But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 72

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 72

That night, Bai Fanlu slept comfortably. Although someone insisted he promise not to visit brothels before bed, that same person didn’t make any promises himself, leaving Bai Fanlu at a loss.

The next morning, when Bai Fanlu woke up, Mu Yunhe was no longer beside him.

Hearing sounds coming from outside, Bai Fanlu went to the window and listened. It seemed that Mu Yunhe was practicing swordsmanship.

Bai Fanlu got dressed, casually tied his hair, and went out.

Mu Yunhe was so absorbed in his practice that he was completely unaware of Bai Fanlu watching him in the courtyard.

This was the first time Bai Fanlu had “seen” Mu Yunhe practice swordsmanship. Even with Yun Zhan, he had never witnessed this before.

At that moment, the sword energy flowed like a dragon, causing his robe to flutter. There was a faint sound, like the roar of a dragon splitting the air.

Bai Fanlu could sense it, and he vaguely sketched a picture in his mind.

Moved by this inspiration, he hurriedly went inside to get his brush, ink, and paper, then spread them out on a stone table in the courtyard.

An idea had just struck him, and he was eager to capture it on paper.

Once he started drawing, he lost track of everything else. All he could hear was the sound of the sword, and his mind was focused solely on the ink as it flowed.

In that small courtyard, one person was engrossed in the dance of the sword, while the other was immersed in the art of painting.

Even though Mu Yunhe shouldn’t have noticed Bai Fanlu, his sword movements seemed to revolve around him, with fallen red and white petals fluttering around, carried by the sword wind, as if whispering between them.

They were both unaware of each other’s presence, yet they were also acutely aware.

When Mu Yunhe finished his final move, he looked up at the same time Bai Fanlu put down his brush, a smile subtly appearing on Bai Fanlu’s face as he gazed at the paper.

Mu Yunhe walked over and saw the just-completed painting on the table—a figure practicing swordsmanship under a tree.

“Does it resemble me?” Bai Fanlu asked.

“It does,” Mu Yunhe replied.

There was a mutual understanding between them. Bai Fanlu smiled naturally, though he wasn’t sure why, and then laughed at himself.

“How can you say it resembles you?”

He had painted the Yun Zhan in his heart, but the painting was done in ink, so even if it resembled him in spirit, it couldn’t capture his exact likeness. Even if Mu Yunhe did look like Yun Zhan, it wouldn’t be possible to tell from just one painting.

Mu Yunhe seemed to understand his thoughts and said, “The person in the painting is someone in your heart, so of course, I look exactly like him because I am the one in your heart.”

Bai Fanlu’s face turned slightly red as he smiled, “You certainly are confident.”

“Of course!”

Bai Fanlu was now accustomed to this person’s shamelessness; listening to it every day had significantly improved his immunity.

After they tidied up, they had breakfast and then, according to their original plan, went for a walk by the Bi Lake and Qing Dike.

It was late spring, and there were many people out for a walk. Along the road, farmers were selling drinks, including a pear blossom brew made from this spring’s pear blossoms. People said it was good luck to drink a cup at the Thousand-Year Pavilion in the middle of the lake and offer another as a sacrifice.

“Do you want this good luck?” Mu Yunhe asked deliberately.

Bai Fanlu chuckled, “If you want to drink, just drink. Why ask me?”

Mu Yunhe laughed heartily, bought a jar of pear blossom brew, and happily carried it to the Thousand-Year Pavilion.

Who would have thought that after drinking it, he would still not feel satisfied and ended up buying two more jars on the way back?

After dinner that night, Bai Fanlu was on guard against Mu Yunhe going wild after drinking, but unexpectedly, although Mu Yunhe did pounce on him, he only nuzzled against him for a long time, mumbling, “Senior brother, you’re too bad.”

“How am I bad?”


“Hey, explain yourself.”

There was no response. Mu Yunhe’s head drooped as he buried it in Bai Fanlu’s neck and started snoring.

“…” Bai Fanlu tried pushing him off, but it was like trying to move a boulder, nearly suffocating him.

“Azhan? Azhan?” Bai Fanlu tried calling out, feeling the other person stir slightly. He quickly said, “Get up and go to bed, or you’ll catch a cold.”


He was about to start snoring again.

Bai Fanlu had an idea, “Get up, or you’ll crush me to death.”

