But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 71

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 71

Mu Yunhe actually helped him revert to wearing men’s clothing.

“Today we should be able to reach the Tongqiao area. When we get there, we can find a tailor shop and buy you a few more outfits.”

Bai Fanlu couldn’t quite describe his feelings. Although he couldn’t see, knowing that he had openly restored his male identity brought him genuine happiness.

However, he asked, “Why Tongqiao? Weren’t we going to Qingying?”

“No one knows me in Tongqiao, so it’s a good place for you to revert to wearing men’s clothing.”

So that’s how it is, Bai Fanlu thought. Mu Yunhe had really thought this through. But then Bai Fanlu remembered something, “The reason you told the princess about going to Qingying…”

“You guessed it, it’s exactly as you think,” Mu Yunhe replied with a loud laugh. “But my mother understands, so don’t worry.”

So he had planned all this since the tea ceremony? It’s impossible not to feel moved.

Mu Yunhe had specifically arranged for them to travel on horseback today, leaving the post station through the back gate. Each rode their own horse, and in the absence of a third person, Bai Fanlu transformed from the young Princess Mu to Lu Linqiu.

This way, Bai Fanlu didn’t need to wear a veil anymore, nor pretend to be mute. The freedom of this was truly wonderful.

Bai Fanlu sincerely said, “Thank you, Brother Mu.”

“I’ve been so considerate for you, shouldn’t you give me some compensation?”

It sounded like a trap again, Bai Fanlu thought, but Mu Yunhe had done exactly what he wanted, so not offering anything in return felt wrong. He was clear about gratitude and grievances, so he asked, “What kind of compensation do you want?”

He expected Mu Yunhe to say something cheeky again, but instead, he only said, “The title ‘Brother Mu’ really doesn’t sound very pleasant, so change it.”


“Like my mother? That’s also a no.”

Bai Fanlu almost burst out laughing. How could this person be so childish sometimes, all over a simple title?

“Then what do you want me to call you?”

“’Husband’ would be the best, but your current outfit doesn’t really suit that, so just call me ‘Azhan.’”

As they traveled through Jiangnan in late spring, with willow leaves cutting through the air and peach blossoms in full bloom, everything was shrouded in a misty blend of lake and water.

Mu Yunhe glanced at Bai Fanlu, who was sitting upright on his horse, appearing to stroll leisurely, but his focused expression betrayed that he was listening intently.

Mu Yunhe didn’t disturb him, just admired from the side. Bai Fanlu was beautiful in any outfit, but against the surrounding scenery, his features were especially refined and striking. If he had to compare, Mu Yunhe preferred him in the elegant attire of a young gentleman.

Perhaps wearing women’s clothing was too restrictive. Now that he was showing his true nature, he seemed more comfortable and genuine.

“Linqiu, we’ve reached the dock. Let’s switch to a boat.”

“All right.”

Bai Fanlu dismounted smoothly, leaving Mu Yunhe, who intended to assist him, a step behind.

Ever since he switched back to men’s clothing, Mu Yunhe even had fewer opportunities to take care of him closely.

They rented a small boat, sitting at the bow as they headed into the heart of Tongqiao.

Jiangnan was indeed a place where homes leaned on water. The intersecting waterways occasionally had small boats gliding by, and the boatmen would call out to each other in soft, melodic voices.

Bai Fanlu couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but felt it blended perfectly with the rhythmic sound of the oars.

Suddenly, a picture formed in his mind: two small boats cutting through the spring waters, with golden threads of clouds dangling over the riverbanks and blossoms swaying in the breeze—a truly picturesque Jiangnan.

“There’s a teahouse over there with someone performing flower drum opera. Want to go listen?” Mu Yunhe asked.

Bai Fanlu shook his head. “Listening from the boat is just right.”

The boatman laughed, “This young master is absolutely right.”

Realizing they were outsiders, the boatman adjusted his speech so they could understand.

“There’s also some herbal tea in the cabin. If the two of you don’t mind, feel free to help yourselves.”

Mu Yunhe went into the cabin and poured each of them a cup of herbal tea.

The tea contained only two large tea leaves, its flavor clear and bitter. Mu Yunhe hadn’t drunk much tea before, preferring the boldness of alcohol. But seeing Bai Fanlu sip so calmly, he couldn’t help but take another sip himself.

Sitting at the bow, listening to the music, sipping tea, and having such a person by his side—it was indeed an exquisite enjoyment.

After disembarking, they arrived at their temporary lodging in Tongqiao, a residence meant for short stays.

As Mu Yunhe led Bai Fanlu inside, he introduced the place to him. The front courtyard contained the study and bedroom, while the rear building housed the kitchen and a small pavilion, with a tiny garden in the middle that connected to a lotus pond outside. However, the lotuses hadn’t bloomed this season.

The residence was not large, but its Jiangnan-style elegance and simplicity made it very charming.

The front of the residence was a guesthouse, so one could hear all kinds of voices and musical performances, making it far from lonely.

Bai Fanlu, who couldn’t see now, enjoyed listening to various sounds.

