But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 79

But Shixiong Doesn’t Want To Be A Villain!: Chapter 79

That night, no matter how cold Bai Fanlu’s demeanor was, Mu Yunhe remained persistent, but he only went as far as pressing him onto the bed for a passionate kiss.

But even this much was enough to satisfy the young prince. If you asked him how he managed to maintain his shameless persistence, it was all thanks to that precious letter with those eight characters.

“Lin Qiu, I know you care about me. Even though I still don’t know what’s really on your mind, I don’t care. Sooner or later, I’ll warm your heart.”

“…” Bai Fanlu turned his back to him, still maintaining a cold exterior, though his heart was pounding as if it might leap out of his chest. It had been a long time since he had kissed anyone, and it felt like the first time again. How embarrassing.

“You see, even fighting a difficult war, I can handle it with ease. I won’t give up on you either.”

Bai Fanlu listened to his self-assured rambling, feeling even more conflicted. He already knew that the war Mu Yunhe was about to face could take several years to resolve.

He would face a heavenly tribulation on his twenty-second birthday. If Mu Yunhe was away at war and not by his side, how could he help him through it?

But if he stayed by Mu Yunhe’s side, he wasn’t sure he could keep his emotions in check.

He wasn’t the original owner of this body and couldn’t simply take advantage of someone else’s feelings and life without feeling guilty.

At this moment, Bai Fanlu seemed to forget that when he first realized Ling Qingzi had feelings for the original owner, he was shocked and awkward, but more than that, he was touched and wanted to help Ling Qingzi preserve the original owner’s life while also protecting the sect.

But when it came to Yun Zhan, upon discovering that his affections were for the original owner, Bai Fanlu only wanted to escape, to finish everything quickly, return the body, and let the two of them be together.

Perhaps this is the true difference between indifference and affection, but Bai Fanlu hadn’t realized it yet.

The next morning, Bai Fanlu proposed to go with Mu Yunhe to the South Man region as a military physician.

He gave himself two reasons: first, to ensure that he would be there when Mu Yunhe faced his tribulation, and second, he had heard that the South Man region had strange medical techniques that might provide clues about the “Blood凝珠” (Blood Coagulation Pearl).

Mu Yunhe was naturally eager to agree to this suggestion. Although he had considered bringing Bai Fanlu along before, he was worried about his safety. Now that Bai Fanlu had offered to be a military physician, and since physicians didn’t have to be on the front lines, this suggestion was very much to his liking, so he immediately agreed.

“But I have conditions,” Bai Fanlu said. “I will go only as a military physician, and I must live in the same tent as the other physicians. I also ask that the general does not give me any special treatment.”

“…Alright, I agree.”

After some consideration, Mu Yunhe could only agree. It was better than being separated by mountains and rivers, making it hard to even meet.

And so, Bai Fanlu accompanied Mu Yunhe to the South Man region, becoming a military physician with the army.

The conditions in the South Man region were harsh, and the deeper they advanced into the interior, the slower the march became. The army eventually set up camp on the outskirts of the border village, dividing into two large camps, east and west.

Bai Fanlu and Mu Yunhe were in the eastern camp, where the medical tent also housed an old military physician and his apprentice. The three shared a tent.

The old physician had some knowledge of the local medical practices in the South Man region, and Bai Fanlu took the opportunity to learn from him. However, when asked about the “Blood凝珠,” the old physician said he had never heard of it but mentioned rumors of heart blood being used in the South Man witchcraft. He wasn’t sure if it was related to the “Blood凝珠.”

Taking down the South Man stronghold wouldn’t happen overnight. The terrain in the southern border was treacherous, the cities small, and the enemy forces scattered across various settlements. Just figuring out the best route for the march was a huge challenge, requiring scouts to be sent out, often leading to small skirmishes in unexpected places.

The medical tent was busy every day, and gradually, Bai Fanlu became familiar with the soldiers of the Mu family army. His gentle demeanor and skillful hands soon earned him a good reputation in the camp.

Mu Yunhe occasionally overheard his subordinates praising Bai Fanlu when they went in and out of the medical tent, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit sour.

But he kept his promise, and except for one time when he was seriously injured and went to the medical tent, where the old physician treated him, he only caught a distant glimpse of Bai Fanlu. Other than that, they never saw each other or even exchanged a word.

As the front lines advanced, the war reached a critical point. With the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers depending on him, Mu Yunhe couldn’t afford to be distracted.

In the command tent, Mu Yunhe pointed to a spot on the map. “Gentlemen, this is where the South Man’s main base is located. General Zuo will attack the eastern side at Nanling Pass to lay the foundation for us, but the South Man army is familiar with the terrain and excels in guerrilla warfare. If we can’t find a breakthrough, a prolonged conflict will only allow them to gain the upper hand and eventually reverse our advantage.”

