Mist [Unlimited] Chapter 41: Save Mine as Well 

Mist: Chapter 41

Save Mine as well

Hongmen Banquet (鸿门宴, hóng mén yàn):
A historical event from the late Qin Dynasty, where a banquet was held with the intention of ambushing and killing Liu Bang, a rival of Xiang Yu. Though Liu Bang was aware of the plot, he managed to escape.

The term “Hongmen Banquet” has come to symbolize a situation where an invitation or gathering seems friendly on the surface but hides dangerous or malicious intent. It’s often used to describe a scenario where someone is invited into a trap or a setting where conflict or betrayal is likely.

After Ji Yushi took his medication and answered the phone, the rushed, confused, and panicked feelings left him, and his complexion improved significantly.

They had arrived early, and the other team members hadn’t arrived yet, giving the two of them some time to talk.

Ji Yushi said, “I asked you because, in my memory, the head of the Jiangcheng Branch is Minister Wang, a very elegant female leader. She was the one who assigned us our mission, arranged my transfer, and welcomed me. In my memory, there was no minister with the surname Qi.”

Song Qinglan was startled. “How could that be?”

He instinctively asked the question, not because he doubted Ji Yushi’s memory, but because he trusted it so much that he found it surprising. “A female leader with the surname Wang?”

Ji Yushi continued, “Think back to the first time we met at the Sky Vault base. Who was standing beside me?”

Song Qinglan immediately responded, “It was Minister Qi. He introduced you to me. You even mentioned that you attended one of his lectures three years ago and described what he wore that day, even making a joke about my leaving early.”

Ji Yushi shook his head. “No. It was Minister Wang. I remember her suit, her pearl earrings, and the cup she smashed.”

The summer afternoon sun was bright, but the car’s air conditioning seemed too cold, making both of them feel a slight chill.

However, having been through an alternate reality, they remained relatively calm—for now, at least. There was no fear of zombies suddenly showing up to eat their brains.

Lingering on the same issue wouldn’t lead anywhere, so Ji Yushi asked, “Captain Song, why don’t you tell me about this Minister Qi?”

Song Qinglan replied, “Actually, you met him in the rift. He’s the captain of Sky Vault Squad Twelve, the one trapped in the rainforest.”

Ji Yushi was stunned.

The image of Captain Qi aiming his gun at the traitor in the pouring rain flashed vividly in his mind.

“Xie Si’an, in the name of the Witness of Time and the Guardian of Time, I charge you with treason.”

… It was him?

Ji Yushi remained silent for a long time, his mind racing, his tense nerves gradually settling as the pieces began to fall into place. “… It’s him.”

The timeline had changed. Ever since they rescued Sky Vault Squad Twelve, reality had slowly started to overwrite itself. Sky Vault Squad Twelve returned 15 years in the past, and with his remarkable abilities, Captain Qi was steadily promoted, eventually becoming the head of the Jiangcheng Branch. In this overwritten timeline, Minister Wang never held office in the Jiangcheng Branch.

But why had Song Qinglan’s memory adapted to this new timeline, while Ji Yushi’s hadn’t?

“When I saw them in the rift, I was shocked too,” Song Qinglan said. “Since I joined the Jiangcheng Branch, Minister Qi has been strict with our team, but privately, he’s pretty approachable. I had no idea he had such a past. From Minister Qi’s perspective, 15 years ago, a future Sky Vault Squad Seven came to save them. Over these 15 years, he never interfered, simply watching as the Squad Seven destined to save them took shape. When Old Yu got injured and you were transferred from Ning City, he knew that we were about to complete the ‘history’ of their rescue.”

Ji Yushi’s eyelashes trembled.

There was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

“Minister Qi talked to me a few days ago. I learned that the Sky Vault system that hijacked us was nearly impossible to track. It was only because of this piece of history that Minister Qi found a loophole and intercepted us. Otherwise, we might still be trapped in another hijacking.”

Song Qinglan said, “It’s like a chain reaction. Without us, there’s no Minister Qi. Without Minister Qi, we wouldn’t have made it back to reality. Just like we said in the Ouroboros mission, certain events need to happen at certain times for everything to fall into place.”

Time was a finely tuned mechanism.

With Ji Yushi’s logical mind, he could understand this perfectly.

But had the past really changed so easily?

Some people emerged as the timeline shifted.

Others disappeared.

Those who appeared seemed to belong, while those who vanished left behind no memory of their existence.

It was a quiet kind of tragedy.

Song Qinglan noticed Ji Yushi’s silence.

They sat in the car for a few more minutes before Song Qinglan’s phone rang. Duan Wen was on the other end. “Captain Song, where are you guys? We don’t see you.”

