unsure when Mu Yunhe would lift his veil. His heart was full of anxiety. He thought, since no one was around anymore, there was no need to act stiffly. Instead of waiting nervously, why not just pull off the veil himself?

“I’m about to lift it, don’t be nervous,” Mu Yunhe suddenly said.

Bai Fanlu, suppressing his anxiety, snapped back, “I’m not nervous. You’re the one who’s nervous!”

It felt like the two of them were children playing house.

Just as Bai Fanlu was making fun of the situation, he suddenly felt a light sensation on his head — the veil had been lifted.

Then there was a long silence.

Mu Yunhe had expected Bai Fanlu to be handsome, but he hadn’t anticipated just how striking he would be. From the very first glance, it was as if every feature was perfectly crafted to match the ideal image in Mu Yunhe’s mind.

If his initial affection for Bai Fanlu had been driven by an unexplainable attraction, now that feeling was fully materialized — embodied in the person before him.

Even the vague figure in his dreams, whose face he couldn’t see, had transformed into Bai Fanlu, with his voice and appearance.

Mu Yunhe couldn’t help but raise his hand, gently brushing Bai Fanlu’s cheek.

Bai Fanlu’s eyelashes were lowered. Being suddenly unveiled left him a bit dazed. His fair face was tinged with a faint blush, his lips slightly pursed, a soft rosy hue.

Feeling the touch, Bai Fanlu reflexively turned his face away.

It wasn’t intentional; it was purely instinct. The atmosphere felt strange, especially since he couldn’t see anything. His earlier nervousness had gradually morphed into a guarded feeling.

However, despite his beautiful eyes, they were ultimately devoid of sight.

Mu Yunhe didn’t attempt to touch him again. “We should drink the ceremonial wine. But you haven’t eaten much, and drinking on an empty stomach isn’t good. Let’s have some late-night snacks first.”

“What time is it now?”

Snacks? Bai Fanlu realized Mu Yunhe must have come straight from the wedding banquet. Why didn’t he seem drunk?

“It’s already the third quarter of the Hai hour (around 9 to 11 PM).”

It was that late? The banquet must have ended a while ago, and he had slept through much of it. So Mu Yunhe had been waiting by his side this whole time? No wonder he seemed sober now.

Bai Fanlu felt a little guilty. “You should eat something too. Did they make you drink a lot?”

Mu Yunhe replied, “I have a good tolerance for alcohol. That little bit of wine wasn’t much. Everything on the table is cold. I’ll have the kitchen make something fresh. What do you feel like eating?”

Bai Fanlu shook his head. “No need to trouble them. I’m not too hungry. I’ll just have a little something.”

He was about to get up and head to the table, but Mu Yunhe held him back. “Don’t move too quickly. Our robes are still tied together.”

Bai Fanlu thought for a moment and was about to suggest untying the robes, but then he remembered they hadn’t finished the ceremonial wine, so the ritual wasn’t complete. They probably couldn’t untie it just yet.

So, with Mu Yunhe’s help, they sat side by side at the table, and together they nibbled on some pastries.

To Bai Fanlu’s surprise, the pastries were better than the ones from earlier that morning — not overly sweet, just right. The mung bean cakes were refreshing, and there was a savory pastry that was unexpectedly tasty.

Bai Fanlu, having forgotten all about any lipstick, ate heartily. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he was halfway through the snacks. Then he noticed that Mu Yunhe didn’t seem to be eating.

“Aren’t you eating?”

“I already ate during the banquet. I’m not hungry.”

In truth, Young Lord Mu wanted to say that he was indeed hungry, but he wasn’t craving pastries. Rather, the crumbs of food on the bride’s lips seemed far more appetizing.

Bai Fanlu, unaware of Mu Yunhe’s attention, grabbed another piece of steamed cake from the plate in front of him. What he didn’t know was that Mu Yunhe had handpicked and arranged the items in front of him, carefully avoiding anything too sweet, choosing only savory or light-flavored items.

Once Bai Fanlu slowed down his eating, Mu Yunhe peeled two small tangerines for him. Bai Fanlu, thirsty and needing something refreshing, was delighted by the tangerines.

“Do you want more?”

“Yes… no, that’s enough.”

“Then have a slice of this melon to quench your thirst.”


Bai Fanlu bit into the melon, and suddenly, something dawned on him. The variety of items he had eaten — they couldn’t have just happened to be piled together. And the tangerines didn’t peel themselves. So, had Young Lord Mu been serving him snacks all this time?

Feeling a little embarrassed, Bai Fanlu chewed the melon. The taste, though sweet, seemed to carry an overwhelming richness. Although he didn’t usually enjoy such sweetness, this time, as he chewed, it felt as though the sweetness was sinking into his heart.