After days of travel, lying back in the courtyard’s reclining chair, listening to the sounds, one could truly feel the essence of life.

Mu Yunhe, knowing Bai Fanlu didn’t want to move, brought back some food from a small restaurant outside, and they ate in the courtyard.

Although Jiangnan cuisine was often sweet and sticky, this particular place was different. The chef was a descendant of an imperial chef from the capital, so his cooking style differed from the local Tongqiao fare.

After their meal, it was dusk, and the two of them took a walk along the riverbank.

Tongqiao got its name from the “Tong Bridge” at the center of the town. The areas to the east and west of the bridge had completely different styles. The west side, with its bustling night market, naturally included places for entertainment and pleasure.

As they passed a particular area, Bai Fanlu heard the distinctive laughter and asked Mu Yunhe, “Want to go in and have some fun?”

Mu Yunhe, knowing Bai Fanlu was teasing him, replied, “Trying to provoke me? I’m not falling for it.”

He had promised not to visit brothels again, and he intended to keep that promise—he wouldn’t go back on his word.

But as they paused, a girl at the entrance approached them.

Quickly, Mu Yunhe draped his arm around Bai Fanlu’s shoulder like a good buddy, but it was actually to deflect the girl’s hand. With a smile, he said, “Sorry, beautiful sister, we both have wives, and they keep us on a tight leash. No fooling around for us.”

Then, turning to Bai Fanlu, he asked, “Isn’t that right?”

The girl, doused with cold water in public, snorted lightly and walked away with a sultry gait, muttering, “They look like decent men, but turns out they’re both henpecked husbands.”

Mu Yunhe sneered, “Being afraid of your wife isn’t a bad habit; I think it’s great.”

Bai Fanlu was speechless.

Apparently, the topic of being “afraid of your wife” was popular at brothels. As soon as they passed by, a group of young men heading to the brothel started discussing it. It seemed one of them was sneaking out because he was afraid of his wife, and the conversation naturally led to other gossip.

“Have you heard about the two new things happening in Hengchang City?”

“What? What new things?”

“The first thing is that the Fifth Prince has returned.”

Bai Fanlu paused slightly upon hearing the mention of the Fifth Prince, and Mu Yunhe also stopped.

“The Fifth Prince? Wasn’t he exiled? How did he manage to come back?”

“Isn’t it obvious? He’s returned to… well, seize that position.”

“Ah… does that mean there’s going to be chaos again?”

A struggle for the throne? Bai Fanlu quietly asked Mu Yunhe, “Are you close to the Fifth Prince?”

“Yeah, but my mother and I don’t get involved in court affairs, so don’t worry.”

But such matters often stir trouble despite one’s wishes.

Bai Fanlu asked again, “Don’t you care who becomes emperor?”

“Not really,” Mu Yunhe replied. “None of these princes are fools. As long as they can let the people live in peace, I don’t care who becomes emperor.”

Such an attitude was indeed enviable, but he had the privilege to say that.

The group of young men, having finished discussing the Fifth Prince, moved on to the second new thing, which directly involved Mu Yunhe, as he was the main character in this piece of gossip.

“The second thing is about that little Prince Mu.”

“Prince Mu? What trouble has he stirred up this time?”

Mu Yunhe’s face darkened, while Bai Fanlu couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You haven’t heard? Even I know—he got married!”

“What? Him? Got married? Was it a primary wife or a concubine? Wasn’t he going to buy the freedom of the top courtesan at Jiang Tian Yi Se?”

Mu Yunhe’s face sank, and he leaned over to Bai Fanlu’s ear. “Don’t listen to their nonsense.”

Saying this, he started pulling Bai Fanlu away, but Bai Fanlu noticed his nervousness and found it amusing, so he pretended to be stern and said casually, “Let’s listen.”

Mu Yunhe had no choice, so they listened as the young men continued, “Of course, it’s the main wife. Even if he wants a concubine, he has to bring the main wife home first. Don’t you know the rules?”

“Yes, yes, you know a lot. Go on, go on. Did Prince Mu marry a shrew? Can he still redeem the courtesan?”

At the mention of “shrew,” Mu Yunhe almost charged over, but Bai Fanlu sensed it and held him back.

“Of course, he can’t. Hey, I heard that new princess is really fierce and even demanded that Prince Mu can’t take any concubines in the future…”

“Huh? What I heard was that the marriage was sealed by some jade, and Prince Mu voluntarily agreed not to take any concubines?”

“Is that true?”

“I also heard that the new princess is blind, mute, and has a scarred face, but Prince Mu still fell for her. The wedding was grand.”

The group fell silent at that.

Bai Fanlu shook his head. It wasn’t interesting anymore, so he was about to leave when he heard one of them slyly say, “Hey, do you think the new princess has some special skills, like those seductive arts, otherwise how could…”

Before he could finish, there was a yelp of pain, and someone fell to the ground, causing the girls at the brothel entrance to burst into laughter.

“Who! Who ambushed me?”

“Is anyone there? You just went weak in the knees at the sight of beauties, didn’t you?”