“So, what’s the great general’s brilliant plan?”

The speaker, a middle-aged man with a burly frame, clad in dark armor with a blue cape, had a look of disdain and sarcasm in his eyes.

This was Wei Yan, a senior general under the previous emperor, who had always been at odds with the Mu family general. Mu Yunhe could tell that Wei Yan was deliberately provoking him, but he merely smiled.

“General Wei is a battle-hardened veteran, highly trusted by His Majesty. I have great respect for you and would love to hear your thoughts on how to handle this situation.”

“Hmph! His Majesty personally appointed you as the commander-in-chief of this battle. We are merely here to assist you. Or do you think you’re not capable enough to solve such a minor issue?”

The veiled sarcasm was now blatant, and the already solemn war council grew even more tense.

Standing beside Mu Yunhe was Xin Wu, the sworn brother of the late Mu family general. He frowned, wanting to speak up, but after a moment of reflection, his expression relaxed, and he looked at Mu Yunhe with a hint of approval.

Sure enough, Mu Yunhe showed no sign of wavering and instead responded with a generous smile.

“I, Mu, am not worthy of the great trust placed in me by His Majesty to safeguard the southern borders, but I will do my utmost. While unity among the soldiers is key in battle, it’s equally important for the commanders to share the same fate, advancing and retreating together. As the saying goes, ‘When the lips are gone, the teeth are cold.’ Don’t you agree, General Wei?”

Wei Yan’s face turned red and white by turns, his expression flickering with uncertainty.

Exchanging a reassuring glance with Xin Wu, Mu Yunhe scanned the circle of generals in the tent before returning his gaze to the map, falling silent in thought.

After a moment, Wei Yan could no longer contain himself. “General, I have an idea.”

“Oh?” Mu Yunhe nodded slightly. “Please, General Wei, share it.”

“There are many fortresses ahead, but most are located in rugged terrain, making them easy to defend and hard to attack. Our army cannot continue to hover around them without progress. Instead, why not take a different approach? Avoid the fortresses and look for weak spots on the outskirts. Coordinate with Nanling Pass inside and out, cut straight into the enemy’s heart, and capture their leader.”

Mu Yunhe pondered for a moment. “What you say makes sense, but while our army has the advantage in numbers, we are far from home and engaged in a long campaign. If we disperse our forces further and get surrounded by the enemy, we may find ourselves in a precarious situation.”

“This…” Wei Yan’s face showed a hint of anxiety.

Mu Yunhe continued, “I do have a plan that might work, but it involves taking some risks. I wonder if my colleagues would be willing to lend their assistance?”

Seeing that the time was ripe, Mu Yunhe finally revealed the strategy he had long been planning.

The generals exchanged glances. In their experience, this commander was full of clever strategies, so although they didn’t fully understand his plan, they respectfully replied, “We are willing to follow the general’s orders.”

Wei Yan narrowed his eyes. For some reason, when Mu Yunhe looked at him, his heart trembled, and he said, “I too am willing to follow the general’s plan.”

Mu Yunhe cupped his hands to those around him. “In that case, I thank you all in advance. If there are any flaws in this plan, I hope you won’t hesitate to point them out so that we can discuss the best course of action together.”

With that, he marked a small area on the map with his red pen.

“This place is called Hu Guan. It is narrow on the outside and wide on the inside, making it suitable for both defense and offense. It’s also surrounded by forests on three sides, with only a large open area at the front, perfect for an ambush.”

One of the generals immediately caught on. “General, do you mean to…?”

Mu Yunhe nodded, drawing three lines on the map with his red pen. “That’s right, from the east, south, and north, we’ll divide our forces, lure the enemy in, and encircle and annihilate them.”

“…” Wei Yan thought for a moment and then asked, “But what if the South Man is cautious and doesn’t take the bait?”

Mu Yunhe seemed to have anticipated this question and smiled slightly. “Indeed, that’s a possibility. That’s why we need to use a big bait to catch a big fish… and this bait, I will personally set. What do you think?”

Although Bai Fanlu was always in the medical tent, he often heard the soldiers talking about the current situation. While they wouldn’t know much about military secrets, combining their comments with the military strategies he had discussed with Mu Yunhe, Bai Fanlu could guess a bit of what was happening.

That day, Bai Fanlu noticed a significant reduction in the number of people in the camp, and the old physician and his apprentice were also absent from the tent. Bai Fanlu understood that it was the eve of a major battle.

Hu Guan.

The tension in the air was palpable, ready to erupt at any moment.

“General, something seems off.” The deputy general, his face full of anxiety, spoke to Mu Yunhe, who was commanding the defense at the pass.

Half an hour had passed since the agreed time, but after the signal was sent, it was as if it had sunk into the sea—no response at all. Judging by the enemy’s movements outside, not only had there been no sign of Wei Yan, but another key deployment had also failed to act according to plan.