Before he realized it, Bai Fanlu had eaten two more slices of melon and was tempted to ask for more. However, Mu Yunhe suddenly took the plate away, leaving Bai Fanlu reaching for nothing.

“It’s late. Eating too much can cause indigestion. You can have more tomorrow.”

Mu Yunhe put the plate aside and took two cups of wine from the silver tray adorned with red silk. “It’s time to drink the ceremonial wine.”

Bai Fanlu, still thinking about the melon, quickly snapped out of it at the mention of the “ceremonial wine.” He immediately lost interest in the melon.

Just as he was about to say something, Mu Yunhe took his hand and wiped it with a cloth, then dabbed at his lips.

“Thank you,” Bai Fanlu murmured.

A wine cup was placed in Bai Fanlu’s hand. He carefully steadied it, but his hand still trembled slightly. He calmed himself, telling himself he had to see it through without faltering.

The ceremonial wine, also known as the “cross-cup wine,” was the final step in the wedding ceremony, as Liu Xin had mentioned. It had to be completed; otherwise, it wouldn’t be acknowledged by the heavens.

Bai Fanlu felt Mu Yunhe’s arm reach around his, and he lowered his head slightly, bringing the wine cup to his lips. As they performed the same motion simultaneously, their faces naturally drew closer.

Just as Bai Fanlu was about to quickly drink the wine and get it over with, he heard Mu Yunhe say, “Wait a moment.”

Thinking he might have missed a step, Bai Fanlu was about to ask when Mu Yunhe continued, “I forgot the vow.”

Vow? Was there such a step? Bai Fanlu didn’t recall Liu Xin mentioning any lines to recite.

“You don’t need to say anything. Just listen to me.”

So it was the groom’s vow. As Bai Fanlu was pondering this, Mu Yunhe slowly began to recite his so-called vow, word by word.

“As our marriage begins and our fates intertwine, I, Yun Zhan, and Bai Fanlu…”

At this point, Bai Fanlu’s hand really did start trembling. Mu Yunhe gently steadied him.

Most of the wine had already spilled from Bai Fanlu’s cup. Mu Yunhe poured what little remained into his own cup, and after filling it to the brim, drank half before offering the rest to Bai Fanlu.

Bai Fanlu instinctively took the cup and sipped from it.

As he drank, Mu Yunhe’s deep voice continued.

“Our bond sealed with a red string, our souls united like paired jade. From this day forward, I vow to live in harmony with you. With this cup…”

Bai Fanlu could feel Mu Yunhe’s gaze on him, and as their foreheads touched lightly, their breaths mingled in the shared warmth.

“…we drink as one, never to betray each other…”

Bai Fanlu panicked and wanted to pull away, but he found that their linked arms kept him in place.

In a flustered tone, he said, “You even got the names wrong in your vow… Aren’t you afraid the heavens won’t recognize it?”

“I didn’t get it wrong.”

Bai Fanlu was shocked. Had Mu Yunhe realized something?

Mu Yunhe smiled. “They say that our fates have been tied for three lifetimes. No matter which life, it will always be you and me. The jade pendant proves it, so I’m not wrong.”

Bai Fanlu didn’t know how to respond. He lowered his head slightly, the red candlelight casting a soft shadow on his face, making him seem almost ethereal.

No wonder they say red clothes make beauties look like jade. Mu Yunhe, gazing closely at Bai Fanlu, couldn’t help but want to get closer, to know what kind of reflection he would see in Bai Fanlu’s eyes, even if they couldn’t see.

Just as he was about to touch Bai Fanlu, he heard him murmur, “There’s something odd in this wine… It tastes a bit strange.”

Bai Fanlu, who had some medical knowledge, didn’t realize that his instincts had already kicked in, trying to identify what was off. However, his medical training had lapsed for many years, so while he sensed something was in the wine, he couldn’t immediately figure out what it was.

Mu Yunhe also realized what was going on. He frowned, wondering who would dare tamper with something on their wedding day.

Just as Mu Yunhe took the remaining wine to taste it, his expression changed slightly.


Bai Fanlu caught the change in his tone. “What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with it?”

It couldn’t be poison, could it? Would they face a disaster before the divine test even arrived?

Mu Yunhe hesitated, unsure of how to explain. Earlier, on his way from the banquet to the bridal chamber, he had encountered his mother, Princess Mu, speaking to the maid carrying the ceremonial wine tray. At the time, he thought it was just some casual instructions.

When Mu Yunhe appeared, Princess Mu had dismissed the maid and secretly told him, “Don’t forget the second drawer in the cabinet inside the room.”

Mu Yunhe had indeed forgotten about it, preoccupied with Bai Fanlu. When he entered the room and saw Bai Fanlu asleep against the bed, he quietly laid him down and stayed by his side. It wasn’t until later that he remembered his mother’s words.

