Extra 5: Modern AU

Are You OK Extra 5

Author's Note

Qi Ying Jun:

(Characters mentioned in the text will be explained in the main story) I’m so sick of writing this, it took me three days. The extra chapter is over. I’ll update the main story when I have time. Now I’m off to have some fun, bye-bye~


[Part 1]

As everyone knows, this story is a sci-fi novel that includes advanced concepts like wormholes and singularities. So, introducing a parallel universe setting here to avoid the responsibility of drastically altering the main plot should be something everyone can accept.

In a certain parallel universe, on a certain day, I was drinking and having fun with a few friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I got food poisoning and started foaming at the mouth and convulsing, barely clinging to life.

Before losing consciousness, I vaguely felt myself being placed on a bed, and Tao Zhongchi, who was beside me, said, “There’s no hope, the only option left is to send him to the singularity. Young Hero Zuo, should we send him?”

I struggled to protest: I’d rather die on my own luxurious bed than be transported by the singularity to some unknown primitive universe, where everything resets and survival is uncertain. For some who are unwilling to endure hardship, once is enough, and twice is too much.

However, the heavens didn’t give me a chance. The last thing I heard was Zuo Yunqi’s decisive reply: “Send him.”

I didn’t even have time to curse before I fell into a long darkness.

[Part 2]

The moment I opened my eyes, I felt extremely lucky.

Because the bustling traffic and tall buildings in front of me, no matter how I looked at them, were the modern hometown I was familiar with. Even the huge billboard across the street looked particularly familiar. I even recognized the company name on that billboard—before I was transported to Daliang, I was diligently working as a CEO, and this company was my fierce rival. We fought like dragons and tigers in the same city, neither yielding to the other, and things got quite ugly.

That fat Mr. Wang, after losing a bid, once sneered at me, saying, “Mr. Lou, be careful of traffic when you go out.”

Because of that sentence, I’ve always suspected that the car accident that happened before I was transported to Daliang wasn’t just an accident.

Now, after so many years, it seems that my rival has been thriving, while I have no idea what has become of my own business…

As I stared at that billboard in a daze, a strange odor suddenly wafted into my nose. I sniffed and touched myself up and down, my pupils dilating in shock. Even without a mirror, I could tell that I, the former boss, now had a tangled beard and hair, and the clothes I wore probably hadn’t been washed in eight years, emitting a foul stench.

It seems I had been transported into the body of a homeless man.

[Part 3]

I looked at the speeding traffic on the road in front of me and seriously considered whether I should throw myself under a car. But I ultimately couldn’t take that step.

Because I remembered that I wasn’t the only one who got food poisoning. Did my old friends also get sent to the singularity? Did they also get transported to modern times, into some inexplicable identities? Would they be panicking as well? In such a vast world, where could I find them?

As everyone knows, a twist should occur at this point.

Suddenly, my view was blocked as a sleek black business car silently stopped in front of me.

Two bodyguards in suits got out of the car, stood directly in front of me, and gruffly said, “Move along.”

Me: ?

Bodyguard: “Don’t loiter under our company’s billboard, we have a leader visiting today.”

[Part 4]

I turned my head to look, and sure enough, I was under the shadow of another identical giant billboard. This black car seemed somewhat familiar. I squinted to see the back seat, but the windows were tinted, and I couldn’t tell if there was anyone inside.

The bodyguard saw that I didn’t react and kicked me in the ribs.

Caught off guard, I almost got an internal injury from the kick, biting my back molars until they nearly bled. But given the situation, I was now a weak homeless man; even if I were beaten to death in the street, no one would collect my body. Thinking of this, I quickly rolled away, nodding and bowing, saying, “Brothers, let’s talk this over, no need to use violence.”

The bodyguard seemed to glance back at the car before kicking me in the rear again, “Get lost. And you guys, get up too!”

Looking around, I saw a few other homeless people sitting in the shadows nearby, being driven away like cattle.