The deputy general was visibly nervous, but Mu Yunhe knew exactly what was happening.

This fat bait of his had indeed hooked a big fish.

“No need to worry,” Mu Yunhe said. “The situation is still unclear. Deputy General, do not lose your composure. We have the advantage of the natural defenses here, and the South Man won’t easily gain the upper hand. As for the rest, I’ve made preparations.”


“Go check if the grain stored in the valley is still intact, and make sure the soldiers here are carefully organized—don’t let anyone slip through the cracks.”

“Yes, sir.”

As the deputy general left, Mu Yunhe clenched his fist. He knew he couldn’t leave the front line for even a moment. If he did, it would further destabilize the already shaky morale of the troops.

For now, he could only be thankful that he had anticipated this and set up a series of contingency plans. The soldiers he had with him were all personally selected, the most loyal veterans of the Mu family army, so they could hold the line for the time being.

“General!” A sudden urgent call broke his thoughts.

“What is it? Has something happened to the grain?” Mu Yunhe was immediately alarmed, instinctively asking.

But the voice that responded wasn’t the deputy general’s; instead, it came from the top of the mountain.

“General! I’m sorry, but Wei can’t let you go!”

“Release the arrows—”

Wei Yan’s command echoed, and a hundred arrows were fired simultaneously. The iron tips gleamed coldly as wave after wave of arrows rained down on Mu Yunhe like a torrential downpour!

Mu Yunhe was prepared. His body moved with the grace of a roc, suddenly soaring into the air. With a flick of his wrist, a gust of energy shot out from his sword, cutting through the incoming arrows and slashing toward the archers behind them. Two cries of pain followed as two archers fell.

Wei Yan remained expressionless, standing atop the mountain. He raised his hand, and two soldiers immediately brought him a longbow. He took it up with one arm, nocked three massive arrows, narrowed his eyes, and aimed at the heart of the battle.

The three arrows whistled through the air like lightning bolts across the sky. Mu Yunhe spun, narrowly dodging one arrow across his chest, kicked aside another, but the last one came dangerously close to his side.


But before the arrow could reach him, it was suddenly intercepted by a long blade that angled in, pinning it to the ground with a crack as it shattered.

“General Xin! It’s General Xin! Look, it’s the reinforcements!” The soldiers, nearly at their limit, were suddenly invigorated, rushing to shout. The entrance to Hu Guan, which had seemed like a dead end, now appeared as a gateway to salvation.

The reinforcements poured in like a flood, raising bronze shields to block the arrows and setting up ladders to begin the assault.

“General, are you alright?” Xin Wu supported Mu Yunhe, noticing that he had been injured by an arrow to the chest.

Breaking off the shaft embedded in his flesh, Mu Yunhe said, “It’s just a flesh wound, nothing serious. How did you get here? What about the South Man?”

“Just as you predicted, General. The South Man fell into our trap, and we annihilated their forces.” Xin Wu was excited.

“Good!” Mu Yunhe was greatly encouraged.

The shouts of the soldiers rang out continuously, and Mu Yunhe, riding this wave of momentum, ignored his arrow wound, mounted his horse, and reorganized the army to engage Wei Yan in battle.

The troops Wei Yan had brought from Hengchang were no match for the united Mu family army. Although he had the advantage of terrain to buy time, he was eventually killed by Mu Yunhe’s sword. The remaining soldiers either surrendered or were captured.

With the immediate crisis resolved, they needed to quickly return to camp to restore morale. There were spies within their ranks, and the South Man was still lurking outside, ready to strike. This battle would not be easy.

On the way back, Mu Yunhe recalled something and asked Xin Wu, “Uncle Xin, how did you end up here?”

This wasn’t part of his plan. Mu Yunhe had long suspected Wei Yan, which was why he deliberately set him up to catch all the spies at once. But Xin Wu wasn’t supposed to be there.

“Well…” Xin Wu seemed hesitant to speak.

But Mu Yunhe was the commander, so after a moment of hesitation, Xin Wu decided to be honest. “I won’t lie to you, General. It was Physician Qiu who secretly informed me, but he told me not to tell you.”

Mu Yunhe was shocked. He knew exactly who “Physician Qiu” referred to—the nickname the soldiers had given Bai Fanlu.

“Yesterday, before we reorganized the troops, Physician Qiu found me and said there was something wrong with Wei Yan, urging me to protect you. He also warned me about the South Man’s poisonous miasma techniques, which is why our army managed to avoid the ambush today without losing a single soldier.”


“Although you didn’t send me to reinforce you, General, I still came without organizing the troops first. Fortunately, I made it in time…”

Before Xin Wu could finish speaking, they saw a rider approaching at full speed.

“General! Bad news! The camp is on fire! The medical tent is burning, and the fire has already spread to the weapons depot and the grain storage—”

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