“Exactly. Are you up for it tonight or not?”

Bai Fanlu heard the commotion and also heard Mu Yunhe hum in displeasure, immediately understanding what had happened.

After they walked a few steps away, Mu Yunhe muttered, “It’s good enough that I didn’t break his legs for saying that about you.”

“Since it’s just rumors, many people think that way. Are you going to deal with all of them?”

“If this were the old days, I would’ve taught them all a good lesson!”

Remembering Mu Yunhe’s reputation as a “troublemaker,” Bai Fanlu could imagine.

“But now, a little punishment is enough. I don’t want to bring trouble to you.”

Mu Yunhe clapped his hands, seemingly still not satisfied, and said, “Daring to speak about you in front of me…”

Bai Fanlu turned his head slightly. “And you?”


“About redeeming the courtesan.” Bai Fanlu spoke slowly.

Mu Yunhe felt a bit embarrassed. “You still remember that?”

“Oh? Shouldn’t I?”

Bai Fanlu smiled slightly, pushed Mu Yunhe’s arm off him, and walked on ahead.

“Linqiu! Linqiu!”

Mu Yunhe hurriedly caught up, anxiously trying to explain. But when he saw Bai Fanlu’s sly smile, his heart skipped a beat. Seizing the opportunity, he dragged Bai Fanlu into a narrow alley and pushed him into the shadows.

“Is the young prince angry? Can’t win with words, so now you’re using force?”

“A gentleman uses words, not fists. I am a gentleman.”

Bai Fanlu precisely covered Mu Yunhe’s mouth. “I’m not a gentleman; I’m a scoundrel.”

“Fine, then tonight at home, I’ll deal with you…” Mu Yunhe said, lightly licking Bai Fanlu’s palm.

Separated by a narrow passageway, with the busy street just outside, Bai Fanlu felt his heart race and quickly withdrew his hand.

“Hey, be mindful of the situation.”

“Let me kiss you. I can’t resist.”

“What’s gotten into you?”

“You were teasing me earlier, pretending to be angry and making me chase after you. Little Linqiu, you’ve become a bad boy, haven’t you?”

This guy isn’t stupid after all. Bai Fanlu blushed. Since their wedding night, they hadn’t kissed, though they slept together every night. Mu Yunhe had just held him and hadn’t made any moves.

But now that things had escalated, he was demanding a kiss as payment.

“No,” Bai Fanlu refused firmly.

Mu Yunhe threatened, “If you don’t let me kiss you now, I’ll carry you back and pin you down on the bed to kiss you.”

“…” Bai Fanlu weighed the pros and cons. “Then kiss me now.”

And so he was pinned against the wall, kissed until he was dizzy. With passersby nearby, Bai Fanlu felt both ashamed and secretly thrilled, soon going weak in the knees, and had to be held by Mu Yunhe to steady himself.

Mu Yunhe, his breathing unsteady, whispered in Bai Fanlu’s ear, “My wife is truly a vixen. Even if she bewitched me to death, I’d be willing.”

Bai Fanlu wanted to roll his eyes at him but couldn’t muster the expression.

After they finally emerged from the alley, Bai Fanlu realized they hadn’t finished talking about the courtesan. “We haven’t finished discussing the courtesan matter.”

Mu Yunhe chuckled dryly. Oh no, his wife hadn’t forgotten.

“I’ll confess now; there’s nothing to it. I just pitied her and wanted to redeem her, but she refused.”

Bai Fanlu snorted and said nothing.

Mu Yunhe quickly added, “Don’t get the wrong idea. I wasn’t planning to bring her home. Once she realized that, her interest in me waned. She wants to find a reliable person to settle down with, but I’m clearly not her ideal match. I made that clear to her from the start.”

“So what’s your relationship with her now?”

“A… a close friend?” Mu Yunhe scratched his head, unsure.

Bai Fanlu turned away from him with a cold shoulder.

Mu Yunhe hurriedly followed behind. “Hey! Linqiu! Wait up, don’t walk so fast, it’s dangerous! I misspoke; she’s not really a close friend. I don’t even go there anymore, so even if she were, I wouldn’t see her again—”

Bai Fanlu suddenly stopped, nearly causing Mu Yunhe to bump into him. Mu Yunhe quickly grabbed his wrist, fearing he might run off.

“If you’ll never see her again, are you disappointed?”

“No!” Mu Yunhe declared loudly, definitely not disappointed.

“But I am.”

Bai Fanlu smiled slightly. “Next time I go to a brothel, you’re not allowed to follow.”

He had to let someone experience this feeling, tit for tat. If he didn’t vent this frustration, it would fester inside him.

Mu Yunhe was instantly crushed. “Linqiu, you’d really go to a brothel behind my back…”

“Linqiu, you’ve really gone bad…”

Bai Fanlu listened to his wails and felt only one word: satisfied!

Author’s note:

The daily life of the couple seems to have arrived a bit early.

Important announcement: The luxury car will arrive at the parking lot in three days. Please buy your tickets in advance. The car will depart on time. Toot toot toot toot toot!

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