The rest of the team had already arrived.

Song Qinglan briefly replied, “We’re on our way.”

After hanging up, Song Qinglan saw that Ji Yushi had quickly composed himself. He opened the car door and said, “Let’s go.”

The restaurant where Minister Qi was hosting dinner was a private dining establishment.

Upon entering, there was a carved wooden screen, and behind it, a tranquil scene of flowing water, fat fish, and graceful plants. The decor was tasteful and refined.

It was quiet, and they were led to a private room with a faint fragrance in the air, free from the smell of cooking oil.

When they arrived at the private room, they could hear faint laughter and conversation from the team. A server opened the door and said, “Please come in.”

Song Qinglan thanked him and stepped aside to let Ji Yushi enter first.

The table was filled with familiar faces—all the members of Sky Vault Squad Seven.

As soon as Zhou Mingxuan saw them enter, he teased, “Captain, you left first, but you’re the last to arrive. Have you forgotten how to drive?”

Song Qinglan, knowing full well the subtext, replied, “You can borrow my car tomorrow.”

Li Chun raised his hand. “I want a turn too!”

Song Qinglan shot him a look. “I’ll take you to a bumper car ride at the amusement park, how about that?”

The group burst into laughter.

As Song Qinglan and Ji Yushi took their seats, Song Qinglan casually asked, “Where’s Minister Qi?”

Duan Wen replied, “He ran into an old friend outside and went to say hello.”

At the last team dinner before their mission, Ji Yushi hadn’t been able to join. Now, sitting among them, things felt entirely different.

Not only did Ji Yushi not feel awkward, but he even felt a little comfortable.

The lively atmosphere gradually dissipated the tension in his heart.

Tang Le, sitting next to Ji Yushi, lowered his voice and asked, “Consultant Ji, my brother and I parked right behind you guys. We were going to go up together, but you and Captain Song stayed in the car for a long time. What were you doing?”

Ji Yushi: “…”

He was at a loss for words. How was he supposed to explain that they had been discussing a timeline shift?

Before he could answer, Tang Le got a light chop on the head with a pair of chopsticks from Tang Qi, who quickly reprimanded him. “None of your business! And no, they weren’t talking about love.”

Tang Le defended himself, “You never know! Look at how much Captain Song has changed since Consultant Ji arrived! When did he ever offer us a ride in his car?”

Song Qinglan heard this and, annoyed, retorted, “You guys are always dirty and smelly. Zhou Mingxuan’s socks could stand up by themselves after three days.”

Zhou Mingxuan shot back, “What the hell? Like you didn’t do the same! During field training in the special forces, who had time to wash socks? Consultant Ji, let me tell you, Captain Song acts all put-together now, but in the military, he wouldn’t even wear underwear to avoid washing it, even though it would get caught in the zipper.”

Song Qinglan laughed and kicked the leg of Zhou Mingxuan’s chair. “Screw you! That was just to keep cool.”

Ji Yushi wasn’t the type to engage in these kinds of jokes, but to everyone’s surprise, he glanced at Song Qinglan’s pants and said, “It probably was pretty cool.”

Just as he finished speaking, the door to the private room opened.

Ji Yushi looked up.

The man who walked in was in his fifties, yet he still carried the charm of his younger years. Broad-shouldered and muscular under his t-shirt, it was clear he worked out regularly. He exuded none of the stuffy aura one might expect from a bureaucratic leader. His hair was streaked with gray, but his sharp eyes revealed his tough nature. Smiling, he greeted them, “Everyone’s here?”

At that moment, Ji Yushi’s memories underwent a drastic shift.

In his recollection of a class he took three years ago in Jiangcheng, the instructor was now this Minister Qi. His lessons had been concise and clear, effortlessly leading the class through discussions.

The signature on Ji Yushi’s transfer order had changed too. The once-familiar black ink now displayed the flowing characters: Qi Lang.

Even the person who had guided Ji Yushi through the Sky Vault base after his arrival in Jiangcheng had become Minister Qi. They had spoken by the window, and then Song Qinglan had entered.

The original memories were still there, but new ones now emerged.

Ji Yushi was still in a daze when the middle-aged man’s voice pulled him back to reality. “Xiao Ji, you’re leaving for Ning City today. This dinner isn’t just my personal thanks to the team; it’s also a farewell for you.”

Ji Yushi came to his senses and saw everyone raising their glasses.

His own glass had been filled with a non-alcoholic drink, so he lifted it as well. “Thank you, Minister Qi.”

After the toast, everyone sat down.