“Hmm? Ah? No… you can’t die… I-I’m getting up…”

The giant child, Mu Yunhe, wobbled as he climbed off Bai Fanlu. Bai Fanlu quickly stood up, afraid he would collapse again, and coaxed him, “Come on, let’s go back to bed.”


Mu Yunhe’s tone was filled with joy, as if a big baby had just been given candy.

Don’t we sleep together every night? What’s he so happy about?

“Yes, together.” Bai Fanlu was very patient with the big baby and half-supported, half-carried him back to the room.

As soon as Mu Yunhe hit the bed, Bai Fanlu was about to leave when Mu Yunhe, startled, sat up and grabbed his sleeve, “Senior brother…”

“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving. I’m just getting some water to wash your face.”

“No washing… want senior brother… whimper…”

Was he about to cry?

Oh heavens, is this the legendary terrifying drunken tantrum of the Little Prince Mu? It’s certainly… scary.

Bai Fanlu felt a headache coming on and had no choice but to sit back down. The big fool immediately broke into a smile.

Smelling the strong alcohol on him, Bai Fanlu said, “You need to wash up, or I’ll find you disgusting.”


“Will you wash?”


Bai Fanlu suppressed the goosebumps and helped him wash up. After cleaning himself up too, he decided that his outerwear needed to come off.

Mu Yunhe cooperated obediently, and Bai Fanlu could almost imagine him sitting on the edge of the bed, looking like a big golden retriever in a pet grooming shop, sitting on the grooming table waiting for the stylist.

The big golden retriever finally awaited his master’s favor. As soon as Bai Fanlu sat on the bed, he happily hugged him and lay down.

Then he nuzzled against him for a long time, just like with a plush toy, finally satisfied, he smacked a kiss, “Senior brother, I like you!”

Bai Fanlu blushed, heart racing, “I know.”

“Really like you.”


“…Like you…”


The clingy golden retriever finally had enough and, cuddling his beloved plush toy, fell asleep.

Who knows if the golden retriever dreamed of anything, but after a few days, Bai Fanlu dreamed again of those two.

It was the same courtyard as before, but this time it was daytime.

Mo Jiuli was writing or drawing at the table, though it was unclear what. Bai Fanlu was just about to go over and take a look when he heard a hearty laugh, “How is it? Finished?”

Qi Zhao was sheathing his sword and striding over, stirring up a breeze that scattered the fallen flowers all over the ground.

Bai Fanlu followed his figure and saw that the two were now standing together, seemingly discussing the picture.

The scent of fresh grass drifted past the red-bricked carved walls. Behind them, the winding path led through the small courtyard to a jade-green lake outside.

The winding bridge, the pavilion with its breeze, and the shimmering water, floating duckweed and algae in varying shades of green.

The vast expanse of green, complemented by deep and light shades of red, lay quietly spread out, with sunlight and flower shadows dazzling in the view.

Those two seemed to be the most striking presences in this beautiful scene.

It all felt so familiar…

Bai Fanlu was pondering this when he heard Qi Zhao ask, “Where have you hidden the previous paintings? Every time I see one, I can’t find it again.”

Mo Jiuli replied, “Once is enough.”

“That’s not enough. The last one, the Ten Thousand Mile Landscape, would take me days and nights to fully appreciate.”

“That one… was given away,” Mo Jiuli said lightly.

“Given to whom?” Qi Zhao’s voice clearly had a hint of jealousy, “That was a year’s worth of your sleepless effort.”

“Whoever wanted to see it got it.”

“And what if I want to see it? You didn’t give it to me.”

Mo Jiuli seemed to glance at Qi Zhao, “If you want to see it, I’ll paint you one in a year.”

“…Forget it,” Qi Zhao said, “I’d rather you spare your eyes.”

After a while, when Mo Jiuli had rolled up the painting and put it away in his chamber, Qi Zhao asked him, “I don’t want a painting. How about you make it up to me by having a drink with me?”

Mo Jiuli replied, “Fine, you wait for me outside the palace.”

“No need for that trouble. I’ll just take you out.”

“There’s a banquet in the palace today. I need  to report to my father. And there are many eyes on us; you should restrain yourself.”

Qi Zhao had no choice but to agree, “Alright, I’ll wait outside the palace gates. Don’t keep me waiting too long, or else… I’ll punish you with three cups when you arrive.”