I felt my smelly clothes from top to bottom and wished I had a phone to secretly record this scene. Later, I could post it online to stir up some public opinion and at least make Mr. Wang suffer a bit.

But that wasn’t my style. Seeing that there was nothing more to be done here, I decided to slip away.

Behind me, I heard a few heart-wrenching screams. I quickly turned back and was stunned by what I saw. A skinny homeless man was grabbing the heads of those two bodyguards and slamming them against the back window of the business car.

[Part 5]

The business car had bulletproof glass, so it wouldn’t break from such an impact, but the foreheads of the two bodyguards quickly turned into a bloody mess. They were begging for their lives in incoherent babbles. The homeless man was relentless, nearly killing them before tossing them aside. He then started fumbling with the car door, seemingly trying to figure out how to open it.

I rushed over and grabbed him, “Brother, know when to stop. Run! If they call the police, we won’t be able to escape!”

The homeless man paused, turned to look at me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Just then, the black car roared to life, speeding away without a care for the two men on the ground.

Me: “You—”

The homeless man frowned as he looked at my hand gripping him, “What?”

I hesitated, recalling the skills he just displayed, his difficulty in opening the car door, and that cold, wolf-like gaze. Finally, I quietly said, “Let’s live together in this mortal world and—”

The homeless man’s expression gradually changed, and he slowly said, “Live a life of debauchery.”

Me: …

Me: “You’re Zuo Yunqi!”

[Part 6]

A moment later, we were in a public restroom by the street.

Zuo Yunqi was washing himself at the sink, complaining, “You didn’t mention that people in this world are so unhygienic.”

I replied, “Not everyone is like that. We just happened to be transported into the bodies of beggars.”

Zuo Yunqi was stunned, “Beggars?”

“Yes, so stop washing and run. The person you just offended was my sworn enemy before I was transported. He could crush us now as easily as crushing two ants. If he surrounds us with people, we won’t even make it into the news; we’ll go straight to the crematorium.” At this point, I got angry, “You were perfectly healthy; why did you have to transport here?”

Zuo Yunqi casually replied, “I got food poisoning too.”

“Sure, keep making things up. I clearly heard you talking to Doctor Tao. She asked if you wanted to send me over, but she didn’t ask if you wanted to come yourself!”

Zuo Yunqi remained silent.

“You do realize that when you entered that singularity, you could have ended up in any kind of world?”

Zuo Yunqi still didn’t speak.

Seeing that he had suddenly become tight-lipped, I knew it was useless to ask more, so I sighed, “Forget it, let’s think about where to find dinner tonight.”

Zuo Yunqi looked up, “I’m not going to beg. Let’s find some work to earn money.”

I sneered, “Young man, you say it so easily, but it’s clear you’ve never experienced the intense competition here. Given our current situation, what skills do we have…”

I paused, “Wait, I have an idea.”

[Part 7]

When Xie Liang first woke up, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, as if the symptoms of food poisoning before he was transported were continuing. But he quickly realized that it wasn’t an illusion. Xie Liang expertly channeled his energy throughout his body, expelling the foreign matter from his stomach. It turned out to be nothing more than some alcohol-scented residue, indicating that he had been transported into the body of a heavy drinker.

His first reaction was to find a mirror to check his appearance. Fortunately, though this body’s looks didn’t match his original, it was still decent enough to pass for a few months without causing much of a stir.

Xie Liang glanced around his surroundings. The room’s decor was unfamiliar yet somehow vaguely familiar. After some thought, he realized this might be the hometown Fan Aiguo had mentioned countless times. Speaking of which… he wondered if that guy had successfully crossed over.

Xie Liang rummaged around the room for a while and ended up finding several crumpled magazines in the trash. His face was printed on the cover with the headline: “Disgraced Actor.”

Xie Liang: ?

[Part 8]

Xie Liang, half-guess

ing and half-deciphering the simplified characters, deduced that he was an actor who had risen to fame with his looks but had a terrible reputation after a few years. He had neither acting skills nor social grace, and every colleague he worked with had fallen out with him. Last month, a director had even publicly criticized him for not memorizing his lines and for slacking off throughout the shoot, declaring that he would soon be kicked out of the industry.