As soon as Ji Yushi took his seat, Song Qinglan, who had been quietly observing Minister Qi since he walked in, leaned over as if to say something. But Ji Yushi spoke first, in a soft voice, “Don’t worry. I remember now.”

They were sitting quite close.

Song Qinglan’s lips almost brushed Ji Yushi’s cheek.

Both of them pulled back, saying nothing more.

Song Qinglan gripped his glass, feeling a bit warm, and downed the cold drink in one go.

Just a moment ago, he had wondered what it would feel like if his lips had accidentally touched Ji Yushi’s face.

Minister Qi, a leader who had come up through countless Sky Vault missions, was not one to deliver dull, formal speeches. This dinner reflected his straightforward personality.

As Song Qinglan had explained in the car, Minister Qi briefly recounted how, 15 years ago, they had met Sky Vault Squad Seven in the rift.

Time was truly a mysterious force.

Minister Qi sighed, “All these years, I’ve watched as you all slowly formed as a team. I even witnessed the recommendation for Xiao Ji’s transfer to Jiangcheng. I never knew what would happen, but I always knew the outcome. For 15 years, I’ve had nightmares about dying in the rainforest with no way out, or executing the traitor in the rain. It wasn’t until you successfully returned this time that I finally got a good night’s sleep. Most importantly, some of my old teammates and I have been waiting for this moment to thank you in person. They couldn’t be here today, but I’m representing them in raising this glass to all of you.”

Keeping a secret for 15 years couldn’t have been easy.

Now that the history they were meant to complete was finished, the secret was no longer a secret. After drinking his toast, the wrinkles around Minister Qi’s eyes seemed to soften.

Setting down his glass, Ji Yushi asked, “What about Xie Si’an?”

Everyone was curious about this question.

Minister Qi gave a heavy answer. “Life imprisonment.”

The conversation returned to Ji Yushi.

Minister Qi said, “Xiao Ji, your abilities are outstanding. I’ve spoken with Minister Lin, and I’d really like you to officially join the Sky Vault Guardian team, but Minister Lin isn’t willing to let you go. Still, I think your opinion is what matters most. What do you think? Would you consider it?”

One by one, they all took their turn.

First the team members, then the captain, and now the minister had come forward.

As soon as Minister Qi finished speaking, everyone turned to look at Ji Yushi with hopeful expressions. Ji Yushi: “…”

Was this a farewell dinner or a Hongmen Banquet?!

In the end, Ji Yushi said, “Thank you, Minister Qi. I’ll give it serious thought.”

After the meal, everyone said their goodbyes.

The team surrounded Ji Yushi, all talking at once, insisting that no matter what he decided, whenever he returned to Jiangcheng, they’d take care of him.

Since he was leaving the Sky Vault Guardians, the subcutaneous communication device that had been injected earlier would eventually be metabolized, and he would no longer have a communication device outside of missions. So, Tang Le was the first to ask for Ji Yushi’s phone number. Then everyone else demanded the same treatment, so he saved a batch of numbers in one go.

It was the first time Ji Yushi had saved so many contacts on his phone at once.

Once he was done, Song Qinglan, who had been waiting nearby, said, “Alright, any later and Consultant Ji will miss his train.”

There was a special intercity maglev train from Jiangcheng to Ning City, with speeds reaching 500–600 kilometers per hour, making the trip just over an hour. The Jiangcheng Branch had purchased Ji Yushi’s ticket.

Ji Yushi put away his phone and heard Song Qinglan say, “Consultant Ji, I’ll take you.”

When he turned his head, he saw that Song Qinglan had his arms crossed in his usual way, a posture that brooked no refusal.

Ji Yushi hadn’t planned on refusing anyway, so he nodded. “Thank you, Captain Song.”

The group waved them off as they left.

The afternoon sun blazed, and the sound of cicadas filled the air.

Ji Yushi, who had spent so much time with the team, was finally returning to his own city. He didn’t belong here.

He didn’t look back—he didn’t want to see the sadness on everyone’s faces. Instead, he got into the car without hesitation.

Song Qinglan joined him in the car, and they drove silently to Jiangcheng East Station.

“Thank you,” Ji Yushi said. “I’m off then.”

Just as he was about to open the door, Song Qinglan suddenly called out, “Ji Yushi.”

Ji Yushi’s pale hand trembled slightly as he turned around, meeting Song Qinglan’s deep, hesitant gaze.

For some reason, his heart started racing.

He parted his lips, “What is it?”

Song Qinglan took out his phone, dialed Ji Yushi’s number, and said in the most straightforward way, “You saved everyone else’s number. You should save mine too.”

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