Mist [Unlimited] Chapter 84: Help Me 

Mist: Chapter 84

Help Me

After having dinner at the Ji family home, Ji Yushi took Second Black, along with Big Black and Little Black, who were brought by his sister-in-law, and drove back to his own place.

The three cat carriers were placed on the back seat, and the soft meows from the cats came in waves. Every time Ji Yushi took the cats out, it was like he was dragging along an entire pet shop.

He parked the car in the underground garage, carrying one cat carrier on his back and holding one in each hand.

As Ji Yushi stepped into the elevator, he happened to run into his neighbor, Mrs. Wang, who was coming back from her evening walk.

“Xiao Ji!” she greeted him warmly as she saw him. “Back from your business trip? You were away for quite a while this time!”

Ji Yushi politely nodded. “Yes, that’s right.”

Mrs. Wang kindly offered to help by carrying one of the cat carriers for him. After they reached his floor and he had freed up his hands to unlock the door, she handed it back and left.

Ji Yushi let the cats out of their carriers, and all three of them quickly scurried to different corners of the house, their soft paws making tiny noises on the floor, accompanied by faint purring sounds.

Ji Yushi couldn’t help himself. After hesitating for a couple of seconds, he stood up and went back to the door, peeking out through the peephole.

The quiet hallway was still illuminated, but there was no one outside standing by his door. The hallway was empty.

He exhaled a long breath.

The cats were hungry.

Like many other solitary nights, Ji Yushi cleaned the three cat food bowls, poured in cat food and wet food, and changed the litter. Only after completing these tasks did he head to the bathroom for a relaxing soak in the tub.

Rationality, fear, and anxiety were giving Ji Yushi a headache.

Since returning to Ning City, the various sensory, psychological, and physical feelings had left him feeling chaotic and out of place. He soaked in the bathtub, his body enveloped by warm water, but even after more than ten minutes, his swirling thoughts showed no signs of calming down.

Fortunately, he had lived with these symptoms for years and had grown accustomed to them.

The sound of running water filled the air as Ji Yushi stood up from the bathtub and walked to the mirror cabinet to find the medication he kept at home.

There wasn’t much left.

Before leaving for Jiang City, he had filled his pillbox and taken it with him, but that pillbox… was still with Song Qinglan.

As if by some unspoken connection, just as Ji Yushi took out a pill, a call came in.

The display screen on the mirror showed a string of numbers—he had only seen it once, but Ji Yushi remembered it was Song Qinglan’s number.

Since they parted ways in Jiang City, they hadn’t contacted each other, and it had been an entire day. Just starting a relationship, Ji Yushi didn’t feel the need to be glued to his new partner. Even if Song Qinglan didn’t contact him for a few more days, he probably wouldn’t have minded.

But the moment that number appeared, he suddenly realized that he had indeed entered into a relationship, and a subtle warmth spread through his heart.

Ji Yushi answered, “Hello?”

On the other end, Song Qinglan’s voice came through, brief and to the point: “Open the door.”

The young, pleasant male voice echoed in the bathroom, across the phone line, and through the distance between Jiang City and Ning City.

Ji Yushi didn’t react right away. “What?”

He heard what sounded like a chuckle from Song Qinglan before he added, “I ordered takeout for you; it should be arriving soon. Go open the door and get it.”

Ji Yushi paused for a moment, then replied with a quick “Okay” before hanging up and hurriedly drying himself off.

Not wanting to keep anyone waiting, he threw on a bathrobe and quickly walked to the front door, habitually peeking through the peephole first to confirm the identity of the person outside.

The view through the peephole was blocked by a pile of boxes and bags. The person holding them was patiently waiting.

Ji Yushi immediately opened the door. “Sorry for the—”

“Sorry for what?”

The familiar voice he had just heard on the phone cut him off.

The person holding the boxes and bags was tall, with sharp features.

Ji Yushi was truly stunned this time.

Song Qinglan’s dark eyes held a hint of a smile as he stood at the door, staring at Ji Yushi. “Sorry for hanging up on your boyfriend and captain just because you heard takeout was here?”

Ji Yushi couldn’t hide the surprise on his face. “What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be with your family?”

Song Qinglan stepped into the house with long strides. “Just a quick visit to let them know I’m safe. They’re busy flying all over the place anyway; they don’t need me to stick around.”

Ji Yushi quickly closed the door and followed behind Song Qinglan, helping to put down the things he had brought.

“Besides, I was restless at home.” Song Qinglan continued with a teasing tone, “I kept thinking that if I didn’t come over soon, someone might just run off.”

Ji Yushi: “…That’s not going to happen.”

Given his history, he knew his assurance wasn’t very convincing.

“Who knows.” Song Qinglan looked travel-worn, still wearing the same clothes from when they parted that morning, without having had the chance to change. “In just two minutes, you managed to disappear before. It’s been over ten hours this time; I need to make sure you remember me, or else how will you want to come back for me?”