A sharp ringing startled Xie Liang, making him lean back. He looked towards the source of the noise, guessing it might be the “mobile phone” Fan Aiguo had mentioned. Hesitantly, he reached out and poked it. A voice filled with urgency came from the phone: “Big brother, did you get drunk again? The car is waiting at your door, please hurry to the set!”

Xie Liang: “Set?”

The person on the other end: “Yes, if you’re late again, the director will really kick you out of the cast!”

Xie Liang hesitated for a moment, wondering what the other person’s reaction would be if he confessed that he had just crossed over.

Slowly, he said, “My dear brother, actually I…”

The other person cut him off with a bitter laugh, “You didn’t memorize the lines, did you? Well, at least today is an action scene, and most of it will be done by a stunt double. As long as you show up with the right attitude and endure the director’s scolding, we can think about tomorrow later.”

Xie Liang swallowed back what he was going to say: “An action scene?”

The other person: “Yeah, and you better not have forgotten even that.”

“No,” Xie Liang said, “I’ll be there right away.”

[Part 9]

The filming task for the day was a brawl scene. To be precise, it was a scene where the character played by Xie Liang, a young hero, would fight a group of extras.

For the director, today was another frustrating day. Not only had this little star been slacking off since the beginning of filming, always using a stunt double for all the action scenes and even hoping to use AI for the dialogue scenes, but he was also late to every shoot and slacked off in every scene. Even after multiple warnings and the threat of being kicked out of the cast, this guy still arrived late today, reeking of alcohol.

The director took a deep breath, about to shout from his gut, “Replace him!” But before he could, the actor spoke first: “Director, I have a request.”

The director’s shout got stuck in his throat: “What?”

The little star, in a polite tone, said, “Director, I think I can handle today’s action scenes myself.”

“You? Yourself? Handle the scenes?” The director’s beard bristled with anger, “I’ve already arranged a stunt double for you, and all the movements and positions have been rehearsed for three days. Now you suddenly say you want to do it yourself? Are you telling me I need to give you three more days to rehearse?”

Xie Liang humbly replied, “There’s no need for three days. If possible, I’d like to try right now.”

The director almost laughed out of sheer frustration, turning to call out, “Everyone, come here, focus the cameras, let’s see this big star’s skills.”

Xie Liang clasped his hands together in a salute, “I dare to try.” With that, he performed a long-fist routine on the spot.

The director: …

Seeing that the director was still glaring at him silently, Xie Liang assumed that just one set of boxing moves wasn’t enough to impress him. So, he picked up a prop sword from the ground. This time, he executed the finest moves he had ever performed in his life, the sword slicing through the air with such force that it made the clothing of everyone nearby flutter. The final move even included the shadow of overlapping swords from his “Small Layers of Clouds” technique, encircling him in a divine aura.

Xie Liang held the pose for a few seconds, then bowed again: “Apologies for the display.”

The director: ?

“You… you…” The director clutched his chest, “You had these skills from the start, yet you’ve been sitting around watching the stunt double struggle?”

Xie Liang: …

The director was furious, “What’s wrong with you, huh? What’s your problem?”

Xie Liang paused for a moment before saying deeply, “I hid this from you earlier because I sustained severe internal injuries years ago and couldn’t channel my energy. It’s only recently that I’ve recovered, so I can finally perform these stunts.”

The director: ?

[Part 10]

The scene began with the young hero leaping from the second floor of a tavern into the midst of an ambush, engaging in a fierce battle.

The director watched as Xie Liang stood on the second floor and instructed, “Get him rigged up with the wire. Ready the cameras—” Before he could finish, he caught sight of Xie Liang flipping over like a swallow and jumping down, leaving the wire ropes swaying aimlessly.

The director clutched his chest again.