Curious, he checked the second drawer and found… well, something hard to describe.

There were little booklets, like “The Eighteen Forms of Love” and “Springtime Play Art,” and several small boxes of… ointments. More than one.

Seeing those things left Mu Yunhe dumbfounded.

Although he had secretly consulted others about such matters in preparation for the wedding, eager to make a good impression, his mother’s preparations were… well, let’s just say they were very thorough.

So now, recalling the ceremonial wine, Mu Yunhe realized that the wine probably had some kind of “special” ingredient.

“Bai Fanlu? What are you thinking about?”

Bai Fanlu was starting to panic. This could be a poisoning situation, and Mu Yunhe was just sitting there, seemingly unfazed.

Mu Yunhe stared at Bai Fanlu for a long moment. “It’s nothing. There’s nothing wrong with the wine.”

“Impossible! There’s definitely something in it,” Bai Fanlu insisted. “Pour me another cup, and I’ll figure it out.”

This time, he would taste it carefully.

But Mu Yunhe didn’t pour him another cup. How could he? “There’s nothing in the wine. I promise.”

Bai Fanlu was about to protest when he suddenly felt something strange happening in his body. He instinctively reached out and grabbed Mu Yunhe, exclaiming, “You have to believe me. There’s something wrong. I…”

Bai Fanlu let out a breath, realizing something was off. He was gripping Mu Yunhe’s thigh, and Mu Yunhe wasn’t much better off. However, unlike Bai Fanlu, Mu Yunhe could see what was happening.

And the sight before him was captivating — the beauty’s cheeks flushing, his expression a mix of panic and forced calmness…

It was simply too tempting.

Mu Yunhe had originally planned to go ask his mother for the antidote, but seeing Bai Fanlu like this made him reconsider. He gently grasped Bai Fanlu’s hand, running his fingers across the back of it. He felt Bai Fanlu tremble slightly.

Smiling, Mu Yunhe slowly said, “This is an aphrodisiac wine, not poison.”



Bai Fanlu was startled, jumping out of his seat, forgetting that their robes were still tied together. His sudden movement caused him to lose his balance and fall backward.

Mu Yunhe had anticipated this and tried to pull him back, but Bai Fanlu, in his shock, broke free.

With their robes still connected, Bai Fanlu’s fall knocked over Mu Yunhe’s chair. In the chaos, Mu Yunhe reacted quickly, flipping over and catching Bai Fanlu, cushioning his fall with his body.

Bai Fanlu only heard a heavy thud, but he didn’t feel any pain. He realized that Mu Yunhe must have taken the hit.

“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”

Mu Yunhe had indeed hit his head on the edge of the bed, but for him, it was a minor bump. However, as he looked up, he saw Bai Fanlu anxiously checking on him, those blind eyes searching for him.

Mu Yunhe’s heart warmed. He didn’t immediately reassure Bai Fanlu.

“Mu Yunhe? Mu Yunhe? Oh no, he’s unconscious, isn’t he? I need to get help…”

Before he could finish, a large hand covered his mouth.

“I’m fine.”

Mu Yunhe sat up, pulling Bai Fanlu into his arms. “Were you worried about me?”

“You! I… I wasn’t worried about you,” Bai Fanlu stammered, realizing he’d been tricked, pushing Mu Yunhe away.

“And that’s not concern?” Mu Yunhe teased, lightly tapping Bai Fanlu’s lips.

Bai Fanlu froze, realizing that in his panic, he had almost forgotten he “couldn’t speak.” He had been about to call for help. “I was just going to knock on the door.”

Bai Fanlu quickly came up with an excuse. Mu Yunhe chuckled, and when Bai Fanlu tried to pull away, he couldn’t. Feigning anger, Bai Fanlu said, “We’ve had the ceremonial wine, the ritual is complete, so untie our robes.”

If they didn’t untie them, he’d trip again if he tried to run.

Mu Yunhe, as if knowing what Bai Fanlu was thinking, held him even tighter and whispered in his ear, “Who said the ritual is complete? We’re still one step away.”

Author’s note:

Bai Fanlu: It’s not what I think it is.

Yun Zhan: What’s on your mind, senior brother?

Bai Fanlu: … (blushing.jpg)

Yun Zhan: Senior brother is just too tempting. I can’t hold back any longer! (covers nose and runs off bleeding.jpg)

Audience: Huh? That’s it? Shouldn’t you be going for it instead of running? Yun Zhan, are you really up to this? If not, just say so, and we’ll switch to someone else! Director, switch him out!

Author: Yun Zhan, if you keep zoning out and just talking without acting, I can’t do anything about your reputation. -_-||| I’ve gone to such lengths, even making cameo appearances to give you “ultimate reference materials” and “top-rated Taobao products,” and yet if things don’t progress, I really don’t know what else to do. QAQ

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