The air conditioning in the room was on, cooling the space.

With Song Qinglan’s arrival, it felt as if he had brought with him the hustle and bustle of the outside world and the heat of summer.

His unabashed directness and natural sense of authority filled the quiet apartment, making Ji Yushi’s world feel more alive.

After being apart for ten hours, they hadn’t felt much at the time of separation.

But now, seeing each other again, they both realized how much they had missed one another.

Ji Yushi was only wearing a bathrobe, with a towel draped over his shoulders and his hair still damp, clearly fresh from a bath. The belt around his waist was casually tied, and his eyes, looking refreshed and free from any worldly cares, were soft and gentle.

He seemed completely unguarded.

Song Qinglan’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he suddenly said, “I’m dirty.”

The random statement puzzled Ji Yushi. “What?”

“I want to hug you,” Song Qinglan said, looking down at him with barely concealed restraint. “But I’ve been to so many places today.”

Ji Yushi was known for being clean, so much so that he would be unhappy even if he were wrapped in a dirty blanket while nearly freezing. Little did he know that hearing the words “I want to hug you” had already caused his heart to skip a beat.


A light sound caught Song Qinglan’s attention.

He turned his head and saw a shadow lightly jump onto the cat tree—it was a completely black cat. Glancing again, he noticed two round, glowing eyes under the dim light from the cabinet near the entrance. At some point, another cat had silently crouched there, observing the stranger.

Something brushed against his calf. Song Qinglan looked down and realized that there was a third black cat at their feet.

The cat was entirely black, without a trace of any other color, the kind that could perfectly blend into the darkness. Its large, round eyes were a deep amber under the night lights. It was currently lightly brushing its tail against their calves, trying to get their attention while curiously tilting its head, meowing at this newly arrived male human.

The three black cats seemed to harmonize perfectly with Ji Yushi’s quiet demeanor.

“So this is a cat den.” Seeing the “three boyfriends” in person was different from just hearing about them. Song Qinglan found it both amusing and slightly exasperating. “Three boyfriends?”

Song Qinglan reached down and scooped up the black cat by his feet. The cat remained still, not struggling, and even let out a soft “meow,” almost like it was being affectionate.

“Not afraid of people.” As he studied the cat, Song Qinglan grumbled, “Which one is the one that always smothers you in your sleep?”

Big Black was usually the most timid of the three, but now it was acting so affectionate with Song Qinglan, even Ji Yushi was surprised. “If I don’t close my bedroom door at night, any of them might.”

Big Black seemed to be enjoying Song Qinglan’s gentle stroking, purring contentedly after just a few rubs. Clearly, it was a clingy and lovable cat.

Song Qinglan, feeling a sudden surge of affection, opened one of the boxes he had brought and took out some cat treats to feed Big Black. “Which number boyfriend is this?”

“Number one,” Ji Yushi said. “Its name is Big Black.”

“So, are the other two called Second Black and Little Black?” Song Qinglan asked, and when Ji Yushi nodded, he laughed, “That’s a bit too casual.”

“Names are just labels,” Ji Yushi replied. “It doesn’t really matter what they’re called.”

Half of the boxes and bags that Song Qinglan had brought were toys and treats for the cats. As he explained, it was proper to bring gifts for the “exes” on their first meeting. The other half of the boxes and bags were things he had bought for Ji Yushi.

Song Qinglan neatly sorted everything, and with Ji Yushi’s guidance, placed them where they belonged.

Despite his usual tough demeanor, Captain Song was surprisingly skilled at household chores. He efficiently filled Ji Yushi’s refrigerator to the brim, organizing everything in an orderly fashion.

“Why did you buy so much?” Ji Yushi asked, following behind him.

“Your fridge was the saddest fridge I’ve ever seen,” Song Qinglan replied. “Don’t you remember that expired egg from last time?”

Ji Yushi: “…”

How could he forget?

Song Qinglan had bought all these things in Jiang City and brought them over. Ji Yushi could have bought them himself in Ning City, but he knew this was different.

Usually, only Ji Minyue or Aunt Su would do something like this.

Ji Minyue had a touch of OCD, and he had mentioned before leaving the Ji family home that he would bring supplies for Ji Yushi the next day so he wouldn’t starve at home.

While Song Qinglan was organizing things, Ji Yushi sent a message to Ji Minyue: [No need to bring food tomorrow.]

Ji Minyue: [Why? Planning to fast?]

Ji Yushi couldn’t be bothered to type more, so he simply snapped a photo of the kitchen.

Under the warm light of the sink lamp, a man who was significantly taller than the fridge was checking the contents, making sure nothing was missing. The fridge, though fairly large, looked like a toy next to him, almost out of place. The light cast a glow on his profile, highlighting his strong features. Even a casual snapshot looked like a perfectly composed shot from a home magazine.

Ji Minyue: [Sorry to interrupt.]