Xie Liang, unaware of the existence of the command “Action,” saw the director wave his hand and instinctively jumped. His leap was so swift that the crew barely had time to react, only managing to collectively gasp. The extras on the ground were originally supposed to hold up prop swords and wait for the wire to lower him halfway before pretending to be blown away by his sword energy. But before they could react, Xie Liang was already upon them, and their swords, which were supposed to be held up as props, ended up pointing straight at him.

Unfazed, Xie Liang swung his sword in mid-air, releasing a gentle wave of sword energy. The extras, who were only supposed to be posturing, hadn’t braced their stances. Caught by the sword energy, they were all knocked flat on their backs.

Xie Liang: ?

After completing the move, Xie Liang landed on the ground. As he stood up straight, he was startled when he looked up. Instinctively, he threw the prop sword in his hand, and halfway through, it clashed with another sword with a loud “clang.”

[Part 12]

The extras had all fallen, unable to continue with their rehearsed movements. But one of them remained standing, continuing the fight according to the choreography. When Xie Liang’s sword clashed with his, he felt a numbness in his palm. After exchanging a few more blows, both of their expressions became strange. It was as if they had forgotten where they were, their focus entirely on each other’s moves. Their duel intensified, the “clangs” of their swords merging into a continuous sound.

Finally, Xie Liang couldn’t hold back anymore and said, “Let’s live together in this mortal world and—”

The other person gritted his teeth and responded, “Live a life of debauchery!”

Xie Liang abruptly withdrew his move, stepping back three paces.

Xie Liang: “… You’re Zuo Yunqi!”

[Part 13]

The scene was completed at lightning speed.

After bidding farewell to the dumbfounded director, Xie Liang even took two extras from the set back to his hotel room. Lou Zhu and Zuo Yunqi took a refreshing bath, had a satisfying meal, and then collapsed on the sofa, sipping milk tea as they recounted their experiences.

Xie Liang listened in amazement, “So why did you guys decide to become extras?”

Zuo Yunqi replied, “It was Lou Zhu’s idea. He said we have neither diplomas nor connections, couldn’t find any other work, and had to avoid Mr. Wang, so the only way was to join the film crew and showcase our martial arts. Look, this beggar’s body doesn’t even need a wig; it’s already saving them on makeup.”

Xie Liang sympathetically said, “You’ve had it tough. From now on, you can stick with me.”

“You?” Zuo Yunqi squinted suspiciously, “Before I came here, I heard the director say he was going to replace you.”

Xie Liang: …

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Lou Zhu flipped through the magazines in Xie Liang’s room, “It says here, ‘It’s a disgrace to the industry that someone like this can still make money in showbiz.’”

Xie Liang: …

Lou Zhu slapped the magazine shut, “Luckily, after today, you have a savior.”


“Me.” Lou Zhu smiled, “I’ve been a CEO, I’ve fought for power, and now, being your agent is nothing. A bit of business management shouldn’t be too hard to master. Your current body doesn’t have any acting skills, so even if you start learning from scratch, no one will suspect anything. Don’t worry; just show up on time and swing your sword. I’ll handle everything else.”

Xie Liang was overjoyed, “Can I still continue using my sword in this world?”

“Yes, use it with all your might. You’ll be the next big action star.”

Xie Liang was elated. Zuo Yunqi, however, gave Lou Zhu a strange look.

[Part 14]

Later that evening, Zuo Yunqi found Lou Zhu alone, standing on the balcony, letting the wind blow against him.

Zuo Yunqi got straight to the point, “You don’t plan on fighting your way back to being a CEO?”

Lou Zhu rested his chin on one hand, gazing lazily at the sunset, “What’s the point of being a CEO? I’ve been tired for two lifetimes, isn’t that enough? In the future, I’ll be Xie Liang’s agent, and you can be his bodyguard. We’ll just live off him for the rest of our lives.”

“Xie Shaoxia probably doesn’t need protection.”

“Isn’t that even better? No work, just money. Xie Shaoxia is too polite to fire you.”