With this laughter fading, the scene shifted, and Bai Fanlu found himself leaving the courtyard and arriving at an open field.

It seemed to be a grassland, with time shifting from day to night.

“You’ve made me wait again. This time I’ll definitely punish you!”

Qi Zhao waved his arm, tossing two round objects, one of which flew straight toward Mo Jiuli with force.

Mo Jiuli turned his wrist and caught the object in his palm.

It was a wine jar. But it seemed that he had not caught it correctly, as a slight crack appeared in the jar with a soft sound.

However, before it could fully break, a force stabilized it. Qi Zhao grabbed Mo Jiuli’s wrist with one hand, while the other hand gathered a surge of energy to hold the nearly shattered jar together.

Suddenly, Qi Zhao clenched his palm, and the jar shattered completely. The entire jar of fine wine scattered like starlight in all directions. In a split second, Qi Zhao activated his mind power, letting out a low shout.


In mid-air, the sparkling wine seemed to come to life, suddenly separating from the jar fragments. Some fell down, while some floated up.

Once the two were completely separated, Qi Zhao slightly closed his open hand, and the scattered wine quickly gathered into a rapidly spinning sphere, as if forming a transparent wine jar once again.

It slowly fell back into Mo Jiuli’s hand.

“How’s this move, ‘Transforming All Things’?” Qi Zhao asked proudly.

“Not bad.”

“Such arrogance!”

Mo Jiuli said calmly, “If I had your abilities, I wouldn’t be any worse than you.”

Qi Zhao laughed, “So that’s what you’re upset about? Alright then, I won’t use any abilities. Let’s compete for these two jars of wine and see who can drink first.”

As he spoke, he picked up the unbroken jar with his other hand.

Mo Jiuli glanced at it, seemingly uninterested.

Qi Zhao added, “If you win, I’ll grant you one request.”

“And if I lose? Do I have to grant you one request?”

Qi Zhao asked, “What? Are you afraid?”

Mo Jiuli replied, “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Still holding Mo Jiuli’s wrist, Qi Zhao smirked mischievously, “I’ll let you have the first move.”

Bai Fanlu didn’t quite understand this competition, and he wondered if Qi Zhao was really a deity—how could he be so childish?

Mo Jiuli probably had the same thought, as he looked down at the transparent jar in his hand, with Qi Zhao still holding his wrist.

The other jar was in Qi Zhao’s hand. Compared to him, Mo Jiuli had one hand free.

Bai Fanlu sensed that Mo Jiuli was about to make a move, and sure enough, the next moment, Mo Jiuli unhesitatingly grabbed at Qi Zhao’s wrist with his left hand, but Qi Zhao skillfully dodged.

Feigning an attack, Mo Jiuli took advantage of the moment when Qi Zhao’s grip loosened slightly to reach for the other jar in Qi Zhao’s hand.

But Qi Zhao wouldn’t let him succeed. He cut in with a swift palm strike, and then pursued him. Mo Jiuli didn’t dodge; instead, he met him head-on, swinging his left arm as if to push him away.

Mo Jiuli smiled faintly, and Bai Fanlu sensed something was amiss. Sure enough, Mo Jiuli suddenly lowered himself and kicked at Qi Zhao’s knee.

Qi Zhao might have wanted to use his abilities at that moment but hesitated, not wanting to break the rules, and it was too late to dodge.

Although Mo Jiuli didn’t put his full strength into it, he still applied some force, causing Qi Zhao to stumble backward.

“You rascal, Ah Li—”

As Qi Zhao fell, he clung tightly to the wine jar.


But Mo Jiuli chuckled softly, letting himself be pulled down with the jar. However, he didn’t seem angry at all. On the contrary, it was as if he had fallen right into his plan. Taking advantage of the momentum, he pressed Qi Zhao down and pinned him.

“Qi Zhao, I win!” Mo Jiuli said, his voice filled with laughter.

Bai Fanlu was puzzled—the jar was still in Qi Zhao’s hand. How could Mo Jiuli claim victory?

Indeed, the jar was still in Qi Zhao’s hand, but unfortunately, the outcome of this game was never about the jar itself but rather about the wine inside.

Qi Zhao was a moment too slow in realizing this. By the time he understood, it was too late. Mo Jiuli leaned forward, took advantage of Qi Zhao’s slightly tilted right hand, and bit down on the edge of the jar.