Ji Minyue: [Wait a minute, are you two planning to sleep together tonight?! Are you up for it?]

After sending the photo, Ji Yushi had a sudden urge to save it.

After saving it, he saw Ji Minyue’s message, and without any expression, he replied with three words: [Already did.]

Then he turned off his phone, ignoring Ji Minyue’s crude jokes, and asked Song Qinglan, who had finished organizing and was walking towards him, “Do you want to take a shower?”

The sound of running water filled the bathroom.

Song Qinglan stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair. Just as he tightened his grip on the towel, he was suddenly pulled down by someone.

Ji Yushi kissed him directly.

Song Qinglan didn’t hesitate, immediately taking control and pressing Ji Yushi against the wall.

There was no probing or shyness, unlike the typical cautious behavior of a newly formed couple. When two men were involved, things were straightforward.

The kiss was intense, filled with the clash of masculine hormones.

“The tongue, covered in taste buds, is the organ humans use to taste food and speak, and it’s also the strongest muscle in the body,” the thought suddenly popped into Ji Yushi’s mind, as if he were trying to prove it, his senses fully awakened, responding to the other’s invasion without hesitation.

Song Qinglan’s grip on Ji Yushi’s waist tightened, making him wince in pain.

In the quiet room, every small sound was amplified, clear and distinct.

It was as if a wild beast had broken into Ji Yushi’s private sanctuary. The previously well-mannered man had shed his polite facade, focusing solely on indulging his desires.

His kisses trailed downward, and Ji Yushi tilted his head back, eyes half-closed, exposing his slender neck, which looked startlingly white in the hallway’s shadows.

When Song Qinglan kissed his earlobe, Ji Yushi’s fingers couldn’t help but tighten in his hair, a sound escaping his lips.

Upon hearing that sound, Song Qinglan’s entire body stiffened, and without a word, he scooped Ji Yushi up.

Ji Yushi clung tightly to Song Qinglan’s shoulders, not daring to meet his gaze, knowing that the intensity in his eyes would surely match his own.

The towel Song Qinglan had been using to dry his hair fell to the ground, nearly tripping him up. He kicked it aside, startling the cats at the end of the hallway.


The cat’s cry echoed in the suddenly quiet room, feeling a bit lonely.

Just like after their last experience of nearly drowning together, Ji Yushi clung to Song Qinglan like a koala holding onto a lifeline.

Unfamiliar with the layout and barely able to see where he was going, Song Qinglan stumbled into the bedroom.

Only the nightlight was on in the bedroom, just as Song Qinglan remembered it.

The sheets seemed freshly changed, and as soon as he laid Ji Yushi down, he caught a whiff of a pleasant detergent scent.

“Did you just change the sheets?” Song Qinglan asked, hovering over him.

“Yes.” Ji Yushi’s bathrobe had slipped, revealing his pale collarbone. He hooked his beautiful fingers around Song Qinglan’s neck, his eyes expressive.

Song Qinglan let out a low chuckle, pulling Ji Yushi’s long legs over to his waist, resuming the kiss that had been briefly interrupted.

This time, the kiss held a deeper meaning than before.

Song Qinglan hadn’t yet put on a shirt, only wearing a pair of shorts that Ji Yushi had found for him. His broad chest and firm abdominal muscles gleamed under the amber nightlight—no one knew that Song Qinglan’s appearance, personality, and abilities were exactly Ji Yushi’s type, practically hitting all his sweet spots.

His hand moved downward.

He reached the waistband, then continued along the V-line.

Song Qinglan suddenly grabbed his hand, his breath rough as he bit Ji Yushi’s earlobe, muttering, “Are you sure?”

“You don’t want me to?” Ji Yushi’s face was flushed, his usual cool demeanor long gone, yet he calmly asked, “Can you handle it?”

He wanted Song Qinglan to understand that their relationship wasn’t going to be platonic.

Song Qinglan pinned his hand above his head, not angered at all, but instead, he squinted and said, “Consultant Ji, you’ve changed.”

“I,” Ji Yushi’s heart raced, his body burning, “…did you forget, I’ve never been a good person.”

Song Qinglan found that statement to be quite reasonable.

He hadn’t planned on doing much, but now he had changed his mind. He was going to teach Consultant Ji a lesson.

Without saying another word, Song Qinglan suddenly thrust hard, nearly making Ji Yushi jump. Ji Yushi shot him a glare once he realized what had happened.

And then, Ji Yushi’s knees suddenly went weak.

Song Qinglan did the same thing again.

His voice deepened as he asked, “Don’t want me to? Can you handle it?”

In an instant, everything else faded away.

Ji Yushi’s ears felt as if they were submerged in warm water, muffling all sound.

The bathrobe fell completely open, his legs bent, blood rushing to his chest as he stared blankly at the white ceiling, his mind going blank.

He felt his hand being guided, pressed against something hot, and Song Qinglan’s voice, low and husky, said, “Help me.”

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