Zuo Yunqi: …

Zuo Yunqi quietly said, “I thought you’d want Mr. Wang to pay the price.”

Lou Zhu was silent for a moment. He had already checked; the business empire he left behind after he was transported had been completely swallowed up by his archenemy a few years ago—no doubt through some underhanded means. But in his current status as a homeless man, there was no way to pursue it. No one in this city remembered the CEO who had died young.

Lou Zhu shrugged, “Forget it, life is short, and vengeance never ends. I’m tired of the days of life and death struggles. Once we get things going here, I’ll take

you traveling.”

Zuo Yunqi lowered his head, his expression unclear. Suddenly, Lou Zhu flicked him on the forehead.

Zuo Yunqi angrily said, “What are you doing?”

Lou Zhu laughed, “Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on in that little head of yours. No matter what, you’re not allowed to seek revenge on my behalf, got it? This is a society governed by law; killing someone means paying with your life.”

[Part 15]

Within half a year, Xie Liang’s reputation experienced an astonishing turnaround.

First, when the TV series aired, the production team used a promotional slogan: The male lead had no stunt double.

In other words, all the action scenes were performed by the actor himself.

Some viewers were skeptical and examined the scenes frame by frame with magnifying glasses but found no flaws. Not only that, but the male lead’s movements appeared even more elegant and fluid than those of previous stunt doubles, each move executed with precision and grace. Even professionals praised it with four words—”Master’s Demeanor.”

No one knew when this once-ridiculed actor secretly learned martial arts. No one knew how long he had been practicing in solitude, enduring countless injuries, to achieve his current level.

Soon, variety shows invited him to showcase his skills on set. When asked about his martial arts training, the actor seemed like a completely different person—tall, graceful, and charmingly witty, he responded, “I didn’t secretly learn. I had sustained severe internal injuries before, which prevented me from channeling my energy. It’s only after recently recovering that I’ve been able to perform these stunts.”

Public opinion flipped, with many reflecting, “I used to say he was just slacking off, but he was actually working hard behind the scenes and didn’t want to use that effort to gain sympathy!”

Others dug up old controversies: “Which director called him a disgrace to the industry? While his acting skills still need improvement, just look at those action scenes. If this kind of dedication is a disgrace, then there aren’t many people left in showbiz who deserve to be here!”

A comeback story like this is something audiences love to see. Coupled with the actor’s impeccable appearance and the refined demeanor of Xie Shaoxia, as well as Lou Zhu’s efforts to market him as the “new action star,” new film offers poured in like snowflakes.

As Xie Liang’s status soared, his mood plummeted. The reason was simple—after six months, they still hadn’t found Fan Aiguo.

[Part 16]

In a vast sea of people, how could they find out where Fan Aiguo had gone?

They had tried various methods, including posting vague messages on different platforms that only someone in the know could understand. Xie Liang even posted a scene from “The Scheming Gardener Falls in Love with Me” on Weibo, but all he got was a comment saying, “You should stick to acting and stop thinking about crossovers.”

But all attempts seemed to sink without a trace, never receiving a response.

It was as if Fan Aiguo had vanished from this world—or perhaps, he had never arrived.

Xie Liang started to worry.

[Part 17]

Meanwhile, Zuo Yunqi was in a bad mood as well. “What gives you the right to control me?”

“Yes, it seems your wings have hardened, and you’re out of control.” Lou Zhu coldly replied, “Going behind my back to apply for a security job at that company—how did you even come up with that? Is life too easy for you, so you want to find some trouble?”

After spending half a year in a virtual position, Zuo Yunqi had finally regained some semblance of normalcy, his once gaunt frame now looking somewhat fresh. But his face had turned pale with a hint of green: “You should understand that I wasn’t going there to join the enemy.”

“Of course, you weren’t going to join the enemy; you were going there to get yourself killed! I’ve told you a thousand times, this is a society governed by law, with surveillance cameras everywhere. Murder means paying with your life…”

“I wasn’t going there to kill anyone,” Zuo Yunqi replied. “You mentioned that Mr. Wang had used many underhanded methods. If we could find evidence, it would be enough to put him away—I just wanted to infiltrate the company and see if I could find something.”