With a firm bite, the jar tilted, and the sweet wine poured into his mouth, with some trickling down his finely sculpted jawline.

Coincidentally, some drops landed on Qi Zhao’s lips.

At the same time, Mo Jiuli’s long, silky black hair, as smooth as jade, brushed past Qi Zhao’s lips, catching the breeze and spreading across his chest like an enchanting net, blending into the intoxicating night.

The green of the grass, the cool breeze, the crescent moon, and the twinkling stars.

Thin clothes, black hair, a beauty, and fine wine.

With such an intimate and lingering posture, seen by someone with an eye for it, it would seem like a moment of tender reluctance to part.

Bai Fanlu was also struck by the scene. He couldn’t help but glance at Qi Zhao.

It seemed as if the deity was staring blankly at the person on top of him, not moving at all. He might have swallowed some of the wine, as there was a sound of swallowing from his throat.

In a daze, Bai Fanlu remembered the taste of the wine—the legendary “Forget Worries.” Initially, it was sweet, then spicy as it went down the throat, and finally burning in the stomach. It wasn’t exactly pleasant to drink.

But the key was the aftertaste—the more aged it was, the more profound the aftertaste, as if it carried a faint, cool fragrance like pear blossoms in spring.

“Qi Zhao, if you don’t fight back, I’ll finish the whole jar myself.”

After a long time, Mo Jiuli finally stopped and looked at Qi Zhao, who was still in a daze. He smiled and pretended to go for the jar again.

Qi Zhao quickly grabbed his arm, “No more drinking!”

Mo Jiuli smiled, “Why not?”

Qi Zhao replied firmly, “I’ll drink with you!”

The night wind was particularly chilly, but with wine to drink, it seemed that no matter how cold the wind was, it could warm a person to the core.

Qi Zhao turned his head, and the nearby Mo Jiuli seemed to have fallen asleep. Bai Fanlu could hear faint, soft breathing.

Qi Zhao raised his hand, a ball of light forming in his palm, ready to be released, but he hesitated, then withdrew it. Instead, he took off his outer robe and gently draped it over Mo Jiuli.

Mo Jiuli turned over towards Qi Zhao, curling up slightly in a protective posture.

Qi Zhao just sat there quietly, Bai Fanlu unable to see his expression, but he could tell that Qi Zhao was looking at Mo Jiuli, staring for a long time.

The surroundings were unusually quiet, but the dream wasn’t over. Bai Fanlu remained in the grassland, waiting for a while longer until he heard the sound of hooves in the distance.

Looking toward the sound, he saw a black horse. In the night, the horse’s body was bathed in a faint divine light, like a cold fire.

Bai Fanlu suddenly felt a strange sense of familiarity.

Qi Zhao walked over to the horse, deliberately putting some distance between himself and Mo Jiuli.

“Your Majesty, you’ve been in the mortal realm for too long this time. I fear…”

“I know,” Qi Zhao glanced back at Mo Jiuli. “No more than ten days, and I’ll return.”

He patted the horse, “Shan Hou Xue, I’ll trouble you to stabilize those old fogeys.”

Shan Hou Xue?

Bai Fanlu was startled. That name, why did it sound so familiar…

Where had he heard it before?

“Rest assured, Your Majesty.”

Bai Fanlu wanted to take another look at the horse, but it had already vanished into the sky.

Qi Zhao returned to Mo Jiuli’s side and lay down beside him, facing him.

Bai Fanlu wasn’t sure about the current situation between the two of them. This dream seemed to be before the spring dream, and it felt like their relationship was merely ambiguous, not as deep as later on.

Just as he was pondering this, he heard Qi Zhao say, “Ah Li, if I leave, you…”

After a while, he added self-deprecatingly, “What am I thinking… Forget it!”

Qi Zhao suddenly sat up, used a spell, and in the next moment, Mo Jiuli disappeared from the grass.

Only Qi Zhao remained, slowly standing up, gazing into the distance.

“Just as you said, if fate allows, we’ll meet again.”

Bai Fanlu felt a heaviness in his heart. In the next moment, a white mist surrounded him, and the dream was about to end.

Author’s note:

Author: Tsk tsk tsk.

Yun Zhan: What’s up?

Author: So, this is how you act when you’re drunk.

Yun Zhan: Got a problem?

Author: No, as long as you’re happy.

Little Bai Lu: I’m not happy.

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