Lou Zhu nearly burst out laughing, “Even if such evidence exists, do you think they’d let a security guard like you get near it? If you dare to break into his safe in the middle of the night, he’ll have you thrown in jail.”

“I’ll find a way,” Zuo Yunqi stubbornly insisted.

Lou Zhu: …

Lou Zhu gritted his teeth and muttered something. Zuo Yunqi didn’t hear clearly: “What?”

“I’d really like to tie you up,” Lou Zhu said angrily. “Last time you insisted on going back to the side door, and now you want to play undercover. Why can’t you just lie back and enjoy life? What good will it do you to get into a fight where both sides get hurt?”

Zuo Yunqi: …

[Part 18]

Zuo Yunqi slowly said, “You guessed right before—I didn’t get to eat that dish, so I didn’t get food poisoning. I chose to come here voluntarily.”

He suddenly brought up this matter, catching Lou Zhu off guard: “Why?”

Zuo Yunqi looked at him, “First, because I was worried about you; second, because if you were gone, there would be nothing left for me in Daliang.”

“How can that be? You finally managed to take control of the side door over there…”

“Controlling the side door wasn’t something I wanted; it’s just that someone had to sheathe the blade. Those years were very unhappy for me.” Zuo Yunqi spoke calmly.

Lou Zhu felt a pang in his heart. How could Zuo Yunqi have been happy? He lost all his martial arts skills, was forced to rely on poison, mingled with evil people, and used sinister methods to uphold justice. Besides him, who else truly understood him? Who else shared his ideals?

Zuo Yunqi said, “When I first crossed over and got into a fight, you don’t know how much joy I felt. Although this body has its own problems, it’s much stronger than my original one, and I can finally practice martial arts again. It feels like I’ve found myself again.”

He looked at Lou Zhu, “I never care about benefits; I only care about right and wrong. Did you just realize this today?”

Lou Zhu opened his mouth but then closed it, ultimately letting out a long, weary sigh.

[Part 19]

Zuo Yunqi worked as a security guard for a while, and since his appearance was quite different from the person who had beaten up Mr. Wang’s bodyguards half a year ago, he wasn’t recognized.

However, he didn’t find any evidence against Mr. Wang.

One day, while riding the subway to work, he noticed a shifty-looking man secretly taking photos of a female passenger’s backside. Zuo Yunqi, without changing his expression, silently struck out at the man. It was a subtle move, seemingly light on the surface but carrying hidden force. The man wouldn’t feel the pain immediately but would suffer intense stomach pain later at home, without knowing who to blame. Ever since he arrived in this surveillance-laden world, Zuo Yunqi had become increasingly skilled at using this technique.

However, his strike was intercepted midway by another hand!

Zuo Yunqi quickly looked up to see a tall figure, with an unfamiliar face.

The stranger, after blocking his strike, easily neutralized the hidden force, as if brushing off a leaf from his shoulder.

Zuo Yunqi stared at him as if facing a formidable opponent, but the stranger acted as if nothing had happened, snatching the phone from the man who had been taking photos and loudly announcing, “Attention everyone, this man is taking secret photos! Oh my, look at his gallery, he’s taken photos of so many people!”

[Part 20]

The man who had been taking photos jumped up and down, trying to retrieve his phone, but the tall man held the phone high above his head with one hand, casually blocking all attacks with the other. His voice carried through the entire subway car: “Why don’t we take some photos of him and make him famous?”

Following his lead, everyone in the car raised their phones, and curses filled the air. The man’s face turned ashen, and after panicking for a while, he crouched down to cover his face. The tall man deleted the photos and handed the phone back to him. Trembling with rage and fear, the man hurried off as soon as the subway stopped.

The tall man then softly said to Zuo Yunqi, “Even when enforcing justice, you need to follow basic principles.”

Zuo Yunqi: …

Zuo Yunqi: “Dragon Hero?”

The tall man was delighted, “I guessed it was you when our hands clashed. Leader Zuo, how have you been?”

Zuo Yunqi had too many questions he wanted to ask: “How did you—back then—Little Qian—Dragon Hero, there’s a mosquito on your neck.”

The Dragon Hero nodded with a smile, “Right, I almost forgot about him.”

Zuo Yunqi: …

Zuo Yunqi stared incredulously at the mosquito, “How did you—”

[Part 21]

Half a year later, the old friends who had all been poisoned together gathered again.

Xie Liang was yelling at the mosquito, “I’ve been looking

for you all over the world! I even posted on Weibo. It’s been half a year, and you couldn’t think of a way to respond?”

The mosquito hopped around on his phone’s keyboard, signaling him to press the keys and type out a line: “I crossed over with Dragon Hero and the others. They’ve been busy trying to help me regain my human form, so they didn’t have time to watch TV or browse Weibo, and they didn’t notice you.”

Xie Liang: …

Mosquito: “I finally found you a few days ago. I even sent you a private message. Didn’t you receive it?”

Xie Liang opened his private message list and found one: “Help, I’ve turned into a mosquito.”

Xie Liang felt a bit guilty, “I get too many private messages that start with ‘help,’ so I ignored it.” He casually scrolled down, and sure enough, there were messages like, “Help, you’re too handsome!” “Help, I love you so much!”

Mosquito: ?

[Part 22]

Xie Liang coughed awkwardly, “So, did you find a way to regain your human form?”

Dragon Hero, who was chatting with Lou Zhu, heard this and replied, “Yes, we did. Before I crossed over, Doctor Tao had already explained the procedure to me, but it’s extremely complex and dangerous, so I didn’t dare to try it hastily.” He patted Qian Zhenduo, “Fortunately, Little Qian happened to cross over as a medical worker, and he even works in a morgue, where we had plenty of materials for experimentation.”

Qian Zhenduo said, “Amitabha.”

Lou Zhu shuddered, “How did you experiment?”

Dragon Hero said, “I won’t go into details, but rest assured, it doesn’t damage the bodies. We practiced for months and finally perfected the technique. We’re planning to help Brother Fan regain his human form soon.”

The mosquito, however, typed: “There’s no rush. You just mentioned that you were trying to gather evidence of Mr. Wang’s illegal activities?”

Lou Zhu was taken aback, “Well, it’s not like we absolutely have to…”

Mosquito: “Did I ever tell you that before I crossed over, I used to make PPTs for my boss?”

“You did.”

Mosquito: “Did I ever tell you which boss I made PPTs for?”

Everyone was shocked.

[Part 23]

Mr. Wang, even as he was led to jail, still couldn’t figure out how the police found the safe he had hidden in the wall—no, it wasn’t “found,” it was “directly targeted.” He kept replaying the events leading up to his downfall in his mind, and the only unusual thing he could recall was a mosquito that had been following him everywhere and wouldn’t die no matter how many times he tried to swat it. Every time he went to swat it, something strange would happen—he’d stumble or bump into something, almost as if an invisible force was interfering with him. Could it be… that the mosquito wasn’t really a mosquito, but some kind of advanced high-tech device?

Even Mr. Wang thought the idea was absurd, and he chuckled bitterly, cutting off his imagination.

After he was imprisoned, a mysterious visitor came to see him. The person had applied in advance, under the guise of conducting an interview, and had followed all the procedures. But when they sat down across from each other through the glass, the visitor didn’t speak for a long time, and finally asked only one question: “Many years ago, did you orchestrate a car accident?”

Cold sweat silently seeped down Mr. Wang’s back, but he kept his face calm: “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

The visitor stared at him for a while, then lazily smiled. For a brief moment, through that unfamiliar face, Mr. Wang almost saw a familiar ghost.

The visitor smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous. I’m here to thank you. You’ll never know what a great gift you gave me.”

The End.

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